24 research outputs found

    Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi Pada Kondisi Penyakit Paru Obstruktif Kronis Di Rs Paru Ario Wirawan Salatiga

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    Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a respiratory disorder largely caused by smoking and is characterized by progressive, partially reversible airway obstructive and lung hyperinflation, systemic manifestations, and increasing frequency and severity of exacerbations. Purpose: to know the physiotherapy management in COPD about dyspenia, decreased thorax expansion, expectoration of secret, and breathing muscles of spasm use Infra red, ACBT, and Chest PT. Result: after 6th therapy, the result is decreasing tight of breath T1:5 (severe) T6:5 (severe), still happen spasm at muscles of breathing. Flatting expectoration of secret. Flatting axilla thorax expansion T1:2cm to T6:2cm, intercostalis space 4 T1:2cm to T6: 2cm, in processus xyphoideus T1:3cm to T6:3cm. Conclusion: Infra red, ACBT dan Chest PT can reduce dispenia ,increase power of breathing muscles, increase thorax expansion and increase kick out mucus from lung

    Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi Pada Tuberkulosis Paru Di Bbkpm Surakarta

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    Latar Belakang: Tuberkulosis ( TB ) adalah penyakit menular langsung yang disebabkan oleh Mycobacterium Tuberculosis yang menyerang terutama paru dan disebut juga tuberkulosis paru. Bila menyerang organ selain paru (kelenjar limfe, kulit, otak, tulang, usus, ginjal) disebut tuberkulosis ekstra paru. Problematik fisioterapi yang di timbulkan yaitu adanya sesak nafas, penurunan ekspansi thorak dan spasme pada otot bantu pernapasan. Metode: metode yang digunakan yaitu pemberian infrared ( IR ) dan thoracic expansion excercise ( TEE ) yang di evaluasi dengan skala Borg untuk derajat sesak nafas, tabel pengukuran ekspansi thorak untuk ekspansi thorak, dan tabel pengukuran spasme untuk spasme otot bantu pernapasan. Tujuan: untuk mengetahui tujuan pemberian infrared ( IR ) dan thoracic expansion excercise ( TEE ) terhadap pengurangan derajat sesak nafas, peningkatan ekspansi thorak dan penurunan spasme pada otot bantu pernapasan. Hasil: setelah dilakukan terapi sebanyak 6 kali didapatkan hasil adanya penurunan derajat sesak nafas, peningkatan nilai ekspansi thorak, dan adanya penurunan spasme otot. Kesimpulan: penyinaran infrared ( IR ) dan thoracic expansion excercise ( TEE ) dapat mengurangi derajat sesak nafas, meningkatkan ekspansi thorak, dan menurunkan spasme pada otot bantu pernapasan

    Hubungan Antara Tekanan Darah Dengan Nilai Ankle Brachial Index Pada Lansia

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    Background: The blood pressure is very important in blood circulation and is always necessary as a force to the blood flow in the arteries, arterioles, capillaries, and the venous system to form stable blood flow. Heart pumping activities takes place by means of holding the contraction and relaxation, result in changes in blood pressure in the circulatory system. Physiologically when arterial constrict (shrinking) peripheral resistance increased, while when the artery dilated (widening) peripheral resistance decreased. If impaired, then it effect the blood pressure, Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) examination is intended to identify peripheral artery disease by comparing the systolic blood pressure of the ankle to brachial systolic blood pressure. Objective: To determine the relationship between blood pressure and Ankle Brachial Index values in the elderly. Methods: observational study with cross sectional analytic study design aims to determine the relationship between blood pressure based on the value of systolic and diastolic with ABI values, with a sample size of 83 people. Data were analyzed using univariate test with frequency distribution table and bivariate test using chi-square test. Results: The relationship between blood pressure with ABI values in the elderly based on systolic value results in (p = 0.00; OR = 3.88; CI 95% lower 1.50; upper 10.03). While the relationship between blood pressure ABI values in the elderly based on diastole value results in (p = 0.00; OR = 4.73; CI 95% lower 1.85; upper 12.14). Conclusion: There is a relationship between blood pressure based on systolic value and diastolic value with the ABI value in the elderly. Keywords: ABI Value, Blood pressure, the elderl

    Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi Pada PPOK Di BBKPM Surakarta

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    qualification disorders that include chronic bronchitis, asthma, bronchiectasis and emphysema. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a condition that is irreversible or partially reversible relating to dypsnea or dyspnoea on exertion and a decrease in the flow of the passage of air in the lungs. Objective: To determine the results of physiotherapy in the management of COPD with breathing exercise modalities. Results: An increase in the expansion of the thoracic cage during inspiration after the method of breathing exercise therapy as much as six times that in the axilla of T0 = 1 cm difference becomes T6 = 2 cm, the area intercostalis 4th of T0 = 2 cm difference becomes T6 = 3 cm, the area processus xyphoideus of T0 = 2 cm difference becomes T6 = 3 cm. Conclusion: Can disismpulkan are successful in helping to improve the mobilization of the thoracic cage

    Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi Pada Kasus Pneumothoraks Dextra Di RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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    Background: Pneumothorax dextra is a respiratory disorder with symptoms of asphyxia, reduced thorax expansion and functional activity disturbances. The disorder can be overcome by using exercise therapy such as Breathing Exercise, Thoracic Exercise, Cuping, and ambulation transfer. The exercise therapy is modality used to relieve asphyxia and to increase thoracic expansion. Purpose: Purpose of the research is to know effect of exercise therapy on pneumothorax dextra case by mitigating asphyxia and increasing thoracic expansion. Method: The research uses quasi-experimental method with one group pre-andposttest design. Functional ability is measured by using Disability Index. Results of Analysis: Results of statistical test indicated better condition after administration of therapy with exercise therapy modality of Breathing exercise, Thoracic expansion exercise, Cuping, and Ambulation Transfer. Conclusion: Function ability of pneumothorax dextra patient can be improved by using exercise therapy such as Breathing Exercise, Thoracic Exercise, Thoracic Expansion exercise, Cuping, and Ambulation Transfer

    Penatalaksanaan Stimulasi Elektris Dan Terapi Latihan Pada Hemiparese Sinistra Post Stroke Non Hemoragik Di RSUA Ponorogo

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    Latar Belakang: Stroke merupakan gangguan fungsi saraf pusat yang berkembang sangat cepat dengan perburukan ringan sampai berat kemudian menetap atau bahkan membaik secara cepat atau perlahan-lahan tergantung tingkat keparahan stroke dan cepat serta tepatnya intervensi pengobatan. Karena setiap otak memiliki fungsi-fungsi tertentu maka gejala dan tanda stroke setiap individu berbeda, tergantung pembuluh darah mana yang terkena dan bagian otak mana yang terganggu Metode: Metode dalam penanganan kasus tersebut menggunakan stimulasi elektris dan terapi latihan, yang dievaluasi dengan metode pengukuran kekuatan otot (MMT) dan pengukuran kamampuan fungsional dengan menggunakan Indeks Barthel. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui apakah ada manfaat penatalaksanaan Stimulasi Elektris dan Terapi Latihan pada Hemiparese Sinistra post Stroke non Hemoragik terhadap kekuatan otot dan meningkatnya kemampuan fungsional pada Hemiparese dengan menggunakan modalitas Stimulasi elektris dan Terapi latihan. Hasil : Setelah dilakukan terapi sebanyak 6 kali didapatkan hasil penilaian terjadi peningkatan MMT, serta peningkatan kemampuan fungsional. Kesimpulan: Stimulasi Elektris dan Terapi Latihan meningkatkan kekuatan otot dan kemampuan fungsional dalam kondisi Hemiparese Sinistra post Stroke non Hemoragik

    Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi Pada Fasciitis Plantaris Dextra Dengan Modalitas Ultrasound Dan Terapi Latihan Di Rsud Kota Salatiga

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    Plantaris fasciitis is a heel pain caused by inflammation or irritation of the plantar fascia. Plantar fasciitis is characterized by a pain complaint on the heel when first injected in the morning, when walking pain usually will be reduced. But the pain may be felt again when standing long or getting up from a sitting position. Pain is usually on the front and bottom of the heel. To know the implementation of physiotherapy in reducing pain, spasm, and increasing the scope of motion joints with ultrasound modalities, and training exercises in the form of myofacial release techniques and hold relax. After 6 weeks of painful treatment, the T0 value of 2 becomes T6 1, the T0 pain is 4 to T6 2, and the T0 pain is 6 to T6 3. The spasm in m.gastrocnemius T0 ++ becomes T6 (-). And the LGS ankle dextra obtained the result of T0 S 15o – 0o – 20o being T6 S 26o – 0o – 30o, and T0 F 20o – 0o – 15o becoming T6 F 25o – 0o – 22o. Ultrasound and exercise therapy in the form of myofascial release techniques and hold relax can overcome the existing disorders in case of plantaris fasciitis

    Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi Pada Penyakit Paru Obstruksi Kronik (Ppok) Di Bbkpm Surakarta

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    Background: The chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a disease characterized by the limitations of the airway progressive caused by reaction of inflammation abnormal. Tercakup in it a disease like chronic bronchitis and emphysema, and most often occurs due to smoking. The symptoms are dominant in the COPD is shortness of breath that often begins when activity, there are a cough might be productive to produce sputum, and wheezing. Common symptoms are progressive with shortness of breath, heavier and reduced tolerance of exercise. There are eksaserbasi, often associated with infection, where there are shortness of breath, heavier, cough, wheezing, and production sputum (Gleadle, 2003). Objective: Familiar Wrote Science aims to know whether Infra the Red and Chest Physiotherapy can reduce muscle spasm help breathing, reduce shortness of breath, a sputum, and improve the expansion of the cage thorak. Results: After handling fisioterai as many as six times on patients all the lung obstruction of chronic obtained results following the decline in muscle spasm help breathing T1 : with (straining) to be T6 : + (relax), then there is the reduction of shortness of breath T1 : 3 (shortness is) to be T6 : 1 (shortness of very mild), the spending sputum T1 : (have not been able to issue sputum) to be T6 : (able to issue sputum), then an increase in the expansion of the cage thorak T1 : Axilla (2cm), Ics-4 (1cm), Processus Xypoideus (1cm) to be T6 : Axilla (2, 5cm), Ics-4 (2, 5cm), Processus Xypoideus (2cm). Conclusion: Infra Red and Chest Physiotherapy can reduce muscle spasm help breathing, reduce shortness of breath, a sputum, and improve the expansion of the cage thorak

    Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi Pada Kasus Post Operasi Fraktur Radius 1/3 Distal Dekstra Dengan Modalitas Infrared Dan Terapi Latihan Di RSUD Dr. Loekmono Hadi Kudus

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    PENATALAKSANAAN FISIOTERAPI PADA KASUS POST OPERASI FRAKTUR RADIUS 1/3 DISTAL DENGAN MODALITAS INFRARED DAN TERAPI LATIHAN DI RSUD dr. LOEKMONO HADI KUDUS (Budi Prasetyo Nugroho, 2018) Background: Fractures or better known as fractures are loss of bone continuity, joint cartilage, epifise cartilage, both total and partial. Radius fracture is the breakdown of bone continuity that occurs in the radius bone. Fracture of the radius is divided into 3 parts of fracture that is proximal, medial and distal. Objective: to know the benefits of infrared and exercise therapy in the form of static contraction, hold relax, and active resisted exercise in reducing pain, reduce swelling, increase muscle strength and increase the scope of wrist joint motion. Result: after therapy 6 times got the result of assessment of silent pain T1: 3 (mild pain) to T6: 2 (very mild pain), tendency T1: 4 (pain not so heavy) to T6: 3 (mild pain) , motion pain T1: 5 (severe pain) to T6: 4 (pain not severe enough), increased scope of motion of the active wrist joint T1: S: 50 - 00 - 250, F: 70 - 00 - 100 to T6: S : 150 - 00 - 400, F: 200 - 00 - 250 and increased flexor strength wrist wavelength T1: 3 to T6: 4, extensor wrist T1: 2 to T6: 3, radial deviation T1: 2 to T6: 3, ulnar deviation T1: 2 to T6: 3, as well as decreased edema. At T1 the circumference value of the segment on the hand is 20 cm, at a distance of 3 cm towards the proximal of the stiloid process 19.7 cm, at a distance of 6 cm by 20.7 cm, at a distance of 9 cm by 21.5 cm, and at a distance of 12 cm of 24.5 cm. Then on examination T6 edema decreased, in the circumference of the hand segment to 17.7 cm, at a distance of 3cm towards proximal to 18 cm, at 6 cm to 18.5 cm, at a distance of 9 cm to 19 cm, and at a distance of 12 cm to 22 cm. Conclusion: Infrared and exercise therapy pain in incision area, increase range of motion of wrist, increase muscle strength of extensor and flexor wrist, and reduce swelling in right hand patient

    Peanatalaksanaan Fisioterapi Pada Sindrom Obstruksi Paska Tuberkolosis Di RS PARU Dr. ARIO WIRAWAN SALATIGA

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    Latar Belakang : (SOPT) Sindrom Obstruksi paska Tuberkulosis merupakan gejala sisa yang sering ditemukan yaitu gangguan faal paru dengan kelainan obstruksi yang memiliki gambaran klinis mirip Penyakit Paru Obstruksi Kronis (PPOK). Penyebabnya adalah akibat infeksi TB yang dipengaruhi oleh reaksi imun seseorang yang menurun sehingga terjadi mekanisme makrofag aktif yang menimbulkanperadangan nonspesifik yang luas. Sehingga menimbulkan gangguan berupa adanya sesak napas, nyeri dada, penurunan ekspansi thorak, dan adanya spasme otot. Adapun peran fisioterapi pada Sindrom Obstruksi Paska Tuberkulosis (SOPT) ini adalah membantu mengurangi sesak napas, mengurangi nyeri dada, meningkatkan ekspansi thoraks, dan menurunkan spasme otot. Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui manfaat IR dan Chest Physiotherapy dapat mengurangi sesak napas, mengurang nyeri dada, meningkatkan ekspansi thoraks, dan menurunkan spasme otot. Hasil : Setelah dilakukan terapi selama 6 kali didapatkan hasil penilian sesak napas T1: 5 (sesak menggangu) menjadi T6: 0 (tidak ada keluhan sesak), Derajat nyeri diukur dengan menggunakan skala VDS dan didapatkan hasil penurunan nyeri diam, dari T1 – T6. Pada T1 nilai nyeri diam pada skala 5 (nyeri cukup berat) dan T6 menurun menjadi skala 1 (tidak nyeri), peningkatan ekspansi thoraks pada bagian axilla T1: 1 cm menjadi T6: 2,6 cm, pada bagian processus xypoideus T1: 1 cm menjadi T6: 2,5 cm, penurunan spasme otot T1: masih ada spasme otot menjadi T6: tidak ada spasme. Kesimpulan : IR dan Chest Physiotherapy yang dilakukan secara rutin akan didapatkan hasil yang bermanfaat untuk untuk mengatasi kondisi SOPT (Sindrom Obstruksi Paska Tuberkulosis)