42 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Enzim dan Waktu Hidrolisis terhadap Produktifitas Gula Total dan Gula Reduksi pada Polong Trembesi (Samanea Saman)

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    The need of petroleum fuel increases continuously, causing the scarcityoffossilbased fuel. Researches related to renewable energy are intensivety conducted, one of them is bioethanol. One of sources of bioethanol is biomass of lignocellulose, as rain tree pods. The rain tree pods contain about 20% lignin and 42% cellulose. This study focused in the hydrolysis of rain tree pods to yield sugar, which can be fermented into bioethanol. The hydrolysis used the variations of concentration of enzym of celluse ( 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 gram) with toluent of H2O3 and H3PO4 8%, and hydrolysis time of 24 hours, 48 hours. The highest level of total sugar was 5.58% obtained at 0.3 gram enzym cellulose with solvent of H2O2. For reduction sugar, the highest level was 3.4% obtained 0.3 gram enzym with solvent of H3PO4, and hydrolysis time of 48 hours. The higher concentration of enzym cellulose in hydrolysis process increase the total sugar and reduction sugar content

    Prarancangan Pabrik Nitrogliserin Dari Asam Nitrat Dan Gliserin Dengan Proses Biazzi Kapasitas 30.000 Ton Per Tahun

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    Nitrogliserin merupakan senyawa kimia pembuat peledak didalam dinamit sebagai plasticizer dan multi phase propelant dan juga sebagai obat untuk pereda serangan angina pectoris dalam ilmu kedokteran. Proses pembuatan nitrogliserin secara Biazzi berlangsung secara isothermal dengan menggunakan reaktor CSTR (Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor) kondisi tekanan pada 1 atm dan suhu 15oC. Reaksi bersifat eksotermis, sehingga untuk menjaga suhu tetap konstan reaktor dilengkapi dengan koil pendingin. Nitrogliserin dihasilkan dari proses kimia secara nitrasi antara gliserin dan asam campuran yaitu asam nitrat dan asam sulfat sebagai dehydrating agent. Pabrik yang beroperasi dengan kapasitas 30.000 ton/tahun ini membutuhkan gliserin sebanyak 1.542,1096 kg/jam, asam nitrat sebanyak 4.202,9191 kg/jam, dan asam sulfat sebanyak 5.431,4648 kg/jam. Pabrik seluas 20.000m3 memiliki karyawan 257 orang ini beroperasi 24 jam selama 330 hari. Kebutuhan air pabrik nitrogliserin ini sebanyak 3.844,4523 kg/jam dan kebutuhan listrik sebanyak 380,0485 kg/jam. Dari analisa ekonomi yang dilakukan terhadap pabrik ini dengan modal tetap Rp 387.446.652.250,73 dan modal kerja Rp 133.041.739.274,43. Dari analisis ekonomi terhadap pabrik ini menunjukkan keuntungan sebelum pajak Rp 93.346.006.480,17 pertahun setelah dipotong pajak 30% keuntungan mencapai Rp 65.342.204.536,12 pertahun. Return On Investment (ROI) sebelum pajak 24,093% dan setelah pajak 16,865%. Pay Out Time (POT) sebelum pajak adalah 2,933 tahun dan setelah pajak 3,722 tahun. Break Even Point (BEP) sebesar 45,118% dan Shut Down Point (SDP) sebesar 16,438%. Dari data anlisis kelayakan diatas disimpulkan, pabrik ini menguntungkan dan layak didirikan

    Pembuatan Sabun Cuci Piring Dari Ekstrak Daun Jeruk, Daun Jambu Biji, Dan Daun Jambu Air

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    The material that is generally used in the manufacture of capsules in the pharmaceutical industry is gelatin. Hard shell gelatin capsules are used as commercial capsule drugs. Capsules are solid preparations consisting of a soluble hard or soft capsule shell. The main source of gelatin comes from animals namely, from pigs and cows. Capsules which generally consist of gelatin are produced from animal parts such as skin or bones, which means they cannot be universal ingredients for consumption by all humans, for example vegetarians and Muslims cannot use them. Therefore, another natural-based source for hard shell capsules is needed as an alternative to gelatin. Carrageenan, which is a natural substance and has abundant raw material availability and guaranteed halalness, is expected to replace gelatin capsules as commercial capsules. Based on these problems, researchers will examine the effect of carrageenan concentrations (1% w/v ; 3% w/v ; 5% w/v ; 7% w/v ; 9% w/v) and corn starch (1% w/ v ; 2% w/v ; 3% w/v ; 4% w/v ; 5% w/v) as gelling agent and concentration of PEG 400 as plasticizer (1% v/v, 2% v/v, 3% v/v, 4% v/v, 5% v/v) for the manufacture of capsule shells from the extraction of seaweed carrageenan (eucheuma cottonii) in order to obtain capsule shells that are more environmentally friendly and of better quality than those already widely marketed. Based on the research that has been done, the test results obtained on the capsule shell consist of weight uniformity for composition variations of 0.2216 g-0.4172 g and temperature variations of 0.2324 g-0.3466 g; the water content of the capsule shell varies in composition by 11.3978%-17.8672% and the temperature variation is 15.3517%-17.0115%.; the hygroscopicity of the composition variation is 15.1-23.5% and the temperature variation is 3.9-4.9%; the degree of swelling for the composition variation was 311.1821% -480.6697% and the temperature variation was 498.7080% -633.1522%; disintegration time test for composition variations of 11.24-27.36 minutes and temperature variations of 7.45-26.13 minutes; and the drug release reaction rate constant for the best composition variation, namely formula C of 0.0296 minutes -1 and the best temperature variation, namely at temperature D of 0.4022 minutes 1.4086. Keywords : dishwashing soap, orange leaf extract, guava leaves, and guava leaves wate

    Prarancanganpabrik Metil Salisilat Dari Metanol Dan Asam Salisilat Kapasitas 9.500 Ton/Tahun

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    Metil salisilat atau 2-hydroxy benzoid acid methyl ester dengan rumus bangun C8H8O3, di alam bahan ini banyak terdapat dalam daun tanaman gaultheria procumbens, batang tanaman betula lenta.l, sweet birch dan berupa glucoside pada bermacam tanaman lainnya. Metil salisilat berfungsi flavouringagent dalam industri makanan dan minuman, bahan baku untuk pasta gigi dan mouthwash, bahan baku untuk obat rematik, obat panas dan anti iritasi, solvent untuk selulosa dan derifatnya, campuran bahan insektisida , bahan baku tinta cetak, bahan baku dalam industri minyak wangi. Proses pembuatan metil salisilat dilakukan dalam Reaktor Alir Tangki Berpengaduk (RATB) . Pada reaktor ini reaksi berlangsung pada fase caircair, reversible, endotermis, isothermal non adiabatic pada suhu 63°C dan tekanan 1 atm. Pabrik ini digolongkan pabrik beresiko rendah karena kondisi operasi pada tekanan1 atm. Kebutuhan metanol untuk pabrik ini sebanyak 2.242,7739 kg/jam dan kebutuhan asam salisilat sebanyak 1.208,4799 kg/jam. Produk berupa metil salisilat sebanyak 1.199,4949 kg /jam. Utilitas pendukung proses meliputi penyediaan air sebesar 19.700,3244 kg/jam yang diperoleh dari air sungai, penyediaan saturated steam sebesar 687,7339 kg/jam, kebutuhan udara tekan sebesar 50,98 m3/jam, kebutuhan listrikdiperoleh dari PLN dan 1 buah generator set sebesar 350 kW, bahan bakar sebanyak835,6296 liter/jam. Pabrik ini didirikan di Bontang, Kalimantan Timur dengan luas tanah 20.000 m2 dan jumlah karyawan 104 orang. Pabrik metil salisilat ini menggunakan modal tetap sebesarRp 468.939.012.232,38 dan modal kerja sebesar Rp 68.362.173.435,57. Dari analisis ekonomi terhadap pabrik ini menunjukkan keuntungan sebelum pajak RP 117.609.229.187,48/tahun setelah dipotong pajak 30% keuntungan mencapai Rp 82.326.460.431,24/tahun. Percent Return On Investment (ROI) sebelum pajak 25,08 % dan setelah pajak 17,56 %. Pay Out Time (POT) sebelum pajak selama2,9 tahun dan setelah pajak 3,6 tahun. Break Even Point (BEP) sebesar 49,82 %, dan Shut Down Point (SDP) sebesar 23,93 %. Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) terhitung sebesar 39,94 %. Dari data analisis kelayakan di atas disimpulkan, bahwa pabrik inimenguntungkan dan layak untuk didirikan

    Prarancangan Pabrik Etilbenzena Dari Etilena dan Benzena Dengan Proses UNOCAL/UOP Kapasitas 200.000 Ton/Tahun

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    Ethylbenzene plant design capacity of 200,000 tons per year from ethylene and benzene will use the Unocal/UOP process using Fixed Bed Reactor Multitube with an operating temperature of 180-199.94oC and pressure of 5 atm. The reaction takes place in the phase of preparing ethylbenzene gases, irreversible, and in non-isothermal conditions. The factory is planned to operate for 330 days a limited liability company (PT). Raw material needs for the manufacture of ethylbenzene from ethylene and benzene each as much as 6,696.8853 kg/h and 18,583.0945 kg/hour. Ethylene raw material obtained from PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Center is capable producing 522,000 tons of ethylene per year, while benzene raw material obtained from Pertamina UP IV Cilacap which has a capacity of 120,000 tons per year and it is possible capacity additions. The resulting ethylbenzene production as much as 25,252.52525 kg / hour. In the process of preparing ethylbenzene as much water as needed 375,027.81 kg/hour to meet the needs of cooling water, 71,091.9896 kg/h for steam, and as much 2399.3050 kg/hr for water sanitation. Ethylbenzene factory will be established in the Cilegon Industrial Estate, Banten, West Java, namely on highway Anyer and will be built on a land area of 28 060 m2, the number of employees as much as 122 people. To establish this ethylbenzene plant needed fixed capital of Rp 713,058,447,472.00 and requires working capital of Rp 368,200,579,411.00 and will make a profit of Rp 203,158,558,665.00 after a tax of 30% of profit before tax amounting to Rp 290,226,512,379.00. Thus obtained precent return on investment (ROI) before tax of 40.70% and after tax amounted at 28.49%. Pay out time (POT) before tax and after tax is for 1.97 years and 2.60 years. Break Even Point (BEP) of 59.30%, shut down point (SDP) of 46.75%, while discounted cash flow (DCF) of 56.12%. Judging from the economic feasibility analysis taking into account the price of ROI, POT, BEP, SDP, for plants with low risk can be concluded that ethylbenzene plant is feasible to set up. Keywords: ethylbenzene, the process of UNOCAL / UOP, Fixed Bed Multitub

    Prarancangan Pabrik Fenol Formaldehida Dengan Katalis Asam (Resin Novolak) Kapasitas 20.000 Ton/Tahun

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    Novolac resin is one kind of phenol formaldehyde resins in the manufacture using an acid catalyst. Novolac resins has several uses, among others, are used as lacquers, laminating materials, wood adhesives, varnishes and is also used in wall decoration panel. Needs novolak resin itself in Indonesia is still quite high, from 2009 to 2014 every year has increased. Novolak resin plant capacity is 20,000 tons/year, all operating for 330 days, the raw material phenol and formaldehyde, with the ratio 1: 0.8 and the use of sulfuric acid catalyst. Novolac resin forming reaction is an exothermic reaction that occurs in the reactor CSTR, liquid-liquid phase, irreversible with the reaction conditions are maintained at a temperature of 95°C (isothermal) and a pressure of 1 atm. Novolac resin plant with a capacity of 20,000 tons /year of phenol requires raw materials as much as 1955.235 kg/hour, formaldehyde as much as 1660.630 kg /h and sulfuric acid catalyst as much as 138.547 kg/hour. Novolac resin plant requires much water as 28353.631 kg / h obtained from the river. Saturated steam needs as much as 3535.578 kg/h obtained from the boiler with diesel fuel as much as 0.318 m3/hour. While electricity obtained from the PLN and a capacity of 3500 KW generator as a backup, with as much fuel as 344.139 kg/hour. Compressed air needs as much as 56.074 m3/h. The factory is planned to be established in an industrial area Gresik, East Java, with a land area of 15,000 m2 and the number of employees 163 people. From the analysis of the economic, novolac resin plant requires capital of US 31,295,996.43fixedandworkingcapitalofUS 31,295,996.43 fixed and working capital of US 8,783,730.13. Profit before tax of US 11,297,654.14/year.WhileprofitaftertaxofUS 11,297,654.14/year. While profit after tax of US 9,038,123.31/year. The feasibility analysis is a result that Percent Return On Investment (ROI) before tax of 36.0994% and after tax of 28.8795%. Pay Out Time (POT) before tax was 2.17 years, while after tax of 2.57 years. Break Even Point (BEP) of 46.2429% capacity, and Shut Down Point (SDP) of 26.8840% capacity. Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) of 47.4098%. Based on the data above, the novolac resin plant is quite interesting to be established. Keywords: phenol, formaldehyde, sulfuric aci

    Preliminary Plant Design Of Chloroform From Acetone And Bleaching Powder Capacity 19,000 Tonnes Per Year

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    Indonesia still has not built any chloroform plants. To meet the need of society for chloroform, Indonesia is still importing from other countries. The plant capacity is then determined to reach 19,000 tonnes/year in Cilegon, Banten. Chloroform is produced by reactions acetone 1307.300 kg/year and bleaching powder 13073.002 kg/year. Using reactor which is equiped with agitator at temperature 50℃ and pressure 1 atm also 2 hours for reaction. Besides being the main product, chloroform within reactor also produces calcium acetate Ca(CH3COO)2, calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2), calcium chloride (CaCl2). With area of plant 38,857 m2, total of water needs is 147 m3/hours, steam required is 2,506.886 kg/h, for electricity is 529 KW, fuel requirement is 82.79 L/h, this plant will start to produce in 2015. The economic analysis concludes that fixed manufacturing cost (Fa) is 462,493,237,829. Variable cost (Va) is 7,852,508,693,058. Regulated cost (Ra) is 7,941,777,516,246. Selling product (Sa) is 19,629,796,640,852. ROI (Return on Investment) before and after tax is 94.811% and 66.36%. POT (Pay Out Time) before and after tax is 0.95 years and 1.31 years. BEP (Break-even Point) 45.75%, and SDP (Shutdown Point) 38.32%. While DCF (Discounted Cash Flow) as 35.61%. From the economic analysis, this plant is recommended to build

    Tugas Prarancangan Pabrik Metil Akrilat Dari Metanol dan Asam Akrilat dengan Proses Esterifikasi Kapasitas 30.000 Ton/Tahun

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    Methyl acrylate (CH2CHCOOCH3) is a chemical used as a raw material for the production of polymers (polyacrylate). These polymers are used as the manufacture of paints (coatings), adhesives and binders for leather industry, paper and textiles as well as raw materials for polymers of acrylic fiber. Raw materials used in the production process of methyl acrylate is acrylic acid and methanol. The method used in the manufacture of methyl acrylate is by esterification of acrylic acid and methanol with a temperature of 80°C and a pressure of 1 atm in the liquid phase is reacted in a stirred tank flow reactor mounted on a series of isothermal conditions. The factory requires raw materials acrylic acid of 3750,00 kg/hour and methanol amounted to 3782,20 kg/hour. Sulfuric acid as a catalyst is needed as much as 1856,06 kg/hour with a total weight of water as an impurity of 81,44 kg/hour. For utilities, the water used as 497,248,88 kg/hour. As for the fuel needed as much as 265.61 L/hour, amounting to 178,33 kW of electricity and steam needs of 20.049,23 kg/hour. The factory is planned to stand 2020. Methyl acrylate plant will be established with a capacity of 30,000 tons per year in the industrial estate in Cilegon, Banten and a land area reaches 5830 m2. Fixed capital plant or it called as fixed capital investment (FCI) Rp. 609.104.713.279, while the working capital of Rp. 116.281.332.356. Total production cost per year is Rp. 472.260.614.815. Economic evaluation showed that: percent return on investment (ROI) before taxes 24,21% and 18,15% after tax, pay out time (POT) before tax and after tax 2,92 years to 3,55 years, break even point (BEP) 50,05%, shut down point (SDP) 22,76%, and the discounted cash flow (DCF) 30,23%. From the results of the calculation data of economic evaluations, it feasible to set up factories in Indonesia

    Pengaruh Derajat Keasaman (Ph) dan Konsentrasi Bakteri Acetobacter Xylinum Terhadap Kualitas Nata De Pina

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    Buah nanas merupakan buah yang sangat potensial sebagai buah segar dan olahan. Buah nanas terdiri atas daging buah, kulit dan hati. Bagian buah nanas yang banyak dimanfaatkan adalah daging buah, sedangkan hati dan kulit nanas hanya terbuang dan dimanfaatkan sebagai pakan ternak. Pada bagian buah nanas yang terbuang tersebut masih mengandung banyak gizi. Nata de pina merupakan alternatif makanan olahan kulit nanas yang dapat menjadi bahan pengganti nata de coco. Penelitian ini mempelajari tentang kinetika reaksi enzimatis pada fermentasi limbah kulit nanas dengan variasi pH 3,5, 4, dan 4,5 dan variasi konsentrasi bakteri 15,00%, 30,00% dan 45,00%. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh variasi pH dan variasi konsentrasi bakteri terhadap kadar etanol dan kadar glukosa yang dihasilkan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah tahapan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dan model Experimental Research. Fermentasi dilakukan selama 15 hari, kemudian selang 3 hari sekali diambil serta diuji kadar etanol menggunakan alat Alcohol Brix dan kadar glukosa menggunakan alat Glucosa Brix. Dalam penelitian ini diperoleh kadar etanol tertinggi terjadi pada pH 3,5 dengan konsentrasi bakteri 45,00% sebesar 30,50%, dimana semakin banyak konsentrasi bakteri maka kadar etanol semakin meningkat. Kadar glukosa tertinggi terjadi pada pH dengan konsentrasi bakteri 45,00% sebesar 15,00%, dimana semakin tinggi konsentrasi bakteri maka kadar etanol semakin menurun

    Prarancangan Pabrik Dodekilbenzena dari Dodekena dan Benzena dengan Proses DETAL Kapasitas 65.000 ton/tahun

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    Surfactant is a kind of raw material that used as soap and detergent produciton. One of the most usable surfactant is sodium dodecylbenzene sulphonate which produced from linear alkyl benzene (LAB). Dodecylbenzene, the most produced LAB, are made from dodecene and benzene. This dodecylbenzene are very environmentaly friendly. Dodecylbenzene producing process with DETAL are carried out with temperatur of 150oC in singletube fixed bed reactor. The benzene needs are 2.733,70 kg/h and dodecene needs are 6.139,44 kg/h. The main product is dodecylbenzene with 8.207,07 kg/h massflow and side product is didodecylbenzene with 452,61 kg/h. The supporting process unit in this dodecylbenzene factory are water producing unit with 46.912,83 kg/h capacity, steam producing unit with 8.478,37 kg/h, electricity unit with 472,84 kW, compressed air supply unit 150 m3/h, and MFO fuel supply unit with 711,38 kg/h capacity. This factory are established in Cilacap, Central Java with 156 employees. The company are classified as Limited Liability Company which is the capital cost are covered by stocks selling. This dodecylbenzene factory needs 475.082.291.012 rupiahs fixed capital and 153.829.169.489 rupiahs working capital. The economical analysis result shows that the profit before tax are 330.098.382.068 rupiahs per year, profit after tax are 247.573.786.551 rupiahs per year, Return on investment (ROI) before tax are 69,50%, ROI after tax are 52,10%, Pay out time (POT) before tax are 1,26 years, POT after tax are 1,16 years, Break even point (BEP) are 41,99% and Shut down point (SDP) are 28,63% with Discounted cash flow (DCF) are 20%, so the company are feasible to establish. Keywords : Dodecylbenzene, fixedbed singletube, DETAL