13 research outputs found

    Violation of Human Rights Delineated in Sidney Sheldon's Are You Afraid of the Dark? Novel (2004): A Sociological Approach

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    This research focuses on the human rights violation issue delineated in Are You Afraid of the Dark? novel (2004) by Sidney Sheldon. The perspective that is used in analyzing this novel is theory of sociology. This research uses documentation method to collect the data. This research is conducted to analyze the indicators of human rights violations in the novel, how the human rights violation is delineated in the work, and the reason of the author in addressing human rights violations issue. The researcher uses primary and secondary data source. Are You Afraid of the Dark? novel is the primary data source. Other book, journal, and website that relate the issue of human rights violations are the secondary data source. There are three main findings in this research. First, there are found five indicators of human rights violations in the novel such as violation of human rights to life, violation of human rights to free from torture, violation of human rights to get education, violation of human rights to work, and violation of human rights to get liberty. Second, the author delivers the idea of human rights violations through character, event, setting, and style in the novel. Third, the author addresses human rights violation issue based on the social situation where he lives in which war happens and human rights violations occur everywhere

    Afghanistan Under The Four Regimes Reflected in Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns Novel (2007): A Sociological Approach

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    The research discusses the Afghanistan‟s socio-political phenomenon during four decades under the four different regimes in Khaled Hosseini‟sA Thousand Splendid Suns novel. The purpose of this study is to understand phenomenon of the Afghanistan regimes reflected in the novel using the sociological approach. Khaled Hosseini used the novel as a tool to show the world that Afghanistan needed the aid and Hosseini wanted deliver reflection of Afghanistan country in the past. This study is a qualitative research. The primary data were taken from A Thousand Splendid Suns novel; the secondary data were obtained from some sources like literature book, virtual sources, and some related source. The conclusion of the study: (1) The difference characteristics between the Daoud Khan regime, Soviets Union regime, the Mujahideen regime, and Taliban regime. Each regime was explained through some aspects namely political aspect, women aspect, culture aspect, education aspect, and health aspect; (2) The four regimes were depicted through the characters of the regimes, the settings of the novel, the important events and the styles used in each regime; (3) The reason of Khaled Hosseini writing the novel was due to the result of his care towards Afghan society

    Khaled Hosseini `S Worldview In The Kite Runner, A Thousand Splendid Suns, And And The Mountain Echoed: A Genetic Structuralism Approach

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    Every literary works had each own structures, a literature as a structure of the work couldnot be understood as a whole if the totality life of the society in whict the text of the work was produced by the author was obeyed. Therefore, this study discussed how the structure of literary works in the novel The Kite Runner, A Thousand Splendid Suns, and And The Mountain Echoed were described by the author, and had corelation with the stucture of the author’s social realities in which he lived, and publihed his woks. Further more, this study also discussed about author’s world view not as an individual person but as the member of his society, his worldview represented the idea and mind of the society in his era. This research belongs to a qualitative study, which used two data sources. The primary data source was the novel The Kite Runner, A Thousand Splendid Suns, and And The Mountain Echoed itself meanwhile the secondary data sources were any materials or previous researchs in line with the novel. The materials from the data sources were collected in a united data as evidence. The findings showed that: first, the structure of the literary work in Hosseini’s works showed a coherent relationship between one element and another that built a unified as a whole that created the novels become more interesting to read and easy to understand by readers. Second, American society was the social structure targeted by the author in which Khalled Hosseini as the author’s of the novels live and publish his works there. Finally, Hosseini wrote a story that described the social condition contrary with the social realities happened in the United State as the warning and suggestion to the readers about the important of respect to each other in humanism. His world view was represented by his works. Through his works, Hosseini wanted to convey a message to his readers that success and victory are not the only aspect that could create one's happiness, but there were another aspects that could create one’s happiness, they were; love, respect each others, loyalty, sympathy, empathy, and other social values

    Women’s Rebellion in Khaled Hosseini's A Thousand Splendid Sun: A Marxist Approach

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    As one of the literary works, Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns can be seen as the means to deliver the certain message to the society. The message can be considered as the author’s struggle to find equality. Therefore this research investigates how the women rebellion is described in the novel and what indicators are stated as the women rebellion. This research belongs to a qualitative study, which uses two data sources. The primary data source is the novel A Thousand Splendid Suns itself meanwhile the secondary data sources are any literatures or previous studies related to the novel. The data from the data sources are collected in a sort of document as evidence. The findings show that; first, Hosseini describes the rebellion through the women characters that are subordinated by the men characters to show the oppression relationship. Second, the novel tells of the women’s rebellion actions which are divided into the common rebellion and the radical one which can be analyzed in the frame of Marxist theory. The last, Hosseini writes the story from the women’s point of view in order to raise the sympathy of the Afghan women

    Altruistic Behavior Of The Major Characters In Les Miserables Movie (2012): A Humanistic Psychological Perspective

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    “Altruistic Behavior of the Major Characters in Les Miserables movie (2012): A Humanistic Psychological Perspective” used in the research title because it aims to find out more about the altruism contained in the film. Les Miserables is directed by Tom Hooper. Les Miserables is a film set in 19th century France. The movie premiered in London on December 5, 2012. Les Miserables is based on the inspiration of a musical of the same name and is also based on the novel by the legendary writer Victor Hugo. This film tells the life struggle carried out by Jean Valjean, who continues to be chased by the cruel inspector Javert because Jean Valjean was a prisoner. Jean Valjean was imprisoned because he stole a loaf of bread for his starving family. Jean Valjean wants to start a new life with a better self. The unique setting of the place, the conversations that are packed into musicals and the kindness of Jean Valjean who continuously make this film even more interesting. This study uses a qualitative approach and also raises the problem of altruism. In addition to a qualitative approach, the researcher also uses a humanistic psychological approach to analyze Les Miserables movie. This research uses hermeneutic data collection techniques. In addition, the data from this study were taken from primary data and secondary data. The primary data is the film Les Miserables, while the secondary data is books, websites and journals related to the research being carried out. The purpose of this study is to analyze what indicators can be included in altruism, to get a picture of altruism in the film Les Miserables and to find out why the director raised altruism in the film. As a result, major characters can be classified into altruism after going through several analyzes conducted by researchers. As human beings we should provide kindness and help others regardless of each person's background. We also should not expect a reward for the good we have done so that life becomes more harmonious

    An Analysis of the Concept of Love in the Movie of "Dear John" 2010 By Using Audience Response Perspective

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    The purpose of this research was to describes the meanings of love in “Dear John” movie 2010 based on reader perspective and discusses the reader response perspective toward the concept of love in “Dear John” movie 2010. In conducting this research, the researcher applied descriptive qualitative study. The research object is the movie of “Dear John” 2010. “Dear John” is a 2010 American romantic war drama film directed by Lasse Hallström, based on the 2006 novel of the same name by Nicholas Sparks. In analyzing the data, the researcher applied data reduction, data display and drawing conclusion (Miles and Huberman, 2014). This research found the meaning or types of love in “Dear John” movie 2010 based on reader perspective are brotherly love, motherly love, and erotic love. There are three kinds of love concept in “Dear John” 2010, the love to the beloved one, the love to the country, and the love to the family. The reader response perspective toward the concept of love in “Dear John” movie 2010 is divided into three categories, positive response, negative responses, and neutral responses

    Reader’s Response To Domestic Violence In Nicholas Sparks’s Safe Haven Novel (2010)

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    This study aims to investigate reader’s response to domestic violence in Safe Haven novel (2010) by Nicholas Sparks. This research belongs to qualitative. In analyzing reader’s response, the researcher uses Richard Beach theory of reader’s response. The primary data source is reader’s response of Safe Haven novel taken from goodreads website. The secondary data sources are other sources such as journals and articles related to the primary data. The result of this research shows following conclusion. First, there are five dominant issues reviewed by the reader in Safe Haven novel, namely character and characterization, ending of the story, domestic violence, message of the story, and adaptation to movie. Second, the background of the reviewers belongs to male and female gender that comes from America, Asia, Europe, Australia, and Africa. Those responses come from 2010 until 2017. Third, domestic violence issue divided into two topics such as the cause of domestic violence and the effect of domestic violence. Domestic violence caused by abusive relationship, psychopath , danger, and horror, while the effect domestic violence are traumatic and run away wife

    Infidelity In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby: A Sociological Perspective

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    The object of this research is the novel The Great Gatsby (1925) F. Scott Fitzgerald’s by the title of this research is “Infidelity in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby: A Sociological Perspective”. The objectives of this research are to analyze the characteristic of the novel about infidelity based on qualitative analysis to find out the primary data source and secondary data source. The data are collected by focusing on the infidelity cases of the novel, by using the theory a sociological perspective to analyze data and use characters contained in novels as research the objects. The result of this research indicates that the researcher included several conclusions as follows. First, based on structural analysis, it can be concluded that the character of the affair that appears in the novel The Great Gatsby, which has a moral message that this novel involves love and forbidden lust which creates disloyalty between one and other. Second, based on a sociological perspective, it can be found that in this novel the author describes several factors that cause infidelity that occur in this novel. Keywords: Infidelity, A Sociological Perspective, The Great Gatsb

    The Need For Sacrifice In Law Enforcement In John Grisham’s The Racketeer (2012): A Sociological Approach

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    This study is about The Need for Sacrifice in Law Enforcement (2012) which is analyzed by using Socilogical Approach. The objective of the study are to know what problem arising in law enforcement is, to analyze who becomes a barrier in law enforcement and to know how to people cope with the obstacle in law enforcement. The researcher concerns about law enforcement based on Socilogical approach by Swingewood and Laurensoon. This research belongs to qualitative research. The primary data of this research is The Racketeer by John Grisham’s in 2012, while the secondary data of this research are take from other source likely essay, critics, comments, historical information, biography of John Grisham, website, internet and other information. The researcher draws three conclution in this research. First, problem arising in law enforcement consist of the unfair treatment, insufficient efidence and unproffesional administration. Second, those standing against law enforcement are corrupt lawyer, FBI agent, corrupt judge and prosecutor. Third, coping with the obstacle consists of the sufficient evidence and applying disciplene of legal officer. Keywords: The Racketeer, Sacrifice, Law Enforcement, Sociological Approac

    Social Disparity Reflected In Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park (1814): A Sociological Perspective

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    The research is aimed to know the social disparity in Jane Austen „s Mansfield Park novel by using Sociological Perspective. Therefore, the study analyzes the novel in terms of it‟s structural elements and based on the sociological perspective. This research belongs to descriptive qualitative study. In this method, the writer uses two data sources; they are primary data and secondary data source. The primary data source and the object of this study is the novel Mansfield Park, meanwhile the secondary data sources are any books of literature and sociology and websites related to this study. The writer collects the data from both primary and secondary data sources in a short of document evidence. The study comes to the following conclusion. First, based on structural analysis, it is apparent that in Mansfield Park novel, Jane Austen conveys message that different lifestyle because of social classes. Second, it is clear that there is a close relation between this novel and the social reality of England in the early nineteenth century. Mansfield Park shows that the lives of the upper class were filled with luxurious, stands in sharp contrast with the lives of the lower class are shabby and uneducated