3 research outputs found

    Social Discrimination Reflected In Laksmi Pamuntjak’s The Questions Of Red Novel (2014): A Marxistapproach

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    Karya ilmiah ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Diskriminasi Sosial yang tercermin dalam novel The Question of Red karya Laksmi Pamuntjak, karya ilmiah ini menganilisis masalah diskriminasi sosial menggunakan Marxist Approach, jenis karya tulis ilmiah ini adalah kualitatif, dimana peneliti mengambil data dari novel berupa narasi, monolog dan dialog. Teknik pengambilan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian yang di dapat oleh peniliti adalah: 1) diskriminasi sosial terjadi karena manusia diciptakan berbeda-beda 2) 2 jenis diskriminasi sosial yang tercermin dalam novel 3) penyelesaian masalah diskriminasi yang terjadi adalah dengan tidak membeda-bedakan manusia, dan memandang semua manusia setara

    Weird Behaviour of Peter: An Existentialist study on Jostein Gaarder's The Ringmaster's Daughter Novel (2001)

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    The study is aimed at analysing weird behaviour of Petter on Jostein Gaarder’sThe Ringmaster’s Daughter novel (2001) by existentialist theory. This study belongs to qualitative research. The technique of the data collection of this research is library research and technique of data analysis of this research are clarifying the obtained data by selecting the necessary one and analyzing data based on existentialist theory by Sartre. The results of this analysis show: 1) The indicators of Petter’s weird behaviour are: a) He cannot give response or reacts normally; b) He was afraid to affect with emotional condition; c) He interacts with his imaginary; d) He cannot focus to finish his story, and sells his plots to other writers; 2) The cause of weird behaviour is his childhood trauma; 3) The impacts of weird behaviour are: a) He becomes an unsociable man; b) He has an imaginary friend; c) He never finished his stories; d) He does not like to be famous, a novelist, and get influence with the other; 4) The author of this novel addresses some issues related to human existence that people at any level of age can read this. This novel shows that man is an effect maker for others and man is free creating himself because freedom is the essence of human being. Keyword: traumatic experience, weird behaviour, freedom, existentialis

    Pro-Westernization Reflected In Orhan Pamuk’s Istanbul Memoir (2003) : A Post-Colonial Approach

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    ANDRIANA RAHMAWATI/A320120166. PRO-WESTERNIZATION REFLECTED IN ORHAN PAMUK’S ISTANBUL MEMOIR (2003): A POST-COLONIAL APPROACH. RESEARCH PAPER. DEPARTMENT ENGLISH EDUCATION MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY of SURAKARTA. SEPTEMBER, 2016 Westernization becomes a trend in many places in this world. Westernization changed many aspects in life and rule then culture that usually used in the society. One of the factors that made westernization happen is economic factor. Western culture looks so shine with their industrial that made their citizen wealth. Because of it, many countries wanted to move followed industrialization that followed with the westernization culture. Westernization came from western culture, but industrialization came to the used of machine for made handcraft changed human reproduce. Controversy happened after the successful of industrialization proved able to make the socialite wealthy than before. Many countries wanted to follow for the sufficient of their society. Till the end some country is able to pro with westernization or not. They were who are pro with westernization, we can call pro-westernization, for they that did not agree, and we can call it contrawesternization. In Istanbul memoir, they are who did not agree with westernization we can call: istanbullus or they are who still followed Istanbul rule based on Ottoman era (before westernization that populared by Turkey Republic ). Society in pro-westernization they live by western culture and style. For the example thrower television in the hall, used fireplace and the other western behavior. They did this to follow western style that spread. Pro-westernization explained in this research paper based on the Istanbul memoir by Orhan Pamuk