6 research outputs found


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    Instant Turmeric is instant beverage crystal form products with sugar as basic ingredients and turmeric solution as an additive functional compounds. The process of heat transfer during processing of instant turmeric solution and product quality is important information to recognize the success of the treatment process. The research aims to analyze the heat transfer during the processing of turmeric solution with hot water jacketed crystallizer machine as well as the quality of the resulting product. Heat transfer analysis was conducted on the determination of convection heat transfer coefficient value during the process of heating water in the boiler, evaporation, and crystallization of instant turmeric solution. This crystallizer using hot water that flowed from the kettle into the jacket as a heating medium of solution. Variations in solution concentration used were 83.33%, 77.07%, and 66.67%. The results showed that the convection heat transfer coefficient for the water heating process ha1ranged between 183,75 W/m2.oC - 243,20 W/m2. oC and ha2ranged between 45,94 W/m2.oC - 136,19 W/m2.oC, with efficiency of heating water as a heat source in the evaporation process of 18.31% - 25.55% and the value of the convection heat transfer coefficient for the evaporation, and crystallization process he1 ranged between 13,60 W/m2.oC - 302,57 W/m2.oC, he2 ranged between 7,57 W/m2.oC -52,83W/m2.oC, and hk ranged between 36,15 W/m2.oC - 116,37 W/m2.oC, with heat transfer efficiency of 2.94% - 9.36%. Instant turmeric particle sizes obtained ranged from 0.31 mm - 0.69 mm


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    The reason of food diversification, with corn as the raw material, is utilize domestic raw materials so it can reduce the number of Indonesian wheat imports. One of food diversification is corn noodles. Oven temperature can give effects on the result of corn noodles. This study aimed to determine the changes of water content, oven rate constants, the value of activation energy and frequency factors, and physical properties of corn noodles which affected by oven temperature. Determination of water content changes and rate constants use the drying method of thin layer. Determination of the activation energy ( Ea ) and frequency factor ( A ) use the Arrhenius equation. The process needs three oven temperature variations are 60oC, 70oC, and 80oC. Measurement of physical properties use a Shimadzu Ez Test. The results showed that the changes of water content and rate constants oven was effected by the temperature. The higher oven temperature change the moisture content and drying rate constants to be getting bigger. High temperature oven generate the hard dry corn noodles but brittle, high value of cooking loss, fast optimal rehydration time, and low ability of absorb water. Activation energy (Ea) value of water evaporation constant is 8.779 kcal / mol with frequency factor value ( A ) is 540364.9. And the activation energy ( Ea ) value of water evaporation constant is 11.4505 kcal / mol with frequency factor value (A) is 545,795.


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    The process of drying banana sale manually through direct drying under the sun has some obstacles often encountered among which the drying time too long in the rainy season resulting in low productivity, lack of hygiene and quality of material uniformity. The study was conducted to evaluate the performance of the dryer and changes in the texture of banana sale with rack typed dryer by air warmer box on stove using fuel gas. This study was conducted to know the change of drying air temperature, moisture content of bananas, the rate of drying, drying efficiency, heating efficiency, as well as changes in the mechanical properties of banana. The study was conducted in 3 variations of the air flow in a row at 0.0176 m3/s, 0.0194 m3/s, 0.0272 m3/s by giving several variations on the blower openings. The process of drying bananas performed for 400 minutes with a fuel capacity of 15 kg. From the results of evaluation of the performance of the dryer and changes in the texture of bananas is known that the average air temperature in the drying chamber when empty (without substance) is equal to 61.17°C for variation 1, 60.81°C for variation 2, and 60.54°C for variation 3. The average air temperature in the drying chamber when the material is equal to 58.52°C for variation 1, 57.04°C for variation 2, and 55.88°C for variation 3. The drying process can dry banana banana sale of the water content of 69.38% - 71.55% to approximately 17.88% - 24.4% within 400 minutes. Constant drying rate constants ranged between 0.647/min - 0,972/min and to decrease the drying rate ranged between 0.0092/min - 0.0177/min . Heating efficiency in the first variation of 15.9% , the second variation of 17.12%, and the third variation of 22.8%. On the drying efficiency variation 1 of 7.37%, the second variation of 6.6% , and the third variation of 5.97%. Rated voltage of material drying banana sale proceeds ranging between 0.0029N/mm2 - 0,656N/mm2. Material strain value of sale proceeds banana drying process ranged from 0.0173 to 0.04. The elasticity of the material of banana drying process results ranged from 0.111N/mm2 - 3,714N/mm2. The longer the drying time then the value of the voltage and the higher the elasticity, where as the lower strain values. Broke slew rate constants ranged from 0.0339/min - 0.00785/min


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    turmeric Instant is produced from a solution of turmeric (turmeric juice and sugar) are thickened by heating. After cooling the thickened done at the same place during cooking by mixing. This mixing results generated from the small clumps called viscous solution kunnyit instant turmeric. This study was conducted to determine the changes in the physical properties of materials include brix, viscosity, and density making use of turmeric instant hot water jacketed crystallizer with various concentration. Variations in the concentrations used 67% 77% and 83%. The method used is the analysis of first order reaction kinetics equation and Newton's law of cooling anologi. The results showed that the mathematical model brix changes turmeric instant solution using analytical equations first order reaction kinetics with a constant value in the 77%, and 83% concentration are 0,3023 minute-


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    Cassava is classified as one of tropical plant, but it can adapt and grow well in subtropic area. This plant doesn�t demand spesific condition for its planting. Cassava can be found in many areas in Indonesia, because Indonesia has suitable climate for this plant. The research studies about the change on water content for cassava�s chips when drying process was occured while altering drying temperature in tray dryer and variating sample mass on every treatment. Tray dryer was set in 50oC, 60oC, dan 70oC temperature and on every temperature change different sample mass was used, we took 4 kg, 8 kg, and 12 kg mass. First, we prepared the sample. Cassava was peeled and cleaned with fresh water, then chopped chip like. The research was done under 50oC, 60oC, dan 70oC temperature and on every temperature change we put different sample mass, that was 4 kg, 8 kg, and 12 kg. Sample was dried until it reached specified water content. Before drying, sample was taken to measure starting water content with thermogravimetri method. Next, in every treatment, more water content measurement was taken in every sample. We also took measurement of dryer temperature, humidity ratio, and drying air velocity (including input and output air). Data was taken in every 15 minutes. Decrease on water content was used to determine the drying constant number. The research resulted, that on drying process of cassava chip using tray dryer, mostly falling rate was found in every treatment. Drying rate of cassava chip on tray dryer was affected by mass and drying temperature. Drying rate on 4 kg mass on 50oC, 60oC, dan 70oC temperature were 0,0164 minutes-1, 0,0226 minutes-1 dan 0,0258 minutes-1 consecutively. 8 kg mass reached 0,0141 minutes- 1, 0,0223 minutes -1 dan 0,0171 minutes-1 on 50oC, 60oC, dan 70oC temperature. Last, 12 kg mass was measured at 0,0137 minutes-1, 0,0143 minutes-1 dan 0,0149 minutes-1 on 50oC, 60oC, dan 70oC temperature. Drying efficiency reached 1,69- 5,89%, and heating efficiency of tray dryer hit 12,8004% to 59,6146%. Activation energy (Ea) that needed for drying process on 4 kg, 8 kg, and 12 kg mass were 20,947 KJ/mol, 9,215 KJ/mol, dan 3,866 KJ/mol consecutively. Collision frequency (Ao) that happened on 4 kg mass was 41,1943 and 0,4896 on 8 kg mass, on 12 kg mass it reached 0,0578


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    Traditional drainage of banana sale using directly had some weaknesses such as long drainage, bad environmental condition, and it was less healthy. It was conducted a research to examine the performance of rack typed dryer by air warmer box on the stove in the process of banana sale drainage. This study was conducted to know temperature change and air humidity of dryer, mathematic model of water content change of banana sale, and the efficiency of drainage and the efficiency of air heating. Test was conducted in 3 variations of air rate flow in the warmer box of 0.0207096, 0.022923, and 0.03214 kg/s through opening blower regulation. The process of banana drainage was conducted for 440 minutes using the material capacity of 15 kgs. It was found from the analysis of technical performance of the dryer that the greater rate of air flow would make smaller the temperature in the drainage room. Water content of the drainage result in variation 1 ranged between 15.69% to 26.18%, in variation 2 it ranged between 19.94% to 25.57%, and in variation 3 it ranged between 19.05% to 24.69%. In the drainage process of banana sale conducted in this study, there were two periods of drainage rates: constant drainage rate and decreased drainage rate. The constant drainage rate in variation 1 ranged between 0.466 to 0.690 percent/minute, in variation 2 it ranged between 0.640 to 0.743 percent/minute, and in variation 3 it ranged between 0.682 to 0.779 percent/minute. Number of constant drainage rate was decreased in variation 1 between 0.007 to 0.014 percent/minute, in variation 2 it ranged between 0.007 to 0.010 percent/minute, and in variation 3 it ranged between 0.007 to 0.010 percent/minute. Number of efficiency of drainage in variation 1 was 27 percent, 26.77 percent in variation 3, and 27.56 percent in variation 3. And the number of efficiency of air warming in variation 1 was 28.51 percent, 29.96 percent in variation 2, and 36.89 percent in variation 3