20 research outputs found

    A Study on Buying Behavior of Consumer towards Online Shopping With Reference to Bangalore City

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    On-line shopping is a recent phenomenon in the field of E-Business and is definitely going to be the future of shopping in the world. Most of the companies are running their on-line portals to sell their products/services on-line. Though online shopping is very common outside India, its growth in Indian Market, which is a large and strategic consumer market, is still not in line with the global market. This new shopping technique is innovative in nature. As compared to traditional way of doing shopping, it not just brings an incredible    number and extensive variety of stock to the purchasers; additionally offers a far reaching market and endless business opportunities. The data was collected through Questionnaires on a sample of 580 respondents from Bangalore City. Simple random sampling method has been used for data collection. Both primary data and secondary data has been collected for this stud

    Improving Care using Network-Based Modeling and Intelligent Data Mining of Social Media

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    Cleverly extracting information from social media has recently attracted nice interest from the medication and Health science community to at an identical time improve health care outcomes and deflate prices victimization consumer-generated opinion. We've got an inclination to tend to propose a social dancing analysis framework that focuses on positive and negative sentiment, in addition as a result of the aspect effects of treatment, in users’ forum posts, and identi?es user communities (modules) and in?uential users for the aim of ascertaining user opinion of cancer treatment. We get a preference to tend to use a self-organizing map to investigate word frequency information derived from users’ forum posts. we've got an inclination to tend to then introduced a unique network-based approach for modeling users’ forum interactions and utilized a network partitioning technique supported optimizing a stability quality live. This allowed North American nation to work out shopper opinion and establish in?uential users at intervals the retrieved modules victimization data derived from each word-frequency information and network-based properties. Our approach will expand analysis into showing intelligence mining social media information for shopper opinion of assorted treatments to supply fast, up-to-date data for the pharmaceutical trade, hospitals, and medical employees, on the effectiveness (or ineffectiveness) of future treatments

    Authenticated Digital Avatars on Metaverse by Cyber Security Procedures

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    Metaverse is the  next generation Internet, aims to build a fully immersive, hyper spatiotemporal and self sustaining virtual shared space for humans to play, work, shop and socialize. In metaverse, users are  represented as digital avatars and using identity, user can shuttle across various virtual worlds (i.e., sub-metaverses) to experience a digital life, as well as make digital creations and economic interactions supported by physical infrastructures and the metaverse engine. Virtual reality headsets are the main devices used to access the Metaverse. Privacy and security concerns of the metaverse. The users need to verify their identity to log into the metaverse platforms, and the security of this phase becomes vital. In this paper, the user authentication methods such as Information-based authentication, biometric based authentication, and multi-model methods are reviewed and compared in terms of users security but in some cases these methods are failed to secure from cyber attacks. In this paper, we proposed,Token-based authentication method to enhance the security for the users to access and work on  the virtual environment

    Dual Watermarking in Cyber Security

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    Cyber security is generally a conservatory of the conventional information system security that is aimed at protecting cyber threats, like cyber terrorism, cyber warfare, and cyber espionage to corrupt digital information. This leads to increase the researches in cyber security. This paper proposes the application of dual watermarking in cyber technology, focusing on forgery detection. The rest of the paper presents a brief overview of cyber security and the role of digital dual watermarking.&nbsp

    Concept of Atisthoulaya and Atikrusha Purusha in Ayurveda

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    Ayurveda conceives disease as a state of imbalance and loss of equilibrium of doshas and dhatus. The main aim of treatment of disease afflicting an individual is to bring about therapeutic equilibrium of doshas and dhatus by administering appropriate drug, diet, exercise and life style. Thus there is an interrelationship between disease and drugs. This relationship varies depending on the physical constitution of the individual. In Sukala-Yajur-Veda, Purusa medha adhyaya, chapter 30, verse 22, Atisthula and AtiKrusha are mentioned in the eight types of variform persons. There are eight undesirable types of physical constitutions described in Charaka Samhita Sutra Sthana 21st Chapter. The eight types of undesirable personalities are: 1 1) Ati Deergha or Too tall 2) Ati Hraswa or Too small3) Ati Loma or Too hairy4) Aloma or Hairless5) Ati Krushna or Too black6) Ati Goura or Too white7) Ati Sthoulya or Too obese8) Ati Krusha or Too emaciatedThe above description of eight types of undesirable persons is based on physical constitution only. Out of these eight types, first six are not significant for medical purpose. They are undesirable in the society and cannot be treated. Charaka has considered Atisthoulya as 'Nanatamaja' or specific disease of Kapha2 also included Atisthoulya in Dusitamedoja roga3

    Indoor Positioning of Workers and Monitoring Climatology in Mines Using FM with RSSI

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    Location based services are becoming a most useful technology in our day-to-day life. Wide utilization of Global Positioning System (GPS) in devices like mobile phones combined with Wi-Fi and cellular networks have solved the problem of outdoor positioning or localization and emerged as a market trend. This, however, is the case only for outdoors. There are many areas, which require the knowledge of user position in indoors. Awareness of user’s location is important in such areas as smart environments, assisted daily living, behaviour analysis studies. The main objective of this thesis was A Dedicated RF Frequency Carrier with Modulated Signal is used for mapping the Movement of Object or Human being. The performance of indoor localization using FM transmitter and receivers are compared with Wi-Fi based indoor positioning which has significantly lower Frequency range when compared to FM

    HDR Image Quality Assessment using Tone Mapping Operators

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    With the developments in Image acquisition techniques there is an increasing interest towards High Dynamic Range (HDR) images where the number of intensity levels ranges between 2 to 10,000. With these many intensity levels, the accurate representation of luminance variations is absolutely possible. But, because the standard display devices are devised to display Low Dynamic Range (LDR) images, there is a need to convert HDR image to LDR image without losing important image structures in HDR images. In the literature a number of techniques are proposed to get tone mapped image from HDR image. In this paper an attempt has been made to analyze four TMOs, i.e., Linear Mode, Gamma Correction, Reinhard and Reinhard with color correction. A subjective analysis tells us that the Reinhard with color correction has produced better results. In this paper two new tone mapping operators are proposed

    Solid State Chemistry of Thallous Molybdate

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    The most conventional steering arrangement is to turn the front wheels using a hand–operated steering wheel which is positioned in front of the driver, via the steering column, which may contain universal joints (which may also be part of the collapsible steering column design), to allow it to deviate somewhat from a straight line. In this thesis, to turn the rear wheels out of phase to the front wheels. In order to achieve this, a mechanism which consists of two bevel gears and intermediate shaft which transmit 100% torque as well turns rear wheels in out of phase was developed.  The materials used for these analyses are Aluminum alloy, steel, and cast iron materials. Static analysis to determine the deformation, stress of the steering system at different rotational velocities (220,250,300&400rad/s), modal analysis to determine the natural frequency and deformation for 5 mode shapes. 3D modeled by using the software Pro-Engineer and analysis done in ANSYS software

    To Improve the Probability of Detection in Spectrum Sensing by Using Equal Gain Combining Technique

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    Development of smart spectrum sensing techniques is the most important task in the design of a cognitive radio system, which uses the available spectrum efficiently. The Energy Detection (ED) and covariance absolute value (CAV) methods do not require any information about the signals, channel, and noise power. So these techniques are known as blind spectrum sensing techniques. This paper mainly focusing on equal gain combining technique. This technique was applied on both Energy Detection (ED) and covariance absolute value (CAV). By using this technique at low Signal to noise ratio (SNR) this system can improve the probability of detection