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    [[alternative]]An Exploration of Philosophy of Education in "Li Ji"

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    [[abstract]]本文恪就《禮記》中有關教育哲學的篇章,作總體考察,探討其中教育思想、教學制度及教學理論。本文以宏觀角度,考察《禮記》全書體用兼備的教育思想,將教育哲學區分為「為什麼要教?」、「誰來教?」「教什麼?」、「如何教?」四個層面的問題,依序論述。首先「為什麼要教?」方面,主張教育目的是為了培育君子的人格;將《禮記》教育哲學的本質定位為「以性貫情」,以〈大學〉、〈中庸〉、〈禮運〉、〈樂記〉作為立論依據。其中〈大學〉提出內聖外王的教育理想,〈中庸〉揭示提升人性,上達天命的教育本質。〈禮運〉借由生命禮儀文化教育,上承天道以治理人情。〈樂記〉透過音樂教育善化人心,移風易俗。其次在「誰來教?」「教什麼?」兩方面,從〈王制〉、〈文王世子〉、〈內則〉、〈曲禮〉等篇探討教育制度及教育內容,〈王制〉提出國家整體教育規畫,後三篇則具體說明建國君民及化民成俗的各項教育內容。其三在「如何教?」方面,以〈學記〉作為主要論述內容,探究其中教學原則及評量方法,包括施教者、學習者,及學習成效的衡量。 This paper explores the chapters of ”the Book of Rites” (”Li Ji”) relating to philosophy of education, instructional systems and theories. In this paper, the content of philosophy of education is sorted into four dimensions, including ”why to teach?”, ”what to teach?”, ”who teaches?” and ”how to teach?”First, referring to the question of ”why to teach”, ”the Book of Rites” demonstrates that the core objective of education is to cultivate students to have virtuous personality and its philosophy of education focus on regulating our sentiment (qin) according to our humanity (hsing), as are discussed in its chapters such as ”the Great Learning” (”Da Xue”), ”the Doctrine of Mean”(”Zhong Yong”), ”the Conveyance of Rites” (”Li Yun”) and ”the Record of Music” (”Yue Ji”). For instance, in ”the Great Learning”, ”to be inwardly a sage and outwardly a king” is regarded as an ideal of education. In ”the Doctrine of Mean”, the essence of education is to cultivate our human nature to fit the Mandate of Heaven (Tien Ming). ”The Conveyance of Rites” tell us how to regulate our sentiment according to the Way of Heaven (Tien Dao) through life rituals and cultural education, and ”the Record of Music” tell us how to purify our mind and transform our custom through musical education. Secondly, referring to the questions of ”who teaches” and ”how to teach”, some chapters in ”the Book of Rites” such as ”Royal Regulations” (”Wang Zhi”), ”King Wen as Son and Heir” (”Wen Wang Shi Zi”), ”the Pattern of the Family” (”Nei Ze”) and ”Summary of the Rules of Propriety” (”Qu Li”) explore the instructional system and contents, in which ”Royal Regulations” proposes a national education plan, and the other three chapters examine the instructional contents which aim at educating the people and transform the custom when a state is established. Lastly, referring to the question of ”how to teach”, the chapter ”On Education” explores the instructional principles and evaluation methods, including the evaluation of teachers, learners and learning effectiveness

    [[alternative]]The Uniqueness of Taiwanese Calligraphy--Examples from Some Native Calligraphers

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    [[abstract]]台灣書法,處在獨特而分離之地域中,三百多年來,迭經歷史命運之轉折,在多元文化之刺下,早已形成自我之文化特性與藝術風貌,本文謹以康灎泉、陳丁奇、李普同等數位本土書法家,作為研究對象,此因其人曾經承傳晚清、日治、國府三階段之文化影響,且人格高卓,書風獨特,足以作為探討之典型。台灣書法,一方面必須繼承中華書道文化傳統,另一方面又能開創出具有台灣自我文化特色之書法風貌;抑且,對比於中、日、韓,及其他中華文化圈,而仍能凸顯出台灣書法之文化特色;透過以上數位書家典型之探討,「台灣書法主體性」已可卓然建立。至於面對當前不同文化藝術形態,時有與書法跨界連結之現象,不妨重視多元價值,予以肯定。但是堅持書法本質內涵,落實基礎書法教育,創造優秀書作,承先啟後,發揚台灣書法之優良傳統,端視吾人今後之努力。全文分五節,除前言及結語之外,論述之重點有三,其一,略論書法本質及台灣書法發展歷史之特性,分析當前台灣書法所具有之優勢及不利因素,以便鑑往知來,知所取捨。其二,例舉戰後本土書家之代表人物,作為印證,分析其人書藝成功之緣由,及其典範意義之所在。其三,敍論台灣書法主體性建立之依據,指出時代新頁與未來展望,反省當前書法發展現況,提出具體可行之建議。 Because of the location and history of Taiwan in these three hundred years, Taiwanese have been forming their unique culture and artistic characteristics. This essay researched on some early native calligraphers as model characters such as Kang, Yan-Quan, Chen, Ding-Qi, and Li, Pu-Tong.They inherited the calligraphy tradition from their time each in late Ching-Dynasty, Japanese Colonial Times, and early KMT government in Taiwan. The uniqueness of Taiwanese calligraphy has been constructed by these Taiwanese pioneers. There are three main points in this essay. First,the author makes comments on the art essence of calligraphy and the features of the development of calligraphy in Taiwan. The author also analyzes the advantages and disadvantages factors of the development. Second, the author takes some later local calligraphers as representatives to analyze their inheritance from the pioneers. Third, the author proposes the theory basis of constructing subjectivity of Taiwan calligraphy. At last, the author reflects and proposes suggestions to the calligraphy education nowadays in Taiwan

    [[alternative]]The Ontological Principles of "Li-Ji" and Its Implements

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    [[abstract]]本文探討《禮記》政治思想之形上原理,及其開展之架構。藉〈哀公問〉、〈仲尼燕居〉、〈孔子閒居〉三文作為立論依據,並以《禮記》全書及其他儒學經典為輔,說明「禮」在政治層面上運用之意義及具體功用。 文分六節,一是前言,說明此三文在《禮記》全書中之思想定位,及本文之研究目的、方法及步驟。其二,探索〈哀公問〉之思想內涵,禮作為人民生活之重要憑藉,須落實於五倫關係及喪祭典禮;並說明愛敬之道德情感,及重視大昏,是政治所以完善的根本。其三,從〈孔子閒居〉說明當政者須有作為民之父母的體認及胸襟,其關鍵在於能通達禮樂之原的道德心性,達到「致中和,天地位焉,萬物育焉」的境界,若能掌握禮樂之實質,則不必拘執於外在形式。其四,從〈仲尼燕居〉說明禮是照應生活實事,周詳該徧地予以安頓,闡明其即事顯理,斟酌眾情之特性。其五,綜說三文政治思想之特質,並與《禮記》其他篇章互證。其六,總結前文意旨,說明此三文呈顯一套完整政治思想,有其形上原理及開展過程,在《禮記》全書中佔重要地位,具有深刻意義及價值。 ‘Li-Ji’ is one of the greatest canons in Confucianism because it concluded the thoughts from Confucius to early Han Dynasty. As one of the ‘Three Li-books’ , it was the one which interpreted the main ideals of Confucius, while the other two Li-books ‘Yi-Li’ and ‘Chou-Li’ described the formal rites and the political systems. There are 49 chapters in ‘Li-Ji」, and this essay explores five of them of the ontological principles in ‘Li-Ji’ . They are “Zhong Yong”,“Li-Yun”, “I-Gong Wen”, “Zhong-Ni Yan Ju”, “Kong-Zi Xian Ju”. These five chapters also shows the implements of the ontological principles in ‘Li-Ji’

    [[alternative]]An Inquiry to the Idea System of “Li Ji”

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    [[abstract]]本文探究《禮記》之思想系統,以利呈顯《禮記》所持載中華文化之精神價值,期能藉由經典思想的深入開發,參與當代儒學研究,並開顯其現代意義。 首先依據王船山及唐君毅有關《禮記》之獨特見解,以繼承先聖「復性以立人極」的崇高理想,揭出《禮記》全書四十九篇的思想核心為〈大學〉、〈中庸〉、〈禮運〉、〈樂記〉四文,作為研究全書之基礎。 其次,依據當代新儒家有關〈中庸〉道德形上學之講論,作為研究《禮記》思想之立論根基;並參酌近人禮學及哲學史著作之相關研究成果,予以證成《禮記》思想系統研究之必要。俾使儒家學說中發揚歷史文化,通貫天人內外,本末終始,體用兼備之弘闊格局,得以充分開展。 其三,則將《禮記》思想內容予以系統性之開展叙論,先綜說全書核心篇章,一是〈大學〉與〈中庸〉內聖外王之道德哲學,二是〈禮運〉之論人情及禮義之實踐,三是闡發〈樂記〉禮樂合德之文化整體觀。 其四,依思想文化之三個面向,即體達用地予以暢釋,一是宗教祭祀觀及宇宙論,二是以民為本及重德的政治思想,三是政教關係及教育措施等;俾對《禮記》全書之思想系統,有一較為全面之掌握。 其五,抉發《禮記》思想在生命實踐上之具體作為,上承孔孟儒學及中華文化悠久傳統,一者透過道德主體之自覺修養實踐,而建立健全人格。二者在五倫關係中參酌傳統禮樂文化中之生活智慧,尋找自我定位之可能。 The author analyzes the idea system of "Li Ji" in this article. The purpose of this article is to explore the whole 49 chapters of"Li Ji" by philosophical analysis, and to construct the system of this great book to readers. The author completes the work based on the interpretation of Wang Fi-Ji and Tang Jiun-I, and also on other important documents. The first dimension is to make organic connections among the 49 chapters, especially based on four core chapters: "Da-Shiue", &"Jung-Iung", "Li- Iun", and "Iue-Ji". The second dimension is exploring the moral ontology in "Jung-Iung", based on the theory of contemporary Neo-Confucianism. And for the third dimension, the author describes the moral philosophy in Chapter "Da-Shiue", and "Jung-Iung", the moral sentiments and practice in Chapter "Li- Iun", an the cultural views in Chapter "Iue-Ji". As to the fourth dimension, the author interprets the context of religion, cosmology, politics, and education theories in this canon. At last, the author points out the inner reflections in character education and the outer ethical relationships in moral life and the cultural wisdom inspired from "Li Ji"

    [[alternative]]Confucus' Thought in Li-Yun

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