4 research outputs found

    The Study on the Long-Term Care Insurance in Taiwan

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    Assessing the Perceptions of Quality of Life among Taiwanese Adolescents

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    [[abstract]]本研究之目的在探討台灣青少年生活品質之基底因素結構,同時亦與不同國家比較在使用Raphael等人之QOLPAV(生活品質概況-青少年版)量表時所得之結果。本研究受試對象為1816位12-18歲的在學生,其所屬學校分佈於台灣北、中、南、東部之國高中、高職及五專。問卷結果以試探性因素分析導出,基底因素結構由九個構面組成,即:生理存有、心理精神存有、物理歸屬、社會歸屬、社區歸屬、親密歸屬、實際成為、休閒成為、成長成為。其中心理精神存有與親密歸屬兩個構面並未在其他國家之青少年生活品質基底因素結構中出現。 The purposes of this study were to construct an underlying factor structure of the quality of life profile specific to adolescents in Taiwan, and to compare the results with studies conducted in other countries using the Quality of Life Profile-Adolescent Version (QOLPAV) [1]. The participants in the current study were 1816 students, age 12 to 18, from 20 middle, high, vocational schools, or community colleges in northern, central, eastern, and southern regions of Taiwan. Exploratory Factor Analysis yielded an underlying factor structure composed of nine domains: Physical Being, Psycho-Spiritual Being, Physical Belonging, Social Belonging, Community Belonging, Intimacy Belonging, Practical Becoming, Leisure Becoming, and Growth Becoming. Two of these domains, Psycho-Spiritual Being and Intimacy Belonging were unique to the Taiwanese adolescents' perceptions of quality of life and were not found in the underlying factor structure of Raphael's et al. QOLPAV