7 research outputs found

    The Study of Key Factors to Influence Organizational Procurement - Case of OEM/ODM Semiconductor Manufacturer

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    [[abstract]]本專題主要將物聯網的技術應用於密室逃脫遊戲的設計。採用Raspberry Pi,、Arduino、ESP8266、智慧型手機與相關感測器設計密室逃脫遊戲。Raspberry Pi是資訊交換中心,Arduino是感測器資訊收集中心,ESP8266是Arduino的通訊界面,智慧型手機提供使用者的操作介面。本專題充分利用物聯網的技術,使密室逃脫遊戲更加具有可玩性與創意性


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    Study on Population Structure of Abies kawakamii (Hayata) Ito in East Xue Trail of Xue Mountain

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    臺灣冷杉(Abies kawakamii (Hayata) Ito)主要分布臺灣3,000-3,600 m高海拔山區,常以純林呈現,為臺灣特有種裸子植物。本研究於雪山主峰線探討臺灣冷杉不同林分之族群結構,並彙整製作靜態生命表,探討臺灣冷杉族群動態變化。沿雪山主峰線設置7個50 m×40 m之樣區,總計調查臺灣冷杉有800株,密度571株/ha,各樣區主要伴生木本植物有臺灣鐵杉、玉山圓柏、玉山杜鵑、巒大花楸等。由7個臺灣冷杉林樣區族群結構來看,可將雪山主峰線不同林分之臺灣冷杉徑級結構分成鐘形分布、雙峰分布及反J型分布等3種類型,其中以鐘形分布最為常見。然而彙整本區各樣區臺灣冷杉株數繪製臺灣冷杉族群徑級分布圖,則為反J型分布,反映出演替後期成熟林之結構特性;根據靜態生命表之結果,雪山主峰線臺灣冷杉族群之生存曲線近趨Deevey-III型,屬於小苗死亡率高,成熟後死亡率降低而漸趨穩定。依死亡曲線與致死率曲線發現臺灣冷杉在1-20 cm、60-80 cm,以及>100 cm等3個死亡高峰期,分別反映出稚樹期、青壯期因競爭自疏死亡,而老齡木因生理衰老死亡的狀態。根據各樣區地被類型,以苔蘚植物為主之地被層,臺灣冷杉小苗數量較多,而玉山箭竹為優勢之地被類型,臺灣冷杉小苗數量較少,顯示玉山箭竹優勢對臺灣冷杉更新有一定之抑制作用。Abies kawakamii (Hayata) Ito is the endemic species in Taiwan. It also forms pure forest type at the subalpine ecology at the altitude 3,000-3,600 m mountain area in Taiwan. We investigated the population structure of A. kawakamii at different stands in East Xue Trail of Xue Mountain and constructed static life table to discussion the population dynamics. Seven sampling plots (50 m�40 m) were set along the East Xue Trail of Xue Mountain. Totally investigated 800 stems of A. kawakamii, density is 571 numbers of stem/ha. The associated trees are Tsuga kawakamii, Juniperus squamata, Sorbus randiensis, and Rhododendron pseudochrysanthum. Analysis the diameter at breast height (DBH) class of A. kawakamii at 7 sampling plots in different stands, can divided population structure distribution into 3 types: bell shaped curve, two-peak shaped curve, and reverse-J-shaped curve. At the same time we synthesize all numbers of stem, the DBH class distribution belong to the reverse-J-shaped curve in the A. kawakamii forest type. Reverse-J-shaped curve can reflect the structure characteristic of mature forest at the post succession. Then according the results of the static life table, A. kawakamii seedlings have high ratio death rate. This survivor curve of A. kawakamii population is Deevey-III type in East Xue Trail of Xue Mountain. If the seedlings can growth to adult trees, the death rate would decrease to stable. According the death curve and killingpower curve, the DBH class at 1-20 cm, 60-80 cm, and >100 m stage had highly death ratio. This can reflect A. kawakamii at the sapling and adult period had self-thinning caused by competition, then old age wood physiologically grow to death. Furthermor, based on the understory vegetation type, at the moss dominance type the seedlings numbers of A. kawakamiiare highly than the Yushania niitakayamensis dominance type. It means the Bamboo dominates would impede A. kawakamii regeneration


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    高山生態系是近年來研究全球氣候變遷的重要區域,高山地區的生物種類、族群結構與微環境變化所呈現之綜合反映,提供了全球氣候變遷直接或間接的證據。雪山地區是臺灣頗具代表性的高山生態系,至今仍保存著極為完整之自然資源,在嚴苛氣候條件下孕育著不同的植物社會,動、植物資源迥異於其它生態系,是極需長期進行調查及監測的區域。雪霸國家公園管理處於民國98年起即進行雪山地區整合研究先期調查,初步設立高山微氣象站、長期監測測站及樣線,逐步收集各項生物及非生物因子資料。本計畫為持續調查雪山地區各項生物因子及非生物因子,針對共同測站進行長期監測工作,以提供雪霸國家公園經營管理之參考依據。本計畫調查及研究項目有:1) 高山微氣象與熱量收支研究;2) 集水區環境資料之建置與應用研究;3) 高山地區土壤性質與共生菌根調查研究;4) 維管束植物相研究;5) 苔蘚植物相調查研究;6) 昆蟲多樣性及功能群研究;7) 鳥類群聚與生態研究;8) 哺乳類;9) 高山生態系火燒與植群動態研究;10) 雪山生態系資料庫建置等共計10項。各子計畫除能詳盡調查、研究本區之相關基礎資料,亦加強各計畫間橫向聯繫之配合,以期能初步建構出高山生態系模式之指標。The alpine ecosystem is an important area where study the global climate change in recent year. In the alpine ecosystem, the biological species, population structure and microenvironment changes have provided the indirect and/or direct evidence regarding the global climate change. Syue Mountain area is quite representative of Taiwan's mountain ecosystems, still holds a very full of natural resources. In the harsh climatic conditions many different plant society, animal resources from other ecosystems, is in great need of a long-term investigation and monitoring of the area.Since 2009, the Shei-Pa National Park has planning the pre-investigation project and setting up the mountain micro-meteorological station, long-term investigation monitoring station and-like line, to collect various biological and non-biological factor data. Based on these reasons, these can apply for the national park management strategic decision. The surveys and studies projects: 1) alpine micrometeorology and heat budget research; 2) the environment data establish and applying in the watershed; 3) soil characteristic and symbiosis mycorrhiza investigation; 4) vascular flora investigation; 5) bryophytes flora investigation; 6) entomology diversity and function; 7) avifauna investigation and community ecology; 8) mammalian; 9) fire and vegetation dynamic research; 10) Syue Mountain ecosystem database set up and so on-a total of 10 items. Each subplan in addition to the detailed investigation, research their own local related to the underlying data, also strengthens the various transverse contact works, with a view to the initial structure of the alpine ecosystem model


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    高山生態系是近年來研究全球氣候變遷的重要區域,高山地區的生物種類、族群結構與微環境變化所呈現之綜合反映,提供了全球氣候變遷直接或間接的證據。雪山地區是臺灣頗具代表性的高山生態系,至今仍保存著極為完整之自然資源,在嚴苛氣候條件下孕育著不同的植物社會,動、植物資源迥異於其它生態系,是極需長期進行調查及監測的區域。雪霸國家公園管理處於民國98年起即進行雪山地區整合研究先期調查,初步設立高山微氣象站、長期監測測站及樣線,逐步收集各項生物及非生物因子資料。本計畫為持續調查雪山地區各項生物因子及非生物因子,針對共同測站進行長期監測工作,以提供雪霸國家公園經營管理之參考依據。本計畫調查及研究項目有:1) 高山微氣象與熱量收支之研究;2) 集水區環境資料之建置與應用研究;3) 雪山地區主要林型菌根共生關係之研究;4) 雪山地區苔蘚植物相調查與長期監測研究;5) 雪山地區植物物候調查;6) 雪山高山植群生態研究;7) 高山昆蟲棲群動態及功能群研究;8) 雪山地區高山兩生類與爬蟲類族群生態及分布;9) 雪山地區鳥類群聚與生態研究;10) 雪山地區哺乳類動物及其棲地調查;11) 建置雪山生態系資料庫等共計11項。各子計畫除能詳盡調查、研究本區之相關基礎資料,亦加強各計畫間橫向聯繫之配合,以期能初步建構出高山生態系模式之指標。The alpine ecosystem is an important area where study the global climate change in recent year. In the alpine ecosystem, the biological species, population structure and microenvironment changes have provided the indirect and/or direct evidence regarding the global climate change. Syue Mountain area is quite representative of Taiwan's mountain ecosystems, still holds a very full of natural resources. In the harsh climatic conditions many different plant society, animal resources from other ecosystems, is in great need of a long-term investigation and monitoring of the area.Since 2009, the Shei-Pa National Park has planning the pre-investigation project and setting up the mountain micro-meteorological station, long-term investigation monitoring station and-like line, to collect various biological and non-biological factor data. Based on these reasons, these can apply for the national park management strategic decision. The surveys and studies projects: 1) alpine micrometeorology and heat budget research; 2) the environment data establish and applying in the watershed; 3) soil characteristic and symbiosis mycorrhiza investigation; 4) bryophytes flora investigation; 5) vascular flora phenolgy; 6) alpine ecosystem vegetation; 7) alpine insect dynamics and functional group; 8) herpetofauna 9)avifauna investigation and community ecology; 10) mammalian fauna; 11) Syue Mountain ecosystem database set up; Total of 11 items. Each subplan in addition to the detailed investigation, research their own local related to the underlying data, also strengthens the various transverse contact works, with a view to the initial structure of the alpine ecosystem model