56 research outputs found


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    A Study on Flood Block Detention of Check Dam with Opening and Adverse Slope Energy Dissipation (II)

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    防砂壩下游逆坡消能塊,理論上可消減較多之 能量,且經試驗證實.本期計畫針對不同材料之消 能塊進行更進一步之研究,以探討不同材料消能 塊對防砂壩下游之保護功能及消能效果.在滯洪 方面,開口式滯洪壩之滯洪功效與攔砂功能亦已經試驗證實.當沖刷坑後之半弦月狀淤積堆被水 沖散時,往往造成下游兩岸的沖刷而導致邊坡崩 塌.本期計畫亦對此一現象作深入探討,以期獲致 滯洪壩在洪水時,其對下游河道兩岸之影響

    A Study on the Effect of the Slit Dam for the Debris Flow Control in Taiwan (I)

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    梳子壩在台灣前後已經用了二十年,因為它的規劃設計較繁雜,所以還不普遍,八十五年賀伯颱風後,應用在土石流防治表現普遍受到肯定.但個案設計對工作人員還是很重的負擔.本研究將先行收集國內的研究資料及各單位現場施作梳子壩的資料,就資料加以分析,並至梳子壩現場勘查了解它的功能.我們將探討現場粒徑,梳子的尺寸,梳子的淨間距,壩的力學分析,梳子的力學分析等.最後我們希望編製符合實用、安全、經濟、美觀及生態的梳子壩設計手冊.The slit dam has been used in Taiwan for 20 years approximately. It is not so popular because the planning and design are very complicate and difficult. After Herb typhoon, 1996, the implementation of the slit dam for debris flow cotrol is significant. But it is still a hard work to the engineer for each case. This study is going to collect the research reports, and to find out the slit dam construction data in Taiwan. After data analysis, we are going to have the slit dam site investigation for detail study. We are going to study the gradation of the debris, the dimension of the slit, the clear spacing of the slit, and the structural analysis of the dam and the slit. Finally, the slit dam design handbook will be find out according to the utility, safety, economy, beauty and ecology