39 research outputs found


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    Post Fire Modelling and Its Application on Taiwan Earthquake Loss Estimation System (Teles)

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    An Integrated Method for Fire Following Earthquake Potential Analysis Using GIS Mapping Tools

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    [[abstract]]台灣地區人口、建築物密集度高,一旦大規模地震發生,往往會同時引發其他災害,地震後火災是地震發生後最具傷害性的二次災害,對於社會環境與經濟發展造成相當嚴重的破壞力,若是能在震後火災發生前就有足夠的災害潛勢分析資訊作為參考,對於防救災資源整備、落實應變搶救上都能預先規劃,因此評估地震後發生火災的潛勢與風險,並研擬因應對策為一重要課題。在西元1906 年嘉義梅山地震、1935 年新竹、台中地震及1999 年集集地震皆是造成台灣地區千人死亡的地震災害事故,由於前兩次地震年代久遠,資料取得與驗證不易,只有集集地震有較完整的統計資料,且集集地震與2002 年發生331 地震對台北市皆造成嚴重的傷害,因此本研究希望針對集集地震及331 地震,探討地震火災與瓦斯外洩與事故地區與當地人口密度、建物基本資料、建物使用類別、維生管線、瓦斯、電力等環境現況及消防單位與救災資源等之相關性研究,並結合地理資訊系統軟體工具之運用建置一套「地震後火災潛勢分析系統」,其研究除了可展示震後火災與瓦斯外洩發生之危險區域分佈,亦可作為本土化震後火災次數模組開發之依據,期望提供地區消防單位作為消防資源分配、整備及檢討現行消防區域劃設適宜性之參考。[[note]]NSC94-2211-E327-00

    The Study of Applying Supercritical Co2 on Si-Based Pv Panel and Low-E Glass Recycling Technology

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    [[abstract]]本研究計畫主要利用超臨界二氧化碳流體清洗與萃取之特性,應用於晶矽型太陽光電模組與低輻射Low-E玻璃建材之平板玻璃回收,發展出低成本、低能耗且具有高經濟效益的廢棄建築平板玻璃回收之綠色製程。本研究計畫為整合建築節能、太陽光電與超臨界流體技術之跨領域研究課題。本研究之創新性在於結合過去研究團隊在節能玻璃建材、建築整合太陽光電模組與超臨界流體萃取技術之研究成果,發展出領先世界的廢棄建築平板玻璃之回收技術。本研究計畫為兩年期計畫,第一年度計畫重點在建構超臨界二氧化碳清洗晶矽型太陽光電板,回收平板玻璃之技術。第二年度計畫重點在於加入絡合劑於超臨界二氧化碳萃取技術中,用以開發可萃取低輻射Low-E玻璃中的重金屬離子,進而回收平板玻璃之技術。[[abstract]]The previous studies showed that supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCO2) has been used to clean the metals, some modified polymers and glasses etc. and extract the precious metal from waste materials. Thus, in this two-years project, the authors put an emphasis on developing the Si-based PV panel and Low-E glass recycling technology by using supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCO2). In first phase, the experimental facilities based on the standard process of supercritical carbon dioxide will be established to investigate the cleaning efficiency for EVA in Si-based PV panel. Subsequently, the extraction of precious matal in wasted Low-E glass by supercritical carbon dioxide chelating extraction (SCCE) will be investigated. The effect of pressure, temperature, static and dynamic extraction time and the type of modifier on the extraction efficiency were considered in the second-year project. Finally, the optimum operating conditions of the proposed glass recycling technology will be proven from the present project.[[note]]NSC101-2221-E327-01


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    The Study on Si-Based Pv Panel Glass Recycling Technology

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    [[abstract]]本研究計畫主要利用超臨界二氧化碳流體清洗與萃取之特性,應用於晶矽型太陽光 電模組之平板玻璃回收,發展出低成本、低能耗且具有高經濟效益的廢棄平板玻璃回收 之綠色製程。本研究計畫為整合建築節能、太陽光電與超臨界流體技術之跨領域研究課 題。本研究之創新性在於結合過去研究團隊在節能玻璃建材、建築整合太陽光電模組與 超臨界流體萃取技術之研究成果,發展出領先世界的廢棄建築平板玻璃之回收技術。本 年度申請之研究計畫為延續型計畫,在前期研究中,研究團隊主要針對膠合玻璃的分離 技術進行研究,研究結果發現以溶劑浸潤,再輔以攪拌使溶劑流動,或者使用超音波震 盪,可以增加其對膠合玻璃的滲透性,降低回收處理時效性。此法不僅能回收完整之玻 璃,更能回收大量 PVB膠,僅需將膨潤之 PVB膠溶劑分離即可,而使用後的溶劑更能 重複使用,此方法不僅能達到回收用途,更可減少污染。本年度計畫重點在建構超臨界 二氧化碳清洗晶矽型太陽光電板,並且回收完整平板玻璃之技術。[[abstract]]The previous studies showed that supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCO2) has been used to clean the metals, some modified polymers and glasses etc. and extract the precious metal from waste materials. Therefore, in this project, the authors put an emphasis on developing the Si-based PV panel glass recycling technology by using supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCO2). authors put an emphasis on developing the Si-based PV panel glass recycling technology by using supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCO2). The aim of this task is to acquire the complete recycling glass technology of Si-based PV module. In the first phase, the experimental facilities based on the standard process of supercritical carbon dioxide will be established to investigate the cleaning efficiency for EVA in Si-based PV panel. Subsequently, the extraction of precious metal in wasted PV module by supercritical carbon dioxide chelating extraction (SCCE) will be investigated. The effect of pressure, temperature, static and dynamic extraction time and the type of modifier on the extraction efficiency were considered in this project. Finally, the optimum operating conditions of the proposed glass recycling technology will be proven from the present project.[[note]]MOST103-2221-E327-00


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    The Development of High Heat Resistance Performance of the Ti02 Thin Film Coated on the Bipv Module with a Down-Flowing Water Film

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    [[abstract]]本研究計畫主要利用水膜蒸發潛熱的觀念,應用於BIPV 模組上,一方面保護開口部之玻璃,使之不致於受到高溫而破裂,而將火災傳遞至相鄰空間,產生火災損失;另一方面也可在平時利用水膜來降低BIPV 模組的表面溫度,提升BIPV 模組的發電效率。其最終目的就是發展具有阻熱性以及防焰性的BIPV 模組。本研究計畫為整合光電、建築與防災之跨領域研究課題。本研究之創新性在於結合過去研究團隊在奈米光觸媒、水膜玻璃防火性能、逆算熱傳、建築節能之研究成果,發展出領先世界的高阻熱性能BIPV 模組。本研究計畫為三年期計畫,第一年度計畫重點在分析現行BIPV 模組的阻熱性能,評估除了PV 本身外,哪些配件(如接線盒)的阻熱性能是可提升的。第二年度計畫重點在於建立逆向熱傳預測BIPV 曝火面熱傳量之數學模式,獲得BIPV 模組未裝置水膜時暴露在火災高溫條件下之破裂機制。再者,研究團隊將發展奈米光觸媒塗附覆在BIPV 模組上,增加BIPV 模組之親水性以使水膜能更均勻分佈在模組上。第三年度計畫重點是設計水膜系統,並且透過火災試驗評估塗附奈米光觸媒水膜BIPV 模組之阻熱性能,並且利用建立之逆算熱傳法預測奈米光觸媒水膜BIPV 模組曝火面之表面溫度、熱傳量與熱應力分佈,尋求奈米光觸媒水膜BIPV 模組之最佳阻熱性能。[[abstract]]The previous studies showed that the evaporative latent heat of the water film could be used to protect the glass from melting or breaking in a fire. Thus, in this three-years project, the authors put an emphasis on further developing the high heat resistance and fire integrity performance of Ti02 thin films deposited on BIPV module with down-flowing water film. In first phase, the small-scaled experiment based on the standard code of CNS 14815 (ISO 834-1) will be conducted to investigate the fire-insulation properties of a normal BIPV module without a water film. The heat resistance enhanced alternative will be proposed. Subsequently, the authors will develop the inverse method to estimate the surface boundary conditions of BIPV module. The procedure of Ti02 thin film coated on the BIPV module with the sol-gel method will be developed and the water film generated by a multi-nozzle spray system with a buffer box will also be designed in the second-year project. Finally, the result of temperature field at specified measurement sensors will be utilized to predict the heat resistance of Ti02 thin film coated on the BIPV module with a down-flowing water film by the proposed inverse method. The optimum heat resistance performance of the proposed Ti02 thin film coated on the BIPV module with a down-flowing water film will be proven from the present project.[[note]]NSC100-2221-E327-00


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