276 research outputs found

    Normalization after the Scores:60-year Review of Sino-Vietnamese Relations and Its Prospect

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    2010年是中越建交60周年,在60年的发展历程中,两国人民曾并肩战斗、相互支援,结下了深厚的传统友谊。尽管中越间也曾有过风风雨雨,但那只是短暂的一段经历。自1991年11月中越关系正常化以来,双方在政治、经济、文教、科技等各个领域的交往与合作不断发展,相互信赖逐步增进,友好关系日益巩固和加强。本文主要阐述中越关系的背景、回顾60年的发展历程、总结两国关系的经验教训,分析影响两国关系的主要因素,对两国关系的发展进行展望。This year marks the 60th anniversary of Sino-Vietnamese diplomatic relations.In the 60 years of developing history,people of two countries had fought side by side,supported mutually,and forged a profound traditional friendship.Although both countries have experienced some displeasure,it is only a short period.Since the normalization of Sino-Vietnamese relations in November,1991,the two sides have been developing continuously the political,economic,cultural,educational,scientific,technological and some other fields'exchanges and cooperation,the mutual trust is gradually increased,and the friendly relations have been increasingly consolidated and strengthened.This paper mainly described the background of Sino-Vietnamese relations,recalling the 60 years of the developing process,summing up the experiences and lessons of bilateral relations,analyzing the main factors affecting the bilateral relations and prospecting the development of bilateral relations

    Development and Experiment of Green Cutting Device

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    该金属切削装置基于绿色制造技术,通过绿色金属切削加工实验,用显微技术对加工结果进行工艺分析,表明该装置使用微量绿色金属切削液,能够取得与传统湿切削相同的加工性能,减少环境污染,降低加工成本。Green manufacturing technology based on the metal cutting device,through the experiment of green metal cutting,using micro technology on processing results for process analysis,show that the device using micro green metal cutting fluid,can be achieved with traditional wet machining the same performance,reduce environmental pollution,reduce processing costs

    Effects of oyster bioactive peptides BPO-1 on the morphology and ultrastructure of human gastric adenocarcinoma cell line BGC-823

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    目的观察BPO-1对人胃腺癌BGC-823细胞形态与超微结构的影响,以探索BPO-1对胃癌细胞的作用机制。方法采用酸抽提、凝胶柱层析等方法,从牡蛎体内分离提取到牡蛎天然活性多肽组分BPO-1,以细胞凋亡诱导物姜黄素和癌细胞分化诱导物HMBA为平行对照,用光镜、透射电镜观察BPO-1处理细胞的形态和超微结构变化。结果经处理后的BGC-823细胞体积缩小、染色质凝聚、线粒体空泡化、内质网腔扩大和出现凋亡小体等多种典型的细胞凋亡形态和超微结构特征。结论牡蛎天然活性肽BPO-1对人胃腺癌BGC-823细胞凋亡的诱导具有显著作用。Objective To study the effects of bioactive peptides from oyster on the morphology and ultrastructure changes of human gastric adenocarcinoma cell line BGC-823 and its mechanism.Methods BPO-1 was isolated from Ostrea cucullata by acid extraction and gel chromatography,and was used to treat the BGC-823 cells.Curcumin and HMBA were used as control.The morphology and ultrastructure of the cells were examined by light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy.Results After treatment with BPO-1,typical apoptosis characteristics of the morphology and ultrastructure could be observed on BGC-823 cells.Conclusion BPO-1 could effectively inhibit the proliferation of BGC-823 cells and induce BGC-823 cells to apoptosis.福建省科技计划重点资助项目(2003N0052

    Regulation of bioactive peptides of oyster(BPO)on the cell cycle and gene expression of human gastric adenocarcinoma cell-line BGC-823

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    目的比较研究牡蛎天然活性肽(BPO)对人胃腺癌BGC-823细胞凋亡的生物学效应,并进一步探索其对胃癌细胞的作用机制。方法采用酸抽提、凝胶柱层析等方法,从牡蛎体内分离提取到牡蛎天然活性多肽组分BPO-1,以姜黄素和HMBA处理组为平行对照,流式细胞仪检测细胞周期变化及以免疫细胞化学方法检测相关癌基因、抑癌基因表达变化。结果BPO-1能有效抑制BGC-823细胞增殖活动,出现亚G1期细胞,细胞进入凋亡现象。BPO-1,姜黄素及其组合均能不同程度地上调BGC-823细胞p16,c-myc,Fas,p21WAF1/CIP1蛋白表达,下调突变型p53,bcl-2蛋白表达。结论BPO-1对胃癌细胞具有显著的诱导凋亡作用。其诱导癌细胞凋亡机制与其调节和干预bcl-2,c-myc等癌基因和p53,p16,p21WAF1/CIP1等抑癌基因的表达有关。Objective To investigate the effects and mechanism of bioactive peptides of oyster(BPO)on the apoptosis of human gastric adenocarcinoma cell line BGC-823.Methods BPO-1,isolated from Ostrea cucullata by acid extraction and gel chromatography,was used to treat the BGC-823 cells.Curcumin and HMBA were used as control.Cell-cycle was detected by flow cytometer,some oncogene and tumor repressive gene were detected by lmmunocytochemistry analysis.Results BPO-1 could effectively inhibit the proliferation of BGC-823 cells,induce cells into sub-G1 phase.BPO1,curcumin and their combination could up-regulate the expression of gene p16,c-myc,Fas,p21WAF1/CIP1,and down-regulate gene p53,bcl-2.Conclusion BPO-1 could effectively induce BGC-823 cells into apoptosis,and the apoptosis effect involved to the changes of oncogene and tumor repressive gene.福建省科技计划重点资助项目(2003N0052

    敦煌と東アジアの信仰 : 第二冊[ 民俗資料調査研究編 ]

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    第二冊[民俗資料調査研究編]目次 東アジアの視角より中世の神樂を考える―假面の呪術、祭祀、藝能としての神樂の生成―(松尾恒一) …1 近世における媽祖信仰と佛教、キリスト敎―東シナ海・南シナ海の 海商・海盗の航海と信仰―(松尾恒一) …22 餓鬼・孤魂―祀り手のない死靈―と疫病(松尾恒一) …61 敦煌三危山考(初稿)(荒見泰史) …71 敦煌的西王母信仰(《敦煌三危山考》2019.7版)(荒見泰史) …94 敦煌の西王母信仰と唱導(荒見泰史) …121 宮島の神さま(荒見泰史) …137 和泉市久保惣記念美術館『佛說十王經』調査(荒見泰史) …153 通渭社火―中國農村の正月儀禮と燃灯儀禮についての一考察 ―(荒見泰史) …174 韓國東海三和寺水陸齋調査報告(荒見泰史) …196 韓國東海三和寺水陸齋調研報告(中国語版)(荒見泰史、桂弘) …214 上海における傳統藝能の現狀(荒見泰史)…230 重慶大足石刻調査記(荒見泰史) …245 香港盂蘭勝會調査(荒見泰史) …261 香港・マカオ調査記錄(2018年8月)(Team ARAMI) …291 中國古代の龍船とその展開(荒見泰史) …319 【修士論文】唐五代時期敦煌における風伯信仰の研究(梁晨靜) …3379、10世紀敦煌佛敎、道敎、民間信仰融合資料の綜合的研究 2016年度-2020年度科學研究費補助金 基盤研究(B)(一般)研究課題番號1 6 H 0 3 4 0 4 研究成果報告


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    目的以正丁酸钠为平行对照,比较观察鲎素和癌细胞诱导分化物对人胃癌细胞形态与超微结构变化的影响。方法采用光镜、扫描电镜与透射电镜,观察经2.0 mg/L鲎素、2.0 mmol/L正丁酸钠和1.0 mg/L鲎素+1.0 mmol/L正丁酸钠组合处理的人胃腺癌BGC-823细胞。结果光镜观察显示,鲎素和正丁酸钠以及鲎素+正丁酸钠处理的BGC-823细胞形态均较为一致,细胞体积增大、趋于扁平铺展状态,细胞核质比例减小,细胞核形状较圆整,核仁数量减少。扫描与透射电镜观察可见经鲎素、正丁酸钠及其组合处理的BGC-823细胞均出现细胞表面微绒毛稀少,细胞边缘丝状伪足减少,片状伪足增多;细胞核形态较规则,核内异染色质减少,常染色质增多:细胞质内线粒体增多,结构较为一致,高尔基复合体呈较为典型发达状态,并出现粗面内质网增多和多聚核糖体减少等变化。结论鲎素具有与正丁酸钠等诱导分化物相似的改变人胃癌细胞形态与超微结构恶性表型特征的作用,和与诱导分化物协同加成的诱导分化效果。Objective To compare the morphology and ultrastructure changes of human gastric adenocarcinoma cell line treated by tachyplesin and n-sodium butyrate. Methods Light microscope,scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscope were used to observe human gastric adenocarcinoma cell line BGC-823 treated by 2.0?mg/L tachyplesin,2.0?mmol/L n-sodium butyrate and 1.0?mg/L tachyplesin in combination with 1.0?mmol/L n-sodium butyrate respectively. Results Light microscope observation showed that BGC-823 cells treated by tachyplesin,n-sodium butyrate and tachyplesin+n-sodium butyrate possessed the similar cell modality as follow: the volume of cell increased,the shape of cell became flat and outspread,nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio decreased,the shape of nucleus was rounde,the number of nucleolus decreased.Scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscope observation showed that,in the BGC-823 cells which were treated with tachyplesin,n-sodium butyrate and tachyplesin in combination with n-sodium butyrate respectively,microvilli and filopodia reduced,sheed pseudopodia increased,the shape of nucleus became regular,heterochromatin decreased while euchromatin increased,the number of mitochondria increased and its structure appeared consistent,Golgi complex turned to be typical,the amount of rough endoplasmic reticulum increased and that of polyribosome decreased.Conclusion All of these results showed that tachyplesin possessed the similar effects to n-sodium butyrate on changing morphology and ultrastructure of human gastric adenocarcinoma cells and possessed an additive role of inducing tumor cells to differentiate cooperatively with n-sodium butyrate to induce carcinoma cell differentiation.国家自然科学基金资助[30170724

    Differentiation Induced by Ginsenoside Rg1 Combined Formula Involved the Alteration of Prohibitin Localization and Expression in Human Osteosarcoma MG-63 Cells

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    选择性抽提经人参皂苷Rg1组合(RCT)诱导处理前后的人成骨肉瘤MG-63细胞核基质,对prohibitin在核基质中的存在、分布及其与相关基因产物在RCT处理前后MG-63细胞中的共定位关系进行观察研究.蛋白质组学分析结果显示,prohibitin存在于人成骨肉瘤MG-63细胞核基质蛋白组分中,并在RCT处理后细胞核基质中表达下调;蛋白质印迹杂交确证了prohibitin在MG-63细胞核基质中的存在及其在RCT处理后下调变化;免疫荧光显微镜观察进一步证实prohibitin定位在核基质上,经RCT处理后出现分布位置与表达水平变化;激光共聚焦显微镜观察可见prohibitin与c-Fos、c-Myc、p53和Rb基因产物均存在共定位关系,并在RCT处理后共定位分布区域出现变化.本研究证实了prohibitin是一种新发现的核基质蛋白,其在核基质上的定位与表达在RCT诱导分化前后发生显著变化,并与相关癌基因、抑癌基因产物存在共定位关系.实验表明RCT处理引起的prohibitin的变化与人成骨肉瘤MG-63细胞的诱导分化与调控具有密切关系,为深入揭示RCT等中药有效成分诱导肿瘤细胞分化的机理提供了重要科学依据和深入探索的新方向.Prohibitin is a nuclear matrix protein and associates with various oncogene products.A combined formula with ginsenoside Rg1,cinnamic acid and tanshinoneⅡA(RCT)was used to treat human osteosarcoma MG-63 cells in this study.We found that the prohibitin expression in the nuclear matrix was of decreased following RCT treatment by Western blot.The colocalization of prohibitin with the products of oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes,including c-Fos,c-myc,p53 and Rb was evaluated by immunofluorescence staining and laser scanning confocal microscopy.We observed significant alternations of prohibiitin distribution and the degree of colocalization with the associated gene products after the cells exposed to RCT.The results suggested that prohibitin might be involved in the RCT-induced differentiation in MG-63 cells.Our findings may provide information to expand the applications of Traditional Chinese Medicine formulas in cancer-related studies.国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.30470877)~