2 research outputs found

    The study of mobilize to adolescent in the central Soviet area

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    本文主要围绕中央苏区青少年动员这一主体来探讨苏维埃革命时期中国共产党的社会动员机制及其社会意义。文章通过考察少年先锋队、童子团组织的人员构成、组织体系建设内在的复杂性和苏区革命在动员青少年群体演变中的重要性,反思诸如少年先锋队、儿童团组织与苏维埃革命之间相互政治嵌入性到底如何、“模式化”或者“范式化”的政治学概念到底是怎样嵌入到具体革命实践中等相关基本问题。除了导论和结语之外,文章一共分为两个部分: 第一部分主要考察少年先锋队的组织机构以及少年先锋队与苏区革命之间的关联性问题。文章认为,少年先锋队的组织建立与发展,都与苏维埃革命密切相关,少年先锋队组织的起始与兴盛源自于苏维埃革命巨大的推动力...This essay mainly around the central Soviet teenagers mobilize the body to explore the mechanism of social mobilization and social significance of the Chinese Communist Party of the Soviet Revolution. Through investigation of the Young Pioneers, personnel boy group organization structure, organization system construction inherent complexity and importance of the Soviet revolution in mobilizing you...学位:法学硕士院系专业:马克思主义学院_中共党史学号:3322013115225

    Study of Young Pioneers in the Central Soviet Area

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    中央苏区少年先锋队是苏维埃革命队伍中的重要组成部分。它的人员结构随着革命形势的发展不断变化,确立了以民主集中制为原则的组织机构,并建立了巡视、培训、例会以及惩罚制度。它与共青团、红军和苏维埃政府之间相互嵌入性十分复杂,并且相互影响,逐渐形成互为共进的政治关系,对中央苏区的政治革命产生了重要影响。Young Pioneers of the Central Soviet Base served as an important component of the Soviet revolutionary organization. Its personnel structure varied with the progress of the revolutionary situa- tions. In the early days, its members sourced mainly from the rural youths. Later, however, it was inclusive to urban youths as well. Young pioneers were limited to young people, both men and women, aged between 16 and 23. The institutional framework of the Young Pioneers, guided by democratic centralism, was established. Besides, regulations concerning inspection tour, training, regular meeting and punishment were established. Politically promoting one another, Young Pioneers were closely associated with the Communist Youth League, the Red Army and the Soviet Govern- ment. It exerted a significant influence on the politics and revolution of the Central Soviet Base