42 research outputs found

    Effects of soil water condition on Ficus microcarpa growth and physiological characteristics

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    以3年生人参榕(fICuS MICrOCArPA)为试材,采用盆栽调控水分的方法,研究5种不同的水分处理(基质最大含水量的90%~100%,70%~80%,50%~60%,30%~40%和10%~20%)对人参榕生长和生理的影响,为栽培生产提供理论依据。结果表明:随着浇水量的减少,人参榕的株高、冠幅、块根增量均显著下降(P<0.05);人参榕叶片的超氧化物歧化酶(SOd)、过氧化物酶(POd)活性显著增高(P<0.05),细胞膜相对透性显著增强,脯氨酸和丙二醛(MdA)含量也显著增加;叶片净光合速率(Pn)和蒸腾速率(Tr)呈随浇水量的减少而显著降低;但叶片水分利用效率(WuE)呈显著增加趋势;各处理的叶片初始荧光(fO)和最大光量子效率(fV/fM)差异不显著。在各处理中,70%~80%的最大基质含水量的处理,其人参榕叶片的细胞膜相对透性最低,保护酶活性最弱,脯氨酸和丙二醛含量最低,净光合速率高,从而导致了人参榕具有生长最快、株高、冠幅和最大块根直径增量最大的特点。可见,70%~80%的最大基质含水量为是人参榕种植效果最好的水分管理模式。A greenhouse pot experiment was conducted to study the effects of different soil water conditions on the growth and physiological characteristics of three years old Ficus microcarpa seedlings,aimed to provide an optimum water management mode for the cultivation of this horticultural species.Five treatments were installed,i.e.,90%-100%,70%-80%,50%-60%,30%-40%,and 10%-20% of maximum soil water content.With the decrease of the water content,the seedling height,crown diameter,and root tuber biomass decreased significantly,leaf superoxide dismutase(SOD) and peroxidase(POD) activities,membrane permeability,and proline and malondialdehyde(MDA) contents had significant increase,leaf photosynthetic rate(Pn) and transpiration rate(Tr) decreased significantly,and leaf water use efficiency(WUE) had a significant increasing trend in the treatments with lower soil water content.No significant differences were observed in the minimum fluorescence yield in light-adapted state(Fo) and the quantum yield of PSII photochemistry in dark-adapted state(Fv/Fm) among the five treatments.In treatment 70%-80% of maximum soil water content,the leaf membrane permeability,SOD and POD activities,and proline and MDA contents were the lowest while the Pn was highest,resulting in the quickest seedling growth and the largest increments of plant height,crown diameter,and root tuber biomass,suggesting that this treatment could be the best water management mode for the cultivation of F.microcarpa.福建省科技重大专项(2007SZ08010053);福建省科技创新平台建设项目(2008N2003)资

    Method for generation of painting-like artistic effect

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    图像的绘画效果由平滑纹理,保持并加强边角获得。给出一种鲁棒的由真实图像自动生成相应绘画效果的算法。算法根据图像的局部结构,自适应地调节滤波器的带宽与形状,来模拟画笔宽度和绘画技法。实验结果表明,算法的处理结果在视觉效果上接近绘画,并且对低质量的输入图像同样有效。Painting-like artistic effects can be achieved from photographic images by filters that smooth out texture details,while preserving or enhancing edges and corners.A novel image filter is proposed in this paper to generate painting-like effects.By adaptively changing its bandwidth and shape to image features,this filter can simulate the size of brush and painting skills.A large variety of experimental results show that the output of the proposed operator is visually similar to a painting.The proposed operator is robust to degradations of the input image such as blurring and noise contamination.国家重点基础研究发展规划(973)No.2007CB311005;福建省自然科学基金No.A0710020---


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    核磁共振(Nuclear Magnetic Resonance,NMR)以无辐射、非入侵、高分辨率及信息丰富等特点被广泛应用在化学、生物、医药、材料等领域.纯化学位移技术,因其能大幅提高NMR重叠谱图分辨率的优良特性,近年来逐渐成为NMR领域的研究热点.本文结合作者所在团队在纯化学位移新技术及其应用研究的基础上,评述了纯化学位移技术的发展现状,及其机遇与挑战.国家自然科学基金大科学装置联合基金重点项目(U1632274

    Analysis on the characteristics of macrobenthis community in the North-west Daya Bay of South China Bay in spring

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    利用2008年春季在大亚湾西北部海域开展的12个测站的大型底栖动物调查资料,对该海域大型底栖动物的群落特征进行分析。结果表明该海域内大型底栖动物优势种由粗帝汶蛤(TIMOClEA SCAbrA)、波纹巴非蛤(PAPHIA undulATA)、上野蜾蠃蜚(COrOPHIuM uEnOI)、方背鳞虫(lEPIdOnOTuS SQuAMATuS)、刀明樱蛤(MOErEllA CulTEr)和角海蛹(OPHElIA ACuMInATA)等6种组成;可划分为4个群落,群落Ⅱ和群落Ⅰ为主体群落,群落Ⅲ和群落Ⅳ分布区较小,群落间差异较大。大型底栖动物数量上以个体较大的软体动物占优,但群落的组成则以多毛类和甲壳类为主,其组成情况基本上反映了群落的特征。群落Ⅰ以多毛类-甲壳类为表征,群落Ⅱ则以甲壳类-多毛类-软体动物为表征。栖息环境的差异,是造成群落间差异的主要原因;群落多样性水平呈群落Ⅲ>群落Ⅱ>群落Ⅰ>群落Ⅳ,沉积环境的污染状况和人为扰动是影响多样性水平的主要因素;群落整体的稳定性较好,未受到明显的扰动,但分布于航道区域和渔业生产作业区的群落Ⅳ和群落Ⅲ,在航道建设、疏浚和渔业生产的影响下,群落受到一定程度的扰动,稳定性较弱。Based on the data collected from 12 research stations in the North-west Daya Bay,South China Sea in spring 2008,the characteristics of macrobenthis community were examined.The results showed that the dominant macrobenthic species were Timoclea scabra,Paphia undulate,Corophium uenoi,Lepidonotus squamatus,Moerella culter and Ophelia acuminate.The macrobenthos community could be divided into four groups with notable differences.Group Ⅰ and Ⅱ were the dominant groups,while the distribution areas of Groups Ⅲ and Ⅳ were relatively small.Overall,molluscs was dominant in quantity in the macrobenthos community but the community was mainly composed of Annelida and Arthropoda,reflecting the characteristics of the community.The dominant macrobenthic species of group Ⅰ were Timoclea scabra,Nephtys oligobranchia,Theora lata,Sigambra hanaokai,Glycinde gurjanvae,Prionospio malmgreni,Timoclea scabra,Turritella bacillum,Corophium tridentium,Phyllodocidae und.,Nectoneanthes alatopalpis,Ericthonius pugnax,Pseudopythina sp.and Stylochus ijimai.Species belonging to this group distributed in the nearshore area of Aotou Harbor and Nanhai Petrochemicals Basement Group Ⅱ assemblage includes Paphia undulata,Timoclea scabra,Corophium uenoi,Prionospio malmgreni,Sigambra hanaokai,Ophelia acuminata,Mediomastus sp.,Nephtys oligobranchia,Moerella culter,Corophium lamellatum,Paraprionospio pinnata and Prionospio pulchra.These species distributed mainly around the Chunzhou Island where suspended long line culture of oyster was common.The discriminating species for Group Ⅰ were S.hanaokai,N.soligobranchia,P.malmgreni,N.alatopalpis and E.pugnax while group Ⅱ were C.uenoi,P.malmgreni,S.hanaokai,N.oligobranchia,T.scabra,M.sp.,Phyllodocidae und.,P.pinnata,O.acuminata,C.lamellatum,M.culter and Chaetozone sp.Group Ⅲ assemblage were mainly found in the west side of Mabianzhou,where it was a fishing ground for Arthropoda in Daya Bay.Group Ⅳ was distributed in area where main shipping routes passed through,in the east side of area of Group Ⅱ and in between the area of Group Ⅰ and Ⅲ.For each community group,while group Ⅱ Group Ⅰ was dominated by Annelida and Arthropoda while Group Ⅱ was dominated by arthropoda,annelida and mollusca;such difference is mainly because of the difference in habitat conditions.Diversity of macrobentho community was highest in Group Ⅲ,followed by Group Ⅱ,Group Ⅰ and then Group Ⅳ.Poor habitat condition caused by pollution,sedimentation and other human disturbances were the main reasons for the differences in diversity between groups.In general,macrobenthos community in the North-west Daya Bay of South China Sea was stable in spring.However,community structure of Groups Ⅳ and Ⅲ,which distributed in the main navigation route and fishing grounds,were less stable;suggesting the disturbances from maintenance of navigation channel and fishing activities might have reduced community stability.中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项基金(2007ZD08;2007TS08;2010YD10


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    Oil and gas pipeline automatic connecting device for machine tool automatic clamp

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    Micro/Nano Fabrication Technology of Non-Silicon Material for Aeronautical MEMS Systems

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    随着对航空飞行器智能控制的迫切需求,硅基微机电系统MEMS(Micro-electromechanical Systems)传感器和执行器难以满足飞行器恶劣的运行环境,因而以碳化硅、氮化铝等为代表的多种MEMS特种材料被不断研究和使用。概述这些特种材料的机电特性有利于缩小特种传感器研发的材料选择范围;而针对兼具机械和电学两方面应用的碳化硅、氮化铝和聚合物前驱体陶瓷开展微纳加工技术的综述,有利于全面了解这3种材料的成型成性关键工艺,进而揭示从航空特种材料到MEMS器件的加工技术发展规律,为普遍使用电信号的航空特种传感器的研发提供加工手段借鉴。With the urgent demand for intelligent control of air vehicle, silicon-based MEMS sensors and actuators are diffi cult to meet the requirements of the harsh running environment, so various kinds of MEMS specialty materials, such as Si C, Al N and polymer derived ceramics are constantly studied and used. The mechanical and electrical properties of these specialty materials are summarized to reduce the scope of material selection for the special sensor research and development. Therefore, carrying out a review of the micromachining is conducive to a comprehensive understanding of the key process of formability of the three materials. And then, the laws from specialty materials of aviation to development of processing technology of MEMS devices would be revealed and the means for reference of the research and development of the general aviation special sensor which using electrical signals would also be provided in this paper