379 research outputs found


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    波兰传教士卜弥格(Michel Boym)对\"大秦景教流行中国碑\"的碑文翻译为我们提供了一套完善的汉字拉丁注音方案。目前,学界针对卜弥格的拉丁注音方案的专门研究较少,文章试图通过对卜弥格的碑文拉丁翻译文本的汉语语音系统整理,将之与罗明坚、利玛窦和金尼阁等三个早期汉学家拼音方案的声母系统对比,根据其间的异同之处分析卜弥格对汉语语音特征的认识,进而研究17世纪波兰汉学中的汉语语音特征。教育部人文社会科学规划项目“17-19世纪欧洲汉学视野中的汉语类型特征研究”(13YJAZH021);;国家社会科学基金项目“19世纪稀见英文期刊与汉语域外传播研究”(15BYY052);;厦门大学两岸关系和平发展协同创新中心“欧洲的汉语传播与华文跨境教育研究”(HGF04


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    集团内部发生非货币性交易后 ,在该交易的影响年度内编制集团的合并报表 ,就必须剔除掉内部交易引起的资产价值变动和重复计算的因素 ,以未发生交易、资产仍在原有公司为目标来编制抵销分录。本文以不涉及补价的固定资产与短期股票投资交易为例 ,分析说明在编制合并报表时 ,如何编制分录、抵消集团内部的非货币性交易

    The Self and the Other in the “Love Affairs” in A Lost Lady: A Cognitive Approach

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    在《一个迷途女士》(ALostLady)中,凯瑟不仅塑造了尼尔这个少年“艺术家”形象,也塑造了充满活力的玛丽亚·福斯特夫人。尼尔敏感、聪颖、对周遭他人充满浪漫主义想象;福斯特夫人风趣、老练、与人相处无不展示出她的魅力,她是小镇上“女士”的代名词。除了精彩的人物形象,小说也展现了一段段复杂的人物关系,关系形式主要是人物间的恋情,其中包括福斯特夫人的两段“婚外恋”。为了解释恋爱关系成败的原因,本文以人物关系中的自我、他者张力为切入点,尝试把小说恋爱关系中的自我、他者互动看作是认知现象,而非文学传统。从认知角度看,人物间的相遇是认知框架的相遇,意味用一种认知框架建立起自我和他者、自我和外部世界的关系...In A Lost Lady, Willa Cather not only portrays the image of a young artist, Niel, but also depicts the energetic Mrs. Forrester. Niel is sensitive and intelligent, harboring a romantic imagination about the world and people around him; Marian Forrester is sophisticated and has a good sense of humor, showing her personal charm in every encounter with others. Whatever she does is “ladylike”. In addi...学位:文学硕士院系专业:外文学院_英语语言文学学号:1202012115259

    Study on the Measurement of Vitamins with High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Online Photochemical Derivatization-Fluorimetric Detection

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    维生素是维持人体正常生理功能所必需的一类化合物。它们种类繁多,性质各异,按照溶解性质将维生素分为水溶性维生素和脂溶性维生素两大类。维生素在体内不提供热能,但参与人体重要的生理代谢过程,对人体生长和各个器官发育有着非常重要的作用。人体每日需要的各种维生素量极少,它们一般不能在体内合成或合成量太少,不能满足机体需要,须经常由食物供给。如果长期缺乏维生素就会导致各种疾病。维生素常作为强化食品的添加因子,它广泛存在于谷类,果蔬,肉禽及蛋类等加工品中和各种维生素营养品中。维生素的测定对食品、饲料、药品、营养品等领域都有非常重要的意义。 研究论文分四章:第一章对国内外维生素测定有关的研究进行了综述。...Vitamins are a class of organic compounds which are necessary for physiological function of the body. Depending on their solubility, vitamins are divided into two groups, water-soluble vitamins and fat-soluble vitamins. Vitamins or their precursors exist in natural foods, and no kind of natural food contains all the vitamins needed by the body. Vitamins do not provide energy for the body, and gene...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与环境学院海洋学系_海洋化学学号:2242007115081

    Design and Implementation of E-learning Management System Based on Cloud Service

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    随着多互联网技术和多媒体技术的发展、应用和普及,人们思考和学习的方式也发生着巨大的改变,在线学习这种教学方式应运而生,并且在全球迅速流行,它对传统的教学理念提出挑战,并且改变了人们的学习方式。在线学习通过使用信息技术让教学环境变得更加多元化,从而能够让人们更加方便、高效地获得知识。它不仅适合于传统教学,还很好地适合于企业培训等商业教学。 本文针对目前的在线学习管理系统缺乏知识推荐和在线考试等功能以及支撑能力不足等问题,开发一套基于云服务的在线学习管理系统,主要研究内容如下: 1、针对在线学习的业务流程,基于.NET框架、jQuery技术和SQLSever2008数据库,设计并实现了一套基于...In recent years,with development in the internet technology and multimedia technology, the way of people thinking and learning has been becoming increasingly popular, so E-learning systems have appeared and played a vital role in the global, which are challenging the traditional teaching concept, and changing the way that people learn something. E-learning system utilizes information technology to...学位:工学硕士院系专业:软件学院_计算机软件与理论学号:2432011115227

    Research on Art Songs Such as After a Dream, Moonlight, and Mandolin Composed by French Musician Fauré

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    福雷(GabrielFauré1845-1924)是19世纪末20世纪初在欧洲音乐史上具有一定影响力的法国作曲家。他在继承古典主义和浪漫主义音乐传统的同时,又为印象派音乐的出现开辟了道路,极大地影响了新一代的作曲家。福雷一生创作了100多首艺术歌曲,被称为“法国的舒曼”。福雷的艺术歌曲具有很高的研究价值,是深受广大歌唱家们喜欢的作品,既是经典音乐会常唱的曲目,又是国际声乐比赛及欧洲著名音乐学府入学考试的常用曲目,更是青年学生深入学习法国艺术歌曲的宝贵资料。 本文从法国艺术歌曲的产生与发展入手,分析对比福雷三个创作时期的音乐风格,最后以《梦后》、《月光》、《曼陀林》为例,从歌词分析、歌唱语音、...Gabriel Fauré(1845-1924) was an influential French composer in European music history of late 19th century and early 20th century. He had carried on classic and romantic music tradition and opened a gate for impressionist music, which have greatly impacted musician of younger generation. Fauré had created more than 100 art songs, and he was named French Schumann. His songs are very valuable for mu...学位:文学硕士院系专业:艺术教育学院音乐系_音乐学学号:1872008115354

    Design and Implementation of E-learning Management System Based on Cloud Service

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    随着多互联网技术和多媒体技术的发展、应用和普及,人们思考和学习的方式也发生着巨大的改变,在线学习这种教学方式应运而生,并且在全球迅速流行,它对传统的教学理念提出挑战,并且改变了人们的学习方式。在线学习通过使用信息技术让教学环境变得更加多元化,从而能够让人们更加方便、高效地获得知识。它不仅适合于传统教学,还很好地适合于企业培训等商业教学。 本文针对目前的在线学习管理系统缺乏知识推荐和在线考试等功能以及支撑能力不足等问题,开发一套基于云服务的在线学习管理系统,主要研究内容如下: 1、针对在线学习的业务流程,基于.NET框架、jQuery技术和SQLSever2008数据库,设计并实现了一套基于云服务的在线学习管理系统,涵盖了知识库管理、在线学习管理、在线考试管理、查询统计管理、学员中心和系统管理等六个功能模块。本文介绍了系统的需求分析,包括业务需求、功能性需求和非功能性需求;系统设计,包括架构设计、功能设计、数据库设计和安全性设计;并介绍了系统的实现环境、展示了系统的界面设计以及核心功能模块的代码实现过程,并且给出了系统的功能测试和性能测试结果。 2、为了实现相似知识推荐的功能,系统采用协作过滤推荐算法,通过对信息的过滤实现了相似知识的推荐功能。减少了用户无目标寻找资源的时间,提高了自主学习的质量和效率。 3、通过使用云服务,解决系统可支撑能力不足,难以扩展,开发成本高昂等问题。 测试结果表明,系统能够较好地满足人们在线自主学习和在线考试的需要。In recent years,with development in the internet technology and multimedia technology, the way of people thinking and learning has been becoming increasingly popular, so E-learning systems have appeared and played a vital role in the global, which are challenging the traditional teaching concept, and changing the way that people learn something. E-learning system utilizes information technology to provide diversified teaching environment, so that people can obtain knowledge more convenient and efficient. It is not only suitable for traditional teaching, but also suitable for the enterprises training and business education. To solve the problems in the actual business, such as without knowledge recommendation, none online examination, lack of the ability to soupport larger systems, an e-learning system is designed and implemented based on cloud service model. Its main contents are as follows: Firstly, according to business processes of online learning, we use .NET framework, jQuery technology and SQL Sever 2008 database designs an e-learning system based on cloud service, cover six function modules: knowledge base management module, online learning management module, online examination management module, query statistics management module, student center module and system management module. Based on software engineering theory, this dissertation introduces system requirements analysis, overall design, and database design and gives the code of the key functional modules of the system to achieve, the realization of the effect of the system, and the system functionality and performance test results. Secondly, in order to realize similar knowledge recommendation, collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm is used, which is based on the information filtering technology. Similar knowledge recommendation will reduce the time users looking for resources; improve the quality and efficiency of the training and learning. Finally, the exsited problems have been resolved, for example, system support ability is not enough and is difficult to expand. After these e-learning systems are applied, the requirements are satisfied according to the test results.学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:2432011115227

    Validation and Application of Analytical Methods for Determination of Total Mercury and Methyl Mercury In Marine Environmental Samples

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    汞是一种可在全球循环的持久性有毒污染物,人类活动是汞污染的主要成因。各形态的汞化合物中,无机汞较容易排泄,而有机汞毒性较强,其中甲基汞毒性最大。为研究环境中汞的含量、分布及形态,进而探讨汞污染来源、汞的环境行为和生态毒理效应,各种环境样品中汞和甲基汞的分析方法不断发展。 然而,我国测定总汞、甲基汞的现行标准方法仍存在不足。对于总汞测定,针对海洋环境样品的GB17378.6-2007国家标准方法无法满足海水样品中低浓度汞的测定需要;冷原子吸收光度法装置复杂,不便普及应用。因此,建立统一的海水、生物体和沉积物中汞分析的方法,以便于进行数据统计和比对分析是十分必要的。 目前,甲基汞的测定仅在全国...Mercury is a persistent toxic pollutant cycling around the world. Anthropogenic activity is the main source of mercury pollution. Among all mercury species, inorganic mercury is easier to excrete, while organic mercury is more toxic. Methyl mercury is considered to be the most toxic organic mercury. To better understand the distribution, speciation, behavior and toxicity of mercury, the analytical...学位:理学硕士院系专业:环境与生态学院_环境科学学号:2262010115139

    Financial Statements Presentation——Reform & Convergence

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    2008年爆发的全球金融危机凸显了现代财务会计理论的弊端。G20峰会和金融稳定理事会(FSB)提出了“建立全球统一的高质量会计准则体系”的倡议。新形势下,会计准则问题被提到了前所未有的高度。IASB与FASB加快了诸多会计领域的改革,于2008年10月发布了《财务报表列报的初步观点》(讨论稿),对现行财务报表的列报方式进行了重大变革。 在归纳相关研究文献和梳理财务报表列报历史演进过程的基础上,笔者总结了现行财务报表列报方式的缺陷。分类方法的不同使得财务报表之间缺乏一致性。接着,笔者对《财务报表列报的初步观点》(讨论稿)进行了深入分析。该讨论稿改变了现行财务报表的基本结构,将资产负债表、综合收...The financial crisis bursting out in 2008 highlighted the shortcomings of the theory of modern financial accounting.G20&FSB proposed to set up a global unified, high-quality accounting standards system. In the new situation, the issue of accounting standards is referred to an unprecedented height. IASB&FASB speeded up the reform of many aspects in accounting. In October 2008, they issued a discuss...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院会计系_会计学学号:1752007115104

    Analysis and Design of Vehicle Purchase Tax Levy Management System

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    随着社会经济的发展,在车辆购置税的征收管理过程中,原有的征收管理系统不能更好的满足当下车辆购置税征收管理的需求。为了对生产机动车的企业加强管理,保证产品生产的一致性,促进生产机动车的行业能够持续健康的发展。在原有的征收管理系统的基础之上,设计一个利用车辆合格证电子信息进行比对征收的车辆购置税征收管理系统,使之应用于车辆购置税征收管理工作中,从而更好的规范管理车辆计税价格的动态信息,优化纳税服务,提高征收管理的工作效率。 本课题从国家税务系统中的车辆购置税征收工作的实际出发,进行车辆购置税征收管理系统的分析与设计。首先描述了车辆购置税征收管理系统的研究背景、意义以及国内外车辆购置税的现状;其次...With the development of social economy, in the process of collection and management for vehicle purchase tax, the original collection and management system can't satisfy currently the demand of vehicle purchase tax. To strengthen management to the enterprises for the production of motor vehicles, to ensure the consistency of the production and to promote sustainable and healthy development of the ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201123059