95 research outputs found

    New Designs for Friendly Visual Cryptography Scheme

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    NSC101-2221-E-032-047[[abstract]]Different from conventional cryptography, visual cryptography is an image cryptographic technique proposed by Naor and Shamir. It encodes a secret image into n pieces of noise-like shares. When k or more than k pieces of shares are gathered from participants, human visual system will disclose the secret image on the stacked image easily. Neither complicated mathematical computation nor any knowledge of cryptography are needed are the main advantages of visual cryptography. In this paper, we propose a new design for friendly visual cryptography scheme. The secret will be hiding into two meaningful shares. The black-appearing ratio in each block of the shares for the corresponding black (rep. white) secret pixel is the same. Therefore, it is impossible for one to disclose any information related to the secret image on each share, which achieves the goal of improving security. When shares are superimposed, the contours of the cover image will disappear on the stacked image, which will only reveal the secret image. According to our experimental results, the contrasts of the shares or the stacked images are good which can reveal the contents of the cover images and the secret image clearly.[[notice]]補正完畢[[journaltype]]國外[[ispeerreviewed]]Y[[booktype]]紙本[[countrycodes]]SG

    [[alternative]]An Optimization Model for Sharing Multiple Secret Images without Pixel Expansion

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    計畫編號:NSC93-2213-E032-033研究期間:200408~200507研究經費:475,000[[abstract]]視覺密碼方法的特色在於其解密過程是透過人類視覺系統,而不需要利用任何計算 機資源與複雜的解密演算法。因此,在一些無法使用電腦解密的情況下,視覺式秘密分 享機制是一個很好的解決方案。大部分的視覺密碼方法都是使用像素擴展的技巧;因 此,分享影像會被擴展成機密影像的若干倍。像素擴展的結果不但使得分享影像不易攜 帶,也會造成儲存空間的浪費。此外,大部分的視覺密碼方法只允許分享單一機密影像, 而無法分享多張機密影像。在本研究中,我們將提出一個方法來解決視覺式秘密分享機 制中的影像擴張問題。我們將以機率的觀念來達成分享影像不擴展的目標。此外,我們 將探討視覺密碼的安全性與對比,並定義安全性與對比指標。我們將以這兩個指標來建 構出一個不需要像素擴展的視覺式秘密分享機制之最佳化模型。在不作像素擴展的前提 之下,我們期望我們的模型不僅可以處理單機密影像與多機密影像的任意使用結構;同 時,我們也將進一步將我們的模型推廣到有意義之分享影像的任意使用結構的問題上。 最後,我們將應用遺傳演算法的尋優能力,來驗證我們的做法的可行性。[[sponsorship]]行政院國家科學委員


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    [[abstract]]In the related works of progressive visual secret sharing (PVSS), Wang et al. (2007) and Wang (2009) all have the following drawbacks: (1) The design of the dispatching matrices is not regular. (2) Shares are m-times larger than the original secret image. (3) Restored image's quality is poor. (4) Their schemes are not suitable to apply in grayscale and color secret images. In order to solve the above limitations, we propose a non-expanded PVSS approach, in which the recovery method is based on secret blocks, namely Block-based Progressive Visual Secret Sharing (BPVSS). We divide a secret image into n non-overlapped image blocks, and an additional portion of secret will be restored after superimposing one more transparency. When superimposing any t shares, there have t (2≤t≤n) secret blocks being restored. Compared with other related works, BPVSS has several advantages: (1) The concept of this model is concise, easy to implement, and the number of participants will not be restricted. (2) In the situation of noise-like shares, the contrast of the restored image is 50%, which means that the hidden message can be clearly recognized by the naked eyes. (3) When transparencies are shifted from noise-like into meaningful, the contrast of the stego-image and the restored image will be 25% which is still superior to other related studies. (4) Our scheme is more suitable for grayscale and color secret images than previous related studies. (5) The size of transparencies is the same as the size of secret image.[[notice]]補正完畢[[incitationindex]]TSSCI[[booktype]]電子


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    [[alternative]]Progressive Visual Cryptography with Unexpanded Shares

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    [[abstract]]視覺密碼的(k, n)-threshold機制,是將機密影像分給n個參與者,當取得k張以上的分享影像時,透過分享影像的疊合就可以顯示出機密影像,如果小於k張分享影像,則無法獲得機密影像的資訊。在這個機制之下,就算你已經取得k-1張的分享影像,也無法得知任何機密影像的蛛絲馬跡,這樣無形中降低了資訊分享的便利性。漸進式視覺密碼則是在疊合分享影像時,隨著疊合的分享影像數目增加,可以逐步地還原機密影像。在較少張分享影像的情況下,只能疊合出機密資訊的輪廓,隨著疊合的分享影像增加,即可逐漸獲得機密資訊的細部內容。 以往的漸進式視覺密碼研究都是以像素擴展為基礎,所以造成儲存空間與傳輸時間的浪費,並且針對機密影像上的黑點部分,在還原影像上並不保證是產生全黑,這將會造成機密影像的還原品質不佳。因此本研究將提出一個新的漸進式視覺密碼分享方法,我們的分享矩陣可以產生不擴展的分享影像,隨著疊合的分享影像數目增加,機密資訊的輪廓將愈來愈清晰,並且機密影像中黑點部分在疊合的還原影像上將是全黑,藉此產生良好的色差對比、提升還原影像的視覺品質。 根據實驗結果可以發現,無論機密影像的像素內容是黑點或白點,分享影像上出現黑點的機率皆相同,都是1/n,因此無法從單張分享影像中獲得機密影像的資訊,可以確保視覺密碼的安全性。當疊合k張分享影像後,機密影像中的白色部分被疊合出黑點的機率仍然是1/n,而黑色部份的機率則漸增為k/n,使得色差對比加大,機密影像愈來愈清晰。當疊合所有的分享影像後,在疊合影像上的黑白色差增加為(n-1)/n,優於傳統視覺密碼中50%的色差,因此可以產生更清晰的疊合影像。[[notice]]補正完畢[[journaltype]]國內[[incitationindex]]TSSCI[[booktype]]紙本[[countrycodes]]TW

    [[alternative]]Watermarking Scheme based on Visual Cryptography

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    [[abstract]]電腦與網際網路所帶給人們的便利早已不在話下。但也因為如此,讓不肖人士也很容易利用電腦及網路即可非法佔有資料,因此如何偵測出數位產權的歸屬就顯得非常重要。數位浮水印技術就是將個人資訊加入到欲保護的媒體中,往後受保護媒體產生爭議時,便可藉由取出數位浮水印來證明其所有權,達到保護資產與驗證的目的。本研究以頻率域的資訊為基礎,發展出一個數位浮水印的技術,應用統計學的大數法則來產生視覺密碼所需要的分享影像。本研究的優點有三個:一,當影像遭受攻擊時,能有很好的抵抗性;二,分享影像不擴展,能有效的減少分享影像的體積,減少儲存空間的浪費與傳輸速率的消耗。三,取出浮水印的過程簡單,不需要複雜的數學運算,亦不需要原圖的協助。實驗結果證明,本研究對於各種攻擊都有優異的抵抗性。[[sponsorship]]中國人民大學; 淡江大學[[conferencetype]]兩岸[[conferencedate]]20120905~20120907[[booktype]]電子版[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]北京, 中


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    [[alternative]]Copyright Protection Scheme based on Wavelet Transformation and Visual Cryptography

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    New Design for Friendly Visual Secret Sharing

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    NSC101-2221-E-032-047[[abstract]]Different from conventional cryptography, visual cryptography is an image cryptographic technique proposed by Naor and Shamir. It encodes a secret image into n pieces of noise-like shares. When k or more than k pieces of shares are gathered from participants, human visual system will disclose the secret image on the stacked image easily. Neither complicated mathematical computation nor any knowledge of cryptography is needed are the main advantages of visual secret sharing. In this paper, we propose a new design for friendly visual secret sharing. The secret will be hiding into two meaningful shares. The black-appearing ratio in each block of the shares for the corresponding black (rep. white) secret pixel is the same. Therefore, it is impossible for one to disclose any information related to the secret image on each share, which achieves the goal of improving security. When shares are superimposed, the contours of the cover image will disappear on the stacked image, which will only reveal the secret image. According to our experimental results, the contrasts of the shares or the stacked images are good which can reveal the contents of the cover images and the secret image clearly.[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20140402~20140404[[booktype]]電子版[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Nagoya, Japa