66 research outputs found

    Revista Migrações

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    Com este número da Revista Migrações retrata-se de forma aprofundada o papel do movimento associativo imigrante na construção de uma sociedade intercultural onde se aliam os dois objectivos definidos, à primeira vista, como opostos de preservação da identidade cultural de origem e integração na sociedade de acolhimento. A experiência acumulada pelo ACIDI neste domínio comprova a justeza do princípio trabalhar para os imigrantes, com os imigrantes. Esta co-responsabilidade na construção das sociedades democráticas onde todos somos participantes leva-nos a desejar um associativismo imigrante cada vez mais forte, contribuindo para quebrar a solidão daqueles que procuram, longe das suas comunidades de origem, um futuro melhor para si, em troca do trabalho que prestam para o desenvolvimento da comunidade que os acolhe.peerrewie

    Effect of Laser Peening on Mechanical Properties of 6082 Aluminum Alloy

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    为研究激光冲击强化对6082铝合金性能的影响,利用波长为1064 nm、脉宽为15 ns、脉冲能量为08 J的Nd∶YAG激光器对6082铝合金进行工艺试验研究,采用表面粗糙度仪、显微硬度计、X射线应力分析仪和疲劳试验机分别对试件的表面粗糙度、显微硬度、残余应力和疲劳寿命进行测量。实验结果表明:激光能量为7 J,冲击4次时,在试件表面引入了坑穴和褶皱等微结构,使得表面形貌高低不平,粗糙度提高了2倍左右,使得表层材料发生塑性变形以及加工硬化,表面显微硬度提高了43%左右,最大残余压应力达-261 MPa,硬化层深度达700 mm左右,疲劳寿命提高了6.8倍左右,即激光冲击强化能够极大地改善60..

    Experimental investigation of laser peening on Ti17 titanium alloy for rotor blade applications

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    Laser peening is an innovative surface treatment technique, and can significantly improve the mechanical performance of metallic components. To investigate the fatigue life of Ti17 titanium alloy by laser peening, laser peening experiment was undertaken using Nd:YAG laser system with the pulse-width of 15 ns and max pulse-energy of 7 J. Firstly, the mechanical properties and microstructure with different laser peening parameters were investigated, which were measured and observed by Vickers indenter, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscope. Micro-hardness and compressive residual stress distribution was remarkably improved. High-density dislocations and fine-grains were observed in the surface layer. Then, several stress levels were chosen to be applied on the tension and compression fatigue specimens. The fatigue life and fracture mechanism of the specimens without- and with-laser peened were compared, and the strengthening mechanism was indicated by analyzing the effects on the microstructure and residual stress evolution. The results demonstrate that laser peening could effectively improve the fatigue life of Ti17 titanium alloy. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    System and method for automatic control over laser shock peening

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    Study of Laser Peening on TiAl Alloy Properties with Different Parameters

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    Laser peening is a novel surface treatment process that generates deep compressive residual stresses and microstructural changes and thereby dramatically improves fatigue strength of critical metal aircraft engine parts. In order to study the effects of laser peening on properties of TiAl alloy, Surface micro-hardness, microstructural, residual stress and pole figures before and after laser peening were tested. The experimental results showed that surface micro-hardness increased by 23%. The compressive residual stress increased 20 times. The texture in the normal direction of 8J peened sample showed a strong fiber texture components 10o away. In conclusion, the laser peening could improve properties of TiAl alloy

    Laser shock life-prolonging method of tungsten electrode of short-arc lamp

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    Investigation of technical and strengthening mechanism research of TiAl alloy by laser shock peening

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    为了研究铝合金焊接力学性能及焊接缺陷,采用THDW-6 真空电子束焊机对6061 铝合金试样进行焊接试验研究,采用工作距离110mm、工作电用70kV、电子束流40mA、聚焦电流638mA、焊接速度540mm/min进行穿透焊,接头的抗拉强度为母材的92% ,接头的显微硬度有明显的软化,约为母材的79%。并对焊接中常产生的塌陷和顶尖缺陷、裂纹与气孔缺陷、飞溅缺陷进行了分析,提出了铝合金真空电子束焊接时相应的工艺措施,可以获得良好的焊缝形貌和力学性能