266 research outputs found

    Portrait of a Turkish social democrat : İsmail Cem

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    Ankara : The Department of Political Science, Bilkent University, 2011.Thesis (Ph. D.) -- Bilkent University, 2011.Includes bibliographical references leaves 319-334.İsmail Cem (1940-2007) was a Turkish intellectual and social democratic politician who spent his life investigating the characteristics and problems of Turkish modernization and social democratic solutions to these problems. Cem started his career as a peculiar socialist journalist who had a special curiosity towards the Ottoman past in the late 1960s and early 1970s. With his books and articles he became an influential and prestigious figure in the leftist intellectual and political circles and served as the manager of Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT). Unlike usual leftist-modernist intellectuals, he was very critical of “top to bottom” Turkish modernization and had propositions to solve Turkey’s political problems within the limits of democracy. During these years, Cem’s democratic socialism slowly evolved into social democracy. Starting from the 1980s, Cem appeared this time as a social democratic politician and tried to realize his projects and reduce his theories into practice. He was one of the leading figures of Turkish social democracy and was the creator of the “Anatolian Left” together with Deniz Baykal. In the mid-1990s he served for a short time as the Minister of Culture and starting from 1997 -with short interruptions- for five years he worked as the Foreign Minister of Turkey. He continued to write about Turkish politics and foreign policy and left behind an important collection of books and articles. İsmail Cem saw his life’s work as involving basically three tasks: to reconcile Turkey with its Ottoman past by softening the radical modernist mentality of the earlier Republican period both on the intellectual and social levels, to find solutions to Turkey’s various political problems by making a social democratic interpretation of Kemalism and thus, achieving democratic consolidation in Turkey and to transform his country into a respected regional power in international relations by pursuing an active foreign policy through full membership to the European Union as well as by developing relations with Middle Eastern and Eurasian countries. Both as a public intellectual and politician, he was able to take considerable steps in order to realize these three tasks, though he did not have chance to complete his mission. Although he was an important part of the intellectual force behind Turkey’s pro-Western secular segments, we do not know too much about Cem’s personal life and intellectual development throughout the years. This thesis is an attempt to analyze İsmail Cem by focusing on his life, his ideas, his political career, his propositions to Turkey’s major democratic problems and his foreign policy understanding and practices analytically.Örmeci, OzanPh.D

    Radiological evaluation of patellofemoral instability and possible causes of assessment errors

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    Patellofemoral instability (PI) is the disruption of the patella's relationship with the trochlear groove as a result of abnormal movement of the patella. To identify the presence of PI, conventional radiographs (anteroposterior, lateral, and axial or skyline views), magnetic resonance imaging, and computed tomography are used. In this study, we examined four main instability factors: Trochlear dysplasia, patella alta, tibial tuberosity-trochlear groove distance, and patellar tilt. We also briefly review some of the other assessment methods used in the quantitative and qualitative assessment of the patellofemoral joint, such as patellar size and shape, lateral trochlear inclination, trochlear depth, trochlear angle, and sulcus angle, in cases of PI. In addition, we reviewed the evaluation of coronal alignment, femoral anteversion, and tibial torsion. Possible causes of error that can be made when evaluating these factors are examined. PI is a multi-factorial problem. Many problems affecting bone structure and muscles morphologically and functionally can cause this condition. It is necessary to understand normal anatomy and biomechanics to make more accurate radiological measurements and to identify causes. Knowing the possible causes of measurement errors that may occur during radiological measurements and avoiding these pitfalls can provide a more reliable road map for treatment. This determines whether the disease will be treated medically and with rehabilitation or surgery without causing further complications

    Seventh grade students' conceptual and procedural understanding of fractions : comparison between succesful and less successful students

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    Ankara : The Program of Curriculum and Instruction, Bilkent University, 2012.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2012.Includes bibliographical references leaves 47-52.The aim of the study was to find the correlation between conceptual knowledge (CK) and procedural knowledge (PK) and the difficulties that less successful students have regarding fractions. The study was conducted with a mixed-methods approach using explanatory design which consisted of two phases. In the first phase of the study, a conceptual and procedural knowledge test (CPKT) was administered to 33 seventh grade students. In the second phase, interviews were conducted with two successful students (ST33 and ST24) and two less successful students (ST01 and ST03). The results of the CPKT showed a strong positive correlation between students’ conceptual knowledge (CK) and procedural knowledge (PK), r = 0.66 (p < .01). In addition, it was found that students’ school mathematics grade (mathematics GPA: grade point average) at the end of the sixth year was strongly related to both conceptual and procedural knowledge. In the second phase, the interview results showed that while successful students had combined conceptual and procedural knowledge, less successful students had orphaned procedural knowledge. It was concluded that students can benefit from having both conceptual and procedural knowledge in order to develop a good knowledge base in mathematics.Örmeci, ŞakireM.S

    Soğuk savaş ve sonrası dönemde Rusya’nın Orta Doğu politikaları

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    x, 208 sayfa : 29 cm. 1 CDÖZETBu çalışmanın amacı, Soğuk Savaş döneminde Sovyetler Birliği’nin, SoğukSavaş bittikten sonra ise onun ardılı olan Rusya Federasyonu’nun Orta Doğu’dakiülkelere yönelik geliştirdiği ve uyguladığı dış politikanın çeşitli yönleriylesorgulanmasıdır. Bu dış politikanın planlanmış uzun dönemli stratejik ve kısadönemli, taktiksel ve pragmatik yönleri bölge ülkelerine yönelik özel ve geneltarihsel olayların kronolojik bir sırayla incelenmesiyle ortaya konulacaktır.ABSTRACTThe aim of this study is to question the Soviet Union during the Cold War eraand various aspect of the foreign policy that the Russian Federation has developedand applied to the countries of the Middle East after the end of the Cold War. Theplanned long-term strategic and short-term, tactical and rational aspects of thisforeign policy will be revealed in a chronological sequence of unique and commonhistorical events directed at regional countries

    An assessment of water reserve changes in Salt Lake, Turkey, through multi-temporal LANDSAT imagery and real-time ground surveys

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    Bu makale, Tuz G&ouml;l&uuml;&rsquo;ndeki suyla kaplı alanlarda meydana gelen zamansal değişimin eş-zamanlı uzaktan algılama verileri ile analiz edilmesini konu almakta olup iki aşamada ger&ccedil;ekleştirilmiştir: (1) Eş-zamanlı yer ve uydu verilerinin birlikte analizi (2) &Ccedil;ok zamanlı LANDSAT uydu verileri ile zamansal değişim analizi. &Ccedil;alışmanın ilk aşamasında, Tuz G&ouml;l&uuml; ve yakın &ccedil;evresinde ayrıntılı bir arazi &ccedil;alışması yapılmış ve LANDSAT-5 uydusunun 16.05.2005 (saat:1031) tarihindeki &uuml;st ge&ccedil;işiyle eş-zamanlı olarak ve yer koordinatları el tipi GPS ile belirlenen noktalarda yersel spektroradyometre &ouml;l&ccedil;meleri ger&ccedil;ekleştirilmiştir. Uydu g&ouml;r&uuml;nt&uuml;lerinin işlenmesi aşamasında geometrik ve radyometrik d&uuml;zeltme işlemleri ger&ccedil;ekleştirilmiştir. Geometrik d&uuml;zeltme işlemi ile t&uuml;m uydu g&ouml;r&uuml;nt&uuml;leri UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) projeksiyon sistemine (36. Dilim) referanslandırılmıştır. Bu işlem esnasında karesel ortalama hata (KOH) t&uuml;m uydu verileri i&ccedil;in &plusmn;0,5 pikselin altında bulunmuştur. Daha sonraki aşamada ise uydu verilerini yersel spektroradyometre &ouml;l&ccedil;meleri ile karşılaştırılabilir hale getirmek amacıyla radyometrik d&uuml;zeltme işlemi ger&ccedil;ekleştirilmiştir. Bu aşamada, LANDSAT-5 TM uydu verisine ait parlaklık değerleri &ouml;ncelikle radyans, daha sonra reflentans değerlerine d&ouml;n&uuml;şt&uuml;r&uuml;lm&uuml;şt&uuml;r. Radyometrik d&uuml;zeltme işlemi sonrasında LANDSAT-5 TM uydu verisinden ve eş-zamanlı yersel spektroradyometre &ouml;l&ccedil;meleriyle elde edilen yansıma değerlerinin y&uuml;ksek korelasyona (0.84&lt;R2&lt;0.97) sahip oldukları belirlenmiştir. Daha sonraki aşamada, &ccedil;ok zamanlı LANDSAT-5 uydu verileri ile zamana bağlı değişim analizi ger&ccedil;ekleştirilmiş ve Tuz G&ouml;l&uuml;&rsquo;ndeki suyla kaplı alanların 1990-2005 yılları arasında 1/3 oranında azaldığı tespit edilmiştir. G&ouml;l &ccedil;evresinde su kaynaklarının kullanımının kontrol altına alınması ve g&ouml;l&uuml;n (en az yılda bir kez olmak &uuml;zere) g&uuml;ncel uzaktan algılama verileri ile d&uuml;zenli olarak izlenmesi &ouml;nerilmektedir.&nbsp;Anahtar Kelimeler: Tuz G&ouml;l&uuml;, uzaktan algılama, spektroradyometre, radyometrik d&uuml;zeltme.This paper focuses mainly on the investigation of water reserve changes in Salt Lake, Turkey, using real-time and multitemporal remote-sensing data. The Salt Lake, which is a specially protected area, is natural resource and the second largest lake in the Central Anatolia in Turkey. The region has been experiencing drought over the last two decades resulting from two main phenomena; (1) uncontrolled use of underground water resources for agricultural purposes, and (2) the lack of precipitation (or natural drought). As a result of this event, very striking coastline changes occurred in the Salt Lake and its vicinity within the last 20-year period. In this study, these changes were analyzed by using multitemporal LANDSAT-5 imagery and real-time ground spectral measurements carried out around Salt Lake, Turkey. The study is performed in two stages: (1) correlation analysis for real-time ground spectral measurements and LANDSAT-5 TM image data and (2) assessment of water reserve changes using multi-temporal LANDSAT imagery. In the first stage of the study, the relationship between ground and satellite spectral data captured on the same day and time was investigated. For this purpose, a real-time field work was done in May, 2005. Taking into account the overpass of LANDSAT-5 TM (16 May 2005, 10:31 local time), spectral measurements were taken on the same day between 9:30 and 12:30 in a total of 20 sample points along the northern coasts of Salt Lake. Sample points were selected along four paralel transects representing four major cover types naturally and regularly located along the coast: lake water, salt, muddy area and bare soil. The distance between samples was approximately 300 m and their locations were recorded with a hand-held global positioning system (GPS) receiver.The measurements were done using an ASD FieldSpec®Pro field-portable spectroradiometer, which consists of a data analyser attached to a laptop computer. In the next stage, LANDSAT scenes (for 1990, 2001 and 2005) covering the study site were geometrically corrected. The images were converted to the UTM coordinate system (Zone 36) using a total of 50 control points both extracted from 1:25000-scale topographic maps and recorded by GPS during the fieldwork. A first order polynomial transformation method was performed to create the output images with 30 m ground resolution. The root-mean-square error of the polynomial transformation is less than half a pixel for all the data set. In the radiometric correction procedure, first, the LANDSAT-5 TM 2005 image and then the 1990 and 2001 historical images were radiometrically corrected to enable comparison with in-situ measurements and with each other. The aim of radiometric correction is to minimize the atmospheric effects and to convert remotely sensed digital numbers (DNs) to ground surface reflectance in order to make the data spectrally comparable. The procedure includes conversions from digital numbers to radiance and from radiance to at-satellite reflectance. After the radiometric correction procedure, the correlation between real-time ground and satellite data was examined. The regression results show that measured surface reflectance and converted at-satellite reflectance are in good agreement with R2 values of about 0.95 in the selected study area. The results show that simultaneous ground and LANDSAT-5 TM data are highly correlated (0.84 R2 0.97). Here, it can be indicated that the use of the real-time data set collected on the same day and time increased the consistency between ground and satellite data. The results also show that sensing using just the spectral band in the near infrared region, such as by LANDSAT TM4, is favourable for distinguishing salt and water in Salt Lake, which has a salt-covered bottom. This plays a key role in determining multi-temporal water reserve changes using satellite sensor data.The results of multi-temporal analysis show that the water reserves in Salt Lake, Turkey, have decreased markedly over two decades. The change of water reserve quantified by using LANDSAT images from 1990 and 2005 is more than 43 ha for a 15-year period. It is suggested that the use of water supplies around Salt Lake should be controlled and that the lake should be monitored regularly by current remote-sensing data (at least annually) for better management of the water resources. Keywords: Salt Lake, remote sensing, field spectroradiometer; radiometric correction.

    Proximal tibiofibular joint arthrodesis due to recurrent giant ganglion cyst causing peroneal nerve palsy

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    Ganglion cysts are masses that we encounter frequently in our daily practice, usually in the upper extremity, less frequently in the lower extremities, and rarely cause compression symptoms. We present a case of a massive ganglion cyst of the lower limb causing peroneal nerve compression, managed with excision and proximal tibiofibular joint arthrodesis to prevent recurrence.Examination and radiological imaging of a 45-year-old female patient who was admitted to our clinic showed new-onset weakness in right foot movements and numbness on the dorsum of the foot and lateral cruris, a mass consistent with a ganglion cyst expanding the muscle was detected in the peroneus longus muscle. In the first surgery, the cyst was carefully resected. After three months, the patient came with a repeated mass on the lateral side of the knee. After confirmation of the ganglion cyst with clinical examination and MRI, a second surgery was planned for the patient. In this stage, we performed a proximal tibiofibular arthrodesis for the patient. Her symptoms recovered during the early follow-up period and no recurrence occurred during the two years of the follow-up period.Although the treatment of ganglion cysts seems easy, it can sometimes be challenging. We think that arthrodesis may be a good treatment option in recurrent cases

    Investigation of accuracy of land cover data used in regional climate modeling

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    Arazi y&uuml;zeyi iklim modellerinin anahtar elemanlarından olup, y&uuml;zeydeki enerjinin hissedilebilir ve gizli ısı olarak, y&uuml;zeydeki mevcut suyun ise buharlaşma ve akış olarak b&ouml;l&uuml;ş&uuml;lmesini kontrol etmektedir. Ayrıca, arazi y&uuml;zeyinin p&uuml;r&uuml;zl&uuml;l&uuml;ğ&uuml; ve y&uuml;zeyin cinsine bağlı olarak ısı kapasitesi ve momentum tutulma miktarı değişmektedir. Bu nedenle arazi y&uuml;zeyinin doğru ve g&uuml;venilir bir şekilde ifade edilmesi iklim &ccedil;alışmaları i&ccedil;in &ouml;nemlidir. B&ouml;lgesel iklim modellerinin &ccedil;oğunda, global olarak hazırlanmış olan Global Land Cover Characteristics (GLCC) arazi &ouml;rt&uuml;s&uuml; verisi kullanılmaktadır. Bu &ccedil;alışmada, end&uuml;strileşme ve n&uuml;fus artışı sonucunda &ouml;zellikle 1980'li yıllardan sonra arazi &ouml;rt&uuml;s&uuml; değişiminin meydana geldiği Marmara B&ouml;lgesi &ccedil;alışma alanı olarak se&ccedil;ilmiştir. &Ccedil;alışmanın ilk aşamasında, 2001-2005 tarihleri arasında elde edilen Landsat7 ETM+ g&ouml;r&uuml;nt&uuml;leri radyometrik ve atmosferik olarak d&uuml;zeltilerek atmosferik par&ccedil;acıklardan kaynaklanan bozulma etkileri ve sistematik hatalar elemine edilmiştir. Geometrik distorsiyonları elemine etmek, piksel bağıl konum hatalarını d&uuml;zeltmek ve g&ouml;r&uuml;nt&uuml;leri ortak bir koordinat sisteminde tanımlayabilmek amacıyla her bir g&ouml;r&uuml;nt&uuml; geometrik olarak d&uuml;zeltilmiştir. G&ouml;r&uuml;nt&uuml;ler farklı y&ouml;ntemler kullanılarak sınıflandırılmış ve &ccedil;alışma b&ouml;lgesi i&ccedil;in arazi &ouml;rt&uuml;s&uuml; haritası oluşturulmuştur. Oluşturulan arazi &ouml;rt&uuml;s&uuml; haritası, GLCC verisi ile kıyaslanarak bu verinin Marmara B&ouml;lgesi i&ccedil;in doğruluğu araştırılmış ve verideki eksiklikler belirlenmiştir. &Ccedil;alışmanın sonucunda GLCC veri setinin g&uuml;ncel olmadığı ve Marmara B&ouml;lgesinin &ouml;nemli bir kesimini doğru temsil etmediği tespit edilmiştir. B&ouml;lgesel iklim modelleme &ccedil;alışmaları i&ccedil;in, bu veriye alternatif olarak daha doğru ve g&uuml;ncel olan Landsat ETM+ g&ouml;r&uuml;nt&uuml;lerinden &uuml;retilmiş arazi &ouml;rt&uuml;s&uuml; verisinin kullanılabileceği g&ouml;sterilmiştir.&nbsp;Anahtar Kelimeler: Arazi &ouml;rt&uuml;s&uuml;, arazi y&uuml;zeyi, b&ouml;lgesel iklim modelleme, uzaktan algılama, Landsat7 ETM+.In this research, utilization of Landsat7 ETM+ images in regional climate modeling was investigated and the accuracy of Global Land Cover Characterization (GLCC) data set used in regional climate modeling was assessed for the Marmara Region by comparing these data with Landsat ETM+ derived land cover data. Marmara Region was selected as study area because it faced with significant land cover changes as a result of rapid industrialization and population increase especially after 1980s. The region occupies the northwest corner of Turkey with a surface area of 67 000 km&sup2; and represents approximately 8.6% of the Turkish national territory. It is the smallest but most densely populated of the seven geographical regions of Turkey. This region includes eleven cities namely Istanbul, Bursa, Kocaeli, Edirne, Balikesir, Kirklareli, Tekirdag, Canakkale, Bilecik, Sakarya and Yalova, where first three cities are industrial and commercial centers of Turkey. Landsat7 ETM+ images obtained between 2001 and 2005 were used to derive land cover data of the Marmara Region. Since 2005 Landsat ETM+ frame includes the significantly changed areas of the Marmara Region like Istanbul and Bursa, it is assumed that created land cover data is representing the year of 2005. In addition to satellite images, forest maps, 1/25 000 scaled topographic maps, ground surveys and photographs were used to assist geometric correction and classification procedure. At the first stage of the research, all images were atmospherically and radiometrically corrected to minimize contamination effects of atmospheric particles (scattering and absorption effects due to the atmosphere) and systematic errors. Then, geometric correction was performed for each image to eliminate geometric distortions, correct errors in the relative positions of pixels, and define images in a common coordinate system. A new approach, semivariograms, was introduced to select appropriate band combinations for studying different land cover classes. After these corrections, images were classified using different classification methods to identify different land cover types. United Stated Geological Survey (USGS) Land Use and Land Cover Classification Legend was used in the study. Several pilot areas were created and classification employed separately for these areas to minimize the spectral mixing of various classes such as barren, crop and urban and increase the classification accuracy. The classification results were aggregated to 1 km to form final land cover data and classification accuracy assessment was performed on final land cover data. At the second stage of the research, 2005 land cover data obtained from Landsat7 ETM+ images was compared with the GLCC data set to analyze the accuracy of these data for the Marmara Region. These data have been used in many regional climate models like Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS), the Fifth-Generation NCAR/Penn State Mesoscale Model (MM5) and Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF). It was obtained from 1-km Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer satellite images spanning April 1992 through March 1993 with an unsupervised classification technique and accuracy assessment of data set was not performed globally. Land surface is a key determinant in climate system and it controls the partitioning of available energy at the surface between sensible and latent heat, the partitioning of available water between evaporation and runoff. Therefore it must be represented accurately and precisely. Land cover products used in most climate models were initially compiled from maps and ground surveys till the global scale land cover products generated from remote sensing images became avaible. These remotely sensed derived global land cover products like GLCC, University of Maryland land cover classification and Global Land Cover 2000 have been implemented into various land surface schemes and climate models. However, no land cover data set is 100% accurate, even if developed from the most advanced satellite images. The results of comparison analyses between Landsat derived land cover and GLCC show that GLCC data is not up-to-date and have deficiencies and inaccuries in some parts of the Marmara Region. GLCC &nbsp;is not representing urban areas accurately in İstanbul, Adapazari, Bursa and İzmit. These data also have problems in coastal part of İstanbul European side and show some forest areas as crop areas. This research results show that land cover data obtained from Landsat ETM+ images can be successfully and accurately represent the study region therefore it is an alternative source of up-to-date and accurate land cover data for regional climate modeling.&nbsp;Keywords: Land cover, land surface, regional climate modeling,remote sensing Landsat7 ETM+

    Re-evaluation of the symptoms of Hirayama disease through anatomical perspective

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    Hirayama disease is a rare disease of the anterior horn motor neuron caused by compression of the cervical spinal cord when the neck is flexed. Cervical myelopathy may accompany the disease. It is characterized by symmetrical or asymmetrical muscle weakness and atrophy of muscles innervated by lower cervical and upper thoracic motor neurons. We recorded two male cases of Hirayama disease between the ages of 15 and 21 based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) features obtained from the cervical neutral state and from the flexion position which appeared in the right upper extremity. Loss of strength and atrophy in the right upper extremities was existent in clinical findings of these patients. When MRI was taken in the flexion position, there were dilated veins as hypointense signal void on T2 weighted series in posterior epidural area. The contrast enhancement was seen on these veins. It was observed that the posterior dura was displaced anteriorly and the anterior subarachnoid space was narrow. In cases which show clinical findings such as atrophy and loss of strength, having normal MRI results obtained in the neutral position makes it difficult to diagnose Hirayama Disease. In case of a suspicion of Hirayama disease the diagnosis can be made more easily by MRI taken in the flexion position. These case reports aim to bring Hirayama disease to mind and optimize the management of affected individuals