802 research outputs found

    Radiation effects on silicon Quarterly progress report, 1 Jul. - 30 Sep. 1966

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    Electrical conductivity and electron spin resonance experiments in study of radiation effects on silico

    Radiation effects on silicon Summary report 1 Nov. 1965 - 20 Apr. 1967

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    Radiation-induced displacement effects measured in n and p type, low and high resistivity silico

    Radiation effects on silicon Sixth quarterly progress report, Apr. 1 - Jun. 30, 1966

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    Radiation effects on high purity n-type silicon solar cell

    The Sustainable Market Model – Strategic Market Analysis Emphasizing Sustainability and Growth

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    Bakgrund HĂ„llbarhet Ă€r ett koncept som har fĂ„tt uppmĂ€rksamhet och som har gĂ„tt frĂ„n att vara ett ”modeord” till nĂ„got som Ă€r integrerat i de flesta företags strategi. Författarna Ă€r intresserade av hur affĂ€rsmöjligheter kan bli utvĂ€rderade frĂ„n ett hĂ„llbarhetsperspektiv och hur hĂ„llbara produkter kan skapa ett marknadsvĂ€rde. Företaget, som Ă€r verksamma inom kemi industrin, Ă€r intresserade av att kartlĂ€gga den hĂ„llbara kemi marknaden, nuvarande trender och hitta affĂ€rsmöjligheter inom marknaden för HĂ„llbar Kemi. Syfte Syftet med denna uppsats Ă€r primĂ€rt att skapa ett teoretiskt ramverk och metodverktyg, The Sustainable Market Model, som ska underlĂ€tta för företag att kartlĂ€gga och utvĂ€rdera en given marknad ur ett hĂ„llbarhetsperspektiv samt att hitta och utvĂ€rdera affĂ€rsmöjligheter pĂ„ denna marknad. Det sekundĂ€ra syftet Ă€r att utföra en kartlĂ€ggning över marknaden för HĂ„llbar Kemi för att förstĂ„ nuvarande trender, kunders behov och konkurrenters agerande och bistĂ„ Företaget med en rekommendation för potentiella affĂ€rsmöjligheter inom denna marknad. Metodik Eftersom det syftet Ă€r att utföra en kartlĂ€ggning av en befintlig marknad kan detta projekt beskrivas genom en sĂ„ kallad deskriptiv undersökning, med en deduktiv relation mellan empiri och teori. BĂ„de kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder har nyttjats för att samla in nödvĂ€ndig data. PrimĂ€r data har blivit insamlat via intervjuer som har genomförts med nyckelpersoner. SekundĂ€r data, bestĂ„ende i statistik och generell marknadsfakta, har ocksĂ„ insamlats. Alla nyttjade kĂ€llor har blivit noggrant utvĂ€rderade för att uppnĂ„ önskad kvalitĂ© pĂ„ uppsatsen. Master Thesis – Production Management Lund Faculty of Engineering v Slutsats The Sustainable Market Model anses vara ett effektivt verktyg för att kartlĂ€gga och utvĂ€rdera trender pĂ„ ett strukturerat sĂ€tt för att hitta affĂ€rsmöjligheter. Det bör poĂ€ngteras att vikterna och poĂ€ngsĂ€ttningen som anvĂ€nds i urvalsprocessen Ă€r subjektiva för företaget och borde bestĂ€mmas med eftertanke. HĂ„llbar Kemi Ă€r en vĂ€xande marknad och det existerar en efterfrĂ„gan bĂ„de frĂ„n företag och slutkonsumenter. Dock sĂ„ pĂ„verkas utvecklingen av marknaden för HĂ„llbar Kemi utav makrotrender sĂ„ som priset pĂ„ rĂ„olja, tullar för den hĂ„llbara rĂ„varan och frĂ„nvaron av lĂ„ngsiktiga politiska strategier. PĂ„ grund utav det lĂ„ga oljepriset har HĂ„llbara Kemiska produkter svĂ„rt att konkurrenskraftiga ur ett kostnadsperspektiv. Vissa produktgrupper anses ha högre marknads potential, faststĂ€llt genom nyttjandet av The Sustainable Market Model, nĂ€mligen Bio-­‐PE, Bio-­‐PET och Cellulosic Ethanol. Den förstnĂ€mnda produktgruppen anses ha högst potential för Företaget baserat pĂ„ dess kompabilitet med Företagets verksamhet och kompetens

    Attention-Based Ensemble Pooling for Time Series Forecasting

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    A common technique to reduce model bias in time-series forecasting is to use an ensemble of predictive models and pool their output into an ensemble forecast. In cases where each predictive model has different biases, however, it is not always clear exactly how each model forecast should be weighed during this pooling. We propose a method for pooling that performs a weighted average over candidate model forecasts, where the weights are learned by an attention-based ensemble pooling model. We test this method on two time-series forecasting problems: multi-step forecasting of the dynamics of the non-stationary Lorenz `63 equation, and one-step forecasting of the weekly incident deaths due to COVID-19. We find that while our model achieves excellent valid times when forecasting the non-stationary Lorenz `63 equation, it does not consistently perform better than the existing ensemble pooling when forecasting COVID-19 weekly incident deaths.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    The announcement effect on mean and variance for underwritten and non-underwritten SEOs

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    This thesis investigates the stock return and its variance around seasoned equity offering announcements for Swedish companies listed on the OMX Large cap, Mid cap and Small cap exchanges. The analysis is made on a full sample containing 52 SEOs, as well as two sub-samples containing underwritten and non-underwritten SEOs. The framework for the event study is OLS regressions based on the CAPM-model. During the studied sample period, January 2006 to December 2010, companies making SEO announcements are found to exhibit a significant negative average cumulative abnormal return of around 2.5 percent on the announcement day as well as for a three-day horizon. For longer horizons, the average cumulative abnormal return is around negative 1.6 percent. Non-underwritten SEOs are found to exhibit less negative returns than underwritten ones, which is in line with previous studies investigating this matter. The return variance for an issuing company is found to increase during the month following the SEO announcement for 40 out of 52 companies, whereof 30 variance ratios are found to be significant. Further, there is no evidence that there is a significant difference in return variance between underwritten and non-underwritten SEOs

    A model platform for solving lithium-ion battery cell data gaps in life cycle assessment

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    With the advent of electromobility, life cycle assessment studies need to keep up with growing number of cell formats and chemistries being adopted for various vehicle applications. This often hindered by lack of data. A model platform is presented, starting with a cell design computation model which is used for calculating the mass of cell components and other design parameters. It also includes a cell performance model, which will link to a battery pack and vehicle model, both used for estimate losses caused by the cell during vehicle operation. Furthermore, the platform comprises a model generating inventory data for life cycle assessment of lithium-ion battery cell production. Together, these parts feed information to life cycle assessment calculations covering both production and use of lithium-ion battery cells. The aim is to support technology development and provide an understanding of how various design changes in cells link to environmental impacts. This conference paper explains model parts and provides exemplary results
