7,613 research outputs found

    High-tip-speed, low-loading transonic fan stage. Part 3: Final report

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    Tests were conducted on a high-tip-speed, low-loading transonic fan stage to determine the performance and inlet flow distortion tolerance of the design. The fan was designed for high efficiency at a moderate pressure ratio by designing the hub section to operate at minimum loss when the tip operates with an oblique shock. The design objective was an efficiency of 86 percent at a pressure ratio of 1.5, a specific flow (flow per unit annulus area) of 42 lb/sec-sq. ft (205.1 kgm/sec-m sq), and a tip speed of 1600 ft/sec (488.6 m/sec). During testing, a peak efficiency of 84 percent was achieved at design speed and design specific flow. At the design speed and pressure ratio, the flow was 4 percent greater than design, efficiency was 81 percent, and a stall margin of 24 percent was obtained. The stall line was improved with hub radial distortion but was reduced when the stage was tested with tip radial and circumferential flow distortions. Blade-to-blade values of static pressures were measured over the rotor blade tips

    Small axial compressor technology, volume 1

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    A scaled single-stage, highly-loaded, axial-flow transonic compressor was tested at speeds from 70 to 110% design equivalent speed to evaluate the effects of scaling compromises and the individual and combined effects of rotor tip running clearance and rotor shroud casing treatment on the overall and blade element performance. At design speed and 1% tip clearance the stage demonstrated an efficiency of 83.2% at 96.4% design flow and a pressure ratio of 1.865. Casing treatment increased design speed surge margin 2.0 points to 12.8%. Overall performance was essentially unchanged. An increase in rotor running clearance to 2.2%, with smooth casing, reduced design speed peak efficiency 5.7 points, flow by 7.4%, pressure ratio to 1.740, and surge margin to 5.4%. Reinstalling casing treatment regained 3.5 points in design speed peak efficiency, 4.7% flow, increased pressure ratio to 1.800 and surge margin to 8.7%

    A tool for subjective and interactive visual data exploration

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    We present SIDE, a tool for Subjective and Interactive Visual Data Exploration, which lets users explore high dimensional data via subjectively informative 2D data visualizations. Many existing visual analytics tools are either restricted to specific problems and domains or they aim to find visualizations that align with user’s belief about the data. In contrast, our generic tool computes data visualizations that are surprising given a user’s current understanding of the data. The user’s belief state is represented as a set of projection tiles. Hence, this user-awareness offers users an efficient way to interactively explore yet-unknown features of complex high dimensional datasets

    Hightip-speed, low-loading transonic fan stage. Part 2: Data compilation

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    Tests were conducted on a high-tip-speed low-loading transonic fan stage to determine the performance and inlet flow distortion tolerance of the design. Test data were recorded for overall and blade element performance with both uniform and distorted inlet flows. A tabular summary of the data and a representative selection of the computer data reduction sheets are presented

    Real-Time Planning with Multi-Fidelity Models for Agile Flights in Unknown Environments

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    Autonomous navigation through unknown environments is a challenging task that entails real-time localization, perception, planning, and control. UAVs with this capability have begun to emerge in the literature with advances in lightweight sensing and computing. Although the planning methodologies vary from platform to platform, many algorithms adopt a hierarchical planning architecture where a slow, low-fidelity global planner guides a fast, high-fidelity local planner. However, in unknown environments, this approach can lead to erratic or unstable behavior due to the interaction between the global planner, whose solution is changing constantly, and the local planner; a consequence of not capturing higher-order dynamics in the global plan. This work proposes a planning framework in which multi-fidelity models are used to reduce the discrepancy between the local and global planner. Our approach uses high-, medium-, and low-fidelity models to compose a path that captures higher-order dynamics while remaining computationally tractable. In addition, we address the interaction between a fast planner and a slower mapper by considering the sensor data not yet fused into the map during the collision check. This novel mapping and planning framework for agile flights is validated in simulation and hardware experiments, showing replanning times of 5-40 ms in cluttered environments.Comment: ICRA 201

    Physical activity and hypertension in South African adults

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 South Africa LicenseEstimates suggest that approximately 6-million South Africans have hypertension, with half classified as stage 1 (mild). Mindful of the cost of lifelong drug therapy, the South African Hypertension Society guidelines suggest delaying drug therapy through lifestyle modification (increased physical activity and weight management) in all but those with the highest risk. This pilot study examined the relationship of BP with physical activity and bodyweight in black South African adults employed in physical occupationsNon peer reviewe

    The professional socialisation of headteachers in England: Further findings from the National Headteacher Survey

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    This paper reports on a further investigation of data first accumulated through a national survey of headteachers conducted in 1999. The survey was conducted by means of a self-completion postal questionnaire with a stratified random sample of 10 per cent serving headteachers in England, totalling 2285 potential respondents in all. Completed returns were received from 1405 headteachers, an overall response rate of 62 per cent. Initial findings from the survey have subsequently been published as conference papers and journal articles (Male, 2000; Male and Hvizdak, 2000; Male and Male, 2001, Male 2001). The survey primarily sought to establish the respondents’ perceived state of readiness for the demands of the headteacher position in a number of job categories and competencies. A secondary aim was to allow respondents to attribute reasons to their state of readiness where they perceived it to be adequate or better. A third aim was to seek opinion from the respondents as to what provision and support would be beneficial to headteachers in their first two years in post. This further investigation has been commissioned by the National College for School Leadership and has been conducted by the original author, aided by two serving headteachers who have been appointed as research associates by the college during the period January to July of 2002

    High-Tip-Speed, Low-Loading Transonic Fan Stage. Part 1: Aerodynamic and Mechanical Design

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    A high-tip-speed, low-loading transonic fan stage was designed to deliver an overall pressure ratio of 1.5 with an adiabatic efficiency of 86 percent. The design flow per unit annulus area is 42.0 pounds per square foot. The fan features a hub/tip ratio of 0.46, a tip diameter of 28.74 in. and operates at a design tip speed of 1600 fps. For these design conditions, the rotor blade tip region operates with supersonic inlet and supersonic discharge relative velocities. A sophisticated quasi-three-dimensional characteristic section design procedure was used for the all-supersonic sections and the inlet of the midspan transonic sections. For regions where the relative outlet velocities are supersonic, the blade operates with weak oblique shocks only
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