32 research outputs found

    Changes in Cognitive Functions of Pupils under Conditions of Iodine Deficiency

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    Clinical and physiological examination of 38 children which latent hypothyroidism (the main group) and 176 apparently healthy persons of intact region (the control group) at the age from 8 to 17 years living in endemic region was carried out. To determine the functional state of the thyroid gland in blood serum the content of total triiodothyronine (Т3), total and free thyroxin (Т4, fТ4), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) of adenohypophysis were determined as well as urinary iodine level was examined. The cognitive functions were characterized by the indices of attention as the result of correction test and rate of sensomotor reactions which were evaluated using modified Schulte tables. It was detected that in all children with latent hypothyroidism regardless of age work accuracy rate decreased, attention span increased slowly, fatigue developed early and rate of information analysis significantly reduced already within the first 5 minutes in comparison with analogical data in healthy children. When being tested children of the control group made fewer mistakes, the tempo of doing tasks remained higher for 5 minutes. There was a correlation between the indices of correction test, sensomotor reactions and data of thyroid status of pupils

    Immunogenetic Status of Children with Mild Iodine Deficiency, Latent Iron Deficiency and Their Combination

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    Due to the prevalence of microelementosis (including iodine and iron deficiencies), cytogenetic abnormalities in children with microelement imbalance were studied.The objective of the research was to assess the abnormalities in the immunogenetic status of the organism by the frequency and spectrum of chromosomal aberrations, associations of acrocentric chromosomes and to determine the frequency of micronuclei in peripheral blood leukocytes in children with mild iodine deficiency, latent iron deficiency and their combination.Materials and methods. There were examined 68 boys and 65 girls at the age of 6 to 18 years. In the analysis of indicators, the main attention was paid to the age- (6-11 and 12-18 years) and gender-related peculiarities.Results and discussion. In all the children, associations of acrocentric chromosomes of two chromosomes were most commonly observed: in the control group, this indicator was 73.74%; in iodine deficiency, it was 67.72%; in iron deficiency, it was 67.68%; in combined microelementosis, the indictor was 68.68%. Chromosomal abnormalities were recorded in 56.03% of children. However, in the control group, this indicator was 40.94%, while in microelement imbalance, it was 71.13%. The most significant changes in the spectrum of chromosomal aberrations were identified in iodine and iron deficiencies (increase in the frequency of paired fragments, dicentrics, translocations, and the presence of a ring chromosome).Conclusions. Changes in the frequency and characteristics of the number of chromosomes in associations of acrocentric chromosomes, the frequency and spectrum of chromosomal aberrations, and the number of micronuclei indicated genotype instability, especially in iodine deficiency and combined microelement imbalance

    Changes in the Metabolism of Nitric Oxide, Hydrogen Sulfide of the Oral Fluid Taking into Account Age and Dental Status

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    The relevance of the study is conditioned by the prevalence of dental pathology, its complicated course in senior age and the search for the age-associated metabolic markers of oral fluid. Objective. The aim of the study is: to determine the age peculiarities of the content of nitric oxide and hydrogen sulfide metabolism in the oral fluid of patients, taking into account their dental status. Materials and Methods. Indicators of nitric oxide metabolism, L-arginine/arginase, hydrogen sulfide content in oral fluid, dental status of different aged people under conditions of intact dentitions, their defects and against the background of correction with different types of dentures, were studied. Results. It was determined that with age, changes in oral fluid are characterized by an increase in nitrite ion, the amount of nitrites and nitrates, increasing the formation of peroxynitrite against the background of lower levels of L-arginine and hydrogen sulfide, inhibition of arginase activity. The results obtained are confirmed by the presence of close correlations between the concentrations of hydrogen sulfide and peroxynitrite (reverse, strong), caries intensity and: the total level of nitrites and nitrates (direct, strong), peroxynitrite content (direct, medium strength). Conclusion. The studied biomarkers of oral fluid depend more on age, hygienic condition of the oral cavity, intensity of dental caries and defects of dentitions than types of dentures. Therefore, age-related changes in the biochemical composition of oral fluid, metabolic, somatic, comorbid pathologies are likely to be a trigger for structural-functional disorders of the dental-maxillofacial system.Актуальність дослідження зумовлена поширеністю стоматологічної патології, її ускладненим перебігом у старшому віці та пошуком вік-асоційованих метаболічних маркерів ротової рідини. Мета дослідження:  з’ясувати вікові особливості вмісту показників метаболізму оксиду азоту та сірководню у ротовій рідині пацієнтів з урахуванням стоматологічного статусу. Матеріали і методи. Досліджували показники системи метаболізму оксиду азоту, L-аргінін/аргінази, вміст сірководню у ротовій рідині, стоматологічний статус людей різного віку за умов інтактних зубних рядів, їх дефектів та на тлі корекції різними видами зубних протезів. Результати. Установлено, що з віком зміни ротової рідини характеризуються підвищенням вмісту нітрит-іона, суми нітритів і нітратів, зростанням утворення пероксинітриту на тлі зниження рівня L-аргініну та сірководню, пригнічення активності аргінази. Отримані результати підтверджені наявністю тісних кореляційних взаємозв’язків між концентраціями сірководню та пероксинітриту (зворотний, сильний), інтенсивністю карієсу та: сумарним рівнем нітритів і нітратів (прямий, сильний), вмістом пероксинітриту (прямий, середньої сили). Висновки. Досліджувані біомаркери ротової рідини в більшій мірі залежать від віку, гігієни ротової порожнини, інтенсивності карієсу, дефектів зубних рядів, аніж видів зубних протезів. Тому вікові зміни біохімічного складу ротової рідини, метаболічні, соматичні, коморбідні патології з великою ймовірністю можуть виступати тригером структурно-функціональних порушень зубощелепної системи

    Методика лапароскопічної апендектомії в ургентному лікуванні гострого апендициту

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    The aim of the work: to substantiate the laparoscopic appendectomy in the urgent treatment for patients with acute appendicitis. The work is based on the results of surgical treatment of 87 patients operated urgently for acute appendicitis eat the Surgical Department of Uzhhorod District Hospital.Цель работы: изучение методики ургентной лапароскопической аппендэктомии по использованию биполярной коагуляции на уровне районной больницы. Работа базируется на результатах хирургического лечения 87 больных, оперированных ургентно по поводу острого аппендицита в хирургическом отделении Ужгородской районной больницы.Мета работи: вивчення методики ургентної лапароскопічної апендектомії з використанням біполярної коагуляції на рівні районної лікарні. Робота базується на результатах хірургічного лікування 87 хворих, оперованих ургентно з приводу гострого апендициту в хірургічному відділенні Ужгородської районної лікарні

    Autonomic and endocrine accompaniments of quantitative-qualitative blood pressure clusters in patients of Truskavets’ spa

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    Background. Earlier we showed that profile patients of Truskavets’ spa are characterized by a wide range of blood pressure (BP) - from low norm to arterial hypertension III that correspond to the hemodynamics parameters. The purpose of this study is to clarify the autonomic and endocrine accompaniments of quantitative-qualitative BP clusters in the same contingent. Materials and methods. Under an observations were 44 patients with chronic pyelonephritis and cholecystitis in the phase of remission. Testing was performed twice - on admission and after 7-10 days of standard balneotherapy. The main object of the study was BP (tonometer “Omron M4-I”, Netherlands). The parameters of HRV ("CardioLab+HRV", Ukraine), plasma levels of Cortisol, Aldosterone, Testosterone, Triiodothyronine and Calcitonin (ELISA) as well as Ca-P marker of parathyroid hormone were determined. Results. In order to identify among the registered parameters, those for which the BP clusters differ from each other, a discriminant analysis was performed. The program forward stepwise included in the discriminant model 29 parameters. The most informative among them are HRV-markers of sympathetic tone and sympathetic-vagal balance as well as testosterone and cortisol, whose levels are maximal in patients with hypertension II, while minimal in patients with low norm BP, on the one hand, and markers of vagal tone and Kerdoe vegetative index, the levels of which are polar, on the other hand. The accuracy of patient classification is 98,9%. Conclusion. Autonomic and endocrine accompaniments of quantitative-qualitative blood pressure clusters corresponding to the existing ideas about the regulation of blood pressure

    Metabolic accompaniment of quantitative-qualitative blood pressure clusters in patients of Truskavets’ spa

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    Background. Earlier we studied the neural and endocrine accompaniments of quantitative-qualitative blood pressure (BP) clusters of profile patients of Truskavets’ spa. The purpose of this study is to clarify the metabolic accompaniment in the same contingent. Materials and methods. Under an observations were 44 patients with chronic pyelonephritis and cholecystitis in the phase of remission. Testing was performed twice - on admission and after 7-10 days of standard balneotherapy. The main object of the study was BP (tonometer “Omron M4-I”, Netherlands). The plasma levels of lipids, glucose, nitrogenous metabolites and electrolytes as well as urinary excretion of last two were determined. In addition, electrokinetics and cholecystokinetics indexes were determined. Results. The forward stepwise program identified 21 parameters as characteristic of quantitative-qualitative blood pressure clusters. In addition to BP parameters by default, the most informative among them are sodium and uric acid daily excretion as well as plasma phosphate and magnesium, whose levels are maximal in patients with hypertension, while minimal in patients with low norm BP, on the one hand, and electrokinetics index, the level of which are polar, on the other hand. The accuracy of patient classification is 97,7%. Conclusion. The quantitative-qualitative blood pressure clusters have a characteristic metabolic accompaniment

    Quantitative and qualitative blood pressure clusters in patients of Truskavets’ SPA and their hemodynamic accompaniment

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    Background. The influence of balneotherapy at the Truskavets’ spa on the blood pressure (BP) of his patients is still not in the focus of researchers. Therefore, we initiated the project “Neuroendocrine-immune and metabolic mechanisms of the effect of balneotherapy on BP”. The first swallow of the project is the analysis of a condition of BP and its hemodynamic support of profile patients of a resort. Materials and methods. Under an observations were 44 patients with chronic pyelonephritis and cholecystitis in the phase of remission. Testing was performed twice - on admission and after 7-10 days of standard balneotherapy. The main object of the study was BP (tonometer “Omron M4-I”, Netherlands). Simultaneously the parameters of hemodynamics were determined (echocamera “Toshiba-140”, Japan). Results. The optimal level of systolic BP (range 120÷129 mmHg) stated in 18,2% of cases only, high norm (130÷139 mmHg) in 14,8%, arterial hypertension (AH) I (140÷160 mmHg) – in 39,8%, AH II (over 160 mmHg) in 12,5%, however, in 14,8% of cases the BP was lower than 120 mmHg. In order to identify among the registered parameters of hemodynamics, those for which the BP clusters differ from each other, a discriminant analysis was performed. The program forward stepwise included in the discriminant model 13 parameters out of 17. The most informative among them: contractility index of left ventricle, heart work per minute, ejection fraction and time as well as end-systolic volume. Conclusion. Profile patients of Truskavets’ spa are characterized by a wide range of blood pressure - from low norm to arterial hypertension II that correspond to the hemodynamics parameters