401 research outputs found

    Effect of Clay Amounts on Morphology and Mechanical Performances in Multiscale PET Composites

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    This work presents an investigation of the properties of poly(ethylene terephthalate)/glass fibers/nanoclay multiscale composites. The aim is to demonstrate the effect of adding various clay amounts on the morphology and mechanical performances of multiscale PET composites. Multiscale composites were prepared by adding 0.5, 1.0, 3.0, and 5.0 wt% of Cloisite 15A montmorrillonite. Initially, a masterbatch of pure PET blended with 10 wt% of Cloisite 15A was obtained in a co-rotating twin screw extruder. The multiscale composites were then blended via mechanical mixing, and injection moulded by adding the masterbatch to the glass fibre reinforced matrix. The morphological and mechanical characterizations of all compounds are discussed. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed that the characteristic (001) peak of the nanocomposite obtained by extrusion (masterbatch) shifted to the lower angle region stating an intercalated structure. However, the subsequent injection moulding process changed the morphological structure of the multiscale nanocomposites reducing the basal distance mostly for small loadings of nanoclay. The addition of nanoclay to PET matrices increases the degree of crystallinity, the clay platelets possibly playing the role of nucleating agent, as revealed by DSC and FTIR. The time relaxation spectra broaden as seen by DMA, as the ratio of clay/polymer interfaces increases. The yield stress of composites with 0.5 and 1 wt% of C15A content are enhanced. For more than 3% of nanoclay, the yield stress decreases. The Young’s modulus is increased when adding nanoclay. Indeed, clay exfoliation was not attained, but the intercalated particle dispersion improved the stiffness properties of PET/glass fibers/nanoclay composites


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    Com o objetivo verificar os principais centros de custos, os custos de produção e a rentabilidade da produção ovina na metade sul do Rio Grande do Sul foram realizados a análise econômica de sete produtores entre o período de agosto de 2006 a julho de 2007. Os dados mensais levantados consistem em todas as despesas, receitas e os valores referentes aos produtos consumidos nas propriedades. Também foram realizados os inventários patrimoniais para o cálculo de depreciação e evolução dos ativos físicos. Os custos foram segmentados em custos variáveis, custos fixos, custo operacional e custo total. Indicadores econômicos foram formulados a fim de verificar a rentabilidade da atividade. Os custos variáveis e os custos de oportunidade foram às categorias de custo que mais impactaram a formação do custo total. Dentro do custo operacional destaca-se o elevado custo com mão de obra, sendo o grupo de custo que mais onerou a produção ovina. A ovinocultura mostrou-se como uma atividade rentável quando verificados os indicadores de margem bruta e renda operacional agrícola. Entretanto, a margem líquida apresentou valores negativos em todas as propriedades analisadas. Os custos por quilograma de peso vivo variaram de R0,86aR 0,86 a R 2,02 enquanto os custos por quilograma de lã variaram de R1,58aR 1,58 a R 3,67. Constatou-se que o indicador desfrute de produção influencia diretamente os custos por quilograma de peso vivo.----------------------------------------------------The goal of this study is to examine the production costs and profitability of the sheep production system in the south of Rio Grande do Sul. The economic analysis included seven sheep farms throughout 12 months, between August of 2006 and July of 2007. Expenses, revenue and value of products consumed in the farm were measured monthly. Depreciation and physical assets were calculated based on patrimony balance. Costs were divided in variable costs, fixed costs, operational costs and total costs. Economic indicators were computed to evaluate sheep raising profitability. Results showed that variable and opportunity costs had the largest impact on total costs. In terms of operational costs, labor costs were the largest expense for sheep farms. Overall, sheep raising is a profitable activity, as indicated by positive gross margins and operational revenue indicators. However, net margins were negative across all farms included in the study. Costs per kilogram of live stock varied from R0,86toR 0,86 to R 2,02, while the costs per kilogram of wool varied from R1,58toR1,58 to R3,67. The production acquired is a variable that directly influences the costs per kilogram of live stock.custos de produção, ovinos, rentabilidade, production costs, sheep, profitability, Livestock Production/Industries,


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    Conhecer as diferentes metodologias, classificações, composições dos custos e indicadores econômicos se torna primordial na gestão dos sistemas produtivos. Desta forma, o objetivo do presente trabalho é apresentar uma revisão teórica sobre análise econômica e custos de produção, destacando as terminologias, etapas e composição dos custos, métodos de apropriação, indicadores econômicos e medidas de desempenho agrícola, além de exemplificar uma metodologia específica para a análise econômica da ovinocultura. Os custos de produção são variáveis desconhecidas pela imensa maioria dos produtores brasileiros. Sistema de custos é um conjunto de procedimentos administrativos que registra, de forma sistemática e contínua, a efetiva remuneração dos fatores de produção empregados no sistema produtivo. Os custos podem ser classificados quanto à sua natureza, à identificação material e à sua variação quantitativa. O desempenho econômico das propriedades agrícolas pode ser mensurado através do uso de indicadores econômicos, sendo eles: renda bruta total, margem bruta, renda operacional agrícola e margem líquida. Na produção ovina, além dos indicadores econômicos os valores referentes aos custos podem ser desmembrados em custos de produção unitários, sejam eles custos por quilograma de peso vivo, sejam custos por quilograma de lã. Os resultados de indicadores econômicos, indicadores produtivos e custos unitários de produção servirão para estimar a rentabilidade econômica da produção ovina, além de avaliar a viabilidade econômica em diferentes sistemas produtivos. Portanto, as ferramentas de gestão disponíveis na administração rural são fundamentais quando se busca aliar eficiência produtiva a eficiência econômica.-------------------------------------------------Knowing various methodologies, classifications, cost compositions and economic indicators has become primordial in system production management. Thus, the object of this paper is to present a theoretical review about economic analysis and production costs, highlighting terminology, stages and cost composition, appropriation methods, economic indicators and agricultural development measures, besides exemplifying a specific methodology for economic analysis of sheep production. Production costs are unknown variables by most of Brazilian farmers. The costs system is a group of administrative procedures that register, systematically and continuously, the effective remuneration of production factors that are applied in the production systems. Costs can be classified according to its nature, material identification and to its quantitative variation. Economic performance of the farms can be measured through economic indicators, being: total gross profit, gross profit margin, operational agricultural profit and net margin. In sheep production, besides the economic indicators and the values referent to costs can me separated into unitary production costs, by costs per liveweight kilogram or costs per kilogram of wool. The results of the economic indicators, production indicators and unitary production costs will be used to estimate sheep production economic profitability, and also to evaluate the economic viability in various production systems. Therefore, the management tools that are available in farm management are fundamental when looking for production and economic efficiency.Metodologia de custos, ovinocultura, viabilidade econômica, Cost methodology, economic viability, sheep production, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Economical Evaluation through Gross Profit and Cash Flow in Different Beef Cattle Systems in Rio Grande Do Sul

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    Beef cattle production is suffering numerous difficulties in productive and economical terms in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Expanding new markets, competition with other meats, external competition through imported Mercosul beef, new growth and slaughter processes bring new challenges to the Brazilian livestock production. In the case of Rio Grande do Sul, another factor to be considered is the competition with Central States in the internal market. Meat prices received by farmers in the last years stayed constant, but prices of the main production inputs are still rising. This scenery brought continuous income decrease to the beef cattle farmers. As a result, many farmers are selling part of their lands or leaving beef cattle production. This paper aims to compare gross income and cash flows in three farms with different beef cattle systems during the years of 2003 and 2004, as well as analysing the cost percentage of different inputs necessary to the production systems. The farms are located in different regions: Campanha, Depressão Central and Fronteira Oeste, representing important agricultural production regions in the in Rio Grande do Sul state. The results show that without technological modernisation in beef cattle production systems and integration with agriculture, it becomes difficult to remunerate all the production factors. Planning allows a better income distribution, reducing the months of negative cash flow. However, the low profit per area demonstrates the gravity of the economical situation of beef cattle farmers in Rio Grande do Sul.beef cattle systems, gross profit, cash flow, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Interventions To Improve Patients' Compliance With Therapies Aimed At Lowering Glycated Hemoglobin (hba1c) In Type 1 Diabetes: Systematic Review And Meta-analyses Of Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials Of Psychological, Telecare, And Educational Interventions

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Brazilian records on glycemic control in patients with type 1 diabetes show treatment efficacy. Poor patient adherence to therapeutic proposals influences these results and can be associated with social, psychological, and economic aspects, besides others factors. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of psychological, telecare, and educational interventions to improve treatment compliance among patients with type 1 diabetes. Compliance was assessed indirectly using reduction of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) as the principal outcome measure. Methods: Systematic review and meta-analyses of randomized controlled clinical trials (RCTs) were performed using Medline, Embase, Cochrane and Scopus databases up to April 2015. The following medical subject headings were used: Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1, Patient Compliance or Adherence, Hemoglobin A, glycated, and Randomized Controlled Trial. The principal outcome was change in HbA1c between Baseline and follow-up. Where appropriate, trials were combined in meta-analysis using fixed effects models. Results: From 191 articles initially identified, 57 were full text reviewed, and 19 articles met the inclusion criteria providing data from 1782 patients (49.4 % males, age 18 years). The RCTs (2 to 24 months in duration) were divided into four groups according to type of intervention: psychology (seven studies; 818 patients), telecare (six studies; 494 patients); education (five studies; 349 patients), and psychoeducation (one study; 153 patients). All studies reported some type of adherence measurement of the interventions. Decrease in HbA1c was observed after psychology (MD -0.310; 95 % CI, -0.599 to -0.0210, P = 0.035) but not after telecare (MD -0.124 %; 95 % CI, -0.268, 0.020; P = 0.090) or educational (MD -0.001; 95 % CI, -0.202, 0.200; P = 0.990) interventions. Conclusion: Psychological approaches to improve adherence to diabetes care treatment modestly reduced HbA1c in patients with type 1 diabetes; telecare and education interventions did not change glycemic control. However, the limited number of studies included as well as their methodological quality should be taken into account.17Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq)Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)Fundo de Incentivo a Pesquisa (FIPE) of Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    O patrimônio mínimo a serviço do ser

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    Resumo: O presente trabalho de conclusão de curso tem por escopo a defesa de um patrimônio mínimo personalíssimo a que toda pessoa tem direito. A garantia patrimonial mínima é fruto da hermenêutica crítica do art. 548 do Código Civil, o qual veda a doação integral dos bens sem que o doador reserve para si parte ou renda suficientes para sua subsistência. Da interpretação do mencionado dispositivo legal à luz do princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana infere-se que toda pessoa tem direito a um patrimônio mínimo personalíssimo, já que é vedada pelo ordenamento jurídico a autorredução à miséria. A tese do patrimônio mínimo vai ao encontro dos movimentos de repersonalização, despatrimonialização e constitucionalização do Direito Civil. O presente trabalho, por sua vez, não visa apenas o estudo da garantia patrimonial mínima. Pretende, também, a defesa de um conceito renovado de liberdade a informar o direito privado. Trata-se da liberdade substancial, por meio da qual a pessoa concretamente considerada pode realizar as condutas que valoriza. O patrimônio mínimo, portanto, pode servir como prestador de liberdade substancial ao seu titular. Essa visão insere-se em uma também renovada concepção da dimensão funcional dos institutos fundamentais do Direito Civil, que considera a função social, em certa medida, como prestação de liberdades aos sujeitos concretamente considerados em relaçã