293 research outputs found

    Redesign of Vibration Power Generator with Respect to Overall Volume and Weight

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    Tato práce se zabývá vylepšením konstrukce již navrženého vibračního generátoru. Pojednává o vylepšení jeho vlastností a hledání ideální konstrukce s ohledem na hmotnost, rozměry a generovaný výkon. Zlepšují se zde mechanické vlastnosti, aby došlo k co nejlepšímu naladění a vývoji nové konstrukce pro zlepšení výstupních parametrů, jako je výkon. Naladění požadovaných vlastností probíhá simulováním a modelováním v programech ANSYS a MATLAB.This work deals with improvement construction already of the vibration power generator design. The improvement his feature and search ideal construction with reference to material, proportions and power. Gain here mechanical properties, to come to what best tune up and development of new construction for improved check out characteristics as is achievement. Tuning up of correct parameters proceed by the simulation and modelling in ANSYS and MATLAB environment.

    Analysis of the variations of measured values in continuous long-term geodetic monitoring

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    A geodetic measurement of shifts and deformations by total station is a well-known and widely used method. There is presented the analysis of the variations over time of the measured values in continuous geodetic monitoring in this paper. There are used measured data from a specific monitoring system of a surface mine in the time period from January 2006 to July 2010 in the analysis.The aim of the analysis is to describe linear trend and periodic changes in measured data (horizontal direction, zenith angle and slope distance). The main method of the analysis is a linear-harmonic function approximation

    Practical Implementation of Animation for Students of Pedagogical Studies at MIAS CTU in Prague

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    This paper shows computer animation as a teaching and learning instrument in technical education. Our aim is to show good practice in creating computer animations. The paper includes an example, which can serve as a practical guide for teachers of technical subjects

    A Taxonomy of Technical Animation

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    The age in which we are living nowadays is characterized by rapid innovation in the development of information and communication technologies (ICT). This innovation has a significant influence on the education process. This article deals with computer animation in technical education. Our aim is to show the taxonomy of education animation. The paper includes practical examples of animation

    Bilinear systems and chaos

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    Electronic Education at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering

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    This paper deals with the current issue of electronic education, and is based on a study of Internet support for education at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering at the Czech Technical University in Prague.The goal of the study was to establish to what extent and in what ways electronic support for education is utilized at FNSPE CTU. In order to answer these questions, a questionnaire was conducted at the faculty. We will present the outcomes here.

    Synthesis of chaotic systems

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    Motivation Risks in Teaching Students at Secondary Technical Schools

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    Motivation has long been of interest to many educational researchers, as it is seen as an essential ingredient in effective teaching and learning. Motivated students are more likely to be eager to learn and more willing to accept the challenges that come with the learning process. In our research, we wanted to specify the attitudes of secondary technical school students towards their studies and to find out what motivates and demotivates them. We aimed to determine potential risks to motivation (demotivators). We hypothesized that students’ intrinsic motivation could be strengthened by teachers if classes were seen as useful, interesting, and inspiring. Having chosen a questionnaire as our research method, we addressed more than 200 secondary technical schools from a public database and asked their management for permission to send a questionnaire on motivation risks to their students. The body of the questionnaire included items asking students to assess 8 potential negative factors, which could represent risks in motivation. Our research sample included 665 responses from 10 technical study programs. The Fuller method of paired comparison was used for our data analysis. The answers from students from various schools, school locations, years of study, and study programs did not show many differences when respondents indicated the primary motivation risks for their study. The impact of risky situations on students’ motivation to study technical subjects was dominantly connected with their cognitive needs, followed by social needs. Surprisingly, in the students’ answers, not much attention was dedicated to the achievement needs

    Electronic Education

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    The age in which we are living nowadays is characterized by rapid innovation in the development of information and communication technologies (ICT). This innovation has a significant influence on the education process. This paper deals with e-learning