7,131 research outputs found

    Temperature and Frequency Dependent Empirical Models of Dielectric Properties of Sunflower and Olive Oil

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    In this article, a known concept and measurement probe geometry for the estimation of the dielectric properties of oils have been adapted. The new probe enables the~measurement in the frequency range of 1 to 3000 MHz. Additionally, the measurement probe has been equipped with a~heat exchanger, which has enabled us to measure the dielectric properties of sunflower and olive oil as well as of two commercial emulsion concentrates. Subsequently, corresponding linear empirical temperature and frequency dependent models of the dielectric properties of the above mentioned oils and concentrates have been created. The dielectric properties measured here as well as the values obtained based on the empirical models created here match the data published in professional literature very well

    Numerical investigation of novel microwave applicators based on zero-order mode resonance for hyperthermia treatment of cancer

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    This paper characterizes three novel microwave applicators based on zero-order mode resonators for use in hyperthermia treatment of cancer. The radiation patterns are studied with numerical simulations in muscle tissue-equivalent model at 434 MHz. The relative performance of the applicators is compared in terms of reflection coefficient, current distribution, power deposition (SAR) pattern, effective field size in 2D and 3D tissue volumes, and penetration depth. One particular configuration generated the most uniform SAR pattern, with 25% SAR covering 84 % of the treatment volume extending to 1 cm depth under the aperture, while remaining above 58% coverage as deep as 3 cm under the aperture. Recommendations are made to further optimize this structure

    A Microwave Metamaterial Inspired Sensor for Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring

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    In this paper, a microwave sensor based on an artificial transmission line is proposed for non-invasive blood glucose monitoring. A corresponding numerical model of the sensor implemented in microstrip technology is created in the commercial full-wave numerical simulation tool COMSOL Multiphysics and virtually tested by means of numerical simulations. Blood-glucose solution models with various blood glucose concentrations are used as a model of a biological tissue under test. Furthermore, a possible methodology for performing non-invasive tests is proposed. Sensitivity of the sensor developed here is compared to a sensor based on a section of a conventional microstrip transmission line of the same length and width

    Novel Applicators for Local Microwave Hyperthermia Based on Zeroth-Order Mode Resonator Metamaterial

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    It is demonstrated that a theory of zero-order mode resonator (ZOR) metamaterial (MTM) structure can be used for the development of a novel class of applicators for microwave thermotherapy, for example, for hyperthermia in cancer treatment or for physiotherapy. The main idea of creating such an applicator is to generate and radiate a plane electromagnetic (EM) wave into the treated biological tissue, at least in a certain extent. The main aim of this paper is to investigate whether an EM wave generated by ZOR MTM structure and emitted into the biological tissue can produce a homogeneous SAR distribution in the planes parallel to the applicator aperture and achieve a penetration depth approaching the theoretical limit represented by SAR distribution and penetration depth of an ideal EM plane wave. EM field distribution inside a virtual phantom of the treated region generated by the applicator that is based on the proposed ZOR MTM principle is investigated using a well-proven full-wave commercial simulation tool. The proposed applicator type shows both a low unwanted leaked electromagnetic field and a fairly homogeneous electric field in its aperture as well as in the virtual phantom of the treated region

    Novel Microwave Applicators Based on Zero-Order Mode Resonance for Hyperthermia Treatment of Cancer

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    In this paper, three novel microwave applicator prototypes based on zero-order mode resonators are proposed for use in hyperthermia treatment of cancer. The ability of all three applicators to homogenously irradiate muscle tissue-equivalent phantoms is demonstrated with results of numerical simulations, and relative performance of the applicators is compared

    Realization of Resistorless Lossless Positive and Negative Grounded Inductor Simulators Using Single ZC-CCCITA

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    This paper is in continuation with the very recent work of Prasad et al. [14], wherein new realizations of grounded and floating positive inductor simulator using current differencing transconductance amplifier (CDTA) are reported. The focus of the paper is to provide alternate realizations of lossless, both positive and negative inductor simulators (PIS and NIS) in grounded form using z-copy current-controlled current inverting transconductance amplifier (ZC-CCCITA), which can be considered as a derivative of CDTA, wherein the current differencing unit (CDU) is reduced to a current-controlled current inverting unit. We demonstrate that only a single ZC-CCCITA and one grounded capacitor are sufficient to realize grounded lossless PIS or NIS. The proposed circuits are resistorless whose parameters can be controlled through the bias currents. The workability of the proposed PIS is validated by SPICE simulations on three RLC prototypes

    Serendipitous Discovery and Parallax of a Nearby L Dwarf

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    A field star serendipitously observed in a parallax program proved to have a proper motion of 562 mas/yr and a parallax of 82 +- 2 mas. The star is identified with 2MASS J07003664+3157266. A Keck LRIS spectrum shows its spectral type to be L3.5, as expected from its infrared and optical colors and absolute magnitude. This object had not been previously recognized as an L dwarf, perhaps because of crowding at its relatively low Galactic latitude (b = +15.8 degrees).Comment: PASP, in press. 8 pages incl.2 postscript figures, plus one jpeg figur

    Guesthouse Repechy - renewal and extension of farmhouse

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    Bakalářská práce vychází z ateliérového projektu, který byl vypracován v letním semestru 3. ročníku bakalářského studia. Předmětem zadání práce je obnovení a dostavba bývalého selského stavení na okraji obce Repechy v Olomouckém kraji, okres Prostějov. Stavení pochází přibližně z počátku 20. Století. K jeho současnému havarijnímu stavu přispělo jak období 2. Světové války, tak i pozdější nevhodné zásahy, dlouhodobé nevyužívání a chátrání. Budova je postavena převážně z pálených cihel a kamene. Výstavba probíhala ve více stavebních etapách. Nejdříve byla postavena dvoupodlažní, částečně podsklepená, obytná část s neobytným podkrovím a přidruženou hospodářskou částí. V další etapě byly vybudovány chlévy ve tvaru písmene „U“, čímž celý objekt získal charakter uzavřeného stavení s venkovním atriem. Toto atrium bylo později zastřešeno plechovou krytinou. Hlavním cílem projektu byla snaha co nejvíce zachovat původní tvar a vzhled typického selského stavení, avšak s novým funkčním využitím, které by mohlo v obci Repechy zatraktivnit turistický ruch a využívat půvabné krajiny Drahanské vrchoviny. Tento návrh uvažuje s funkcí penzionu se službami, jako jsou rekreační pobyty, včetně možnosti stravování, wellness pobyty, agroturistika a cyklistika. Asi za nejvýznamnější funkci penzionu lze považovat hipoterapii, pro jejíž účely byla navržena speciálně stájová část. Vzhledem k nevhodnému až havarijnímu stavu celého objektu se jedná spíše o demolici a následnou dostavbu nežli o rekonstrukci. Uvažuje se pouze o zachování historicky nejstaršího a nejozdobnějšího severovýchodního průčelí a severozápadního nároží původní obytné části. V tomto průčelí se nachází i hlavní vstup do penzionu a původní okenní otvory s šambránami a nadokenními ozdobami. Z důvodu požadované kapacity penzionu bylo třeba zvětšit jeho rozměry. Původní tvar zůstal však zachován včetně venkovního atria a tvaru střechy. V nově navržených částí budovy jsou zvoleny novodobé prvky v podobě prosklenýThis bachelor thesis is based on an atelier project, which was elaborated during the summer semester of the third year of bachelor study. The subject of this work is restoration and completion of the former rustic building (farmhouse) situated on the outskirts of the village Repechy in the Olomouc Region, district of Prostejov. The building was probably built in the early 20th century. Its current state of disrepair was caused by the 2nd World War events, later inappropriate interventions and prolonged neglect and decay of the building. The building is mostly constructed from bricks and stone. The construction had several stages. At first, a two-story, partly cellared living area with nonresidential attic and associated economic parts was built. The cowsheds were built in the form of the "U" letter in the next stage. The object thereby got a character of an enclosed building with an outdoor atrium. A metal roof was later built over the atrium. The main aim of the project was to preserve the original shape and the appearance of a typical farmhouse as much as possible, while providing a new functional use, which might attract tourism to the Repechy village and embrace the charming landscape of Drahanské Highlands. This design considers the function of a pension with services such as recreational trips, including dining options, wellness stays, agrotourism and cycling. Hippotherapy is perhaps the most important function of the pension, the stalls part was specifically designed for its purposes. Due to the unsatisfactory state of disrepair of the building, it is more of a demolition, rather than completion and a subsequent reconstruction. Conservation of only the historically oldest and the most decorated northeastern frontage and the north-western corner of the original residential area is considered. In this frontage, there is the main house entrance and the original window openings with chambranles and above-window decorations. Because of the required