1,477 research outputs found

    R&D and knowledge dynamics in university-industry relationships in biotech and pharmaceuticals: An agent-based model

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    In the last two decades, University-Industry Relationships have played an outstanding role in shaping innovation activities in Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals. Despite the growing importance and the considerable scope of these relationships, there still is an intensive and open debate on their short and long term effects on the research system in life sciences. So far, the extensive literature on this topic has not been able to provide a widely accepted answer. This work introduces a new way to analyse University-Industry Relationships (UIRs) which makes use of an agent-based simulation model. With the help of simulation experiments and the comparison of different scenario results, new insights on the effects of these relationships on the innovativeness of the research system can be gained. In particular, focusing on knowledge interactions among heterogeneous actors, we show that: (i) universities tend to shift from a basic to an applied research orientation as a consequence of relationships with industry, (ii) universities' innovative capabilities benefit from industry financial resources but not so much from cognitive resources of the companies, (iii) biotech companies' innovative capabilities largely benefit from the knowledge interaction with universities and (iv) adequate policies in terms of public basic research funding can contrast the negative effects of UIRs on university research orientation. --University-Industry Relationships,Knowledge Dynamics,University Patenting,Technology Transfer,Agent-Based Modelling

    Violence and the acknowledgement of tense past in the Horn: a note on the Ethio-Eritrean War (1998-2000)

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    In this paper, the author attempts to describe how, during the two years of bloody conflict which confronted the newly-born State of Eritrea with its old «mother-country», Ethiopia, the two former allies and «brotherly» countries used war as an open way of acknowledging tense past between them and in the country at large. Between May 1998 and December 2000, when the peace accord was signed in Algiers, the two countries launched an extremely violent propaganda war which accompanied and sustained the fighting in the field. This «war of words» was aimed not only at defending the rights of each country over the disputed border areas, but at projecting as well the newly-found national identity and consolidating its internal perception. A public use of the past came to be enacted in an attempt to realign the historical identities of the countries and to adapt them to the new geo-political settings which came about with the demise of the previous Ethiopian regime in 1991.Neste artigo, o autor tenta descrever a maneira coma, durante os dais anos de conflito sangrento onde o recĂ©m-nascido Estado da Eritreia enfrentou a sua antiga «pĂĄtria», EtiĂłpia, os dois anteriores aliados e «paĂ­ses irmĂŁos» utilizaram a guerra coma uma forma aberta de assumir as tensĂ”es que no passado existiram entre eles e no paĂ­s em geral. Entre Maio de 1998 e Dezembro de 2000, quando um acordo de paz foi assinado em Alger, os dois paĂ­ses desencadearam uma guerra de propaganda extremamente violenta que acompanhou os combates no terreno e os sustentou. Esta «guerra de palavras» teve como objectivo nĂŁo apenas a defesa dos direitos de cada um dos paĂ­ses sobre as ĂĄreas fronteiriças disputadas, mas ao mesmo tempo a projecção da percepção interna destas identidades. Uma utilização publica do passado foi encenada numa tentativa para re-alinhar as identidades histĂłricas dos dois paĂ­ses, adaptando-as ao novo contexto geo-polĂ­tico que se gerou depois da queda do anterior regime etĂ­ope, em 1991.Dans cet article, l'auteur essaie de dĂ©crire la façon du conflit sanglant ou le nouveau-nĂ© Etat de l'ErythrĂ©e a fait face Ă  son ancienne «patrie», l'Ethiopie, les deux anciens allies e «pays frĂšres» ont utilisĂ© la guerre comme une forme ouverte d'assumer les tensions qui dans le passĂ© ont existĂ© entre eux, et dans le pays en gĂ©nĂ©ral. Entre mai 1998 et dĂ©cembre 2000, quand un accord de paix a Ă©tĂ© signĂ© Ă  Alger, les deux pays ont lancĂ© une guerre de propagande extrĂȘmement violente qui a accompagnĂ© et soutenu les combats sur le terrain. Cette «guerre de paroles» eut comme objectif non seulement la dĂ©fense des droits de chacun des deux pays sur les rĂ©gions frontaliĂšres disputĂ©es, mais en mĂȘme temps la projection des identitĂ©s nationales, nouvellement rencontrĂ©es peu avant, ainsi que la consolidation interne de la perception de ces mĂȘmes identitĂ©s. Une utilisation publique du passĂ© a Ă©tĂ© mis en scĂšne dans une tentative d'en arriver Ă  un rĂ©alignement des identitĂ©s historiques des deux pays, en les adaptant au nouveau contexte geo-politique survenu aprĂšs la chute de l'antĂ©rieur rĂ©gime Ă©thiopien, en 1991

    In memoriam Merid Wolde Aregay (1934/35–2008)

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    Postpartum Depression Screening in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Maternal and Provider Perspectives

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    Objective: Although mothers of preterm infants are at increased risk for postpartum depression (PPD), PPD screening conducted by neonatal providers in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is currently not a standard of care. The purpose of this study was to explore maternal and provider perceptions of neonatal providers conducting PPD screening in the NICU. Design: This study was conducted with a qualitative approach. Setting: A 24-bed Level III NICU in Houston, TX acted as the study site. Participants: Participants were purposively sampled (N=31) and included mothers of NICU infants (n=15) and NICU providers (n=16). Methods: Semi-structured individual and paired interviews were conducted with mothers of NICU infants and NICU providers to determine appropriateness of PPD screening in the NICU, screening preferences, facilitators and barriers. Content analysis was used to analyze verbatim transcripts of interviews. Transcripts were coded for content and subsequently organized into emergent themes. Results: Analysis of maternal and provider interviews revealed qualitative evidence supporting Health Belief Model constructs to include perceived susceptibility and severity of PPD in the NICU; as well as perceived benefits, barriers and cues to action for PPD screening in this setting. Conclusion: NICU providers and mothers support maternal PPD screening in the NICU as a standard of care led by nurses at the bedside. Special attention to stigma-related barriers and structural barriers should be considered with program development. Keywords: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, NICU, postpartum depression, postpartum depression screening, providers, materna

    Do the Pikler and RIE methods promote infant-parent attachment?

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    This thesis explores Pikler and Resources for Infant Educarers (RIE) methods of parenting enhancement and intervention in an attempt to discover whether they promote attachment in the first three years of a child\u27s life. I report on the Pikler and RIE literature, as well as past and current attachment theory and research. I begin with the work of Bowlby, Ainsworth, and Main and progress to the study of neurobiological, genealogy, adult attachment styles, coping and resiliency, and internal mental states. In the 1946, post-WWII, Emmi Pikler created an orphanage in Budapest, Hungary, The Pikler Institute, beginning a unique approach to childcare that sensitively responded to the needs of children in a relationally responsive and developmentally attuned manner. Pikler\u27s close colleague, Magda Gerber, further developed the work, by bringing the methodology to families in the U.S. as a unique understanding of the relational needs and developmental competencies of infants. In order to understand the ways in which the Pikler and RIE methods promote attachment, my research sought to discover the links between attachment theory and the RIE and Pikler approaches. I endeavored to accomplish this by asking facilitators to describe specific behaviors of parent-infant dyads that exemplified the Pikler and RIE methods. I then analyzed the results in relation to various concepts of attachment theory. The results indicate that these methods promote attachment. I hope that by bringing this awareness to light that social workers and others working with infants and families with mental health issues based in attachment will find an accessible and practical tool through the methodologies of RIE and Pikler

    Trade Openness and Vulnerability in Central and Eastern Europe

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    international trade, vulnerability, volatility, Central and Eastern European countries

    Ethics and economics in the world of globalized finance

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    The paper analyzes the reasons that led, in the years following the nineteenth century, to a vision of economic phenomena distant from ethics. After a brief introduction on the meaning of the concept of economics in the ancient world, the article describes which factors contributed most to developing an image of human behaviour motivated only by perfect rationality, self-interest, wealth maximization, showing the reasons that have separated economics and finance from ethics. The paper then deals with the theme of how to bring finance closer to the real economy starting from the need to search for solutions capable of producing radical changes in the business models of companies and in the financing investments aimed at maximizing social inclusion and collective well-being. The final part describes the initiatives promoted by the EU for the development of the Capital Market Union and the instrument recently introduced by the EU to develop finance long-term investments, the ELTIFs. In the conclusion, we present a proposal for the creation of a new innovative asset class, the Infrastructure Mortgage Backed Security, for the promotion of investments in infrastructures responding to the needs of investors and requiring business models based on shared ethic values and on the responsibility of all the agents working inside and outside the companies

    Regularity of the steering control for systems with persistent memory

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    The following fact is known for large classes of distributed control systems: when the target is regular, there exists a regular steering control. This fact is important to prove convergence estimates of numerical algorithms for the approximate computation of the steering control. In this paper we extend this property to a class of systems with persistent memory (of Maxwell/Boltzmann type) and we show that it is possible to construct such smooth control via the solution of an optimization problem
