37 research outputs found

    Quantization of systems with internal degrees of freedom in two-dimensional manifolds

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    Presented is a primary step towards quantization of infinitesimal rigid body moving in a two-dimensional manifold. The special stress is laid on spaces of constant curvature like the two-dimensional sphere and pseudosphere (Lobatschevski space). Also two-dimensional torus is briefly discussed as an interesting algebraic manifold.Comment: 19 page

    Mechanics of Systems of Affine Bodies. Geometric Foundations and Applications in Dynamics of Structured Media

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    In the present paper we investigate the mechanics of systems of affinely-rigid bodies, i.e., bodies rigid in the sense of affine geometry. Certain physical applications are possible in modelling of molecular crystals, granular media, and other physical objects. Particularly interesting are dynamical models invariant under the group underlying geometry of degrees of freedom. In contrary to the single body case there exist nontrivial potentials invariant under this group (left and right acting). The concept of relative (mutual) deformation tensors of pairs of affine bodies is discussed. Scalar invariants built of such tensors are constructed. There is an essential novelty in comparison to deformation scalars of single affine bodies, i.e., there exist affinely-invariant scalars of mutual deformations. Hence, the hierarchy of interaction models according to their invariance group, from Euclidean to affine ones, can be considered.Comment: 50 pages, 4 figure

    Quasiclassical and Quantum Systems of Angular Momentum. Part II. Quantum Mechanics on Lie Groups and Methods of Group Algebras

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    In Part I of this series we presented the general ideas of applying group-algebraic methods for describing quantum systems. The treatment was there very "ascetic" in that only the structure of a locally compact topological group was used. Below we explicitly make use of the Lie group structure. Basing on differential geometry enables one to introduce explicitly representation of important physical quantities and formulate the general ideas of quasiclassical representation and classical analogy