612 research outputs found

    Pharmacologic modulation of experimental postischemic hepatic function

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    The present study, evaluated and compared the effects of SRI 63-441, a potent platelet activating factor antagonist, superoxide dismutase (SOD), an oxygen free radical scavenger, and ibuprofen, a cyclooxygenase inhibitor on hepatic function after 90 minutes of warm ischemia. After warm ischemia, livers were harvested and underwent 90 minutes of warm, oxygenated, sanguinous perfusion on an isolated liver perfusion apparatus. Pretreatment of donor animals with 20 mg/kg intravenous (I.V.) SRI 63-441 5 minutes before induction of total hepatic ischemia resulted in significantly increased bile production, a significant decrease in transaminase release, and a higher tissue adenosine triphosphate (ATP) content when compared with ischemic non-treated controls. SOD resulted in improved bile production and decreased transaminase liberation only when present in the perfusate at the time of in vitro reperfusion. Ibuprofen did not improve postischemic hepatic function in this model. Electron microscopy revealed patchy hepatocellular vacuolization with an intact sinusoidal endothelium in all ischemic livers. However, the degree of damage was less severe in the livers from those rats pretreated with 20 mg/kg SRI 63-441. This study demonstrates that SRI 63-441 pretreatment significantly reduces hepatic warm ischemic injury, and in the present model, appears superior to two other agents that have been advanced in the treatment of ischemic injury. The use of such agents singly or in combinations have important implications as regards gaining a better understanding of he basic mechanisms in organ ischemia, and moreover, for therapeutic applications in organ ischemia and preservation

    Regenerating Rat Liver: Correlations Between Estrogen Receptor Localization and Deoxyribonucleic Acid Synthesis

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    Estrogen receptor activity was quantitated in the cytosol and nucleus of normal rat liver and in regenerating rat liver at several time intervals after 75% hepatectomy. Cytosolic estradiol binding in regenerating liver decreases at 12, 24, and 48 h after hepatectomy and at 48 h is 30% of that in normal rat liver. Nuclear estrogen binding 48 h after surgery is elevated fivefold over normal values. No alterations in affinity of the receptor for estrogen have been observed. Specificity studies indicate that the estrogen receptors from both normal and regenerating liver were similar and are highly specific for estrogens. These changes in cellular distribution of receptors parallel increases in nuclear deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis and mitotic indices in the liver. © 1984, American Gastroenterological Association. All rights reserved

    Estrogen Binding Protein Activity in Morris Hepatoma 7777 Compared With Normal Rat Liver

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    Estrogen binding protein activities were determined in the cytosol from adult male Buffalo rat liver and Morris hepatoma 7777. Estrogen receptors were prepared using the protamine sulfate precipitation technique of Chamness. The ability of various unlabeled steroids competing with [3H]estradiol was examined to establish the binding specificity. Estradiol binding in Morris hepatoma 7777 cytosol was greatly decreased compared with that present in hepatic cytosol prepared from normal rat liver. The receptor concentration expressed as femtomoles per milligram of cytoplasmic protein was 31.1 ± 2.9 SD for normal rat liver and 0.41 ± 0.88 SD for the hepatoma. Gel filtration chromatography revealed the presence of an estrogen binder in hepatoma cytosol which was not present in either normal liver or in the protamine sulfate precipitates of hepatoma cytosol. The molecular weight, binding specificity, and precipitation of this protein by specific antiserum suggests that it is α-fetoprotein. © 1984, American Gastroenterological Association. All rights reserved

    The effect of estrogen and tamoxifen on hepatocyte proliferation in Vivo and in Vitro

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    We have previously shown that changes in estrogen‐hepatocyte interaction occur during liver regeneration. Following 70% hepatectomy, estrogen levels in the blood were elevated, the number of estrogen receptors in the liver was increased and there was an active translocation of estrogen receptors from the cytosol to the nucleus. The injection of tamoxifen, an estrogen antagonist, inhibits hepatocyte proliferation following partial hepatectomy. The administration of 1 μg tamoxifen per gm body weight at zero time or 6 hr after the operation resulted in a significant inhibition both of DNA synthesis and of the number of cells in mitosis. Injections of tamoxifen 12 hr or later after the operation had no effect. Concomitant injections of equimolar amounts of estrogen abolished the inhibition by tamoxifen. The effects of estrogen and tamoxifen were also tested on hepatocytes in primary culture. Estrogens in the presence of 5% normal rat serum stimulated hepatocyte DNA synthesis as determined by [3H]thymidine incorporation and the labeling index, whereas epidermal growth factor‐induced DNA synthesis in the absence of normal rat serum was strongly inhibited. Tamoxifen, in contrast, inhibited DNA synthesis of hepatocytes in the presence of 5% normal rat serum and reversed the stimulatory effect of estrogen in the same system. Attempts to elucidate the mechanism of tamoxifen inhibition in vitro indicated that one effect of tamoxifen is to prevent the amiloride‐sensitive Na+ influx necessary to initiate hepatocyte proliferation. Copyright © 1989 American Association for the Study of Liver Disease

    Different response to epidermal growth factor of hepatocytes in cultures isolated from male or female rat liver. Inhibitor effect of estrogen on binding and mitogenic effect of epidermal growth factor

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    Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis in hepatocytes isolated from the livers of male and female rats has been compared in monolayer culture. Plating efficiency, DNA and protein content, viability, and morphologic appearance were the same in cultures prepared with hepatocytes isolated from male or female rats. Epidermal growth factor (EGF)-induced DNA synthesis was significantly higher in hepatocytes from male rats than in hepatocytes from female rats. This was the case whether hepatocytes were isolated from normal or partially hepatectomized male or female rats. Hepatocytes isolated from regenerating liver synthesize more DNA than those isolated from normal liver in response to EGF. This increased response to EGF in hepatocytes derived from regenerating liver was relatively the same for male- and female-derived hepatocytes, but the magnitude of the response was considerably higher in male-derived hepatocytes. In contrast, in vivo DNA synthesis in the liver remnant after partial hepatectomy was similar in male and female rats if measured 24 h after the operation. A comparison of EGF binding to male- and female-derived hepatocytes maintained in primary culture indicated a lower number of high-affinity receptors for EGF in the female hepatocytes. The addition of estrogen to primary cultures of hepatocytes isolated from male rats inhibited EGF binding as well as EGF-induced DNA synthesis. Our studies show significant differences in DNA synthesis in response to EGF when male and female hepatocytes are compared in primary culture. The regenerative response after partial hepatectomy, on the other hand, was the same in male and female rats. Thus, our studies indicate that the sex of the donor rat is important when hepatocytes in culture are used for a variety of studies, such as hepatocyte metabolism, induction and control of DNA synthesis, and hepatocarcinogenesis. In addition, our results indicate that caution is advised when inferences are made from in vitro findings for in vivo conditions. © 1987

    Linear response functions for a vibrational configuration interaction state

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    Linear response functions are implemented for a vibrational configuration interaction state allowing accurate analytical calculations of pure vibrational contributions to dynamical polarizabilities. Sample calculations are presented for the pure vibrational contributions to the polarizabilities of water and formaldehyde. We discuss the convergence of the results with respect to various details of the vibrational wave function description as well as the potential and property surfaces. We also analyze the frequency dependence of the linear response function and the effect of accounting phenomenologically for the finite lifetime of the excited vibrational states. Finally, we compare the analytical response approach to a sum-over-states approac