8 research outputs found

    Les chambres d’agriculture coloniales : entre résistances et contestations de l’impérialisme français au XVIIIème siècle

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    Après une courte présentation de mon travail de thèse, j’examinerai dans cet article le cas des chambres d’agriculture nées en 1759 et réinstallées dans les colonies antillaises après la guerre de Sept Ans, au moment où le roi réorganisait l’administration des colonies. A travers leurs décisions, leurs acteurs et leurs critiques à l’encontre du gouvernement colonial, les chambres d’agriculture apparaissent comme le ferment d’une contestation croissante à l’égard d’une métropole jugée trop lointaine, voire désintéressée du sort de ses sujets. Les intendants, en tant que symbole des « errements » monarchiques, deviennent les cibles privilégiées de ces attaques.After a short presentation of my doctoral thesis, this article will focus on the farmers’ associations (or agricultural chambers) created in 1759 and re-established in the West Indian colonies after the Seven Years’ war, when the king reorganized the administration of his colonies. Through their addresses or their complaints against the colonial government, farmers’ associations seemed to have become the ferment of an increasing protest against the “métropole” which was seen as too remote, or unconcerned by the fate of its subjects. The “intendants” symbolised the flaws and foibles of the French monarchy and as such they became the natural targets of the colonists’ attacks

    Reconfigurable Run-Time Support for Distributed Service Component Architectures

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    International audienceSCA (Service Component Architecture) is an OASIS standard for describing service-oriented middleware architectures. In particular, SCA promotes a disciplined way for designing distributed architectures based on a component model and an Architecture Description Language (ADL). However, SCA does not cover the deployment and the run-time management of SCA applications. In this paper, we therefore describe the FraSCAti platform, which provides run-time support, deployment capabilities, and run-time management for SCA. Compared to state-of-the-art platforms, FraSCAti brings a dynamic reflective support to SCA and enables both introspecting and reconfiguring service-oriented architectures at run-time. To achieve this capability, the components are completed by a dedicated container, which is automatically generated by the platform. Furthermore, FraSCAti is a highly configurable platform that can be easily customized by finely selecting the features and functionalities which need to be included. In this way, the platform can be adapted to different application needs and middleware environments

    The DigiHome Service-Oriented Platform

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    International audienceNowadays, the computational devices are everywhere. In malls, offices, streets, cars, and even homes, we can find devices providing and consuming functionality to improve the user satisfaction. These devices include sensors that provide information about the environment state (e.g., temperature, occupancy, light levels), service providers (e.g., Internet TVs, GPS), smartphones (that contain user preferences), and actuators that act on the environment (e.g., closing the blinds, activating the alarm, changing the temperature). Although these devices exhibit communication capabilities, their integration into a larger monitoring system remains a challenging task, partly because of the strong heterogeneity of technologies and protocols. Therefore, in this article, we focus on home environments and propose a middleware solution, called DigiHome, that applies the Service Component Architecture (SCA) component model to integrate data and events generated by heterogeneous devices in this kind of environments. DigiHome exploits the SCA extensibility to incorporate the REpresentational State Transfer (REST) architectural style and, in this way, leverages on the integration of multiscale systems-of-systems (from wireless sensor networks to the Internet). Additionally, the platform applies Complex Event Processing technology that detects application-specific situations. We claim that the modularization of concerns fostered by DigiHome and materialized in a service-oriented architecture, makes it easier to incorporate new services and devices in smart home environments. The benefits of the DigiHome platform are demonstrated on smart home scenarios covering home automation, emergency detection, and energy saving situations

    The DigiHome Service-Oriented Platform

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    International audienceNowadays, the computational devices are everywhere. In malls, offices, streets, cars, and even homes, we can find devices providing and consuming functionality to improve the user satisfaction. These devices include sensors that provide information about the environment state (e.g., temperature, occupancy, light levels), service providers (e.g., Internet TVs, GPS), smartphones (that contain user preferences), and actuators that act on the environment (e.g., closing the blinds, activating the alarm, changing the temperature). Although these devices exhibit communication capabilities, their integration into a larger monitoring system remains a challenging task, partly because of the strong heterogeneity of technologies and protocols. Therefore, in this article, we focus on home environments and propose a middleware solution, called DigiHome, that applies the Service Component Architecture (SCA) component model to integrate data and events generated by heterogeneous devices in this kind of environments. DigiHome exploits the SCA extensibility to incorporate the REpresentational State Transfer (REST) architectural style and, in this way, leverages on the integration of multiscale systems-of-systems (from wireless sensor networks to the Internet). Additionally, the platform applies Complex Event Processing technology that detects application-specific situations. We claim that the modularization of concerns fostered by DigiHome and materialized in a service-oriented architecture, makes it easier to incorporate new services and devices in smart home environments. The benefits of the DigiHome platform are demonstrated on smart home scenarios covering home automation, emergency detection, and energy saving situations

    Supporting Pervasive and Social Communications with FRASCATI

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    Abstract: In pervasive environments, the runtime adaptation of applications is done considering available event sources and services. To do that, the events have to be collected and processed, and the volatile services identified and accessed. However, although the event flow and service mobility are key issues in the adaptation process, existing solutions fail to deal with them in a simple and flexible way. Therefore, in this paper we propose to face these issues by combining the SCA (Service Component Architecture) standard, micro-blogging services and discovery technologies. In particular, we benefit from the SCA extensibility, supported by the binding concept, for introducing two new communication mechanisms: i) social bindings, allowing asynchronous event exchange via Twitter and, ii) pervasive bindings that provide support for discovery using standard protocols such as UPnP. We add support for these bindings in FRASCATI (a platform for SCA) and illustrate their usage with a smart home scenario that requires the integration of heterogeneous technologies

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    Ce numéro de la revue est thématique conformément à notre nouvelle politique éditoriale. Les pages de ce numéro 76 accueillent des articles proposés par des doctorants ou de jeunes docteurs français, européens et canadiens travaillant actuellement sur le Canada, à partir de nouvelles perspectives ou de nouveaux outils de recherche