233 research outputs found

    Tahaton lapsettomuus kriisinä ja siihen vaikuttaminen liikunnan ja vertaistuen avulla

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    Tutkimuksia liikunnan vaikutuksesta mielenterveyteen on tehty paljon. Se, minkälainen liikunta, kuinka paljon ja kuinka pitkään, saa aikaan positiivisimmat vaikutukset, on vielä tutkijoillekin epä-selvää. Tahaton lapsettomuus lisääntyy länsimaissa kovaa vauhtia. Syitä siihen on monia. On syy mikä tahansa, tahaton lapsettomuus on aina kriisi lasta toivovalle pariskunnalle. Sosiaalisen median aikakautena vertaistuki on siirtynyt kaikkien saataville internetiin. Tästä huolimatta yhdessä kokoontuvien vertaistukiryhmien tarve ei ole kuitenkaan vähentynyt. Työni teoriaosuudessa tarkoituksena oli tutkia tahattoman lapsettomuuden vaikutusta mieleen sekä liikunnan vaikutuksia mielenterveyteen. Työni käytännön osuudessa oli tarkoitus yhdistää vertaistuki ja liikunta tahattomasta lapsettomuudesta kärsivien hyvinvointiryhmässä. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostui 14 osallistujasta, joista osa osallistui ryhmään etänä Facebookin avulla ja osa osallistui ryhmän tapaamisiin, joita oli kuusi. Jokaisella kerralla oli erilaista liikuntaa rauhallisemmasta joogasta hikisempään toiminnalliseen harjoitteluun. Ajatuksena oli saada osallistujat kokeilemaan uusia liikuntamuotoja, jakamaan vertaistukea, miettimään omia elämäntapo-jaan kokonaisuutena sekä myös liikkumaan enemmän vapaa-aikanaan. Kolmen kuukauden jälkeen loppukyselyyn vastanneista ryhmäläisistä melkein 88 % oli muuttanut liikuntatottumuksiaan ja 63 % ruokailutottumuksiaan. Muutoksia tehneistä 71 % oli huomannut muutosten tuovan positiivisia vaikutuksia mielialaansa, jaksamiseensa ja painoonsa. Kaikki lop-pukyselyyn vastanneet kokivat saaneensa ryhmästä jotain hyötyä. Hyödyt koskivat vertaistukea, liikuntamotivaation syntymistä ja uusien lajien kokeilua. 88 % vastanneista koki, että vastaavan-laiselle ryhmälle olisi myös jatkossa tarvetta

    Multi-task learning in Computer Vision

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    With modern computer vision algorithms, it is possible to solve many different kinds of problems, such as object detection, image classification, and image segmentation. In some cases, like in the case of a camera-based self-driving car, the task can't yet be adequately solved as a direct mapping from image to action with a single model. In such situations, we need more complex systems that can solve multiple computer vision tasks to understand the environment and act based on it for acceptable results. Training each task on their own can be expensive in terms of storage required for all weights and especially for the inference time as the output of several large models is needed. Fortunately, many state-of-the-art solutions to these problems use Convolutional Neural Networks and often feature some ImageNet backbone in their architecture. With multi-task learning, we can combine some of the tasks into a single model, sharing the convolutional weights in the network. Sharing the weights allows for training smaller models that produce outputs faster and require less computational resources, which is essential, especially when the models are run on embedded devices with constrained computation capability and no ability to rely on the cloud. In this thesis, we will present some state-of-the-art models to solve image classification and object detection problems. We will define multi-task learning, how we can train multi-task models, and take a look at various multi-task models and how they exhibit the benefits of multi-task learning. Finally, to evaluate how training multi-task models changes the basic training paradigm and to find what issues arise, we will train multiple multi-task models. The models will mainly focus on image classification and object detection using various data sets. They will combine multiple tasks into a single model, and we will observe the impact of training the tasks in a multi-task setting

    Multi-tier agent architecture for open service ecosystems

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    Proceeding volume: Vol-918Peer reviewe

    Reflective federation of enterprises in open service ecosystem

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    Proceedings of the International Workshop on Enterprise Interoperability (IWEI 2008)

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    Automating decisions for inter-enterprise collaboration management

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    Proceeding volume: 283/2008The current trend towards networked business forces enterprises to enter federated, loosely-coupled business networks, since much of the competition takes place between networks and value nets. The Pilarcos E2B interoperability middleware supports trend by providing services such as business service discovery and selection, interoperability management, eContracting and reputation-based trust management. Although these services automate the interoperability knowledge management and interoperability. testing, and may help in routine decisions, an essential element of the architecture involves oil expert system that automates or supports decisions oil joining collaborations, acting in them, or leaving them. The expert system focuses oil a single enterprise needs. This paper focuses on the ways of governing the automation level in the expert system in a way suitable for autonomous enterprises to control their participation in agile collaborations.Peer reviewe

    From trading to eCommunity management : responding to social and contractual challenges

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    "The increasing pressure for enterprises to join into agile business networks is changing the requirements on the enterprise computing systems. The supporting infrastructure is increasingly required to provide common facilities and societal infrastructure services to support the lifecycle of loosely-coupled, eContract-governed business networks. The required facilities include selection of those autonomously administered business services that the enterprises are prepared to provide and use, contract negotiations, and furthermore, monitoring of the contracted behaviour with potential for breach management. The essential change is in the requirement of a clear mapping between business-level concepts and the automation support for them. Our work has focused on developing B2B middleware to address the above challenges; however, the architecture is not feasible without management facilities for trust-aware decisions for entering business networks and interacting within them. This paper discusses how trust-based decisions are supported and positioned in the B2B middleware.""The increasing pressure for enterprises to join into agile business networks is changing the requirements on the enterprise computing systems. The supporting infrastructure is increasingly required to provide common facilities and societal infrastructure services to support the lifecycle of loosely-coupled, eContract-governed business networks. The required facilities include selection of those autonomously administered business services that the enterprises are prepared to provide and use, contract negotiations, and furthermore, monitoring of the contracted behaviour with potential for breach management. The essential change is in the requirement of a clear mapping between business-level concepts and the automation support for them. Our work has focused on developing B2B middleware to address the above challenges; however, the architecture is not feasible without management facilities for trust-aware decisions for entering business networks and interacting within them. This paper discusses how trust-based decisions are supported and positioned in the B2B middleware.""The increasing pressure for enterprises to join into agile business networks is changing the requirements on the enterprise computing systems. The supporting infrastructure is increasingly required to provide common facilities and societal infrastructure services to support the lifecycle of loosely-coupled, eContract-governed business networks. The required facilities include selection of those autonomously administered business services that the enterprises are prepared to provide and use, contract negotiations, and furthermore, monitoring of the contracted behaviour with potential for breach management. The essential change is in the requirement of a clear mapping between business-level concepts and the automation support for them. Our work has focused on developing B2B middleware to address the above challenges; however, the architecture is not feasible without management facilities for trust-aware decisions for entering business networks and interacting within them. This paper discusses how trust-based decisions are supported and positioned in the B2B middleware."Peer reviewe

    User interface for trust decision making in inter-enterprise collaborations

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    Best paper award.Peer reviewe

    On-chip Maxwell's demon as an information-powered refrigerator

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    We present an experimental realization of an autonomous Maxwell's Demon, which extracts microscopic information from a System and reduces its entropy by applying feedback. It is based on two capacitively coupled single electron devices, both integrated on the same electronic circuit. This setup allows a detailed analysis of the thermodynamics of both the Demon and the System as well as their mutual information exchange. The operation of the Demon is directly observed as a temperature drop in the System. We also observe a simultaneous temperature rise in the Demon arising from the thermodynamic cost of generating the mutual information.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure