168 research outputs found

    A Comparative Study on Rabies Prophylaxis in Anti-Rabies Clinic between a Secondary and Tertiary Care Hospital in Bengaluru City

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    Rabies can be prevented by appropriate post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). It is assumed that the healthcare providers starting in tertiary care, secondary care and primary care are up-to-date in administration of PEP. However, due to reasons like non-affordability and non-availability of rabies immunobiologicals, manpower shortage, etc., there are issues in administration of PEP. The primary objective of this study was to compare rabies post-exposure prophylaxis in ARC in a secondary care and tertiary care hospital. This prospective comparative study was conducted from March to May 2016 in anti-rabies clinic of one tertiary and secondary care hospital selected through purposive sampling .The animal bite cases attending these clinics during study period were the subjects. Only 21.5% of category-III bites were administered rabies immunoglobulin in secondary care hospital whereas 96% of category-III bites were administered rabies immunoglobulin in the tertiary care hospital. 100% and 89% of subjects were administered anti-rabies vaccine in the secondary care and tertiary care hospital respectively. The median age of subjects in secondary care was 22 years (range: 1-75 years) and tertiary care 8 years (range: 2-70 years). 54% and 63% of bite victims were males in secondary and tertiary care hospital respectively. Majority were students by occupation in both hospitals. Rabies prophylaxis was satisfactory in the tertiary care hospital compared to secondary hospital

    Experimental and Analytical Study of High-Strength Concrete Containing Natural Zeolite and Additives

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    The study compares the durability of Natural Zeolite with Metakaolin, Silica Fume, and Fly Ash on high-strength concrete. 300 concrete specimens were tested for compressive strength before and after an acid attack, modulus of elasticity, water absorption, and rapid chloride permeability. 5%, 10%, and 15% of the cement were replaced with cementitious elements while maintaining the same quantity of Natural Zeolite. In this investigation, the water-cement ratio was maintained at 0.35. After 28 days, the specimens were tested for durability. Samples of all mixes were TG/DT and FTIR tested. The optimal percentages of cementitious materials that resulted to the maximum durability enhancements were reported as the study results. Experimental results showed that Natural Zeolite and Metakaolin strengthened the durability of concrete. All the data show that 5% Natural Zeolite with 10% Metakaolin performs well. Good R2values and appropriate independent variable coefficients suggested that the regression findings for high-strength concrete durability were accurate. The P values of all models were less than 0.005 and the F values were statistically significant and appropriate; therefore, the generated models predict concrete's strength with authenticity. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2022-08-10-019 Full Text: PD

    Analytic Wavefront Sets of Spherical Distributions on De Sitter Space

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    In this work we determine the wavefront set of certain eigendistributions of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on the de Sitter space. Let G = SO_{1,n}(R)_e be the connected component of identity of Lorentz group and let H = SO_{1,n-1}(R)_e, a subset G. The de Sitter space dS^n, is the one-sheeted hyperboloid in R{1,n} isomorphic to G/H. A spherical distribution, is an H-invariant, eigendistribution of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on dS^n. The space of spherical distributions with eigenvalue \lambda, denoted by D'_{\lambda}(dS^n), has dimension 2. In this article we construct a basis for the space of positive-definite spherical distributions as boundary value of sesquiholomorphic kernels on the crown domains, an open G-invariant domain in dS^n_C. It contains dS^n as a G-orbit on the boundary. We characterize the analytic wavefront set for such distributions. Moreover, if a spherical distribution \Theta in D'_{\lambda}(dS^n) has the wavefront set same as one of the basis element, then it must be a constant multiple of that basis element. Using the analytic wavefront sets we show that the basis elements of D'_{\lambda}(dS^n) can not vanish in any open region

    Attributes and Implications of Gender Discriminations in Women’s Education in a Rural Area of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu: the Findings of Focus Group Discussions

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    India is a fast-growing economy and the scientific and technical advancements in the county have tremendously improved. But when we look at the state of women in our country, we are very backward and women are subjected to severe gender discriminations. This is evident from our falling sex ratio, gender gap in education, employment, health status and the high rates of violence against women. There are many reasons for this unfortunate status of women in our country. Our social norms, cultural beliefs and the patriarchal mindset have made women vulnerable and deprived of freedom and wellbeing

    Fatigue, depression and anxiety among nurses working in shift in a tertiary care hospital in South India

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    Background: Shift work has become a social and economic necessity, as most sectors like the healthcare require round the clock operation. Extended and variable working hours leads to desynchronization of the body’s circadian rhythm. Thus, shift work is commonly associated with various physical and mental disorders like insomnia, fatigue, depression, anxiety, cognitive impairment, etc. The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence of sleep deprivation and hence, the levels of fatigue, depression and anxiety among shift working nurses.Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among shift working nurses. Sleep deprivation among 97 female and 3 male healthy nurses of age 20-50 years was assessed by Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS). Fatigue Severity Scale, Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) and Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A) were used for assessing fatigue, depression and anxiety respectively. Level of Sleep deprivation, Depression and Anxiety were expressed in Proportion. Difference in fatigue levels during day and night shift was analyzed using Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks Test.Results: Analysis of ESS, showed, 69% of shift working nurses had poorer sleep quality. The level of fatigue experienced following a night shift work was significantly higher than that following day shift work (Z= 3.34, p = 0.0008). Moderate to severe depression and anxiety was observed in 15% and 16% of the nurses working in shift.Conclusions: Thus, shift work is inevitably associated with sleep deprivation. There exists an increased prevalence of fatigue, depression and anxiety among shift working nurses


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    In Siddha system of medicine, diseases are classified into 4448 types. According to Yugi Vaithiya Chinthaamani, a siddha classical text Meganoi is classified into 20 types based on three humors Vatha, Pitha, Kabha. Madhumegam is one among them, which comes under Pitha type called Thithippu Neer. The causes, signs and symptoms of Madhumegam could be correlated with Diabetes Mellitus in modern system. Mathumegam is a clinical condition characterized by frequent and excessive passage of urine with ‘sweetness’ eventually leading to deterioration of seven body constituents. Its deterioration causes Avathaigal which are described as complications of long term poorly controlled hyperglycemia. Diabetes mellitus is one of the major health problems in most developing countries. Being a lifestyle disorder its management is still a challenge for modern system of medicine. Increase in the number of diabetic patients, high cost for medical treatments, unsatisfactory treatment response are the major reasons for people to switch over to traditional medicinal systems. At current scenario, Siddha system among Indian systems of medicine is gaining more attention globally and it serves as a hope in controlling this dreadful disease and preventing its high risk complications. Siddha drugs include herbal, mineral and herbo-mineral drugs. Among which pure herbal medicines serve the purpose in the management of chronic diseases like Madhumegam for long term use. This review article focuses on one such polyherbal Siddha formulation ‘Pereechangai nei’ as mentioned in text Therayar Maha Karisal, specifically indicated for Madhumegam

    Carbamazepine – Protocol Development for Anda Submission under FDA

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    A major effective strategy for lowering the cost of medication, and thereby reducing its contribution to total healthcare costs, has been the introduction in global markets of generic equivalents of brand-name drugs (innovator drugs). Assessment of “interchangeability” between the generic and the innovator product is carried out by a study of “in vivo equivalence” or “bioequivalence” (BE). Now, many research has been done in recent years to develop new and more effective approaches to the assessment of BE. Thus, high-quality generic drugs at reduced costs have become available in every corner of the globe. The BE study for new and generic products will be accepted through the approval of regulatory authorities. So, regulatory guidelines are necessary for conducting BE studies which have little differences as by country basis. Therefore, it is important to know the acceptance criteria for protocol design as per regulatory authority in BE study. Thus, comparison of regulatory requirements provides information for the safety and efficacy of the drug product. CRO optimize their protocol designs with the goal of reducing complexity and cost, improving feasibility, and gathering more meaningful clinical data. The protocol design have impact on study budgets and on study execution feasibility. Thus, protocol plays a vital role in clinical study. Carbamazepine is a narrow therapeutic drug which causes adverse effects due to small differences in the dose concentration. Thus, the protocol is important for the safety and efficacy of the drug Carbamazepine in the bioequivalence study


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    Objective: The present study was undertaken to prolong the release of orally administered drug. The aim is to formulate, develop, and evaluate theintragastric buoyant tablets of venlafaxine hydrochloride, which releases the drug in a sustained manner over a period of 12 hrs. Different formulationswere formulated using the polymers Carbopol 934 P, xanthan gum, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC K100M) with varying concentration ofdrug: Polymer ratio of 1:1, 1:1.5, 1:2, in which sodium bicarbonate acts as gas generating agent, and microcrystalline cellulose as a diluent.Methods: The tablets were prepared by direct compression and evaluated for tablet thickness, weight variation, tablet hardness, friability, in vitrobuoyancy test, in vitro drug release and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Formulations were evaluated by floating time, floating lag time and in vitro drug release. Dissolution profiles were subjected for various kinetic treatments to analyze the release pattern of drug.Results: It was found that drug release depends on swelling, erosion, and diffusion, thus following the non-Fickian/anomalous type of diffusion.Formulation F8 was considered as an optimized formulation for gastro retentive floating tablet of venlafaxine hydrochloride. The optimizedformulation showed sustained drug release and remained buoyant on the surface of the medium for more than 12 hrs. As the concentration of HPMCK100M increases in the formulation the drug release rate was found to be decreased. The optimized formulation was subjected for the stability studiesand was found to be stable as no significant change was observed in various evaluated parameters of the formulation.Conclusion: It can be concluded that floating drug delivery system of venlafaxine hydrochloride can be successfully formulated as an approach toincrease gastric residence time, thereby improving its bioavailability. Â
