88 research outputs found

    Design of a baggage handling system

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    In a previous paper we have shown how the design of an object processing system can be reduced to a graph embedding problem. Now we apply the transformations found there to a particular system, namely a Baggage Handling System (BHS) of airports, focusing especially on the sorting processors area, as one of the main challenging points. By means of an historical case study, we demonstrate how the method can be successfully applied

    A comparison of techniques for learning and using mathematics and a study of their relationship to logical principles

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    Various techniques exist for learning mathematical concepts, like experimentation and exploration, respectively using mathematics, like modelling and simulation. For a clear application of such techniques in mathematics education, there should be a clear distinction between these techniques. A recently developed theory of fuzzy concepts can be applied to analyse the four mentioned concepts. For all four techniques one can pose the question of their relationship to deduction, induction and abduction as logical principles. An empirical study was conducted with 12-13 aged students, aiming at checking the three reasoning processes


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    This article aims to underline the necessity to integrate local knowledge into the development policies in the fi eld of sustainable agriculture. The basic idea is that we need to apply our local knowledge to the fundamental redesign of our technologies and systems in order to be able to bridge the current gap between research and local economy.Acest articol îşi propune să sublinieze necesitatea integrării cunoaşterii şi inovării locale în politicile de dezvoltare pentru o agricultură durabilă. Ideea de bază este aceea că este nevoie de integrarea cunoaşterii locale pentru reproiectarea fundamentală a tehnologiilor sau sistemelor, pentru a putea reduce decalajul existent între cercetare şi economia locală

    Parsing K definitions

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    AbstractThis paper describes our approach in parsing a K definition. The difficulty of the problem is given by the nature of the K-framework, where the user can define the operational semantics of a language by inserting pieces of concrete syntax in the K code in a natural way. Our main contribution shows how to make use of SDF and the disambiguation mechanisms in the context of K-framework

    The Optimal Operation of Active Distribution Networks with Smart Systems

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    The majority of the existing electricity distribution systems are one-way networks, without self-healing, monitoring and diagnostic capabilities, which are essential to meet demand growth and the new security challenges facing us today. Given the significant growth and penetration of renewable sources and other forms of distributed generation, these networks became “active,” with an increased pressure to cope with new system stability (voltage, transient and dynamic), power quality and network-operational challenges. For a better supervising and control of these active distribution networks, the emergence of Smart Metering (SM) systems can be considered a quiet revolution that is already underway in many countries around the world. With the aid of SM systems, distribution network operators can get accurate online information regarding electricity consumption and generation from renewable sources, which allows them to take the required technical measures to operate with higher energy efficiency and to establish a better investments plan. In this chapter, a special attention is given to the management of databases built with the help of information provided by Smart Meters from consumers and producers and used to optimize the operation of active distribution networks

    Enteral nutrition in severe acute pancreatitis. Questions looking for answers

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    University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr.T. Popa”, Anesthesia and Intensive Care Department, University Hospital “Sf. Spiridon”, Iaşi, Romania, Congresul II Internaţional al Societăţii Anesteziologie Reanimatologie din Republica Moldova 27-30 august 2009The nutritional policy in acute severe pancreatitis changed dramatically in the last two decades. After years of recommendations for nihil per os combined with total parenteral nutrition, the policy moved to enteral nutrition delivered by jejunostomy combined with total parenteral nutrition, than changed to only (if possible) enteral nutrition. Than enteral nutrition by nasojejunal tube was advocated. Lately intragastric nutrition in acute severe pancreatitis is under scrutiny. The “classical” recommendation nihil per os aimed the pancreatic rest. Meanwhile the caloric needs should be delivered by total parenteral nutrition. Fasting has a lot of deleterious consequences: villous atrophy, decreased splanhnic blood flow, loss of epithelial tight junctions, decreased secretion of bile salts and IgA, decreased gut associated lymphoid tissue(GALT), bacterial overgrowth and bacterial translocation. The impaired GALT alters the macrophage priming, promotes the release of cytokines, free oxygen species and arahidonic acid metabolits, all of them resulting in enhanced inflammatory reaction and systemic inflammatory response syndrome (1,4,6). By contrast, enteral nutrition preserves the integrity and the barrier function of intestinal epithelium, enhances blood flow, avoids bacterial overgrowth and bacterial epithelial adhesion and prevents bacterial translocation. It is important to stress that infection of pancreatic necrosis is due to enteral bacteria (1,4,6). Thus, enteral nutrition is not only a support intervention, but a therapeutic one because it may directly influence the evolution of the disease by preventing infection of necrotic tissue. It also promotes bowel movements, shortening the duration of paralitic ileus and decreasing intra-abdominal pressure. Taking into account that 65% of total immune tissues and 80% of immunoglobulin producing tissues belong to the digestive tract (gut-associated lymphoid tissue –GALT and mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue –MALT), enteral nutrition has an important effect upon the local and systemic immune response during acute severe pancreatitis. In conclusion, fasting promotes inflammation and enteral nutrition promotes appropriate immune function. Several studies and meta-analysis investigated different parameters (infection rate, morbidity, mortality, rate of surgery, ICUand hospital length-of-stay, costs) in patients with acute pancreatitis comparing enteral versus parenteral nutrition (1,4,8,10). The last (2008) Cochrane meta-analysis showed that rates of mortality, hospital length-of-stay, local or systemic infections and of other complications favor enteral nutrition (19). Parameters of immune response also favor enteral nutrition, which results in lower rates of SIRS, sepsis, multiple organ dysfunction syndrome and mortality. All these evidences translated into guideline recommendations of the European Society of Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition (7). Whenever possible in acute severe pancreatitis enteral nutrition should be used (grade A). If needed, parenteral nutrition may be associated to support energy and nutrients requirements. Whenever possible, the oral route should be used, if not, the alternative is endoscopically placed naso-jejunal feeding. Feeding jejunostomy may be performed during surgery. Standard enteral formula are well tolerated. Today a consensus has been reached considering early enteral nutrition as standard of care in acute severe pancreatitis due to promotion of appropriate immune response, shortening and improvement of disease evolution, decreased infection and surgery rates and diminished costs. However, despite knowledge and commitment, the application of these principles into the daily practice is not an easy task. Enteral nutrition in acute severe pancreatitis is still associated with many questions, which are looking for answers


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    This article aims to underline the necessity to integrate local knowledge into the development policies in the fi eld of sustainable agriculture. The basic idea is that we need to apply our local knowledge to the fundamental redesign of our technologies and systems in order to be able to bridge the current gap between research and local economy.Acest articol îşi propune să sublinieze necesitatea integrării cunoaşterii şi inovării locale în politicile de dezvoltare pentru o agricultură durabilă. Ideea de bază este aceea că este nevoie de integrarea cunoaşterii locale pentru reproiectarea fundamentală a tehnologiilor sau sistemelor, pentru a putea reduce decalajul existent între cercetare şi economia locală

    Artificial propagation of the endangered Rumanian endemic warm water rudd (Scardinius racovitzai Müller 1958, Cyprinidae, Cypriniformes) for conservation needs

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    Scardinius racovitzai appeared to be locally adapted to an extreme high temperature environment (26–35 °C). As a species of conservation concern, due to declining ecological condition of the solitary thermal lake it could be found in (Lake Petea, Oradea, Romania) and eventual near complete abstraction of this lake, 60 adults were saved in 2014. In this study we investigated methods for induced spawning and sperm cryopreservation to aid recovery and reintroduction to restored habitats. Induced spawning was introduced successfully by intraperitoneal induction of dried carp pituitary extract and human chorion gonadotropin. Larvae and juveniles were successfully reared to age 3 months using standard methods for cyprinids. Our experiments on the cryopreservation of S. racovitzai sperm show that the extender consisting 40 mM KCl 200 mM glucose, 30 mM Tris buffered with HCL pH 8.0 is suitable for freezing warm water rudd sperm together with methanol as a cryoprotectant. By rescuing the remaining wild stock into captivity and undertaking propagation research we have prevented extinction of this rare species – more so S. racovitzai will be important in the study of freshwater fishes and how they can adapt to significant warming