458 research outputs found

    Dynamical transitions in a pollination--herbivory interaction

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    Plant-pollinator associations are often seen as purely mutualistic, while in reality they can be more complex. Indeed they may also display a diverse array of antagonistic interactions, such as competition and victim--exploiter interactions. In some cases mutualistic and antagonistic interactions are carried-out by the same species but at different life-stages. As a consequence, population structure affects the balance of inter-specific associations, a topic that is receiving increased attention. In this paper, we developed a model that captures the basic features of the interaction between a flowering plant and an insect with a larval stage that feeds on the plant's vegetative tissues (e.g. leaves) and an adult pollinator stage. Our model is able to display a rich set of dynamics, the most remarkable of which involves victim--exploiter oscillations that allow plants to attain abundances above their carrying capacities, and the periodic alternation between states dominated by mutualism or antagonism. Our study indicates that changes in the insect's life cycle can modify the balance between mutualism and antagonism, causing important qualitative changes in the interaction dynamics. These changes in the life cycle could be caused by a variety of external drivers, such as temperature, plant nutrients, pesticides and changes in the diet of adult pollinators. Abstract Keywords: mutualism, pollination, herbivory, insects, stage-structure, oscillationsComment: 20 pages, 7 main figures, 2 appendix figure

    An application in the hotel sector

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    This article deals with the study of Corporate Responsibility (CR) under the European Customer Satisfaction Index (ECSI). The methodology of this empirical study, conducted among 629 customers staying at hotels in the city of Seville, is based on structural equation modeling (PLS). The results obtained demonstrate the applicability of the European model to the hotel sector, although not all the relationships from the original model have been proven. The main contributions are derived from a better understanding of the model's components, a variable not studied before having been incorporated: the importance of Corporate Responsibility (CR). Moreover, it means to contribute to the field of research on CR as, despite the growing interest in the subject, the effects of this construct are still poorly understood

    Impact of the perceived importance of a hotels's corporate responsibility on tourists' complaints behaviour

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    This work is centred on the study of the Corporate Responsibility (CR) of hotel firms and its influence on tourists’ complaints behaviour. The methodology of the empirical study, carried out among 629 customers lodging in hotels in the city of Seville, is based on structural equations modelling (PLS). The results obtained show that there is a significant relation between the perceived importance of CR and the tendency to complain. The latter also significantly affects the number of complaints a person files. Likewise, a significant and negative effect of the tourists’ satisfaction on the complaints filed is noted. The main contributions stem from a better knowledge about the antecedents of complaints behav - iour. This comes from having incorporated the variable of the importance of CR, which has not been studied before. On the other hand, the work means to offer a contribution to the field of CR research as, despite the growing interest in the topic, the effects of this construct on customers still remain little known

    El sector de la aceituna de mesa: orientación internacional en política de marca de las empresas españolas

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    El sector de la aceituna de mesa se está viendo afectado por la competencia de terceros países, que con productos de peor calidad y unos precios más bajos, están restando mercado a las empresas españolas. Esta nueva competencia, consecuencia de la creciente internacionalización de todas las economías mundiales, está motivando que las empresas busquen mecanismos de diferenciación de sus productos en los mercados internacionales. Las modernas técnicas de control de calidad y la incorporación de las nuevas tecnologías al sector de envasado, han convertido al producto español en el de mayor calidad del mundo, por lo que una de esas ventajas podría estar en la competencia con una política activa de marca propia. Fundamentándonos en ello, en la presente investigación pretendemos analizar la orientación internacional en política de marca de las empresas españolas del sector de la aceituna de mesa.The spanish olive sector is being affected by the competition of non European Union countries that with products of worse quality and lower prices are subtracting market to the Spanish companies. This new competition, consequence of the growing internationalization of every economy, is motivating companies to look for mechanisms of diferenciación for their products in the international markets. The modern techniques of quality control and the incorporation of new technologies to the packing sector have transformed the Spanish product in the highest quality product throughout the world. Thus, an advantage could be the competition through an active brand policy. Therefore, the present investigation aims to analyze the international orientation of brand policies within Spanish companie

    Multi-model adaptive spatial hypertext

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    Information delivery on the Web often relies on general purpose Web pages that require the reader to adapt to them. This limitation is addressed by approaches such as spatial hypermedia and adaptive hypermedia. Spatial hypermedia augments the representation power of hypermedia and adaptive hypermedia explores the automatic modification of the presentation according to user needs. This dissertation merges these two approaches, combining the augmented expressiveness of spatial hypermedia with the flexibility of adaptive hypermedia. This dissertation presents the Multi-model Adaptive Spatial Hypermedia framework (MASH). This framework provides the theoretical grounding for the augmentation of spatial hypermedia with dynamic and adaptive functionality and, based on their functionality, classifies systems as generative, interactive, dynamic or adaptive spatial hypermedia. Regarding adaptive hypermedia, MASH proposes the use of multiple independent models that guide the adaptation of the presentation in response to multiple relevant factors. The framework is composed of four parts: a general system architecture, a definition of the fundamental concepts in spatial hypermedia, an ontological classification of the adaptation strategies, and the philosophy of conflict management that addresses the issue of multiple independent models providing contradicting adaptation suggestions. From a practical perspective, this dissertation produced WARP, the first MASH-based system. WARPs novel features include spatial transclusion links as an alternative to navigational linking, behaviors supporting dynamic spatial hypermedia, and personal annotations to spatial hypermedia. WARP validates the feasibility of the multi-model adaptive spatial hypermedia and allows the exploration of other approaches such as Web-based spatial hypermedia, distributed spatial hypermedia, and interoperability issues between spatial hypermedia systems. In order to validate the approach, a user study comparing non-adaptive to adaptive spatial hypertext was conducted. The study included novice and advanced users and produced qualitative and quantitative results. Qualitative results revealed the emergence of reading behaviors intrinsic to spatial hypermedia. Users moved and modified the objects in order to compare and group objects and to keep track of what had been read. Quantitative results confirmed the benefits of adaptation and indicated a possible synergy between adaptation and expertise. In addition, the study created the largest spatial hypertext to date in terms of textual content

    Typologie des Acheteurs en Ligne de plus de 55 ans

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    La edad se considera una de las variables determinantes del riesgo de exclusión social de la población, especialmente con relación al uso de las nuevas tecnologías en general y de Internet en particular. Esto ha incidido en una creciente preocupación por el estudio del colectivo de mayores de 55 años y sus peculiaridades en lo relativo al acceso, uso y aprovechamiento de las TIC (Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación). Sin embargo, los esfuerzos se han centrado, mayoritariamente, en el análisis del grupo de mayores como algo homogéneo, lo que ha llevado a establecer sus perfiles de comportamiento en comparación con el de otros grupos de edad. En esta investigación, con una muestra útil de 595 mayores, partimos de la consideración del colectivo como grupo heterogéneo, con distintas características y condiciones de uso de Internet, y proponemos un modelo de clases latentes que nos permite establecer tres perfiles de mayores internautas en función de la utilización de un servicio avanzado de Internet, la compra online.Age is considered one of the key risk variables of social exclusion on the population, especially in regards to the use of new technologies in general and the internet in particular. This has affected a growing concern for the study of the group of people over 55 years and its particularities in terms of access, use and exploitation of ICT (Information and Communications Technologies). However, efforts have mainly focused on the analysis of the elderly group as one, which has led to establish their behavioral profiles as compared to other age groups. In this research, with a useful sample of 595 people over 55, we start from considering this group as heterogeneous one, with different characteristics and conditions related to internet use, proposing a latent class model that allows us to establish three profiles of elder internet surfers based on the use of an advanced service as online shopping.A idade é considerada uma das variáveis determinantes do risco de exclusão social da população, especialmente quanto ao uso das novas tecnologias em geral e da internet em particular. Isso tem refletido numa crescente preocupação pelo estudo do coletivo de pessoas com mais de 55 anos e suas peculiaridades no que se refere ao acesso, uso e aproveitamento das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação. Contudo, os esforços se centralizam, principalmente, na análise desse grupo como algo homogêneo, o que tem levado a estabelecer seus perfis de comportamento em comparação com o de outros grupos de idade. Nesta pesquisa, com uma amostra de 595 pessoas idosas, partimos da consideração do coletivo como grupo heterogêneo, com diferentes características e condições de uso da internet, e propomos um modelo de classes latentes que nos permite estabelecer três perfis de idosos internautas em função da utilização de um serviço avançado da internet: a compra on-line.L’âge est considéré comme l’une des variables déterminantes de risque d’exclusion sociale de la population, en particulier en ce qui concerne l’utilisation des nouvelles technologies en général et de l’Internet en particulier. Cela a affecté une préoccupation croissante pour l’étude de la collectivité de plus de 55 ans et ses particularités en termes d’accès, utilisation et exploitation des TIC (Technologies de l’information et des Communications). Cependant, les efforts ont porté principalement sur l’analyse du groupe des âgés comme étant homogène, ce qui a conduit à établir leurs profils comportementaux en rapport des autres groupes d’âge. Dans cette recherche, avec un échantillon utile de 595 personnes âgées, nous partons de l’examen de la collectivité comme un groupe hétérogène, avec des caractéristiques et des conditions d’utilisation d’Internet différentes, et nous proposons un modèle de classes latentes qui nous permet d’établir trois profils d’internautes âgés en fonction de l’utilisation d’un service Internet de pointe, l’achat en ligne

    Las mujeres de la 3ª edad ante la compra online

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    La tercera edad y el género femenino se consideran variables determinantes del riesgo de exclusión social de la población en lo relativo al uso de las nuevas tecnologías. Esto ha incidido en una creciente preocupación por el estudio del colectivo de las mujeres de la tercera edad y sus peculiaridades en lo relativo al acceso, uso y aprovechamiento de las TIC. Sin embargo, los esfuerzos se han centrado, mayoritariamente, en el análisis del grupo de mayores como un ente homogéneo, lo que ha llevado a establecer sus perfiles de comportamiento en comparación con el de otros grupos de edad. En esta investigación partimos de la consideración del colectivo como un grupo heterogéneo, con distintas características y condiciones de uso de Internet y proponemos un modelo de clases latentes que nos permite establecer dos perfiles de mujeres mayores internautas, en función de la compra online

    Tipología de compradores online mayores de 55 años.

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    La edad se considera una de las variables determinantes del riesgo de exclusión social de la población, especialmente con relación al uso de las nuevas tecnologías en general y de Internet en particular. Esto ha incidido en una creciente preocupación por el estudio del colectivo de mayores de 55 años y sus peculiaridades en lo relativo al acceso, uso y aprovechamiento de las TIC. Sin embargo, los esfuerzos se han centrado, mayoritariamente, en el análisis del grupo de mayores como algo homogéneo, lo que ha llevado a establecer sus perfiles de comportamiento en comparación con el de otros grupos de edad. En esta investigación partimos de la consideración del colectivo como grupo heterogéneo, con distintas características y condiciones de uso de Internet y proponemos un modelo de clases latentes que nos permite establecer tres perfiles de mayores internautas en función de la utilización de un servicio avanzado de Internet, la compra online.Age is considered one of the variables determining the risk of social exclusion of population, especially regarding the use of new technologies in general and the Internet in particular. This fact has provoked a growing concern for studying the collective of elder people and their peculiarities in regard to access, use and exploitation of ICT. However, these efforts have focused mainly on the analysis of the elder group as a homogeneous entity, which has led them to establish their behavioral profiles compared with other age groups. In this research we start from the consideration of this collective as a heterogeneous group with different characteristics and conditions of use of the Internet. And we propose a latent class model that allows us to establish three major Internet profiles based on the use of advanced Internet services such as online purchasing

    Spin initialization of a p-doped quantum dot coupled to a bowtie nanoantenna

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    The spin initialization of a hybrid system consisting of a p-doped semiconductor quantum dot coupled to a gold bowtie nanoantenna is analyzed. The quantum dot is described as a four-level atom-like system using the density matrix formalism. The two lower levels are Zeeman-split hole spin states and the two upper levels correspond to positively charged excitons with a spin-up, spin-down hole pair and opposite spin electron. The gold bowtie nanoantenna is placed in close proximity to the quantum dot. A linearly polarized laser field drives two of the optical transitions of the quantum dot and produces localized surface charge oscillations in the nanoantenna which act back upon the quantum dot thus changing the effective field felt by it. The angular frequencies of those charge oscillations are very different along its two principal axes, resulting in an anisotropic modification of the spontaneous emission rates of the allowed optical transitions of the quantum dot. These changes are accounted for by using the Green tensor method, and result in a faster spin state initialization than that of the isolated quantum dot. We also show that the presence of the nanoantenna dramatically modifies the optical properties of the fluorescent photons, either in the spectral and in the time domain

    Sistema de planificación de los requerimientos de material (MRP) y su influencia en el proceso de planificación de producción del hilo en la empresa CONAHISA

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    El presente trabajo de investigación se basó en el desarrollo e implementación de un sistema informático, el cual fue realizado bajo estándares establecidos por un software comercial, con la finalidad de generar una mejora en la planificación de producción del área de Planeamiento Estratégico de la empresa CONAHISA. Esta empresa actualmente se dedica a la fabricación de hilo. En el desarrollo del software informático, se comunicó a los usuarios que su participación en la toma de requerimientos del software, era de suma importancia; para que las probabilidades de que el producto final corresponda a lo esperado, aumenten. Para la realización de este trabajo de investigación fue necesario estudiar el funcionamiento actual del proceso de planificación de producción e identificar los problemas que se presentaban. Para posteriormente definir los requerimientos del sistema en base a falencias relacionadas a las necesidades del personal, procediendo después a diseñar una arquitectura sólida que cumpliera con todos los requerimientos establecidos, hasta finalmente obtener el prototipo inicial de la aplicación. Este trabajo siguió un tipo de investigación de carácter aplicativo - experimental con un diseño pre experimental con una medición Pre - Test y una Post - Test, empleando como técnica de recolección de datos, fichas de Observación, cronómetro, cuestionarios, entrevistas definidas y la observación directa. El desarrollo del sistema se fundamentó en la metodología Rational Unified Process conjuntamente con el lenguaje unificado UML, usando únicamente la herramienta Visual Basic.Net como software de desarrollo y SQL Server como gestor de base de datos. De esta manera se pudo concluir que con el desarrollo del sistema se generan beneficios, tales como reducción de tiempos de respuesta, dificultad, riesgo de pérdida en cuanto a información y control en las operaciones que se llevan a cabo al realizar el proceso de planificación de producción en el área de Planeamiento Estratégico en la empresa CONAHISA