251 research outputs found

    Enterprise Evolution: A Discussion from Different Perspectives. Editorial Introduction to Issue 34 of CSIMQ

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    The current issue provides discussions on different topics that can be summarized as “Enterprise Evolution”. The selected articles continue and elaborate research that was presented in 2022 during workshops at the Perspectives in Business Informatics Research Conference – BIR 2022 in Rostock, Germany. The articles continue the research work presented at the conference, summarize the findings and provide deeper insights and new perspectives. The articles report on research results regarding ethical, social, and environmental accounting; support for post-merger information systems integration; enterprise architecture for inclusion of demand-responsive services in the overall enterprise architecture of transportation companies; and possibilities of SMEs to use robotic solutions for enhancing their processes

    Pattern Catalogs using the Pattern Language Meta Language

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    This article focuses on the pattern language PLML. Some enhancements and corrections to it are proposed to make use of PLML in pattern catalogs. Additionally, a textual domain specific language as human-readable variant of PLML is proposed. Supporting editors, textual and graphical, which were developed using model-based techniques are presented

    Interdisciplinary Diagnosis and Management of Cerebrospinal Fluid Leakage Due to a Meningeal Diverticulum: a Case Report

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    Cerebrospinal fluid leakage through meningeal diverticula represents a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge comparatively rarely encountered in the interdisciplinary management of spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH). Several false-positive CSF leakage signs may be observed during the imaging work-up of SIH. A 27-year-old female with orthostatic headache showing marked spinal epidural CSF collections and MRI signs of intracranial hypotension underwent a blind and CT-guided epidural blood patch (EBP) of a pathological T9/10 meningeal diverticulum (MD), detected by dynamic CT myelography (dCTM). After initial good imaging and symptomatic improvement, recurrent symptoms and a large left-sided subdural hematoma required neurosurgical MD ligation, with persisting clinical success. The following aspects of this brief report are remarkable: added value of dCTM to synchronously detect true CSF leakage and false-positive CSF leakage signs, near-complete resolution of spinal epidural CSF collections after CT fluoroscopy–guided EBP, interdisciplinary diagnosis, and definite management of CSF leakage through an anomalous MD

    Discovering Indigenous Grantmakers in Central Europe

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    Compiled by Joerg Forbrig, Programme Officer and Pavol Demes, Director for Central and Eastern Europe, of the German Marshall Fund in the US, this article is based on a presentation delivered to the annual meeting of the Grantmakers East Group in Sofia, Bulgaria, in October 2004. Presenting the preliminary results of research carried out on home-grown grantmakers funding civic initiatives in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, it demonstrates why indigenous grantmakers can be considered a potential source of funding, after the departure of foreign grantmakers from this area

    Departmental seminar series and journal club with enhanced learning outcomes

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    Listening to scientific presentations and reading scientific literature are core activities of any scientist, and frequent components of students' curricula. When employing these activities in teaching, finding the right balance between student instruction and autonomous learning is important for best learning outcomes and teachers’ workload. We here present our course design for a coordinated lecture series and journal club, that finds this balance by leveraging modern learning concepts in a digital environment. Participating students were tasked to read a landmark scientific paper every week ahead of a lecture by a scientist with practical experience on the topic of that paper, often an author of that week’s paper. Students then had to hand in written answers to three questions probing their understanding of the topic and the paper. In a subsequent seminar, activating questions were discussed by the students in break-out rooms and then answered by randomly chosen students in class, followed by a broad discussion that included the homework questions. Students gave weekly feedback on their learning progress and experience, and the course was then dynamically adapted accordingly. This yielded a course with largely increased course capacity, reduced teachers’ workload, and substantially enhanced learning outcomes, qualitatively and quantitatively compared to previous implementations of the course

    From student to expert in a week

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    It can be challenging to effectively impart higher education content to students. We experienced such difficulty in a lecture series with invited senior scientists presenting their area of Biotech research. Instead of a vivid exchange with the expert, we observed limited and restrained student contributions. In qualitative interviews with these students we learned that they perceive their knowledge disparity as too big and the fear of being embarrassed by asking “stupid” questions obstructed their participation. This let us to radically rethink the course design resulting in our own interpretation of flipped classroom, peer learning and student empowerment. We designed an engineering course that focuses on providing master students with the best possible environment to gain theoretical knowledge in a new field within a limited time period (currently: six weeks - six topics) aiming to empower them in these topics by acquiring new knowledge on their own. Based on seed questions and tag words, students conduct background research and create a team presentation for an invited field expert, thereby getting prepared for a subsequent indepth discussion with the expert. The current layout is the product of an iterative process over the course of five years, and several rounds of fine-tuning within each year, based on extensive student and instructor feedback. Students particularly appreciate the positive in-course atmosphere with a focus on growth-mindset, the strong experience in teamwork, being taken seriously, and making contact with field experts and frontiers of current knowledge

    Technischer und klinischer Erfolg der primären perkutanen Stentrevaskularisierung bei Patienten mit atherosklerotischer akuter mesenterialer Ischämie

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    Hintergrund: Patienten mit akuter mesenterialer Ischämie (AMI) haben häufig schwere Komorbiditäten und ein signifikantes Operationsrisiko. Entsprechend ist die perioperative Morbidität bei diesen Patienten sehr hoch. Zielsetzung: Im Rahmen dieser Studie wurde untersucht, inwieweit die primäre perkutane Stentrevaskularisierung (PPSR) bei Patienten mit atherosklerotischer AMI machbar ist und welchen Einfluss diese Technik auf das klinische Outcome hat. Material und Methoden: Retrospektive Analyse von 19 Patienten (7 weiblich, 12 männlich; medianes Alter, 69 Jahre) mit atherosklerotischer AMI und PPSR. Klinische Charakteristika einschließlich dem Charlson Comorbidity Index adjusted by age (CCIa) und der Symptomdauer, technischer und klinischer Erfolg der PPSR, klinischer Verlauf, 30-Tages Mortalität, und Follow-up wurden evaluiert und mit rein operativen Literaturdaten verglichen. Die Intervention wurde als technisch erfolgreich gewertet bei einer residuellen Stenose von weniger als 30% im Diameter. Klinischer Erfolg lag vor, falls sich die akuten Symptome und/oder das erhöhte Serumlaktat nach alleiniger PPSR zurückbildeten. Ergebnisse: Die meisten Patienten hatten schwere Komorbiditäten (CCIa > 4 bei 17 von 19 Patienten, 89%). Die mediane Symptomdauer betrug 50 Stunden. Der technische und klinische Erfolg der PPSR lag bei 95% (21 von 22 Arterien) bzw. 53% (10 von 19 Patienten). Bei sieben Patienten wurde eine anschließende Laparatomie durchgeführt mit konsekutiver Darmresektion bei vier Patienten. Die 30-Tages Mortalität betrug 42% (8 von 19 Patienten). Schlussfolgerung: In unserer Studienpopulation von Patienten mit atherosklerotischer AMI, schweren Komorbiditäten, einer langen Symptomdauer und einem signifikanten Operationsrisiko war die PPSR technisch machbar und das klinische Outcome akzeptabel

    Selected Topics in Management and Modeling of Complex Systems: Editorial Introduction to Issue 16 of CSIMQ

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    The 16th issue of CSIMQ presents four articles that cover a wide range of research topics. The topics of this issue start with psychological aspects of sustainable behavior change within organizations while new technologies are introduced into a company. The range of topics ends with the discussion of specific algorithms that allow entity clustering for Big Data analysis. The goal of these algorithms is the identification of different notations of references that refer to the same real-world object. This entity resolution is also called dedublication. Additionally, an approach for modelling enterprise architecture visualizations is discussed. It is used to specify and develop an architecture cockpit for a company from the financial sector. Within the range of topics is also a paper about the concepts of shared spaces as basis for building business process support systems. In the paper, a generic model is suggested that supports the comparison, analysis, and design of business process support systems

    Selected Topics in Management and Modeling of Complex Systems: Editorial Introduction to Issue 15 of CSIMQ

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    The 15th issue of CSIMQ presents articles discussing management and modeling aspects of informatics research. The provided models and their application help to understand the domains under discussion. The models range from socio-technical models over business process models to models of usable graphical interfaces. Readers might find a lot of interesting aspects in this broad spectrum of management and modeling research. The published articles support management and modeling of complex systems in different ways on different levels of abstraction. The research results reflected in the articles can help to fill knowledge gaps and facilitate decision making in project management, business process management, very complex domain analysis, and data-intensive cyber-physical systems engineering

    Qualification and competence development of simulation pedagogues in German nursing education

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    Hintergrund: Simulationsbasierte Lehre hat eine hohe Bedeutung sowohl in der internationalen als auch zunehmend in der nationalen Pflegebildung. Das Lehrformat ist dabei insbesondere in der Anbahnung von klinischem Urteilsvermögen und kritischem Denken bedeutsam. Um diese Kompetenzen vermitteln zu können, müssen bestimmte Bedingungen erfüllt sein. Dazu gehören die Qualifizierung der Simulationslehrenden wie auch die Anwendung standardisierter Konzepte und evidenzbasierter Lerntheorien. Fragestellung: Die vorliegende Arbeit hat das Ziel, den Umsetzungsstand simulationsbasierter Lehre in der deutschen Pflegebildung zu erfassen sowie ein Instrument zur Einschätzung der Kompetenzen der Simulationslehrenden, den Facilitator Competency Rubric (FCR), wissenschaftlich zu übersetzen und auf die psychometrischen Eigenschaften hin zu untersuchen. Folgende Forschungsfragen waren dabei handlungsleitend: 1. Welches Qualifikations- und Kompetenzniveau zeigen Simulationslehrende in der Pflege(aus)bildung? 2. Welche Konzepte und Standards kommen in der Simulationslehre in der deut-schen Pflegebildung zum Einsatz? 3. Inwieweit ist der FCRG (Facilitator Competency Rubric – German Version) ein valides und reliables Selbsteinschätzungsinstrument zur Bewertung der Kompetenzen in der Simulationslehre? Methoden: Die Studie folgte einem quantitativen Querschnittsdesign mit einer Erhebung in verschiedenen Pflegebildungsbereichen. Der Fragebogen umfasste neben Qualifizierungsmerkmalen, Fragen nach der Anwendung von spezifischen Konzepten. Des Weiteren fanden eine wissenschaftliche Übersetzung und eine psychometrische Testung des FCRG statt. Um die Validität und Reliabilität zu untersuchen, wurden Test-Retest, konfirmatorische Faktorenanalyse (kFA) und ANOVA berechnet. Ergebnisse: Die Ergebnisse der Querschnittsbefragung unter 156 Simulationslehrenden zeigten, dass 16,8 % der Teilnehmenden über eine spezifische simulationspädagogische Ausbildung verfügen. Evidenzbasierte didaktisch-methodische Konzepte werden noch nicht durchgängig angewandt. Die psychometrische Testung des FCRG mit Daten aus 100 Fragebögen zeigten eine ausreichende interne Konsistenz (> 0,7) und eine sehr gute Intraraterreliabilität (> 0,9) auf. Die Konstruktvalidität wurde (CFI= 0,983, SRMR= 0,016) aufgezeigt, ebenso die konvergente Validität durch die zweiseitige Pearson-Korrelation zwischen FCRG und Motivation. Schlussfolgerungen: Der FCRG ist ein valides und reliables Instrument und kann zur Weiterentwicklung von Lehrkompetenzen genutzt werden. Überdies wird deutlich, dass es einer Etablierung von simulationspädagogischen Bildungsmöglichkeiten bedarf und der verstärkte Einsatz von standardisierten Instrumenten wie dem FCRG für die Simulationslehre zu empfehlen ist. Diese Arbeit liefert einen ersten vielschichtigen Überblick über die Verteilung von Qualifikationen und Kompetenzniveaus von Simulationslehrenden sowie den Umsetzungsstand der simulationsbasierten Lehre in der deutschen Pflegebildung.Background: Simulation-based education is of great importance both in international and increasingly in national nursing education. The teaching method is particularly important in the development of clinical judgment and critical thinking. To comunicate these competencies, certain conditions must be met. This includes the qualification of the simulation teachers as well as the application of standardized concepts and evidence-based learning theories. Research question: The aim of the present study is to assess the implementation status of simulation-based teaching in German nursing education and to scientifically translate and psychometrically test an instrument for assessing the competencies of simulation teachers, the Facilitator Competency Rubric (FCR). The following questions, were guiding the study: 1) What level of qualification and competence do simulation teachers demonstrate in nursing education? 2) Which concepts and standards are used in simulation teaching in German nursing education? 3) To what extent is the FCRG (Facilitator Competency Rubric – German Version) a viable and reliable self-assessment tool for evaluating competencies in simulation teaching? Methods: The study followed a quantitative cross-sectional design with a survey in different nursing education areas. The questionnaire included qualification characteristics of the simulation teachers as well as questions about the application of specific concepts. Furthermore, a scientific translation and psychometric testing of the FCRG took place. Test-retest, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and ANOVAS were calculated to investigate validity and reliability. Results: The results of the cross-sectional survey of 156 simulation teachers showed that 16.8 % of the participants had specific simulation pedagogy training. Evidence-based di dactic-methodological concepts are not yet widely used. The psychometric testing of the FCRG with data from 100 completed questionnaires showed a sufficient internal consistency (> 0.7) and a very good intrarater reliability (> 0.9). Construct validity was demonstrated (CFI= 0,983, SRMR= 0,016), as well as convergent validity through the two-sided Pearson correlation between FCRG and motivation. Conclusions: The FCRG is a valid and reliable instrument and can be used for the further development of simulation skills. There is a need to establish educational opportunities with direct simulation pedagogical reference. At the same time, the increased use of standardized instruments, such as the FCRG for simulation education, is recommended. This study provides a first multi-layered overview of the distribution of qualifications and competence levels of simulation teachers as well as the implementation status of simulation-based teaching in German nursing education
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