266 research outputs found

    Inductive-Inductive Definitions

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    This article presents a new extension of inductive definitions, namely inductive-inductive definitions

    Undecidability of Equality in the Free Locally Cartesian Closed Category (Extended version)

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    We show that a version of Martin-L\"of type theory with an extensional identity type former I, a unit type N1 , Sigma-types, Pi-types, and a base type is a free category with families (supporting these type formers) both in a 1- and a 2-categorical sense. It follows that the underlying category of contexts is a free locally cartesian closed category in a 2-categorical sense because of a previously proved biequivalence. We show that equality in this category is undecidable by reducing it to the undecidability of convertibility in combinatory logic. Essentially the same construction also shows a slightly strengthened form of the result that equality in extensional Martin-L\"of type theory with one universe is undecidable

    Diabetes, Cognitive Ability and Dementia - Epidemiological, Metabolic and Genetic Aspects

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    A Categorical Semantics for Inductive-Inductive Definitions

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    Induction-induction is a principle for defining data types in Martin-Löf Type Theory. An inductive-inductive definition consists of a set A, together with an A-indexed family B : A → Set, where both A and B are inductively defined in such a way that the constructors for A can refer to B and vice versa. In addition, the constructors for B can refer to the constructors for A. We extend the usual initial algebra semantics for ordinary inductive data types to the inductive-inductive setting by considering dialgebras instead of ordinary algebras. This gives a new and compact formalisation of inductive-inductive definitions, which we prove is equivalent to the usual formulation with elimination rules

    The extended predicative Mahlo universe in Martin-Lof type theory

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    This paper addresses the long-standing question of the predicativity of the Mahlo universe. A solution, called the extended predicative Mahlo universe, has been proposed by Kahle and Setzer in the context of explicit mathematics. It makes use of the collection of untyped terms (denoting partial functions) which are directly available in explicit mathematics but not in Martin-Lof type theory. In this paper, we overcome the obstacle of not having direct access to untyped terms in Martin-Lof type theory by formalizing explicit mathematics with an extended predicative Mahlo universe in Martin-Lof type theory with certain indexed inductive-recursive definitions. In this way, we can relate the predicativity question to the fundamental semantics of Martin-Lof type theory in terms of computation to canonical form. As a result, we get the first extended predicative definition of a Mahlo universe in Martin-Lof type theory. To this end, we first define an external variant of Kahle and Setzer\u27s internal extended predicative universe in explicit mathematics. This is then formalized in Martin-Lof type theory, where it becomes an internal extended predicative Mahlo universe. Although we make use of indexed inductive-recursive definitions that go beyond the type theory IIRD\mathbf {IIRD} of indexed inductive-recursive definitions defined in previous work by the authors, we argue that they are constructive and predicative in Martin-Lof\u27s sense. The model construction has been type-checked in the proof assistant Agda

    Homotopy Type Theory in Lean

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    We discuss the homotopy type theory library in the Lean proof assistant. The library is especially geared toward synthetic homotopy theory. Of particular interest is the use of just a few primitive notions of higher inductive types, namely quotients and truncations, and the use of cubical methods.Comment: 17 pages, accepted for ITP 201

    Type Theory with Explicit Universe Polymorphism

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    The aim of this paper is to refine and extend proposals by Sozeau and Tabareau and by Voevodsky for universe polymorphism in type theory. In those systems judgments can depend on explicit constraints between universe levels. We here present a system where we also have products indexed by universe levels and by constraints. Our theory has judgments for internal universe levels, built up from level variables by a successor operation and a binary supremum operation, and also judgments for equality of universe levels

    The Biequivalence of Locally Cartesian Closed Categories and Martin-L\"of Type Theories

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    Seely's paper "Locally cartesian closed categories and type theory" contains a well-known result in categorical type theory: that the category of locally cartesian closed categories is equivalent to the category of Martin-L\"of type theories with Pi-types, Sigma-types and extensional identity types. However, Seely's proof relies on the problematic assumption that substitution in types can be interpreted by pullbacks. Here we prove a corrected version of Seely's theorem: that the B\'enabou-Hofmann interpretation of Martin-L\"of type theory in locally cartesian closed categories yields a biequivalence of 2-categories. To facilitate the technical development we employ categories with families as a substitute for syntactic Martin-L\"of type theories. As a second result we prove that if we remove Pi-types the resulting categories with families are biequivalent to left exact categories.Comment: TLCA 2011 - 10th Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications, Novi Sad : Serbia (2011

    Induction–recursion and initial algebras

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    1 Introduction Induction-recursion is a powerful definition method in intuitionistic type theory in the sense of Scott ("Constructive Validity") [31] and Martin-L"of [17, 18, 19]. The first occurrence of formal induction-recursion is Martin-L"of's definition of a universe `a la Tarski [19], which consists of a set

    Indexed induction and coinduction, fibrationally.

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    This paper extends the fibrational approach to induction and coinduction pioneered by Hermida and Jacobs, and developed by the current authors, in two key directions. First, we present a sound coinduction rule for any data type arising as the final coalgebra of a functor, thus relaxing Hermida and Jacobs’ restriction to polynomial data types. For this we introduce the notion of a quotient category with equality (QCE), which both abstracts the standard notion of a fibration of relations constructed from a given fibration, and plays a role in the theory of coinduction dual to that of a comprehension category with unit (CCU) in the theory of induction. Second, we show that indexed inductive and coinductive types also admit sound induction and coinduction rules. Indexed data types often arise as initial algebras and final coalgebras of functors on slice categories, so our key technical results give sufficent conditions under which we can construct, from a CCU (QCE) U : E -> B, a fibration with base B/I that models indexing by I and is also a CCU (QCE)
