470 research outputs found

    Take My Thesis…Please! The Art Of Stand-Up Comedy

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    In my thesis, I explore the artistry of stand-up comedy primarily by concentrating on five aspects of the genre that one generally uses to discuss literature: theme, persona, language, narrative structure, and audience. My purpose is to critically analyze a mode of artistic expression that is rarely given serious academic consideration To accomplish this purpose I researched various theories of comedy and then proceeded to listen to and read about dozens of stand-up comedians. Using my own and other\u27s knowledge of comedy and literature, I then closely analyze parts of routines from ten of the comedians I studied, including Lenny Bruce, Jerry Seinfeld, Woody Allen, Richard Pryor, Steven Wright, George Carlin, Mark Twain, Lily Tomlin, Paula Poundstone, and Chris Rock, focussing on certain aspects of their performances to create my discussion of theme, persona, language, narrative structure, and audience within stand-up comedy. From these explorations, I am able to demonstrate how a stand-up comedian creates his art by offering himself as a guide to the hidden aspects of our lives. He presents alternative visions of reality, giving each member of the audience the chance to reexamine his or her perspective and relieve tension through laughter

    The Changing in Welfare of Older People Compared to Previous Generations

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    The aim of the study is to examine such a question as: are older people today better off than older people from previous generations in terms of financial and social resources? And also we’ll try to answer the question whether increasing live expectancy is a result of improvement of living conditions for older people or it is the only result of medical science achievements. The paper investigates how the changes in population aged proportion influence on conditions of live of the older people, is it become better than the live of previous generations or not? Also data of such countries as UK and Russia are compared in order to see the differences and similarities and try to give some kind of recommendations. The article examines the determinants of the quality of life of older people such as life expectancy, income, social and marital support, the impact of innovation and how these factors changed over the past decades

    Age Correction in Dementia – Matching to a Healthy Brain

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    In recent research, many univariate and multivariate approaches have been proposed to improve automatic classification of various dementia syndromes using imaging data. Some of these methods do not provide the possibility to integrate possible confounding variables like age into the statistical evaluation. A similar problem sometimes exists in clinical studies, as it is not always possible to match different clinical groups to each other in all confounding variables, like for example, early-onset (age<65 years) and late-onset (age≥65) patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Here, we propose a simple method to control for possible effects of confounding variables such as age prior to statistical evaluation of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data using support vector machine classification (SVM) or voxel-based morphometry (VBM). We compare SVM results for the classification of 80 AD patients and 79 healthy control subjects based on MRI data with and without prior age correction. Additionally, we compare VBM results for the comparison of three different groups of AD patients differing in age with the same group of control subjects obtained without including age as covariate, with age as covariate or with prior age correction using the proposed method. SVM classification using the proposed method resulted in higher between-group classification accuracy compared to uncorrected data. Further, applying the proposed age correction substantially improved univariate detection of disease-related grey matter atrophy using VBM in AD patients differing in age from control subjects. The results suggest that the approach proposed in this work is generally suited to control for confounding variables such as age in SVM or VBM analyses. Accordingly, the approach might improve and extend the application of these methods in clinical neurosciences

    Dissociating memory networks in early Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal lobar degeneration - a combined study of hypometabolism and atrophy

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    Introduction: We aimed at dissociating the neural correlates of memory disorders in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD). Methods: We included patients with AD (n = 19, 11 female, mean age 61 years) and FTLD (n = 11, 5 female, mean age 61 years) in early stages of their diseases. Memory performance was assessed by means of verbal and visual memory subtests from the Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS-R), including forgetting rates. Brain glucose utilization was measured by [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) and brain atrophy by voxel-based morphometry (VBM) of T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. Using a whole brain approach, correlations between test performance and imaging data were computed separately in each dementia group, including a group of control subjects (n = 13, 6 female, mean age 54 years) in both analyses. The three groups did not differ with respect to education and gender. Results: Patients in both dementia groups generally performed worse than controls, but AD and FTLD patients did not differ from each other in any of the test parameters. However, memory performance was associated with different brain regions in the patient groups, with respect to both hypometabolism and atrophy: Whereas in AD patients test performance was mainly correlated with changes in the parieto-mesial cortex, performance in FTLD patients was correlated with changes in frontal cortical as well as subcortical regions. There were practically no overlapping regions associated with memory disorders in AD and FTLD as revealed by a conjunction analysis. Conclusion: Memory test performance may not distinguish between both dementia syndromes. In clinical practice, this may lead to misdiagnosis of FTLD patients with poor memory performance. Nevertheless, memory problems are associated with almost completely different neural correlates in both dementia syndromes. Obviously, memory functions are carried out by distributed networks which break down in brain degeneration

    Contribution of FDG-PET and MRI to improve Understanding, Detection and Differentiation of Dementia

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    Progression and pattern of changes in different biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) like [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have been carefully investigated over the past decades. However, there have been substantially less studies investigating the potential of combining these imaging modalities to make use of multimodal information to further improve understanding, detection and differentiation of various dementia syndromes. Further the role of preprocessing has been rarely addressed in previous research although different preprocessing algorithms have been shown to substantially affect diagnostic accuracy of dementia. In the present work common preprocessing procedures used to scale FDG-PET data were compared to each other. Further, FDG-PET and MRI information were jointly analyzed using univariate and multivariate techniques. The results suggest a highly differential effect of different scaling procedures of FDG-PET data onto detection and differentiation of various dementia syndromes. Additionally, it has been shown that combining multimodal information does further improve automatic detection and differentiation of AD and FTLD

    Brain tissue properties differentiate between motor and limbic basal ganglia circuits

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    Despite advances in understanding basic organizational principles of the human basal ganglia, accurate in vivo assessment of their anatomical properties is essential to improve early diagnosis in disorders with corticosubcortical pathology and optimize target planning in deep brain stimulation. Main goal of this study was the detailed topological characterization of limbic, associative, and motor subdivisions of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) in relation to corresponding corticosubcortical circuits. To this aim, we used magnetic resonance imaging and investigated independently anatomical connectivity via white matter tracts next to brain tissue properties. On the basis of probabilistic diffusion tractography we identified STN subregions with predominantly motor, associative, and limbic connectivity. We then computed for each of the nonoverlapping STN subregions the covariance between local brain tissue properties and the rest of the brain using high-resolution maps of magnetization transfer (MT) saturation and longitudinal (R1) and transverse relaxation rate (R2*). The demonstrated spatial distribution pattern of covariance between brain tissue properties linked to myelin (R1 and MT) and iron (R2*) content clearly segregates between motor and limbic basal ganglia circuits. We interpret the demonstrated covariance pattern as evidence for shared tissue properties within a functional circuit, which is closely linked to its function. Our findings open new possibilities for investigation of changes in the established covariance pattern aiming at accurate diagnosis of basal ganglia disorders and prediction of treatment outcom

    Progressive decline in gray and white matter integrity in de novo Parkinson's disease: An analysis of longitudinal Parkinson progression markers initiative diffusion tensor imaging data

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    Background: Progressive neuronal loss in neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease (PD) is associated with progressive degeneration of associated white matter tracts as measured by diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). These findings may have diagnostic and functional implications but their value in de novo PD remains unknown. Here we analyzed longitudinal DTI data from Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative de novo PD patients for changes over time relative to healthy control (HC) participants. Methods: Baseline and 1-year follow-up DTI MRI data from 71 PD patients and 45 HC PPMI participants were included in the analyses. Whole-brain fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD) images were compared for baseline group differences and group-by-time interactions. Baseline and 1-year changes in DTI values were correlated with changes in DTI measures and symptom severity, respectively. Results: At baseline, PD patients showed significantly increased FA in brainstem, cerebellar, anterior corpus callosal, inferior frontal and inferior fronto-occipital white matter and increased MD in primary sensorimotor and supplementary motor regions. Over 1 year PD patients showed a significantly stronger decline in FA compared to HC in the optic radiation and corpus callosum and parietal, occipital, posterior temporal, posterior thalamic, and vermis gray matter. Significant increases in MD were observed in white matter of the midbrain, optic radiation and corpus callosum, while gray matter of prefrontal, insular and posterior thalamic regions. Baseline brainstem FA white matter (WM) values predicted 1-year changes in FA white matter and MD gray matter values. White but not gray matter changes in both FA and MD were significantly associated with changes in symptom severity. Conclusion: Significant gray and white matter DTI alterations are observable at the time of PD diagnosis and expand in the first year of de novo PD to other cortical and white matter regions. This pattern of DTI changes is in line with preclinical and neuroanatomical studies suggesting that the increased spatial spread of alpha-synuclein neuropathology is the key mechanism of PD progression. Taken together, these findings suggest that DTI may serve as a sensitive biomarker of disease progression in early-stage PD

    Neural correlates of the DemTect in Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal lobar degeneration ? A combined MRI & FDG-PET study ?

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    Valid screening devices are critical for an early diagnosis of dementia. The DemTect is such an internationally accepted tool. We aimed to characterize the neural networks associated with performance on the DemTect's subtests in two frequent dementia syndromes: early Alzheimer's disease (AD) and frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD). Voxel-based group comparisons of cerebral glucose utilization (as measured by F-18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography) and gray matter atrophy (as measured by structural magnetic resonance imaging) were performed on data from 48 subjects with AD (n = 21), FTLD (n = 14) or subjective cognitive impairment (n = 13) as a control group. We performed group comparisons and correlation analyses between multimodal imaging data and performance on the DemTect's subtests. Group comparisons showed regional patterns consistent with previous findings for AD and FTLD. Interestingly, atrophy dominated in FTLD, whereas hypometabolism in AD. Across diagnostic groups performance on the "wordlist" subtest was positively correlated with glucose metabolism in the left temporal lobe. The "number transcoding" subtest was significantly associated with glucose metabolism in both a predominantly left lateralized frontotemporal network and a parietooccipital network including parts of the basal ganglia. Moreover, this subtest was associated with gray matter density in an extensive network including frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital areas. No significant correlates were observed for the "supermarket task" subtest. Scores on the "digit span reverse" subtest correlated with glucose metabolism in the left frontal cortex, the bilateral putamen, the head of caudate nucleus and the anterior insula. Disease-specific correlation analyses could partly verify or extend the correlates shown in the analyses across diagnostic groups. Correlates of gray matter density were found in FTLD for the "number transcoding" subtest and the "digit span reverse" subtest. Correlates of glucose metabolism were found in AD for the "wordlist" subtest and in FTLD for the "digit span reverse" subtest. Our study contributes to the understanding of the neural correlates of cognitive deficits in AD and FTLD and supports an external validation of the DemTect providing preliminary conclusions about disease-specific correlates

    The Combination of DAT-SPECT, Structural and Diffusion MRI Predicts Clinical Progression in Parkinson’s Disease

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    There is an increasing interest in identifying non-invasive biomarkers of disease severity and prognosis in idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (PD). Dopamine-transporter SPECT (DAT-SPECT), diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), and structural magnetic resonance imaging (sMRI) provide unique information about the brain’s neurotransmitter and microstructural properties. In this study, we evaluate the relative and combined capability of these imaging modalities to predict symptom severity and clinical progression in de novo PD patients. To this end, we used MRI, SPECT, and clinical data of de novo drug-naïve PD patients (n = 205, mean age 61 ± 10) and age-, sex-matched healthy controls (n = 105, mean age 58 ± 12) acquired at baseline. Moreover, we employed clinical data acquired at 1 year follow-up for PD patients with or without L-Dopa treatment in order to predict the progression symptoms severity. Voxel-based group comparisons and covariance analyses were applied to characterize baseline disease-related alterations for DAT-SPECT, DTI, and sMRI. Cortical and subcortical alterations in de novo PD patients were found in all evaluated imaging modalities, in line with previously reported midbrain-striato-cortical network alterations. The combination of these imaging alterations was reliably linked to clinical severity and disease progression at 1 year follow-up in this patient population, providing evidence for the potential use of these modalities as imaging biomarkers for disease severity and prognosis that can be integrated into clinical trials