539 research outputs found

    Innovative activities of SMEs in Russia : constraints and growth factors

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    Puprose: The article is aimed at comprehensive study of small enterprises’ innovative activity in Russia and highlights the key constraints factors as well as factors promoting small business innovative activity. Design/Methodology/Approach: We conduct a review of modern domestic and foreign studies on innovative development of SMEs their components and factors to give a comparative description of the innovation activity of SMEs in Russia and the EU countries. We also consider the factors of innovation activity of SMEs in Russia, to identify their regional differences, and to determine the prospects for the innovation activity of small businesses in Russia. The methodological approach is based on the exploration analysis procedures, principal component analysis (PCA), multidimentional classification and logicitic regression. Findings: This analysis revealed that Russian small enterprises are characterized by lower indicators of innovation activity than in many developed countries. The constraints to the growth of the innovation activity of small businesses in Russia are the insufficient level of development of credit financing and the backlog of the production and technological bases. Practical implications: This approach could be used in the development of promotion measures for new innovative process participants, taking into account the regional context. Originality/Value: The main contribution of this study is that the approach can be used in the course of the study to confirm regional differences in the innovative development of small enterprises and allows to identify three clusters with different indicators of the innovative activity of small businesses.The research was supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project № 18-01000960).peer-reviewe

    Цикл Волта Вітмена «Діти Адама» у світлі квір-теорії (Walt Whitman’s Cycle «Children of Adam» in the light of queer theory)

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    У статті проаналізований цикл Волта Вітмена «Діти Адама» крізь призму квір-теорії й доведено, що його твори мають чітко виражене гомоеротичне підґрунтя, позаяк сам автор мав нетрадиційну сексуальну орієнтацію, і не приховуючи цього, відтворював це у своїх «піснях». Доведено також, що «квір»-поезію Вітмена неможливо сприймати у «чистому» вигляді, тому що для адекватного її розуміння важливим є відповідний історичний контекст та обставини, в яких жив та творив американський поет. (After analyzing the current critical literature and scientific research on the subject, it is concluded that in modern discourse the term «queer» represents a new type of uncertain semantics category, which is being studied nowadays. It is proved that queer theory as a new and modern direction is the result of scientific search of philosophers, culture experts and philologists due to the peculiarities of rapid socio-cultural development of Western countries and America. Walt Whitman’s cycle «Children of Adam» in the light of queer theory is also analyzed and it is proved that his works are characterized with explicit homoerotic basis, since the author had a non-traditional sexual orientation and never hid it, reproducing it in their «songs». Thus, the range of problems of the cycle «Children of Adam» is very broad. In this cycle cultural, aesthetic and social problems such as the equality of men and women, the beauty of the human body, physical and spiritual harmony, non-traditional sexual relationship between men are showed. It is proved that Whitman’s homoerotic poetry can not be perceived in its «pure» form, because to understand it adequately it’s important to know the relevant historical context and circumstances in which a great American poet lived and worked.