401 research outputs found


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    The aim of this paper was to investigate the quality of textbook content in the EFL teaching of preschool children, as well as its quality and susceptibility to practical application in the class. The broader goal of the study was to raise awareness about the characteristics that good teaching materials for young learners should have – so all teachers might use the guidelines proposed in the paper to prepare some additional materials, or to assess/improve the materials they use. In order to obtain credible results, a study was conducted by focusing on the analysis of two textbooks used in Bosnian pre-school English learning centers. The textbooks analyzed were Playway to English 1– Pupil´s Book and Hippo and Friends 2– Pupil´s Book. The results indicated that good-quality content is present in the EFL teaching of preschoolers and it is mostly suited and adjusted to the level, interest and affinities of the learners. The study conducted leads to the conclusion that a positive shift has occurred in the teaching process. Namely, the traditional teacher-centered and grammar-based approach has been replaced by a more innovative learner-centered and content-based approach. However, considering the fact that the study did not include class observations, the next expedient step that could further contribute to the deeper exploration of the topic might be observations of the practical classes in order to assess the efficiency of the actual application of the content found within textbooks.U ovom je radu provedena analiza sadržaja dvaju udžbenika engleskoga jezika namijenjenih djeci predškolske dobi, Playway to English 1 i Hippo and Friends 2, koji su u uporabi u nekim predškolskim bosansko-hercegovačkim centrima za učenje engleskoga jezika. Cilj analize bio je ispitati na kojim se sadržajima uči i poučava engleski kao strani jezik te koliko su zastupljeni sadržaji primjereni dobi korisnika udžbenika i praktično primjenjivi u nastavnome radu. Širi je cilj rada povećati svijest o karakteristikama koje kvalitetni nastavni materijali za malu djecu trebaju sadržavati. U skladu s tim predložene su i smjernice koje mogu pomoći nastavnicima u pripremi dodatnih nastavnih materijala te prosudbi i poboljšavanju onih kojima se već koriste. Rezultati provedene analize pokazali su da je kvalitetan sadržaj dosta zastupljen u podučavanju engleskom jeziku djece predškolske dobi te uglavnom prilagođen interesima i afinitetima djece te dobi. Takvi rezultati upućuju na zaključak da se pojavio pozitivan preokret u nastavnome procesu. Naime, tradicionalni pristup fokusiran na gramatiku i nastavnika zamijenjen je inovativnim pristupom usmjerenim na učenika i sadržaj. U budućim studijama, kako bi se ocijenila efikasnost praktične primjene sadržaja koji se nalazi u udžbenicima, sljedeći značajan korak, koji bi dodatno mogao pridonijeti dubljem istraživanju teme, bio bi uključivanje promatranja i analize nastavnih sati engleskoga jezika

    "Inanna's Descent to the Netherworld": A centennial survey of scholarship, artifacts, and translations

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    An ancient Sumerian proverb may be read as “good fortune [is embedded in] organisation and wisdom.” The present centennial survey is solely about organizing the last one hundred years of scholarship for a Sumerian afterlife myth named “Inanna’s Descent to the Netherworld.” The initial discovery of artifacts with snippets of the myth can be dated to as early as 1889. English translations of the myth emerged around 1920 and were followed by numerous archaeological expeditions and subsequent translation efforts. Such efforts, by many scholars and institutions, resulted in an authoritative 2001 version of the myth published by the University of Oxford via the Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (ETCSL). The 2001 version, titled “Inana’s descent to the nether world” is 412 lines long and utilizes over fifty cuneiform artifacts (sources). The impact of this work has been mainstream and interdisciplinary interest in Inanna, the myth, and her role in antiquity. However, the technical nature of studying ancient Sumer may alienate a broader audience. The survey contained herein attempts to organize and explain the key people, concepts, events, and institutions involved with the discovery of “Inanna’s Descent.” Non-technical readers can expect to learn how and why we arrived at the likely complete translation we have today. Light background information and a chronology of scholarly work are followed by a brief discussion on promising areas of further research. The appendix contains a comprehensive catalog of referenced artifact data

    Images of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Television: A Content Analysis of CNN News Programming from 1992 to 1996

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    School of Media and Strategic Communication

    When Art Betrays Mythology: Acquitting Cronus (Κρόνος) in Goya's Saturn

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    Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes (1746-1828) was a famous Spanish painter who is credited with painting a work known as Saturn Devouring One of His Sons. This work was one of over ten others known as the ‘Black Paintings,’ which were painted on the walls of his Quinta home in Spain. The painting’s contents have been widely accepted as depicting a deity named Saturn, whose Greek equivalent is Cronus (Κρόνος). The concomitant mythological story is the Greek cosmogonic myth known as the Theogony, attributed to Hesiod (ca. 700 BCE). The title and attribution stated above were assigned posthumously, not by Goya himself. No other authorship sources seem to be available. Prior investigations have relied on psychological inferences about Goya. The present investigation adopted a mythological mode of analysis, wherein the contents of Hesiod’s Theogony in the original Greek and English translation were compared with the Saturn painting’s depiction. All three posited hypotheses were supported: (1) prior investigators seemed to rely on psychological analyses concerned with Goya’s mental state, despite a lack of objective evidence from the time period in question; (2) textual evidence from Hesiod’s Theogony did not provide support for Cronus being the figure depicted in the Saturn painting, and; (3) Grendel’s depiction in Beowulf did align with the Saturn painting’s contents, textually and graphically. Further probing was conducted with regard to whether Goya could have profited from the materials and concepts found in the manuscript during his lifetime. The Beowulf manuscript was available to an artist between 1820-1823 and the plot of Beowulf was written about in European publications. Finally, the Beowulf manuscript’s contents included the Biblical story of Judith and Beowulf in the same spine, which corresponds to the adjacent location of the Judith and Saturn paintings in Goya’s Quinta home. Implications and limitations are discussed

    European Interoperability Landscape Report 2022

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    The delivery of cross-border digital public services largely depends on the ability of public administrations and businesses to transfer data across borders. Therefore, access to trusted, interoperable, and secure data-exchange solutions is essential for delivering cross-border services but is also crucial for establishing the Single Digital Gateway (SDG) and building a functioning European Digital Single Market (DSM). Numerous projects, alliances, and partnerships have been implemented to explore and develop different solutions that would support the creation of an interoperable future for Europe. Thus far, a clear understanding of cross-border data exchange initiatives is lacking, especially regarding roles, specifications, interdependencies, and technological differences between initiatives. This study report aims to start mapping European cross-border data-exchange solutions and initiatives, analyse the status of adoption, and investigate different aspects of these initiatives pertaining to legal, commercial, and technical specifications. Also, the report discusses the future outlook of European cross-border digital public services. Findings from this study could provide valuable insights for policymakers, solution owners, and service providers as it informs them about the interoperability, extensibility, and sustainability of European cross-border data exchange initiatives and project


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