454 research outputs found

    Characterisation of the populations of Cryphonectria parasitica in Izmir, Manisa, Mugla and Denizli provinces in terms of vegetative compatibility groups and mating types

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı; İzmir, Denizli, Muğla ve Manisa illerinde Kestane Kanseri etmeni Cryphonectria parasitica populasyonlarının vejetatif uyum (vc) grupları ve mating tipler yönünden karakterize edilmesidir. Bu çalışmada ilk olarak adı anılan illerin önemli kestane üreticisi 19 köyünden, kanserli ağaçlardan doku örnekleri alınarak C. parasitica izolatları elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen 268 adet izolatın tümünün vejetatif uyum grupları Avrupa tester izolatları ile eşleştirmek suretiyle belirlenmiştir. Farklı örnekleme lokasyonlarından temsili olarak seçilen 55 izolatında mating tipleri spesifik primerler kullanılarak multiplex-PCR ile saptanmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda İzmir ilinde C. parasitica’nın EU-1 (% 31,6), EU-12 (% 50,4) ve EU-2 (% 18) olmak üzere üç vc grubu bulunurken Manisa ve Denizlide EU-1 ve EU-12 vc gruplarının varlığı saptanmıştır. Üç ilde de hem MAT-1 hem de MAT-2 izolatları elde edilmiştir. Çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlar, C. parasitica nın vc çeşitliliğinin bölgede düşük olduğunu göstermektedir. Böyle bir populasyon yapısı, hipovirülent ırklarla sağlanan biyolojik mücadele için oldukça uygundur. Ancak her iki eşleşme tipinin bölgede varolması nedeniyle C. parasitica ‘nın eşeyli üreyebilme olasılığı vardır. Böyle bir durum bölge için yeni vc grupların ortaya çıkarak vc çeşitliliğinin artması riskini yaratmaktadır.The purpose of this study, characterization of the population of Cryphonectria parasitica in the provinces of Izmir, Muğla, Denizli and Manisa in terms of vegetative compatibility (vc) groups and mating types. In this study, firstly bark tissue samples taken from blighted trees from 19 important chestnut producer villages of these provinces in order to obtain C. parasitica isolates. In total, 268 isolates were paired with European tester isolates to determine their vegetative compatibility group. Selected as representative of each sampling locations, 55 isolates were subjected to mating types determination by multiplex-PCR using specific primers. According to results, three vc groups, EU-1 (% 31,6), EU-12 (% 50,4) and EU-2 (% 18), were found in İzmir Province. In Manisa and Denizli Provinces, EU-1 and EU-12 are two vc groups were detected. Both mating types, MAT-1 and MAT-2, were found in all three provinces. The results of this study indicated that the vc diversity of C. parasitica is low in the region. This may provide ideal conditions for hypovirulent related biological control of chestnut blight. However presence of both mating types in the region creates high possibility for occurence of sexual reproduction. In this case, there would be high risk for increase in vc diversity emergence of the new vc groups as a results of sexual recombination of different vc alleles

    Factors Affecting Mobile Tagging Awareness; A Research on Social Media Consumers

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    The purpose of the study is to identify the factors affecting awareness of mobile tagging on social media. The study assumes that the mobile tagging awareness levels of social media consumers are high. As a result of the literature review made in the scope of the purpose and assumption of the study, it was identified that the variables used in the measurement of brand awareness levels are recognition, remembering, being first in remembering, brand dominance, brand knowledge and brand opinion. A conceptual model showing the relation between these variables and mobile tagging awareness levels of social media consumers and hypotheses connected to this model were developed and a survey form, loyal to the relevant literature, was prepared in order to obtain the data necessary for the analyses. The universe of the study covers the consumers who are members of social media sites Facebook, Twitter and Linked In. For the analysis of the data obtained as a result of the survey conducted, descriptive statistics containing percentages and frequencies, factor analysis and Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient was used in the analysis of the hypotheses

    Pain measurement methods and pain measurement system design

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    The measurement of pain, which is one of the common problems of human beings, is extremely important in terms of determining the method and program that is planned to be applied to eliminate it. Therefore, the most important step in pain treatment will be to determine the pain value first. Today, there are many methods used to assess pain. In this article, the importance of pain assessment, the methods used in pain assessment and the importance of the algometer device, which is widely used in the pain assessment process, will be discussed. In addition, the features of the algometer device designed with tension spring and potentiometer structure will be explained

    Ultrafast photochemistry of the bc₁ complex

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    We present a full investigation of ultrafast light-induced events in the membraneous cytochrome bc 1 complex by transient absorption spectroscopy. This energy-transducing complex harbors four redox-active components per monomer: heme c 1 , two 6-coordinate b-hemes and a [2Fe-2S] cluster. Using excitation of these components in different ratios under various excitation conditions, probing in the full visible range and under three well-defined redox conditions, we demonstrate that for all ferrous hemes of the complex photodissociation of axial ligands takes place and that they rebind in 5-7 ps, as in other 6-coordinate heme proteins, including cytoglobin, which is included as a reference in this study. By contrast, the signals are not consistent with photooxidation of the b hemes. This conclusion contrasts with a recent assessment based on a more limited data set. The binding kinetics of internal and external ligands are indicative of a rigid heme environment, consistent with the electron transfer function. We also report, for the first time, photoactivity of the very weakly absorbing iron-sulfur center. This yields the unexpected perspective of studying photochemistry, initiated by excitation of iron-sulfur clusters, in a range of protein complexes

    Sequential testing of a series system in batches

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    In this thesis, we study a new extension of the Sequential Testing problem with a modified cost structure that allows performing of some tests in batches. As in the Sequential Testing problem, we assume a certain dependence between the test results and the conclusion. Namely, we stop testing once a positive result is obtained or all tests are negative. Our extension, motivated by health care applications, considers fixed cost associated with executing a batch of tests, with the general notion that the more tests are performed in batches, the smaller the contribution of the total fixed cost of the sequential testing process. The goal is to minimize the expected cost of testing by finding the optimal choice and sequence of the batches available. We separately study two different cases for this problem; one where only some subsets of all tests can be performed together and one with no restrictions over tests. We analyze the problem, develop solution algorithms and evaluate the performance of the algorithms on random problem instances for both both cases of the problem

    Two Oriental Images of Istanbul: Robbe-Grillet’s L’Immortelle and Erksan’s Time to Love

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    This essay aims at comparing Alain Robbe-Grillet’s L’Immortelle (1963) and Metin Erksan’s Time to Love (1966) in terms of their depiction of Istanbul that holds a central place within both films’ plots. Both films have been made in the aftermath of the 1960 coup d’état in Turkey which repositioned the ‘power’ of the capital city of Ankara and the modernist aspirations of the neo-Kemalist elites. So both Erksan and Robbe-Grillet are recreating the Ottoman past (as opposed to the aspirations of the neo-Kemalists) in peculiar Orientalist tropes. While the image they develop for the city is basically an ‘Oriental image’ that excludes the documentary, realistic aspects, their orientalism diverges greatly. Erksan wishes to retreat from the westernized modern life of Istanbul and thus sublimates old Eastern philosophical traditions to find some Platonic ‘truthfulness’ within the old imperial city. Robbe-Grillet, on the other hand, in search of the immortal passion and exoticism, recreates the Oriental ‘myth’ of Istanbul within a modernist guise. Robbe-Grillet’s parallel depiction of the femme fatale Leila with the mysterious city also contrasts to Erksan’s ‘Occidentalist’ emphasis upon the ‘nobility’ and ‘naivety’ of the lovers within the ‘sublimated’ image of the old imperial city, Istanbul or Dersaadet [the door of happiness]

    Substitutions at position 146 of cytochrome b affect drastically the properties of heme b(L) and the Q(o) site of Rhodobacter capsulatus cytochrome bc\u3csub\u3e1\u3c/sub\u3e complex

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    The cytochrome (cyt) b subunit of ubihydroquinone: cytochrome c oxidoreductase(bc1 complex) contains four invariant glycine (G) residues proposed to be essential for proper packing of the high and low potential (b(H) and b(L)) hemes of the bc1 complex. One of these residues, G146 located in the transmembrane helix C of cyt b of Rhodobacter capsulatus, was substituted with A and V using site-directed mutagenesis, and the effects of these substitutions on the properties of the ubiquinone oxidation (Q(o)) site and heme b(L) of the bc1 complex were analyzed. The mutants G146A and V produced properly assembled but catalytically defective bc1 complexes that are unable to support photosynthetic growth. The steady-state ubihydroquinone: cytochrome c reductase activities of the mutant complexes were about one-tenth of that of a parental strain overproducing the wild-type enzyme. Similarly, their light-activated single turnover rates were significantly lower than those of a wild-type complex. The dark potentiometric titrations revealed no significant changes in the redox midpoint potentials (E(m,7)) of the high (b(H)) and low (b(L)) potential hemes of cyt b in both G146A and V mutants. However, EPR spectroscopy of the [2Fe-2S] cluster of the bc1 complex indicated that the Q(o) site of the mutant enzymes were unoccupied. Moreover, the g(z) signal of heme b(L), but not that of heme b(H), was modified both in G146A and V, suggesting that the geometry of its ligands has been distorted. These findings indicate that this region of cyt b must be well packed around heme b(L) since even a slight increase in the size of the amino acid side chain at position 146 (such as G to A) greatly perturbs the spatial conformation of heme b(L), alters substrate accessibility and binding to the Q(o) site, and renders the bc1 complex inactive