308 research outputs found

    Research in the Naval Historical Collection: Gifts and Acquisitions

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    The Naval Historical Collection is the Naval War College\u27s depository for archives and manuscripts. The collection has recently acquired a number of manuscripts treating diverse topics and spanning the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The manuscripts. were either purchased by or deposited through the Naval War College Foundation, which supports the college\u27s educational and cultural programs

    Ask the Beasts of the Southern Wild: Exploring Human Identity as Beast, Being and Beholder in Ask the Beasts: Darwin and the God of Love and Beasts of the Southern Wild

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    Anthropocentrism and hierarchical dualism together encourage a dangerous anthropology where human primacy among creation and the prioritization of certain humans leads to destruction for all. During a time when suffering caused by climate change continues to intensify, it is increasingly important to find compelling ways to share the stories of those who suffer most. I will explore how Beasts of the Southern Wild (Zeitlin, 2012) contextualizes the ecofeminist theology found in Johnson’s Ask the Beasts: Darwin and the God of Love (2014), specifically the idea of humans identifying as beasts, beings and beholders. Furthermore, I will discuss how the representation of reality in the film is meaningful to viewers because it sacramentalizes the human experience from which Johnson’s theology is born. Through the eyes of Hushpuppy, Beasts of the Southern Wild’s young, female protagonist, viewers realize just how interconnected is the plight of the planet, the poor and all who lack places of privilege

    Research in the Naval Historical Collection: Gifts and Acquisitions

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    Research opportunities for naval historians and scholars inn allied fields have been enhanced recently by the addition of severaal large and important manuscripts collections to the holdings of the Naval Historical Collection at the Naval War College. The collections have been deposited through the Naval War College Foundation, a private, nonprofit cororation which serves to enhance the educational and cultural resources of the college

    Billy, Navy Wife

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    DC-assisted microwave quenching of YBa2Cu3O7-{\delta} coplanar waveguide to a highly dissipative state

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    The paper reports on finding the effect of a strong change in the microwave losses in an HTS-based coplanar waveguide (CPW) at certain values of the input power Pin and direct current Idc. CPW on the basis of 150 nm thick YBa2Cu3O7-{\delta} epitaxial film on a single crystal MgO substrate was studied experimentally. A sharp and reversible transition of the CPW into a strongly dissipative state at the certain meanings of Pin and Idc depending on temperature was observed. Apparently the effect can be explained by self-heating of HTS structure caused by magnetic flux flow under the joint influence of MW and DC.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, 17 reference

    Внесок вітчизняного громадсько-педагогічного руху в поширенні ідей фізичного виховання молоді (кінець ХІХ – початок ХХ ст.)

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    The article studies the organizational and content aspects of sports associations in the context of public sports and recreation movement in the Ukrainian lands in the late XIX – early XX century. It says about the ways of physical education of children and youth in Kyiv and the territory of Dnieper Ukraine, demonstration of promoting ideas of physical education. It is found the differences in basic features of creation sports organizations. It is shown that the development of sport movement has contributed to social problems.  Examples of regional (Kyiv) sports associations at the beginning of the twentieth century were describe here.У статті окреслено організаційні та змістові аспекти діяльності спортивних товариств у контексті громадського спортивно-оздоровчого руху на українських землях наприкінці ХІХ – на початку ХХ ст. Висвітлено шляхи і форми розвитку фізичного виховання дітей та молоді у Києві й на теренах Наддніпрянської України, вияви популяризації та пропагування ідей фізичного виховання. Встановлено відмінності засадничих особливостей створення спортивних організацій. Зʼясовано, що розвиток спортивно-оздоровчого руху сприяв вирішенню соціальних завдань. Описано приклади діяльності регіональних (м. Київ) спортивних товариств на початку ХХ ст

    Роль наглядової ради у системі корпоративного управління акціонерного товариства

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    ДВНЗ «Київ. нац. екон. ун-т ім. Вадима Гетьмана»Стаття присвячена визначенню місця і ролі наглядової ради у структурі органів управління АТ з урахуванням необхідності посилення впливу ради на формування та реалізацію стратегії, здійснення функції антикризового управління, а також розширення компетенції ради відповідно до вимог нового Закону України «Про акціонерні товариства».Статья посвящена определению места и роли наблюдательного совета в структуре органов управления АО с учетом необходимости усиления влияния совета на формирование и реализацию стратегии, осуществление функции антикризисного управления, а также расширение компетенции совета в соответствии с требованиями нового Закона Украины «Об акционерных обществах».The article is devoted to the place and role of the Supervisory Board in the management structure of the companies with the need to strengthen the influence of the Board on the formation and realization of the strategy, the implementation of crisis management functions, as well as the expansion of powers of the Board in accordance with the requirements of the new Law of Ukraine "On Joint Stock Companies"

    HM 16: Three Splendid Little Wars - The Diary of Joseph K. Taussig, 1898-1901

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    The Spanish-American War, the Philippine Insurrection, and the Boxer Rebellion occurred over a hundred years ago. Scholars have produced a spate of books treating the Spanish-American War, the Philippine Insurrection, and the Boxer Rebellion. Personal accounts of service in the Spanish-American War have been published as well, yet fewer for the latter two conflicts. The unpublished diaries of Joseph K. Taussig, who participated in all of these conflicts, are therefore a uniquely valuable personal account of his wartime experiences.https://digital-commons.usnwc.edu/usnwc-historical-monographs/1015/thumbnail.jp