4 research outputs found

    Third Party Web Advertisements

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    Web is driving the evolution of the current system, allowing users to find, share and combine information more easily and delivery of web pages built for the content of websites. HTML, JavaScript and CSS no restrictions on a web page that includes elements or even delegating complete control of a fully decoupled website. These design options have contributed to a number of vulnerabilities well studied and known safety, including cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (CSRF or XSRF) [1], allowing an unauthorized and unrelated "third party" web page to retrieve information or perform actions on the "website first part" that the user has interacted willingly

    Modern Methods in the Development of Education Using Cloud Computing Applications

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    The world is a big scientific and technological revolution, have had an impact on all aspects of life, he became Education demanding to search for new methods of teaching and models to meet the many challenges at the global level, including the increased demand for education with a reduction in the number of educational institutions, and increase the quantum informational in all branches of knowledge , appeared E-Learning to help the learner to learn at the place where he wants while preferences without the obligation to come to the classroom at specific times, Became the methodology and ways of educational and search for information and easily obtained and the acquisition of new knowledge through cloud computing applications

    Formulation and Evaluation of Pulsatile Drug Delivery System of Lisinoprel

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