59 research outputs found

    The symmetric signature

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    We define two related invariants for a dd-dimensional local ring (R,m,k)(R,\mathfrak{m},k) called syzygy and differential symmetric signature by looking at the maximal free splitting of reflexive symmetric powers of two modules: the top dimensional syzygy module SyzRd(k)\mathrm{Syz}^d_R(k) of the residue field and the module of K\"ahler differentials ΩR/k\Omega_{R/k} of RR over kk. We compute these invariants for two-dimensional ADE singularities obtaining 1/G1/|G|, where G|G| is the order of the acting group, and for cones over elliptic curves obtaining 00 for the differential symmetric signature. These values coincide with the F-signature of such rings in positive characteristic.Comment: Shortened the proofs of Proposition 2.8 and Theorem 3.15; modified Lemma 3.11; added Remark 3.6, Lemma 4.10, and Lemma 4.11; minor typos fixed; improved exposition; updated reference

    The complexity of MinRank

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    In this note, we leverage some of our results from arXiv:1706.06319 to produce a concise and rigorous proof for the complexity of the generalized MinRank Problem in the under-defined and well-defined case. Our main theorem recovers and extends previous results by Faug\`ere, Safey El Din, Spaenlehauer (arXiv:1112.4411).Comment: Corrected a typo in the formula of the main theore

    Solving multivariate polynomial systems and an invariant from commutative algebra

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    The complexity of computing the solutions of a system of multivariate polynomial equations by means of Gr\"obner bases computations is upper bounded by a function of the solving degree. In this paper, we discuss how to rigorously estimate the solving degree of a system, focusing on systems arising within public-key cryptography. In particular, we show that it is upper bounded by, and often equal to, the Castelnuovo Mumford regularity of the ideal generated by the homogenization of the equations of the system, or by the equations themselves in case they are homogeneous. We discuss the underlying commutative algebra and clarify under which assumptions the commonly used results hold. In particular, we discuss the assumption of being in generic coordinates (often required for bounds obtained following this type of approach) and prove that systems that contain the field equations or their fake Weil descent are in generic coordinates. We also compare the notion of solving degree with that of degree of regularity, which is commonly used in the literature. We complement the paper with some examples of bounds obtained following the strategy that we describe

    The symmetric signature

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    This is the author's Ph.D. thesis. We introduce two related invariants for local (and standard graded) rings called differential and syzygy symmetric signature. These are defined by looking at the maximal free splitting of the module of K\"ahler differentials and of the the top-dimensional syzygy module of the residue field respectively. We study and compute them for different classes of rings: two-dimensional ADE singularities, two-dimensional cyclic singularities, and cones over plane elliptic curves (for the differential symmetric signature). The values obtained coincide with the F-signature of such rings in positive characteristic. The thesis contains also a short survey on the Auslander correspondence for quotient singularities.Comment: The main results of the thesis appeared also in arXiv:1602.07184 and arXiv:1603.0642

    Cohomological dimension and arithmetical rank of some determinantal ideals

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    Let MM be a (2×n)(2 \times n) non-generic matrix of linear forms in a polynomial ring. For large classes of such matrices, we compute the cohomological dimension (cd) and the arithmetical rank (ara) of the ideal I2(M)I_2(M) generated by the 22-minors of MM. Over an algebraically closed field, any (2×n)(2 \times n)-matrix of linear forms can be written in the Kronecker-Weierstrass normal form, as a concatenation of scroll, Jordan and nilpotent blocks. B\u{a}descu and Valla computed ara(I2(M))\mathrm{ara}(I_2(M)) when MM is a concatenation of scroll blocks. In this case we compute cd(I2(M))\mathrm{cd}(I_2(M)) and extend these results to concatenations of Jordan blocks. Eventually we compute ara(I2(M))\mathrm{ara}(I_2(M)) and cd(I2(M))\mathrm{cd}(I_2(M)) in an interesting mixed case, when MM contains both Jordan and scroll blocks. In all cases we show that ara(I2(M))\mathrm{ara}(I_2(M)) is less than the arithmetical rank of the determinantal ideal of a generic matrix

    F-signature function of quotient singularities

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    We study the shape of the F-signature function of a d-dimensional quotient singularity k\u301ax1,\u2026,xd\u301bG, and we show that it is a quasi-polynomial. We prove that the second coefficient is always zero and we describe the other coefficients in terms of invariants of the finite acting group G 86Gl(d,k). When G is cyclic, we obtain more specific formulas for the coefficients of the quasi-polynomial, which allow us to compute the general form of the function in several examples

    A Pascal's theorem for rational normal curves

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    Pascal's Theorem gives a synthetic geometric condition for six points a,,fa,\ldots,f in P2\mathbb{P}^2 to lie on a conic. Namely, that the intersection points abde\overline{ab}\cap\overline{de}, afdc\overline{af}\cap\overline{dc}, efbc\overline{ef}\cap\overline{bc} are aligned. One could ask an analogous question in higher dimension: is there a coordinate-free condition for d+4d+4 points in Pd\mathbb{P}^d to lie on a degree dd rational normal curve? In this paper we find many of these conditions by writing in the Grassmann-Cayley algebra the defining equations of the parameter space of d+4d+4 ordered points in Pd\mathbb{P}^d that lie on a rational normal curve. These equations were introduced and studied in a previous joint work of the authors with Giansiracusa and Moon. We conclude with an application in the case of seven points on a twisted cubic.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure. Comments are welcom