607 research outputs found

    On materially and geometrically non-linear analysis of reinforced concrete planar frames

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    A family of new beam finite elements for geometrically and materially non-linear static analysis of reinforced concrete planar frames is derived, in which strain measures are the only interpolated unknowns, and where the constitutive and equilibrium internal forces are equal at integration points. The strain-localization caused by the strain-softening at cross-sections is resolved by the introduction of a `short constant-strain element'. Comparisons between numerical and experimental results on planar frames in pre- and post-critical states show both good accuracy and computational efficiency of the present formulation. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Non-linear fire-resistance analysis of reinforced concrete beams

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    The non-linear structural analysis of reinforced concrete beams in fire consists of three separate steps: (i) The estimation of the rise of surrounding air temperature due to fire; (ii) the determination of the distribution of the temperature within the beam during fire; (iii) the evaluation of the mechanical response due to simultaneous time-dependent thermal and mechanical loads. Steps (ii) and (iii) are dealt with in the present paper. We present a two-step computational procedure where a 2D transient thermal analysis over the cross-sections of beams are made first, followed by mechanical analysis of the structure. Fundamental to the accuracy of the mechanical analysis is a new planar beam finite element. The effects of plasticity in concrete, and plasticity and viscous creep in steel are taken into consideration. The properties of concrete and steel along with the values of their thermal and mechanical parameters are taken according to the European standard ENV 1992-1-2 (1995). The comparison of our numerical and full-scale experimental results shows that the proposed mechanical and 2D thermal computational procedure is capable to describe the actual response of reinforced concrete beam structures to fire

    Numerical modelling of behaviour of reinforced concrete columns in fire and comparison with Eurocode 2

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    The paper describes a two-step finite element formulation for the thermo-mechanical non-linear analysis of the behaviour of the reinforced concrete columns in fire. In the first step, the distributions of the temperature over the cross-section during fire are determined. In the next step, the mechanical analysis is made in which these distributions are used as the temperature loads. The analysis employs our new strain-based planar geometrically exact and materially non-linear beam finite elements to model the column. The results are compared with the measurements of the full-scale test on columns in fire and with the results of the European building code EC 2. The resistance times of the present method and the test were close. It is also noted that the building code EC 2 might be non-conservative in the estimation of the resistance time. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Appearance of Subjectivity

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    The authors attempt to outline an ontological perspective different from the mainstream materialistic ontology. Some aspects of this perspective can be found in the works of eminent philosophers of the past, such as Husserl or Hegel. The authors, however, point out a systematic methodological mistake earlier thinkers made concerning the notion of the Other. The Other is the key factor in the development of consciousness and subjectivity, and this paper seeks to show how the Other moulds and creates subjectivity out of a biological man. Human identity arises in two steps: ontological identity is  created first, from which empirical identity grows, culminating in consciousness and personality. It was logical for philosophical consciousness to contemplate subjectivity which is not yet formed. Tabula rasa is a  biological man, but that structure will not become a human subjectivity if it  does not dwell with other subjectivities. The Other is not simply another Self. There is no elementary sensation to inform a biological organism of the state in which it finds itself; it is a kind of a physical unity for the emerging  consciousness, but in itself it is not yet ready to perceive and act according to it at this stage. Without the influence of the Other, a human organism will never become Self. This unifying perception of the Other depicts an original encounter where there is also fascination. But fascination turns into  frustration when the Other disappears or exits the focused perceptual field. This process of perceptual addition and dissolution is repeated, creating a change in what can be called the game of presence and absence. With the departure of the Other, the cause of the focus goes away, but what remains  is its trace — the attention that is now left to wonder. Attention left without  its source is only to itself and is directed to itself because this is the only direction that remains. Subjectivity, once symbolised by a circle, finally takes the form of a torus in whose interior hole resides the trace of the Other. With  the entry of multiple Others into the relationship, primarily through speech, meanings acquire solid aspects introducing the law of symbolic order. This stabilisation of meanings frees uninitiated subjectivity, by which  one truly enters the field of freedom opening that of ethics. The authors’ point is that accounting for the notion of external world, one should consider the Other first, and only after that simple otherness

    Using Supervised Machine Learning Methods for RFM Segmentation: A Casino Direct Marketing Communication Case

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    Purpose – This paper explores various supervised machine learning algorithms as an additional classification method to RFM (recency, frequency, and monetary) models with the aim of improving the accuracy in predicting target groups of customers for direct marketing response campaigns conducted by a casino. The purpose of this paper is twofold – first, to test how the addition of demographic variables increases the accuracy of the basic RFM model and second, to assess if and how machine learning algorithms improve the initial model. Ultimately, we propose a model for direct marketing response at individual level using RFM scores and customer demographic and behavioral data as endogenous variables to be used by the company. The findings can be used as an alternative to the simpler RFM model when approaching customer response modeling for large datasets and can be generalized to other industries. Design/Methodology/Approach – Our research employed supervised machine learning methods tuned on historical responses to a casino’s direct marketing activities to improve the company’s RFM segmentation model. Demographic variables were also included with the aim of improving the power of the models employed. Finally, we attempted to improve the best-performing model by hypertuning its algorithm parameters. Findings and Implications – The best and most intuitive model was found to be that using decision trees with Recency (from RFM) together with age and the awarded amount (from the demographic element) as independent variables. Surprisingly, the company’s own RFM segmentation was also found to perform well. Limitations – Not all machine learning methods used for classification were included in our research nor did we use ensemble methods to improve the models’ power. While all models developed are applicable to similar data, they could lose their accuracy when applied to data from a different industry. The company’s own RFM model was not analyzed but was included in the model as is. Further insight could be gained by determining its optimal parameters. Originality – This study contributes to the existing literature by showing how direct marketing efficiency modeling using standard RFM could be improved with the addition of a company’s customer property. It also provides insight into how classification algorithms perform on a casino database of direct marketing activities


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    Advancement of computer hardware and software authoring tools has enabled wider use of multimedia learning materials in elementary education. Elementary education (lower level primary school) teachers should consider the advantages of multimedia learning materials. They are not just users of readymade multimedia learning materials, but also producers or disseminators. Teachers’ competency level in the application of multimedia learning materials is growing. Introductory courses and increased availability of educational technology equipment have changed the teaching paradigm. Even elementary teachers in primary schools should have competencies for creating e-learning materials. The differences between recommendation and reality can only be established with data, and in our case we use surveys. The work of elementary teachers as creators of multimedia learning materials and their motivation are discussed in this article. Our research is focused on teachers at lower levels of primary schools (elementary education) as they are the first step in the educational pyramid.Napredovanje računalnog hardvera i softvera, te autorskih alata omogućilo je širu uporabu materijala za multimedijalno učenje u osnovnom obrazovanju. Nastavnici u osnovnom obrazovanju ( niža razina osnovnoškolci ) trebaju razmotriti prednosti materijala za učenje multimedijskih sadržaja. Oni su ne samo korisnici gotovih materijala za multimedijalno učenje, nego i proizvođači ili širitelji. Nastavnička razina kompetencija u primjeni multimedijskih nastavnih materijala raste. Uvodni tečajevi i povećana dostupnost obrazovne opreme su promijenili nastavni paradigmu. Čak i nastavnici u osnovnim školama trebaju imati kompetencije za stvaranje e-learning materijals. Razlike između preporuka i stvarnosti mogu se utvrditi samo s podacima, a u našem slučaju koristimo se anketama. Rad nastavnika kao tvoraca multimedijalnih materijala za učenje i njihovu motivaciju promatra se u ovom članku. Naše istraživanje je usmjereno na nastavnika na nižim razinama osnovnih škola ( osnovno obrazovanje) jer su oni prvi korak u obrazovnoj piramidi

    Primerjava in razmejitev med izbranimi gospodarskimi prekrški in gospodarskimi kaznivimi dejanji

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    Purpose: In the article, we are discussing demarcations between selected economic minor offences and selected economic criminal offences: Fraud in Securities TradingAbuse of Insider InformationDisclosure and Unauthorised Acquisition of Trade Secrets. By now, this topic has been given virtually no attention in legal literature. Criminal law theory has mainly addressed only the question of which criteria to use in order to recognise criminal offences amongst all unlawful actions, while on the other hand, law of minor offences has generally focused strictly on less serious unlawful actions. However, in practice, a certain action can sometimes correspond to the definition of both a criminal offence and a minor offence. Consequently, it is of the essence that the statutory elements of a particular unlawful action are precisely defined and clearly demarcated. Only this can ensure legal certainty that should be guaranteed to everyone already on the basis of the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia. A problem arises if the statutory elements of a criminal offence and a minor offence completely overlap, which leads to legal uncertainty. Design/Methods/Approach: The research is based on a quantitative investigation in the course of which we conducted a survey in order to test our assumption. First, we used basic one sided t tests on the data from section 1 questions to try our general assumption. Afterwards, we designed three sets of factors using factor analysis in order to use them on questions from sections 2–6, 7 and 8. In the last part, we took all the designed variables and some other basic information on respondents and used them in regression models for analysis of factors that affect the opinion on adequacy of Slovenian legislation regarding sanctioning and prosecution of economic crime. Findings: With the research, we wished to obtain new knowledge on the adequate demarcation between selected economic minor offences and selected criminal offences. In practice, it is material that statutory elements of a particular unlawful action are clearly defined. On the basis of our findings we propose elimination of legal vacuum in which the chosen legal articles for minor economic offences and criminal offences overlap. Research Limitations / Implications: Limitations of the present article mostly relate to the availability of data and the willingness of state agencies for cooperation in the research. This relates to the quality of primary and secondary data, particularly to the issues related with consistency in data collection and data accuracy (unwillingness of the respondents to complete the survey and the problems of time and sectorial consistency in the definitions of individual statistical variables). Practical Implications: Results of the study can provide recommendations for the consequent changes in the studied legislation and clearer demarcation of legal articles on the chosen economic and criminal offences with the purpose of strengthening of respective legal protection. Namely, this is the only way to ensure legal certainty that should be guaranteed to everyone on the basis of the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia. Originality/Value: Value of this article is in the empirical demonstration and normative arrangement of a specific field of law, i.e., the legislation in the field of sanctioning and prosecution of economic crime.Namen prispevka: V prispevku obravnavamo razmejitve med izbranimi gospodarskimi prekrški in gospodarskimi kaznivimi dejanji, in sicer: preslepitev pri poslovanju z vrednostnimi papirjizloraba notranje informacijeizdaja in neupravičena pridobitev poslovne skrivnosti. Gre za temo, ki v literaturi tako rekoč ni obravnavana. Kazenskopravna teorija se ukvarja predvsem z vprašanjem, po katerih merilih naj se med protipravnimi dejanji prepoznajo kazniva dejanja. Pravo o prekrških pa se praviloma ukvarja z lažjimi oblikami kaznivih ravnanj. V praksi se lahko zgodi, da kako ravnanje ustreza opisu kaznivega dejanja in prekrška hkrati. Zato je zelo pomembno, da so zakonski znaki določenega protipravnega dejanja točno določeni in jasno razmejeni. S tem se zagotovi pravna varnost, ki naj bi bila vsakomur zagotovljena že z Ustavo RS. Problem nastane, če se zakonski znaki kaznivega dejanja in prekrška popolnoma prekrivajo, kar lahko pripelje do pravne negotovosti. Metode: Raziskava temelji na kvantitativnem raziskovanju, kjer smo za preverjanje domneve naredili anketno raziskavo. Najprej smo z osnovnimi enostranskimi t testi preverili našo osnovno domnevo na podatkih vprašanj pri prvem poglavju, nato smo za vprašanja pri poglavjih 2–6, 7 in 8 oblikovali tri nabore faktorjev s pomočjo uporabe faktorske analize. V zadnjem delu smo vse oblikovane spremenljivke in še nekatere osnovne podatke o vprašanih uporabili v regresijskih modelih za analizo dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na mnenje o ustreznosti slovenske zakonodaje na področju sankcioniranja in pregona gospodarske kriminalitete. Ugotovitve: Z raziskavo smo želeli priti do novih spoznanj na področju ustrezne razmejitve med izbranimi prekrški in izbranimi kaznivimi dejanji. V praksi je zelo pomembno, da so zakonski znaki določenega dejanja točno določeni. Na podlagi novih ugotovitev lahko predlagamo odpravo pravne praznine, kjer se izbrani členi prekrškov in kaznivih dejanj prekrivajo. Omejitve/uporabnost raziskave Omejitve pričujočega članka se nanašajo predvsem na dostopnost do podatkov, pripravljenost državnih organov za sodelovanje v raziskavi. Navedeno se nanaša na kvaliteto primarnih in sekundarnih podatkov. Sem uvrščamo vprašanja doslednosti v zbiranju in stopnjo točnosti podatkov (nepripravljenost anketirancev izpolniti anketo oziroma intervju ter probleme časovne in sektorske doslednosti v opredelitvi posameznih statističnih vrst). Praktična uporabnost: Rezultati študije lahko ponudijo priporočila glede nadaljnje spremembe obravnavane zakonodaje in jasnejše razmejitve izbranih prekrškovnih oziroma kazenskih členov z namenom krepitve pravne varnosti. Izvirnost/pomembnost prispevka: Vrednost naslovnega članka je v empiričnem prikazu in normativni ureditvi posebnega pravnega področja, kot je zakonodaja na področju sankcioniranja in pregona gospodarske kriminalitete