656 research outputs found

    Non-uniqueness of convex bodies with prescribed volumes of sections and projections

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    We show that if d≄4d\ge 4 is even, then one can find two essentially different convex bodies such that the volumes of their maximal sections, central sections, and projections coincide for all directions

    To the sides of this body

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    English: This thesis is about the creation of the duo work 'to the sides of this body'. It is written from a dancer's perspective, and revolves around how we, as dancers, can create the physical material from within. How do we mature as dancers and keep sharpening our tools and ways of working? It shed lights on how we through a felt and sensed experience can develop material which doesn't necessarily comes from a preconceived idea or concept. The work was created in close collaboration with colleague and fellow student Emilie Karlsen from MA dance. Norsk: Denne oppgaven handler om skapelsen av duo-verket 'to the sides of this body'. Den er skrevet fra en utÞvers perspektiv, og dreier seg om hvordan man som danser kan skape det fysiske materialet innenfra. Hvordan modnes vi som dansere? Og hvordan fortsetter vi Ä skjerpe fokuset og verktÞyene vÄre? Oppgaven belyser hvordan vi gjennom en fÞlt og sansende opplevelse kan skape materiale som ikke nÞdvendigvis kommer fra en forutinntatt idé eller konsept. Verket ble til i tÊt samarbeid med kollega og medstudent Emilie Karlsen fra MA dans

    V2 ou V3 ? La position du verbe fléchi en français chez des enfants bilingues français-allemand

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    Dans cet article, j’analyse les donnĂ©es linguistiques recueillies auprĂšs de deux enfants bilingues allemand/français dont le bilinguisme est Ă©quilibrĂ©, ainsi que celles Ă©manant de deux autres enfants dont le bilinguisme n’est pas Ă©quilibrĂ©, l’allemand Ă©tant leur langue dominante. La problĂ©matique centrale de mon Ă©tude est de dĂ©terminer l’influence de l’allemand sur le français.L’allemand est une langue de type V2 (verbe en seconde position), tandis que le français respecte l’ordre de mots SVO (sujet-verbe-objet). Selon Platzack (2001), la pĂ©riphĂ©rie gauche de la phrase est particuliĂšrement sensible au transfert de langue, ce qui voudrait dire, dans ce cas prĂ©cis, que les enfants bilingues allemand/français devraient transfĂ©rer le mouvement de I° Ă  C°. Autrement dit, la construction V2 typique de l’allemand devrait se retrouver dans les Ă©noncĂ©s français des enfants. Or les rĂ©sultats obtenus dans le cadre mon Ă©tude montrent que la pĂ©riphĂ©rie gauche ne rĂ©vĂšle pas une telle sensibilitĂ© dans le cadre d’acquisitions bilingues. En gĂ©nĂ©ral, les enfants produisent bien l’ordre SVO en français. Cependant, un des enfants ayant un bilinguisme Ă©quilibrĂ© utilise certaines constructions de type V2. Lorsque les lexĂšmes “là” et “ici” sont placĂ©s en tĂȘte de phrase, ils apparaissent toujours dans des constructions de type V2, ce qui laisse supposer une certaine influence de l’allemand. Celle-ci semble toutefois lexicalement limitĂ©e.Les donnĂ©es Ă©manant des enfants au bilinguisme non Ă©quilibrĂ© ne montrent en revanche aucune indication de transfert.In this article I investigate the question of whether there is German transfer into French in German-French bilingual first language acquisition, using data of two balanced and two unbalanced children of the DuFDE-corpus (see Köppe 1994, Schlyter 1990). The unbalanced children acquire French as their “weaker” language (Schlyter 1990). The theoretical framework on which my analysis is based is the Principles and Parameters approach as in Chomsky (1986). The grammatical domain on which I focus is the left periphery. Recently Platzack (2001) has proposed that in contrast to the IP, the CP, i.e. the left periphery, is vulnerable in bilingualism and that the languages might influence each other in this grammatical domain.The results indicate that in French the left periphery is not vulnerable in bilingual first language acquisition. The general I-to-C-movement rule (verb second) in German is not transferred into French in any of the children. However, the data of one of the four children indicate evidence for lexically restricted influence. There are certain lexical items, lĂ  and ici, which regularly trigger the German V2 structure in French, possibly due to German influence. Interestingly, it is one of the balanced children in which such constructions are attested. In the data of the unbalanced children there is no evidence for a vulnerable left periphery at all

    ForelĂžbig Beretning om UndersĂžgelse af KĂžlemaskiner

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    ForelĂžbig Beretning om UndersĂžgelse af KĂžlemaskine

    Fra Georg Brandes’ Bibliotek

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    V2 ou V3 ? La position du verbe fléchi en français chez des enfants bilingues français-allemand

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    Dans cet article, j’analyse les donnĂ©es linguistiques recueillies auprĂšs de deux enfants bilingues allemand/français dont le bilinguisme est Ă©quilibrĂ©, ainsi que celles Ă©manant de deux autres enfants dont le bilinguisme n’est pas Ă©quilibrĂ©, l’allemand Ă©tant leur langue dominante. La problĂ©matique centrale de mon Ă©tude est de dĂ©terminer l’influence de l’allemand sur le français.L’allemand est une langue de type V2 (verbe en seconde position), tandis que le français respecte l’ordre de mots SVO (sujet-verbe-objet). Selon Platzack (2001), la pĂ©riphĂ©rie gauche de la phrase est particuliĂšrement sensible au transfert de langue, ce qui voudrait dire, dans ce cas prĂ©cis, que les enfants bilingues allemand/français devraient transfĂ©rer le mouvement de I° Ă  C°. Autrement dit, la construction V2 typique de l’allemand devrait se retrouver dans les Ă©noncĂ©s français des enfants. Or les rĂ©sultats obtenus dans le cadre mon Ă©tude montrent que la pĂ©riphĂ©rie gauche ne rĂ©vĂšle pas une telle sensibilitĂ© dans le cadre d’acquisitions bilingues. En gĂ©nĂ©ral, les enfants produisent bien l’ordre SVO en français. Cependant, un des enfants ayant un bilinguisme Ă©quilibrĂ© utilise certaines constructions de type V2. Lorsque les lexĂšmes “là” et “ici” sont placĂ©s en tĂȘte de phrase, ils apparaissent toujours dans des constructions de type V2, ce qui laisse supposer une certaine influence de l’allemand. Celle-ci semble toutefois lexicalement limitĂ©e.Les donnĂ©es Ă©manant des enfants au bilinguisme non Ă©quilibrĂ© ne montrent en revanche aucune indication de transfert.In this article I investigate the question of whether there is German transfer into French in German-French bilingual first language acquisition, using data of two balanced and two unbalanced children of the DuFDE-corpus (see Köppe 1994, Schlyter 1990). The unbalanced children acquire French as their “weaker” language (Schlyter 1990). The theoretical framework on which my analysis is based is the Principles and Parameters approach as in Chomsky (1986). The grammatical domain on which I focus is the left periphery. Recently Platzack (2001) has proposed that in contrast to the IP, the CP, i.e. the left periphery, is vulnerable in bilingualism and that the languages might influence each other in this grammatical domain.The results indicate that in French the left periphery is not vulnerable in bilingual first language acquisition. The general I-to-C-movement rule (verb second) in German is not transferred into French in any of the children. However, the data of one of the four children indicate evidence for lexically restricted influence. There are certain lexical items, lĂ  and ici, which regularly trigger the German V2 structure in French, possibly due to German influence. Interestingly, it is one of the balanced children in which such constructions are attested. In the data of the unbalanced children there is no evidence for a vulnerable left periphery at all

    Card posting does not rely on visual orientation : A challenge to past neuropsychological dissociations

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    Acknowledgment The authors would like to thank Andrei Birladeanu for help with data collection in Experiment 1. Kamilla Bonnesen was funded by a Vacation Scholarship from the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of ScotlandPeer reviewedPostprin

    TillĂŠg til Beretning om PrĂžve med KjĂžlemaskiner paa Gl. Carlsberg.

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    TillĂŠg til Beretning om PrĂžve med KjĂžlemaskiner paa Gl. Carlsberg

    Beretning om PrĂžver med KĂžlemaskiner i Jylland i August 1898.

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    Beretning om PrĂžver med KĂžlemaskiner i Jylland i August 1898

    Beretning om PrĂžven med KĂžlemaskiner paa Gl. Carlsberg i Septbr. 1898.

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    Beretning om PrĂžven med KĂžlemaskiner paa Gl. Carlsberg i Septbr. 1898
