627 research outputs found

    Quantitative testing

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    We investigate the problem of specification based testing with dense sets of inputs and outputs, in particular with imprecision as they might occur due to errors in measurements, numerical instability or noisy channels. Using quantitative transition systems to describe implementations and specifications, we introduce implementation relations that capture a notion of correctness “up to Δ”, allowing deviations of implementation from the specification of at most Δ. These quantitative implementation relations are described as Hausdorff distances between certain sets of traces. They are conservative extensions of the well-known ioco relation. We develop an on-line and an off-line algorithm to generate test cases from a requirement specification, modeled as a quantitative transition system. Both algorithms are shown to be sound and complete with respect to the quantitative implementation relations introduced

    Goethes poetische Orientreise

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    Als Mittel der fĂŒr eine Reise konstitutiven Fortbewegung hat Goethe verschiedene Vehikel eingesetzt, das Spektrum reicht von den Fußwanderungen ĂŒber die Fortbewegung zu Pferd, zu Schiff oder in der Kutsche bis zu den Reisen, die Goethe im Geiste unternahm – ausschließlich mit den FlĂŒgeln der eigenen Vorstellungskraft oder auch mit der Hilfe von BĂŒchern, inspiriert durch LektĂŒre. Zu dieser letzten Art Reisen gehört offensichtlich die, um die es im folgenden gehen soll: "Goethes poetische Orientreise". Der Titel bezeichnet Goethes erstaunliche Begegnung mit den Dichtern des Orients in den Jahren von 1814 bis 1819 und das Werk, das daraus entstand. Es geht also um den Westöstlichen Divan, der mindestens in doppelter Hinsicht eine "poetische" Reise ist: eine Reise hin zu der Poesie des Orients und eine Reise mit den Mitteln der Poesie: der Phantasie und der literarischen Gestaltung

    "Der Zettel hier ist tausend Kronen wert." : zur Papiergeldszene in Goethes "Faust"

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    Aus wertlosen Zetteln wird kaufkrĂ€ftiges Geld, die öffentliche Finanzkrise scheint abgewendet, das Volk nimmt die Papierscheine mit Freude auf – nicht ohne Verluste! Die Papiergeldszene in Goethes »Faust« gehört zu den SchlĂŒsselszenen jeder ökonomischen Deutung des Dramas, das an AktualitĂ€t bis heute nichts eingebĂŒĂŸt hat. Hellsichtig beschreibt Goethe die anbrechende Moderne, in der alle Lebensbereiche immer stĂ€rker von Abstraktion und Virtualisierung durchdrungen werden

    Are You Still There? - A Lightweight Algorithm to Monitor Node Presence in Self-Configuring Networks

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    This paper is concerned with the analysis and redesign of a distributed algorithm to monitor the availability of nodes in self-configuring networks. The simple scheme to regularly probe a node Âż "are you still there?" Âż may easily lead to over- or underloading. The essence of the algorithm is therefore to automatically adapt the probing frequency. We show that a self-adaptive scheme to control the probe load, originally proposed as an extension to the UPnPTM (Universal Plug and Play) standard, leads to an unfair treatment of nodes: some nodes probe fast while others almost starve. An alternative distributed algorithm is proposed that overcomes this problem and that tolerates highly dynamic network topology changes. The algorithm is very simple and can be implemented on large networks of small computing devices such as mobile phones, PDAs, and so on

    The Doctrine of the Normal Man

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    Synthesis and Stochastic Assessment of Cost-Optimal Schedules

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    We present a novel approach to synthesize good schedules for a class of scheduling problems that is slightly more general than the scheduling problem FJm,a|gpr,r_j,d_j|early/tardy. The idea is to prime the schedule synthesizer with stochastic information more meaningful than performance factors with the objective to minimize the expected cost caused by storage or delay. The priming information is obtained by stochastic simulation of the system environment. The generated schedules are assessed again by simulation. The approach is demonstrated by means of a non-trivial scheduling problem from lacquer production. The experimental results show that our approach achieves in all considered scenarios better results than the extended processing times approach

    Die Jugend vom Hohen Meißner

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