244 research outputs found

    Assessment of Livestock Production Constraints and Technology Need Identification of Pastoral and Mixed Crop-Livestock Production System in Malle and Benatsemay Districts of South Omo Zone Southern Ethiopia

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    The study was conducted in Malle and Benatsemay Districts of South Omo Zone with the objectives of assessing livestock production system constraints and appropriate technology need identifications through better understandings of the existing condition in specific agro-ecology for the study area. A total of 80 pastoral and agro pastorals were participated on key informants’ group discussion 20 participants in each selected PAs. According to the key informants’ discussion with in each group we had summarized the consensus ideas of the participants in group discussion. Despite of these there were some common and serious constraints on the aspects of livestock production system in each study Pas such as shortage of feed/due to high No of livestock and their trampling indigenous forage seed sources are lost/,Shortage of water animal diseases/long distance traveling for water and feed searching/, Storage and processing material problem for dairy products, Poor genetic makeup of the breed, high environmental temperature, poultry disease/bacterial, viral and parasitic, honey quality and productivity problem and toxic honey bee forages, seasonal price fluctuation, lack of market information and brokers problem and others constraints were identified during problem assessment study. According to discussion male house hold headed make decision in disposal of large and small animals but, all family members are responsible for disposal of their products. Keywords: constraints, livestock, pastoral and agro-pastorals, South Om

    A Review on Phytochemical Investigation on the Stem Bark of Croton Macrostachyus

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    The Croton macrostachyus is used for the treatment of malaria, venereal diseases, cough, diabetes, constipation, tape worms and hepatitis. The dichloromethane extract of the stem bark of Croton macrostachyus was afforded two Terpenoids: the compound with full structure which is a triterpenoid and a compound with a partial structure which is a tetratrpenoid. Structural determination was accomplished by means of spectroscopic methods (IR, UV, 1D and 2D NMR). Keywords: Croton macrostachyus, dichloromethane, spectroscopic methods, Terpenoids DOI: 10.7176/CMR/12-3-01 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Assessment on Dairy Production, Post-Harvest Handling and Marketing Systems in Hamer Woreda of South Omo Zone

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    The cross sectional   assessment   study on dairy production system and its constraints and opportunities   was conducted in Hamer woreda of south omo zone with objective of assessing dairy production system, milk and milk products handling, processing and marketing systems. A total of 180 despondence households from six peasant association with 30 respondents per each peasant association were purposely selected and interviewed by using purposive sampling method. The primary data were collected through structured questionnaires form household pastoralists and focus group discussions and secondary data was collected from zonal and woreda pastoral office. In the study area around the 35%, 29 %, 35.5 %, 52 % and 28.4 % of cattle feeding, watering, dairy milking and selling of live animal activities in the study area was accomplished by house head and son whereas 45% and 64.8 % cleaning of the barn and churning of milk was performed by the wife. On the other hand, around 55.56 % and 26% respondents reported selling the milk and milk product carried out by females (wife and daughter). Pertaining to educational status around the 83.88 % of pastoralists were illiterate which unable to read and write, 10.55 % were learned the elementary school (1- 4) and 4.44% grade between 5- 8 and 1.11% learned grade 9 and 10 formal education. On the other hand, around 25 %, 19.44 %, 15.56%  and 40 % respondent replied that the main source of income in the study area was generated from the sale of live animals, sale of animal product, live animal, crop and honey, sale of forest and forest products and mixed sale of different commodity. Similarity, around the 30 .55%, 15 %, 4.44%, and 50 % of respondent in the study area reported that they obtained milk from local dairy cow, goats, camel and both local dairy cattle and goat as milk source for human nutrition. In the study area different milking cow management attentions were implemented. Around, 36.4% respondents were replied that they have not provided any supplementary feed for their milking cows in addition to grazing on the natural pasture. However, around 63.6% of the respondents were replied that they allowed supplying feed sources for their milking cows like cutting of green grass, crop residue as supplementary feed source. On the other hand, 45.2% of the respondents were allowed their milking cows grazed with other animals in the grazing area and 32.9% respondents replied that they separately fed the milking cows from the other animals and also followed cut and carry system at home. Traditional hand milking is the only type of milking practiced and proper sanitary milking and handling practices were not followed and Docha used for milking, while Dolla and Kill used for storage and kill for milk churning and Shorka for marketing milk and milk products. The majority of the respondents around 88.2%, sell milk and milk products nearby dimeka market which the whereas around 4.2% of the respondents sell milk and milk  products at home level to government  workers who provide extensional and other service to communities. On the other hand, also around 0.7% sells milk and milk product to hotels at dimeka town and the rest 6.9% of the respondents sell to both at home and nearby market. A total of interviewed respondent around 33.33, 17.77, 16.67, 11.11, 8.33, 7.22, and 5.55% reported that the dairy cattle production in the study area was challenged and constrained by critical feed shortage dairy cattle diseases, recurrent drought, poor veterinary service, the lack of introduction improved dairy breed, lack of knowledge in milk and milk by product processing and lack of market channel respectively. Keywords: Dairy production, Hamer woreda, Milk processing, Milk marketing and post-harvesting

    Examining Households’ Willingness to Pay for a Reliable and Sustainable Urban Water Supply using Interval Regression Analysis : The case of Addis Ababa

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    Access to reliable and sustainable water is one of the major problems facing households in Addis Ababa city. Improving the water supply of the city requires a huge capital investment while the current water tariff system operates below cost recovery levels. Developing a better water tariff is critical for the improvement and sustainability of water supply services but much depends upon household Willingness to Pay (WTP), This research has aimed to estimate the interest and ability to pay for a reliable and sustainable water supply in Addis Ababa. It has also tried to examine the challenges to providing a sustainable water supply. To achieve these objectives, a household survey was made using the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) through Double Bounded Dichotomous Choice format. Key informant interviews with higher officials and selected experts was undertaken with supplementary secondary data collected from the water utility and other relevant institutions. The results were analyzed through descriptive and econometric analysis using an interval regression model. The results showed that the current water supply met only 58% of the city’s demand and a majority of households (82%) were dissatisfied with the service. 99% of sampled households indicated they were willing to pay a positive amount for proposed water improvement programs. The calibrated mean willingness of the sampled households to pay was 56.7 cents/jirican, if they could be provided with a reliable and sustainable water supply. In regard to the determinants of household willingness to pay, ten variables, satisfaction, reliability, quality, household perception about the current water tariff, attitude towards responsibility of improving water services, age, family size, income, wealth and education level, were found statistically significant and possible policy variables. The mean willingness to pay is much higher than the current tariff and cost of providing the service. The government is, therefore, recommended to launch different water improvement projects to improve the water supply and at the same time design and implement a new water tariff based on the principle of full cost recovery

    Epidemiology of Horse Git Parasitism in Gondar Town and Wegera District

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    A cross sectional study was conducted from November 2017 to April 2018 in and around Gondar town and Wegera district to determine the prevalence identification of horses GIT nematode parasites. A total of 384 faecal samples were collected from randomly selected horses and examined for nematode parasites. Out of the total examined horse 349 (90.9%) were harbour one or more types of GIT nematode. Nematodes type identified in horse of the study area were Strongyle spp, Parascaris equorum, Oxyuris equi and mixed type. Significantly higher prevalence of nematode infection was observed in young horses than the adult (OR=7.78, p<0.05); the risks of nematode infection in young horses were 7.78 times higher than adults. Likewise, significant variation in overall prevalence of GIT nematode in between female and male horses were observed (OR=0.34, P<0.05). Significant difference on the prevalence between different body conditioned animals were observed; in which higher value observed in poor body condition horses (OR=4.28, p<0.05). Also significant variation on the prevalence of GIT nematodes were also recorded between the study areas (OR=3.22, p<0.05). In this study, age, body condition score, sex and origin are factors associated with prevalence of nematode of horse in the study areas. In the study area poor nutrition, low productivity in horse is likely to be aggravated by a high prevalence of polyparasitism. Therefore, regular deworming, improvement of housing and feeding management should be recommended. Keywords: Gastrointestinal Nematodes, Gondar, Horses, Prevalence, Weger

    Synthesis, Characterization and Antibacterial Studies of Mono and Binuclear Copper (II) Complexes of 1, 10 Phenantroline using Ethylenediamine as Spacer

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    Copper is a biologically important element, and several enzymes that rely on it to function have been discovered. However, drug-resistant bacteria are a major problem in the medical world, which causes high mortality rates and increases in health care costs, economic losses. The multidirectional effort has been put to overcome the concern as well as discover new drug molecules. In this aspect, the complexation of organic compounds with metal ions increases the therapeutic potency of the organic compounds. Herein, mono [Cu(Phen)2Cl]Cl.H2O, and binuclear [Cu2(en)(Phen)4]Cl4 complexes were synthesized and characterized with the help of ICP‑OES, FT‑IR, and UV‑Vis spectroscopic techniques. The synthesized complexes are proposed with square pyramidal geometries. Moreover, the complexes are characterized by molar conductance measurement, melting point measurement, solubility test, and halide test. Based on the in vitro antibacterial testing, both complexes are biologically active in all studied microorganisms, including the most drug-resistant Klebsiella pneumonia, Surprisingly, the complexes are water-soluble, and the solubility of the synthesized complexes could be viewed as a potential therapeutic application following in vivo cytotoxicity studies. Keywords: 1, 10‑phenanthroline, ethylenediamine, Cu (II) complexes, and antibacterial activities DOI: 10.7176/CMR/14-4-02 Publication date:October 31st 202

    A Review on Phytochemical Medicinal Plants Against Pathogenic Bacteria in South East Ethiopia

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    This review stated that plants are valuable sources for new compounds and should receive special attention in research strategies to develop new antimicrobials urgently required in the near future. The importance of medicinal plants and traditional health systems in solving the health care problems of the world is gaining increasing attention. Because of this resurgence of interest, the research on plants of medicinal importance is growing phenomenally at the international level, often to the detriment of natural habitats and protects populations in the countries of origin. In Ethiopia since many years the peoples are using plants as the medicine. The plant contains various phytochemical, which would act on the pathogenic microorganism and hinder their growth. The scanty of review are available on antibacterial activity of medicinal plants in Ethiopia, but still we need to explore many antimicrobial compounds from plants. These kinds of the review are baseline information for the development of new drugs, which is bench mark in science. Commercially many synthetic drugs are available in market, but microorganisms are resistant to many antibiotics. So research should need to develop new synthetic compound from the plant source. Keywords: - medicinal plants, new compounds, phytochemical, traditional health DOI: 10.7176/ALST/78-05 Publication date: February 29th 202


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    Objectives: The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) services utilization and associated factors among preparatory school students in Gondar town, Amhara region, Ethiopia. Methods: Institutional based cross-sectional study design was employed. Multistage sampling procedure was conducted. Data were collected using pre-tested self-administered questionnaire and the data were entered, clean, and analyzed using SPSS software. Descriptive, bivariate, and multivariate analysis were employed. Multivariate analysis with 95% CI was computed to identify factors associated with VCT service utilization at p<0.05. Results: The study included a total of 654 study participants, with a response rate of 97%. According to the research, 48.3% of adolescents used VCT services (95% CI: 44.5–52.1). The results of multivariate analysis revealed that age, site of birth, mother education, and discussion with parents were all substantially associated with the use of VCT services. Conclusions: The majority of those who took part in the survey did not use VCT services. Only a small percentage of respondents have ever taken a VCT test and discussed it with their parents. The primary barrier for adolescents in the study area was cultural taboos, which they did not discuss with their parents. As a result, it will take an endless amount of effort from all relevant parties to promote teenage service use, as well as family life education, to encourage students and parents to use VCT