1,000 research outputs found

    Les théories des mouvements sociaux et la dialectique des niveaux : un cadre d’analyse pour l’étude des évolutions d’Al-Qaïda au Maghreb islamique

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    Les théories des mouvements sociaux sont de plus en plus utilisées pour étudier les groupesterroristes. Elles comportent différents niveaux d’analyse: les niveaux macro-analytique,méso-analytique et micro-analytique. Le présent article tente d’adapter ce corpusthéorique à l’étude du groupe jihadiste Al-Qaïda au Maghreb islamique (AQMI). En effet,au cours des dernières années, AQMI ne s’est pas développé au Maghreb alors que sesactivités ont augmenté exponentiellement dans la région sahélienne, au point d’ydévelopper un sanctuaire pour le groupe au nord du Mali. Le développement d’AQMI auSahel est-il alors le résultat de choix stratégiques ou celui de dynamiques internes ? Pourexpliquer le développement d’AQMI dans la région sahélo-saharienne, l’auteur proposeune grille de lecture basée sur les niveaux macro et méso-analytiques et sur leur mise endialectique. Le niveau macro-analytique met en lumière la structure des opportunitéspolitiques induisant les choix stratégiques d’AQMI et le niveau méso-analytique lesdynamiques internes du groupe. La littérature existante sur AQMI étant principalementconstituée de monographies et de notes de recherches, l’ambition de cet article est alorsde concilier théorie et recherche empirique. Ainsi le cadre d’analyse proposé est inspirédes approches de l’action collective et de la mobilisation des ressources et cherche àaméliorer la compréhension des évolutions du groupe. L’étude menée est une analysequalitative centrée sur les États algérien et malien.The theories of social movements are increasingly used to study terrorist groups and theyare characterized by three different levels of analysis: macro, meso, and micro. This article attempts to adapt this theoretical framework to the study of the jihadist group al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). Indeed, in recent years, AQIM failed to develop in North Africa while its activities have increased exponentially in the Sahel region, to the point ofdeveloping a sanctuary for the group in northern Mali. Is the development of AQIM in the Sahel the result of strategic choices or internal dynamics? To explain the development of AQIM in the Sahel-Saharan region, the author proposes a reading grid based on the macroand meso levels of analysis and their dialectical implementation. The macro-level analysis highlights the political opportunities structure inducing AQIM strategic choices and the meso-level analysis focuses on internal dynamics of the group. Seeing as existing literatureon AQIM is mainly constituted of monographs and research notes, the intent of this paperis then to reconcile theory and empirical research. Thus, the proposed framework is inspired from collective action and resource mobilization approaches and seeks to improve the understanding of the evolution of the group. The study is a qualitative analysis focusingon the Algerian and Malian States.

    The separation wall effect of a volute twin entry cross section area on the mixed inflow turbine performance

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    The pulse turbocharging system is used in many diesel engines and it is fortunate that nozzleless mixed turbines allow unsteady flow with less performance losses. It operates with a double or sometimes triple-entry casing creating different flow regimes in each sector. A nozzleless casing is used. The division of the cross section area takes the form of a solid wall in the radial plane. When the flow rate through one or the other volute inlet drops to zero, some reverse flow is observed from the other inlet. This situation suffers undesirable effects, diminishing the benefits of the divided volute casing types. A numerical investigation on the effect of the length of the dividing wall in the radial plane is performed using the ANSYS code. This possibility is explored and the results show that extending the wall to a limiting length enhances the flow behavior with better performance

    Intensification of Pastoralism as a Driver of Degradation in the Algerian Steppe

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    Land degradation linked to pastoralism use has been a worldwide concern for decades. A biological approach has often been use to understand such phenomena, usually disregarding economic and social factors. Radical transformations of pastoralism at the Algerian steppe constitute a good case study to provide an integrated understanding and to better orient development in other pastoralist areas across the world. Different actions by the public sector since the 1960s, as well as the land legislation adopted and the strong agricultural subventions during 2000-2010, have favored a massive conversion of land and resource management. This translates into conversion of many pastures into crops and overuse of the remaining ones. In order to understand the consequences of such changes into natural resources (pasture, water and soil), 236 field surveys were conducted (quantitative as well as qualitative) between 2006 and 2017. They were accompanied by phytoecological samplings to estimate impact on vegetation recovery, biomass and pastoralist production. While nomadic pastoralism practicing north-south transhumance and based on sheep and goats has declined, other more sedentary types of pastoralism (based on sheep, goats or cattle) combined with intensive crops have emerged. Family-related or paid herders live on tents during herd mobility, and live in a fix household the rest of the year. Grass represents just one third of the total livestock intake and barley crops, previously found only in valleys, are today mechanized and expanded into fragile rangeland soils. Vulnerability to climate variability and cereal price fluctuations in the international market is consequently higher. The higher cereal consumption increases fiber demand in animals, devastating plant cover and triggering land degradation. Specific mechanisms should be envisioned to prevent severe environmental impacts associated with pastoralism intensification. This lesson should be applied to other development interventions currently envisioned by different stakeholders who propose increase of animal feeds

    Taboo of alcohol and road safety policies in Algeria

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    The objective of this work is to show the real dimension of drunk driving in Algeria through the statistics of road accidents, the evolution of the legislative framework concerning driving while drunk and road preventive actions undertaken to fight against this risk factor. We first analyzed the statistics published by the National Centre for Road Safety (NCRS) in recent years to present the part of driving while drunk in the national data of road accidents. Then we retraced the evolution of the legislative framework for road safety particularly the laws governing driving while drunk. Finally, an overview of how the mass media process and disseminate information related to road traffic accidents, especially one devoted to driving while drunk and that has been achieved to show the part of the means of information in road safety. The results show that driving under the influence of alcohol is behind a significant number of road traffic accidents in Algeria. The results also show that the legislative framework concerning this risk is limited to the fixing of rates of blood alcohol concentrations authorized for driving. These same results reveal the absence of sensitization actions, information and research for this risk factor particular by the mass media. Driving while drunk is a real problem for road safety in Algeria which preserves an unclear representation in the society and constitutes a taboo subject which slows down road safety policies.Key words: Alcohol, driving while drunk, driving under influence of alcohol, road safety, Algeri

    A Strategy to Improve Comfort Level and Optimize the Thermal Behavior of the Building; Learning from M’zab Architecture

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    Due to centuries of rich experience, vernacular architecture offers significant lessons on sustainable building practices. This style competes exceptionally well with contemporary designs because of its efficiency, adept functionality, environmental compatibility, and harmonious relationship with human societies. The M\u27zab Valley in Ghardaia, Algeria, deserves to be classified as a World Heritage Site because it features original vernacular architecture that expresses smart building concepts while blending seamlessly into natural landscapes. In this paper, we validate the hypothesis that traditional Ghardaia housing in the Ksour reflects high energy efficiency and low reliance on active heating and cooling. We shall conduct a comparative study between a traditional dwelling belonging to vernacular architecture in the ancient Ksar Beni Isguen and a modern residence in Ksar Tafilelt. Through this comparison and simulation method, we seek to determine the most efficient architectural style in terms of energy use and the provision of thermal comfort in order to draw lessons and contribute to reducing the excessive consumption of non-renewable energies

    The turbomachine blading design using S2-S1 approach

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    The boundary conditions corresponding to the design problem when the blades being simulated by the bound vorticity distribution are presented. The 3D flow is analyzed by the two steps S2 - S1 approach. In the first step, the number of blades is supposed to be infinite, the vortex distribution is transformed into an axisymmetric one, so that the flow field can be analyzed in a meridional plane. The thickness distribution of the blade producing the flow channel striction is taken into account by the modification of metric tensor in the continuity equation. Using the meridional stream function to define the flow field, the mass conservation is satisfied automatically. The governing equation is deduced from the relation between the azimuthal component of the vorticity and the meridional velocity. The value of the azimuthal component of the vorticity is provided by the hub to shroud equilibrium condition. This step leads to the determination of the axisymmetric stream sheets as well as the approximate camber surface of the blade. In the second step, the finite number of blades is taken into account, the inverse problem corresponding to the blade to blade flow confined in each stream sheet is analyzed. The momentum equation implies that the free vortex of the absolute velocity must be tangential to the stream sheet. The governing equation for the blade to blade flow stream function is deduced from this condition. At the beginning, the upper and the lower surfaces of the blades are created from the camber surface obtained from the first step with the assigned thickness distribution. The bound vorticity distribution and the penetrating flux conservation applied on the presumed blade surface constitute the boundary conditions of the inverse problem. The detection of this flux leads to the rectification of the geometry of the blades
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