837 research outputs found

    Reframing Art History’s Archive: Self-as-Other and Other-as-Self in Amrita Sher-Gil’s and Pushpamala N.’s Citations

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    In this article I analyze two self-portraits by women artists that question art history’s power structures by citing canonical paintings by men from the discipline’s archive. In Self-portrait as Tahitian (1934) Hungarian-Indian woman artist Amrita Sher-Gil depicts her own half-nude body, while referencing the (in)famous Tahiti paintings by Paul Gauguin, underscoring the various complexities of the global trajectories of modernist artistic practice. The photograph Lady in Moonlight (2004) casts Pushpamala N. as the idealized lady of an 1898 Raja Ravi Varma oil painting. I argue that through a double bind position (Spivak) taken by the artists, Self-Portrait as Tahitian and Lady in Moonlight make gender visible in art history’s archive and display its structuring power in canonical logics. Through a citational move, the artists place themselves simultaneously in- and out-side art history, and posit not only the self as other, inherent to any self-portraiture, but also the Other as self

    Protection of Indigenous Peoples Rights after the Enforcement Of Village Law in Indonesia

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    The State recognizes and respects the unity of indigenous peoples with their conditional rights. The protection of indigenous peoples in sectoral legislation related to natural resources gives state power as Article 33 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia through the right of state control and indigenous peoples governance in the form of customary villages by applying legal pluralism. The constitutional protection is not in line with the condition of indigenous peoples in the control and management of agrarian resources. They are always defeated with various arguments for economic growth and investment. The existence of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6 Year 2014 on Village has given recognition of customary village institutions, but still weak in terms of utilization of natural resources owned. Keywords: protection, indigenous peoples, traditional rights

    Out of the darkness: A History of Huntington's Disease in Australia

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    Huntington’s disease (HD) is a genetic neurological condition which has a profound influence on the families it affects. The symptoms of the disease are challenging – in addition, social forces strongly influence the way the disease is experienced. It has been a deeply stigmatised condition, and its presence was often kept secret. In this dissertation, I have explored both social and medical aspects of the history of HD, primarily in Australia, building on the work of two scholars, Peter Harper (UK) and Alice Wexler (US). By tracing the histories of HD families, I discovered that HD has been part of the fabric of life in Australia since the convict era, and that some families with the disease were well-respected in their communities, in contrast to narratives which have presented the stigma as inevitable. Wexler has previously shown that in the US, the degree of stigma faced by HD families has varied over time, and my research found this to be also true of the disease in Australia. The earliest descriptions of the disease in the US were mostly made by physicians familiar with HD families. My research revealed a similar story - two physicians who published on HD both grew up in an area of Tasmania with relatively high rates of the disease. The impact of eugenic thinking in the stigmatization of HD in the US, Germany and the UK was noted more than 20 years ago, though its impact in other countries has remained unexplored. Eugenics as a formal movement was not successful in Australia, however eugenic ideas formed part of the social discourse. I show through medical journal articles, items in the popular press and educational organisations how those with hereditary diseases were labeled as “unfit”, promoting stigma which contributed to it being hidden. Finally I describe how the disease began to emerge from “the closet” in the early 1970s, with families and researchers forging a new collaboration to search for treatments, support families and reduce stigma

    Implementasi Framework Laravel untuk Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Dashboard Statistik Morotai dalam Angka (SI-MOKA)

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    Setiap tahunnya Bupati Kabupaten Pulau Morotai selalu membuat laporan pertanggungjawaban yang dituangkan melalui LKPJ, laporan tersebut didapat dari berbagai bentuk kegiatan tiap organisasi perangkat daerah (OPD) yang telah dilaksanakan, akan tetapi dalam pembuatan laporan di tiap-tiap OPD masih menggunakan system yang belum terkomputerisasi. Tidak semua instansi pemerintah menggunakan komputerisasi dalam pengolahan data, melainkan masih banyak instansi pemerintah menerapkan sistem manual, hal ini tentunya menjadi penghambat jalannya aktivitas yang mestinya dapat terselesaikan dengan cepat menjadi lambat dan tidak akurat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merancang sistem dashboard statistik untuk membantu proses penyajian laporan yang lebih dinamis dan relevan sehingga  informasi yang diperoleh lebih informatif. Metode pengembangan perangkat lunak yang digunakan adalah metode SDLC dengan metode SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle), yang dimulai dengan tahapan analisa kebutuhan data, perancangan dan desain perangkat lunak, pembuatan aplikasi (programming) dan uji coba aplikasi sebelum diimplementasikan kepada pemerintah daerah. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini adalah sebuah aplikasi dashboard statistik yang dapat membantu menunjang proses penyampaian laporan kepala daerah kepada pemerintah pusat, DPRD dan masyarakat

    The effect of an experimentally created mussel bed on bird densities and food intake of the Oystercatcher <i>Haematopus ostralegus</i>

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    When an experimental mussel bed was created in 1987 on the mudflats south of Schiermonnikoog, Herring Gulls immediately increased in numbers, consuming starfish and damaged Mussels. The build-up of oyster catcher numbers was more gradual, but persisted for longer. Most Oystercatchers attracted to the mussel bed fed on Mussels. The proportion of Oystercatchers that hammered Mussels was relatively high, which may have been due to the relatively thin shells of the Mussels fished from the subtidal. Intake rates on the experimental mussel bed were on average higher than those achieved by birds feeding on other prey (mainly Macoma balthica and Nel-eis diversicolor), but the difference did not reach statistical significance. As the feeding density on the mussel bed increased, intake rates dropped, but it is not known if this relationship has a causal basis. Previous suggestions that the hammering birds substantially depleted the hammerable Mussels seem less likely in the light of our current analysis. The discussion stresses that the experimental creation of mussel beds is a powerful technique to test in the field distribution models derived from ideal free theory and investigates what lessons can be learned from the current pilot experiment that may be of use in the design elf future experiments

    Danish experience with the EDIP tool for environmental design of industrial products

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