654 research outputs found

    The Effect of Footbridges and Pedestrian Subways on the Movement System Within the Urban Planning

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    The footbridges and pedestrian subway are among the material components of the urban fabric, itself considered as one of the three important elements, i.e the public transportation special traffic units and pedestrian movement systems, of the transportation system in any part of the world, which will be discussed later. Any defect at the transportation systems elements would lead to ineffective transportation system with traffic jam and difficulties because of a defect between the surrounding environment and the movement system. Therefore, the present study discusses the effect of the footbridges and pedestrian subways on the movement system within the urban planning, the through the theoretical and  practical side, applied through data collection and interviews with specialists, by asking them some unified questions and distributing questionnaires to everybody who used or didn't use the bridges or subways, within the study area.In order to achieve the study's goals, some international studies and one local case were discussed, whereby the effective application of the pedestrian systems was explored, with applied examples to reach the aspired result. Then an analytical study of the case area, located from AL-Istiklal Street until Jordan University Street, was explored in order to reach conclusions, whereby the study area's footbridges and pedestrian subways situation can be assessed and how they are applied with regard to the location, shape and use. Then some recommendations were suggested by raising the necessity to activate the role of the footbridges and pedestrian subways through the correct application of the pedestrian systems locations and improving the bridges construction and architectural criteria in order to achieve smooth, comfortable and easy pedestrian systems. Keywords: Bridges, subways, urban, planning, movement and traffic systems

    Applied Investment besides Efforts to Revive the Identity of Hejaz Railway in Amman Station

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    Most of the Heritage Buildings are neglected and needs to be preserved , through maintenance , Restoration , and being  defined to the people to know their value’s and  importance , where the research  will  discuss  how Restoration of Heritage Buildings became necessary in our contemporary life , and the Approaches of  Investment that should be followed  to Increase the tourism factor in these heritage buildings , besides how to preserve the identity of these historical places  in the same level   . The research will study the heritage building between investment and  preserving  Identity by  applied analytical and descriptive approach, to find out the strategy pursued,  by how these terminology  effects  in each other and their correlations together . To achieve the aims, the case study was  about Jordan  Hejaz railway  as a life example  and then to apply  the research methodology to get the conclusions, in which these conclusions we can evaluate the current situation, from what consist, studying the strategy of their investment  besides  preserve the identity, and how it was  applied, to eventually get  the recommendations. Keywords: Heritage buildings” Landscape, Buildings, Premises”, Tourism, Investment, Identity

    Excess Molar Volume Calculation and Viscosity Deviation and Excess Gibbs Energy for Binary Solution of 1- Propanol with Butyl Acetate at Temperatures (40,50,60) 0C

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    تم في هذا البحث دراسة عملية الانحلال في  المحلول الثنائي (بروبانول-1 مع خلات البيوتيل)، وذلك عند درجات الحرارة .(40,50,60) 0C حيث تم قياس كل من قيم الكثافة ρ بطريقة البيكنومتر واللزوجة ƞ بطريقة مقياس أنبوب أوستفالد المعاير بالماء المقطر ثم تم حساب الحجم المولي الإضافي  لكل من المكونات النقية ومحاليلها التي تم تحضيرها على كامل مجال التركيب المولي للمحلول، وقد لوحظ أن قيم الحجم المولي الإضافي تأخذ قيماً سالبة عند جميع درجات الحرارة بعد ذلك تحديد كل من قيم الانحراف في اللزوجة ∆ƞ، وطاقة جيبس الإضافية GE∆  ولوحظ أيضاً أنها تأخذ قيماً سالبة عند جميع درجات الحرارة وقد تم ربط قيم كل من الحجم المولي الإضافي والانحراف في اللزوجة وطاقة جيبس الإضافية بمعادلة Redlich-Kister  ذات النوع كثيرات الحدود ,كما تم حساب الانحراف المعياري بين القيم التجريبية والقيم الحسابية وكانت قيمته مقبولة وتبين تأثير تشكل الروابط الهيدروجينية والشكل الفراغي للجزيئات وحجمها على الخصائص الترموديناميكية الاضافية.In this research, the solubility Process of the binary liquid solution(1-Propanol and butyl acetate) were studied at temperature(40,50.60)0C. Densities ρ by pycnometer method and viscosity ƞ by OSTWALD tube that calibrated with distilled water was measured. Then excess molar volume was calculated of pure component and its mixtures that was prepared over the entire mole fraction range. It has been observed that excess molar volumes values were negative at all temperatures. After that, the deviation in viscosity ∆ ƞ  and Excess Gibbs free energy ∆GE was determined and it has been observed that it takes negative values at all temperatures. Excess molar volume, deviation in viscosity, excess Gibbs free energy were correlated with Redlich-Kister equation Type polynomial and the showed an accepted standard deviation between the experimental and calculated values it has been shown the effect of Hydrogen bonds formation and the spherical shape for the molecules and its size on the excess thermodynamic properties

    Natural Cooling Techniques For Buildings

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    Modern development in many Third World countries in the hot regions of the world,, have been accompanied by the construction of highly energy-wasteful buildings. The interiors of these buildings have to be mechanically airconditioned in order to achieve thermal-comfort conditions. The consequence of this, has been the rapid increase in electricity-generating plant capacity to match demand (of which, for example at present in Oman, more than 70% nationally is used for air-conditioning modern, energyinefficient buildings). The aim of this work was to find the most suitable way of stabilising or even reducing the electricity demand in a country like Oman. The first step taken to achieve this aim, was to study and draw out lessons from the vernacular architecture of the different climatic regions in Oman. This has been followed by a literature survey that looks at passive and active natural cooling techniques for buildings in hot climates. Mathematical models were then developed to analyze and compare those passive techniques that are most suitable for an environment like that of Oman. Different ways of reducing the heat gain through the roof were investigated and compared. These include the addition of insulation, shading, air-cooling of the roof when the ambient air temperature is lower than that of the roof, and roof ponds. Roof ponds were found to be the most effective of those techniques analyzed. An improved design of the roof pond (the Water Diode roof pond) that eliminates the need for covering the roof pond during the day and uncovering it at night, was suggested and analyzed. The analysis showed promising results. Mathematical models were also developed to analyze and compare dif f erent ways of reducing the heat gain through the walls. These included the use of closed cavities, naturally ventilated cavities, the addition of insulation, and the effect of using brick as compared to concrete block. The analysis suggested that the combination of a Water Diode roof pond and insulated brick wall construction will reduce the heat gain through the envelope of a single room by more than 90%, when compared to a room with un-insulated roof and single-leaf concrete block walls. An empirical validation of the mathematical models was conducted. The results showed a good agreement between the actual and predicted values. An economical analysis of the commonly used roof and wall constructions in Oman, was also conducted. This compared the life-cycle cost of nine different construction techniques, with eight different airconditioning schedules. The result of this analysis showed a clear advantage of using roof insulation, reflective double glazing, and insulated walls with brick outer-leaf and concrete block inner-leaf

    Screening of synthetic chemical agents “chromenes” with potent anti-breast cancer activity

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    Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide. Conventional therapies cause serious side effects and, at best, merely extend the patient’s lifespan by a few years. Cancer control may therefore benefit from the potential that resides in alternative therapies. There is thus an increasing demand to utilize alternative concepts or approaches to the prevention of cancer. The principal aim of this research is to screen and identify new synthetic compounds “chromenes”, with high efficiency, for breast cancer therapy. In this study, we have screened four newly designed and synthesized chromenes (C1, C15, C28 and C29) for their potential anticancer activities against the highly aggressive and invasive triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) cells. We found that three (C1, C15 and C28) of the four tested chromenes exhibited a strong anti-proliferative activity against the MDA-MB-231 cells. Moreover, we found that chromenes exerts their anti-breast cancer effect through induction (i) of cell cycle arrest at the M phase confirmed by an increased expression of the M phase specific marker, p(ser10)H3 and (ii) activation of the apoptotic cell death program, revealed by increased levels of cleaved PARP , a marker of apoptosis. Further investigations are underway to elucidate the molecular mechanism(s) through which chrome exerts their effects. In conclusion, our current study provide preliminary evidences that chromenes could be a potential therapeutic compounds against the TNBC

    Novel Current-Conveyor-Based Universal Current-Mode Biquad Filter with Three Inputs and One Output

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    A novel universal current-mode filter with three inputs and one high imedance output is presented. The proposed circuit uses four plus-type second-generation current-conveyors, grounded resistors and grounded capacitors. The proposed circuit enjoys low active and passive sensitivities and independent control of the parameters ω0/Q0 using grounded resistors

    New Grounded-Capacitor Sinusoidal Oscillators Using the Current-Feedback-Amplifier Pole

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    New current-feedback-operational amplifier (CFOA)-pole-based sinusoidal oscillator circuits are presented. Each circuit uses two CFOAs, two (or three) grounded capacitors and/or resistors. Experimental results are included