893 research outputs found

    Measurement of service quality in the hotel industry

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    The main objective of the study was to measure hotels’ service quality performance from the customer perspective. To do so, a performance-only measurement scale (SERVPERF) was administered to 234 customers stayed in three, four and five star hotels in Cappadocia. The results of the study demonstrate that SERVPERF is a reliable and valid tool to measure service quality in the hotel industry. The instrument consists of four dimensions, namely “tangibles”, “assurance-responsiveness”, “empathy”, and “reliability”. Hotel customers are expecting more improved services from the hotels in all service quality dimensions. However, hotel customers have the lowest perception scores on tangibles. It is also revealed that empathy is the most important dimension in predicting hotel customers’ overall service quality evaluation. In the light of the results, possible managerial implications are discussed and future research subjects are recommended

    Determining the development level of Cappadocia tourism

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    The aim of this study is to determine the perceptions of local people living in Cappadocia towards economic, socio-cultural and environmental impacts of tourism and to group them according to their perceptions. Another aim of the study is to reveal the stage of tourism development in Cappadocia by utilizing the Doxey's Irritation Index Model and Butler's Tourism Area Life Cycle Model (TALC) in conjunction with data on local perceptions. For this purpose, questionnaire technique which is one of the quantitative research methods were applied to the local population. The population of this research is the local people living in Urgup, Goreme, Avanos and Uchisar, where tourism intensity is high in Cappadocia. 394 data were obtained with convenience sampling method. In the analysis of data, central tendency measures and clustering analysis were used. As a result of the study, the local people are divided into 5 groups according to their perception of the tourism impacts. The perception average of the local residents shows that they are at the stage of “apathy” in tourism in the Irridex Model. It is also concluded that Cappadocia is in the “development” stage of the Tourism Area Life Cycle

    The Determination of Dominant Wind Speed to Increase Efficiency of Wind Energy in Manisa Province

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    Renewable energy resources is seen as an important source with an increasing interest all over the world in covering the energy requirement owing to the fact that the envoronmental problems increase every other day and the fossile energy sources gradually decrease. The wind energy comes on the top of these energy resources whose usage and technology develop most quickl among these renewable energy resources. In this study, it has been aimed to determine the most dominant direction of the wind to be able to benefit from the wind energy most effectively in Manisa. It is of vital importance to determine it in terms of locating the tribune in the right direction.In Manisa, the measurement of wind speed and direction for a year has been done and 8760 winds’ blowing direction and speed have been determined. These data has been typed in Excel computer program. Making use of this program, these 8760 winds have also been assessed according to how many different directions and for how long duration they have winded. It has also been evaluated that in which direction winds have overwhelmingly blown registering it in Excel medium and a rose wind has been provided indicating the dominant wind direction. As a result of the researches, the dominant wind direction has been found as North-Northeast and East-Southeast. In Manisa, it was arrived as consensus that when the system is being established it should be paid attention that the direction of the dominant winds should be in an open area to be able to utilise productively the Wind Tribunes

    Stoma Prolapse

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    The incidence of prolapse which is a late complication of stoma ranges between 0–25%. In this study the records of the patients who had been treated and followed up with the diagnosis of stoma prolapse between 1995 -2005 in the General Surgery Department of Dicle University Hospital were examined, retrospectively. There were 12 patients (5 men, 7 women) with a mean age of 51,6±15.01 years. The causes of stoma construction were malign diseases in 9 patients and benign diseases in 3 of them. The average time between construction of stoma and formation of prolapse was 10,9±6.84 month. The type of stoma was loop in 7 patient, end stoma in 4 patient and double bowel enterostomy in 1 patient. Of nine patients with stoma prolapse had been subjected chemotherapy. The overall rate of stomal prolapsus was 3,1% in this series. It was 10,8% in patients who had received chemoradiotherapy. Since stomal prolasus is a serious complication and its reconstruction needs general anesthesia great care should be shown when creatig a stoma

    Farklı Ülkelerde Fen Eğitimi: Türkiye’de ve Farklı Bölgelerde Gözlenen Eğilimler Arasındaki Farklılıklar

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    This review aimed to understand how trends in science education have changed from 2000 to 2021 and how these patterns are studied in different regions. We investigated science education articles published in Web of Science (WoS) database and grouped them into five regions: North America, Europe, Australia, Asia, and South America & Africa. From 2000 to 2010, there were 2159 published articles, with North America accounting for 51% of these. From 2011 to 2021, the number of publications increased to 7186 articles, with North America accounting for 43% of the articles. From 2000 to 2010, Asia published fewer studies than Australia, but from 2011 to 2021, Asian countries published more. The top journal analysis revealed that local journals and technology related journals were instrumental in non-English speaking countries. The number of common keywords appearing in different regions increased concurrently with the number of studies. Conceptual change and scientific literacy appeared as frequently used keywords in four different regions from 2000 to 2010. On the other hand, teacher education, professional development, scientific literacy, argumentation and nature of science appeared as frequently used keywords in four different regions from 2011 to 2021. Scientific literacy was a common theme across different periods, and the emphasis on inquiry shifted to argumentation. While presenting the changing dynamics across different spans and our review also included evidence that scholars in different countries started to investigate similar ideas in different contexts from 2011 to 2021.Bu derleme çalışması, fen eğitimindeki eğilimlerin 2000'den 2021'e nasıl değiştiğini ve bu eğilimlerin farklı bölgelerde nasıl araştırıldığını belirlemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışma kapsamında Web of Science (WoS) veritabanında yayınlanan fen eğitimi makalelerini incelenmiştir ve yayın yapan ülkeler beş bölgeye ayrılmıştır: Kuzey Amerika, Avrupa, Avustralya, Asya ve Güney Amerika ve Afrika. 2000'den 2010'a kadar 2159 yayınlanmış makaleye ulaşılmıştır ve bu çalışmaların %51'i Kuzey Amerika’daki ülkelerde yayınlanmıştır. 2011'den 2021'e kadar yayın sayısı 7186 makaleye yükselmektedir ve makalelerin %43'ünü Kuzey Amerika ülkelerinin çalışmaları oluşturmaktadır. 2000'den 2010'a kadar Asya ülkelerinde, Avustralya'dan daha az çalışma yayınlandığı, ancak Asya ülkelerinin 2011-2021 yılları arasında daha fazla makale yayınladığı tespit edilmiştir. En çok yayın yapılan dergi analizi, yerel dergilerin ve teknoloji ile ilgili dergilerin ana dili İngilizce olmayan ülkelerdeki araştırmacılar tarafından sık tercih edilen dergiler olduğunu ortaya çıkarmıştır. Farklı bölgelerde ortaya çıkan ortak anahtar kelimelerin sayısının, çalışma sayısıyla eş zamanlı olarak arttığı görülmektedir. 2000'den 2010'a kadar dört farklı bölgede kavramsal değişimin ve fen okur yazarlığının en sık kullanılan anahtar kelimeler olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Diğer yandan, öğretmen eğitimi, hizmet içi eğitim, fen okuryazarlığı, argümantasyon ve bilimin doğası anahtar kelimeleri, 2011'den 2021'e kadar olan zaman aralığında dört bölgede yüksek frekanslı anahtar kelimeler olarak bulunmuştur. Fen okuryazarlığı, her iki zaman aralığında da ortak bir eğilim olarak ortaya çıkarken, kavramsal değişime yapılan vurgu daha sonraki dönemde argümantasyona ve bilimin doğasına yönelmiştir. Bu derleme, iki farklı zaman aralığında değişen dinamikleri ortaya koyarken, farklı ülkelerdeki akademisyenlerin 2011'den 2021'e kadar farklı bölgelerde benzer fikirleri araştırdıklarına yönelik bulgular da sunmaktadır

    The importance of traceability of fisheries for marketing

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    İzlenebilirlik EC 178/2002'ye göre; "gıda, yem ve gıda olarak üretilen hayvan veya gıda veya yeme katılmak amacıyla üretilen veya katılması beklenen maddeleri üretim, işleme ve dağıtımın tüm aşamalarında izleyebilmek ve takip edebilmek" olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Kolay bozulabilen, üretildiği ortamdan ve üretilme biçiminden kaynaklanan nedenlerle insanlar için tehlikeli olabilen su ürünlerinde izlenebilirlik oldukça önemlidir. İzlenebilirlik, su ürünleri avcığında teknede ve karaya çıkış noktalarında başlamaktadır. Uygulama ile türlerin boyları, miktarı, zamanı ve yerinin yasalara ve kotalara uygunluğu denetlenmektedir. Su ürünlerinde izlenebilirlik, ürünlerin kalitesinin, orijininin, el değiştirmelerinin kontrolünü sağlaması ile pazarlamada ve balıkçılık yönetiminde büyük kolaylıklar sağlayan önemli bir araçtır. Su ürünleri, avcılık ve yetiştiricilik yoluyla iki türlü elde edilmekte ve sadece Türkiye'de yetiştiricilik ürünlerinin ambalajlarında izlenebilirlikle ilgili bazı bilgilere rastlanmaktadır. Etiketlerde bulunması gereken bilgilerde halen eksiklikler mevcuttur. Bu nedenle ürünlerin özellikle dış pazarlamasında önemli sorunlarla karşılaşılmaktadır. Diğer taraftan avcılıkta yasak bölgelerden ve sağlığa uygun olmayan yerlerden avlanmış ürünlerin piyasaya sunulması ile karşılaşılabilmektedir Dolayısıyla iyi izlenememe ve yetersiz denetim kayıt dışı ticareti desteklemektedir. Bu anlamda izlenebilirliğin sürdürülebilir balıkçılık yönetimi açısından önemli bir işlevi bulunmaktadır. Bu çerçevede bu çalışmada su ürünleri izlenebilirliğindeki sorunlar tartışılarak ve pazarlamada izlenebilirlik sistemlerinin tesisi için yapılması gereken bazı uygulamalar ve yaklaşımların etkinliği ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır.According to EC 178/2002 traceability defined as “traceability and ability to pursue all steps of production, procession and distribution of food, bait and materials produced to add or expected to add in food or bait”. Traceability is crucial in fisheries products that can be easily deteriorated, which can be dangerous to humans due to the way they are produced. Traceability begins on the boat and at landing points. In practice, the size, quantity, time and place of the species are checked for legality and quota compliance. Traceability in seafood is an important tool of providing great convenience in marketing and fisheries management, with the control of the quality of the products, the origin, and the handshake. Aquatic products are obtained in two ways by capturing and aquaculture. There is some information about traceability in the packaging of the products of aquaculture in Turkey. Despite this, there is still a shortage of information that must be included in the labels. For this reason, important problems are encountered especially in foreign marketing of products. On the other hand, it can be encountered that the products which are captured in prohibited regions and the ones which are not suitable for health are supplied to the market.Therefore, poor monitoring and insufficient control support informal trade. In this sense, traceability has an important function in terms of sustainable fisheries management. In this framework, this study attempted to discuss the problems of traceability of fishery product and to demonstrate the effectiveness of some applications and approaches that should be made to establish traceability systems in marketing

    The effects of the mycorrhiza on plant growth during acclimatization of some in vitro grown sweet cherry rootstocks

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    This study was conducted to investigate the effects of Glomus mosseae and G. fasciculatum on plant growth during acclimatization of micropropagated sweet cherry rootstocks. In order to determine the effects of mycorrhizal inoculation and growth media on plant growth, shoot length, and dry weight of roots and shoots were analyzed. The leaf content was significantly increased by mycorrhizal inoculation. The total root length and percentage of infected roots were investigated at the end of the acclimatization. As a result, survival rate of rootstock plantlets was not affected by mycorrhizal inoculation. The effect of inoculation was found significant on nutrient uptake and tissue P content. The results showed that mycorrhizal inoculation may be used at the in vitro rooting stage for better acclimatization. Mycorrhizae inoculated rootstocks grow better and increase Zn and P uptake

    Building Production Processes Planning and Management in Classical Greek Era; Comparison with Contemporary Practices

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    Through the example of the Classical Greek Era, the study focuses on seeking an answer to the question of whether managerial techniques and strategies were developed in building production processes in ancient times. The study aims to identify and examine the stages planned in the building production processes and the construction management and organization techniques developed during the Classical Greek period (VI.-IV. century BCE), which played an important role in the development of building art and to compare the practices of the Era with today's construction and management practices. The research methodology is based on the interpretation of historical data from the Classical Greek Era, consisting of construction texts written on stone slabs and their epigraphic explanations, and the comparison of the practices of the Era with contemporary practices. The stone slab samples with the construction texts used in the study were taken from the Sara B. Aleshire Center for Greek Epigraphic Studies catalogs at the University of Berkeley. The epigraphically analyzed descriptions of these inscriptions by different authors were obtained by searching the literature sources through the catalog numbers given to the samples. In the classical Greek Era, three main administrative public bodies made decisions on construction, planning, and managing the construction processes. These include the Senate, Ecclesia (people's assembly), and building commissions. By the decision of the people's assembly, building commissions were established to manage and supervise the construction process from a financial, administrative, and technical perspective. This research has contributed to the understanding that today's building production strategies and management theories have their roots in ancient times, thereby contributing to the universality of construction and management theory. Due to the dynamic nature of the research, the period analyzed was also compared with the current production management theories. The study's uniqueness lies in interpreting historical documents and observing and comparing current conditions. Hence, while the construction and management systems in the Classical Greek period are understood, two different processes are analyzed in their own contexts, and their differences and similarities are highlighted

    Hizmet kalitesine ilişkin beklenti ve algılar arasındaki farkın nedenleri

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    Bu çalışmada müşterilerin hizmet kalitesine ilişkin beklentileri ile algılamaları arasındaki farkın temel ve alt nedenleri incelenmektedir. Söz konusu nedenler, Parasuraman, Zeithaml ve Berry (1985) tarafından geliştirilen Hizmet Kalitesi Fark Modeli’nde ele alınmaktadır. Hizmet Kalitesi Fark Modeli’ne göre müşterilerin hizmet kalitesine ilişkin beklenti ve algılamaları arasındaki fark (Fark 5), hizmet işletmelerinin kontrol altında tutabileceği dört temel farktan/nedenden kaynaklanmaktadır. İlk fark (Fark 1), işletmenin, müşterilerin beklentilerini doğru belirleyememesinden, ikinci fark (Fark 2), işletmenin, müşteri beklentilerini hizmet standartlarına/özelliklerine dönüştürememesinden kaynaklanmaktadır. Üçüncü fark (Fark 3), işletmenin, doğru belirlenen hizmet standartlarına uygun hizmet verememesinden ve dördüncü fark (Fark 4) da işletmenin, vaat ettiği hizmetleri yerine getirememesinden dolayı ortaya çıkmaktadır. Yine aynı araştırmacılarca (Zeithaml, Berry ve Parasuraman, 1988) geliştirilen Genişletilmiş Hizmet Kalitesi Modeli’nde ise daha geniş bir bakış açısıyla, bu dört farkın ortaya çıkmasına yol açan alt nedenler üzerinde durulmuştur. Ayrıca, söz konusu nedenlerin önlenmesine ya da azaltılmasına yönelik önerilerde bulunulmuştur.In this study, the basic and sub-reasons that cause gaps between customers’ expectations and perceptions regarding the service quality are analyzed. These reasons are discussed in the Service Quality Gap Model developed by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (1985). According to the Service Quality Gap Model, gap between customers’ service quality expectations and perceptions (Gap 5) stem from four basic gaps/reasons that may be under the control of the business. The first gap (Gap 1) stems from the fact that business cannot determine the customers’ expectations correctly, the reason of second gap (Gap 2) is that business cannot convert customer expectations to service standards/specifications. The third gap (Gap 3) arises because business cannot provide the designated service standards, and the fourth gap ( Gap 4) comes from the fact that business cannot fulfil the promised services. With a broader perspective, it focuses on the sub-reasons of the emergence of the four gaps in the Extended Service Quality Model developed by the same researchers (Zeithaml, Berry and Parasuraman, 1988). Also, suggestions have been made to reduce or prevent these reasons in the Model

    Making Use Of The Wind Tribunes With The Little Power In The Requirement Of The Electricity Energy Need

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    In this study it has been aimed that a little amount of the electricity energy need of Celal Bayar Universty Golmarmara Vocational high school in the city Manisa will be covered by the wind tribunes with the little power. In this study, the electricity energy amounts, which will be produced by the wind tribunes of 2kW, 3kW and 5kW has been kept as aim. To be able to determine the energy amounts from these tribunes, the wind speed and direction data of 8260 hours for 1 year has been provided from the meteorology station. These data of 8760 hours for a year has been registered making use of Excel computer program. The quivalent of these wind speeds of 8760 hours measured at 10 metres height coinciding at the altitude of 20m and 30m have also been accounted at excell computer program using Hellman‘s Relation. The theoretical power, net power and electricity energy values of each hour to be produced from the 2kW, 3kW and 5kW’ wind tribunes for the altitudes of 10m, 20m and 30 metres have been accounted one by one. At the end of the study, it has been concluded that the basic needs such as the enlightening and computer of the Vocational high school can easily be obtained from a wind tribune with little power