10 research outputs found

    Introducing Pragmatics Analysis: the Analysisof Generalized and Particularized Implicature Found in TIME Magazine Advertisement Slogans

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    Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan dua implikasi yang ditemukan dalam slogan iklan majalah Time. Adapun permasalahan penelitian ini adalah implikasi apa saja yang terdapat pada iklan di majalah Time dan bagaimana implikasi khusus dan umum yang digunakan dalam iklan di majalah tersebut. Penelitian ini mengaplikasikan data kuantitatif dan kualitatif yang difokuskanpada fungsi ekspresi kebahasaan dan membahas isi yang ditemukan dalam iklan pada majalah Time. Analisis data menggunakan klasifikasi Grice dengan hasil penelitian yakni ada sebanyak 26 slogan iklan yang termasuk dalam implikasi umum dan 34 slogan iklan yang termasuk dalam implikasi khusus. Dari jumlah data yang ditemukan, ada perbedaan persentase sebanyak 56.67% untuk hasil implikasi khusus dan 43.33% untuk hasil implikasi umum. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa majalah Times menggunakan slogan iklan sebanyak 56.67% bermakna implikasi khusus. Penelitian ini diharapkan menambah informasi kepada peneliti maupun mahasiswa bahasa Inggris untuk menambah pengetahuan tentang prakmatik sehingga dapat menyusun penelitian lanjutan

    Spoken Text Principles Analysis Found in Conversation Video Entitled at the Travel Agent

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    Desain penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tulisan deskriptif siswa dengan analisis genre di kelas X-D MAN 2 Semarang tahun ajaran 2014/2015. Instrument penelitian adalah tulisan deskriptif text siswa. Peneliti menganalisis lembar kerja siswa dengan mengidentifikasi generic structure dan language features dalam menulis teks deskriptif. Hasil analisis menunjukkan 75% dari persentase total siswa dapat menulis bagian identifikasi dengan benar dan 100% siswa dapat menerapkan bagian deskripsi dalam penulisan teks deskriptif. Pada hasil analisis languagefeatures menunjukkan bahwa 100% dari total persentase siswa dapat mengaplikasikan penggunaan specific participant, simple present tense, dan kata sifat. Sedangkan 97% siswa dapat menerapkan penggunaan being verb dan noun phrase dengan sukses. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa analisis genre pada kelas XD MAN 2 Semarang tahun ajaran 2014/2015 memperoleh hasil yang memuaskan

    Genre-based Analysis of Students? Descriptive Text in the Tenth Grade Students of Man 2 Semarang

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    Desain penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tulisan deskriptif siswa dengan analisis genre di kelas X-D MAN 2 Semarang.Instrument penelitian adalah tulisan deskriptif text siswa. Peneliti menganalisis lembar kerja siswa dengan mengidentifikasi generic structure dan language features dalam menulis teks deskriptif. Hasil analisis menunjukkan 75% dari persentase total siswa dapat menulis bagian identifikasidengan benar dan 100% siswa dapat menerapkan bagian deskripsi dalam penulisan teks deskriptif. Pada hasil analisis language features menunjukkan bahwa 100% dari total persentase siswa dapat mengaplikasikan penggunaan specific participant, simple present tense, dan kata sifat. Sedangkan 97% siswa dapat menerapkan penggunaan being verb dan noun phrase dengan sukses. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa analisis genre pada kelas X-D MAN 2 Semarang memperolehhasil yang memuaskan

    Pemanfaatan Model Total Physical Response Dan Repetition Untuk Pengembangan Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Anak Usia Dini/tk

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    The application of Total Physical Response and repetition model to develop young learners learning is the combination of song, movement, and language by using audio, visual, and kinesthethic. This research aims at applying young learners learning model, which consists of; to look for and select nursery rhymes and movement implemented in TPR and repetition model, to determine steps and flow is used in English young learners learning, to create learning CD, and TPR and Repetition handout, to analyze the use of TPR and repetition in young leaners learning. The significance of the research is to contribute English young learners teachers learning model so the learners are able to learn English easily and attractively. The result of this research influences positive effect towards English young learners mastery because they are able to learn and sing simultenously to memorize new vocabularies using musical movement. It can be seen from the investigation result of the use of course design and lesson plan is 71,67, the investigation result of the use of course design, lesson plan, learning CD, and TPR handout is 72,5. Moreover, the application TPR and repetition before and after learning it has improvement 34,15. From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the application of Total Physical Response and repetition model to develop young learners / kindergaten learning can be applied well and give motivation to learn English easily

    The Role Of Blended Learning In Enhancing Students' Writing Paragraph

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    The use of efficient and appropriate learning media-based learning is needed at all levels of education. In English language teaching (ELT) at the university level, the use of media can help to improve paragraph writing. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of Blended Learning on improving learning outcomes of EFL university students' writing paragraphs in English. This quasi-experimental research entailed non-parametric statistical analysis. The results indicated a statistically significant improvement after getting treatment of blended learning. The average pretest score was 65.9 and the average posttest score was (86.6) which means higher than the pre-test. These results also indicated that the Blended Learning model stimulated students to explore more ideas in writing activities. In addition, the results of the questionnaire showed that 85% of students were enthusiastic and enjoyed the learning process. Since the dearth of the research sample, further research has to be conducted in a broad research sample to be a more generalizable pedagogical implication

    Analysing Communication Strategies of Youtube Video by Students of English Department in Unimus

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    This research aims at explaining communication strategies (CS) used by the 4th semester students of English education in University of Muhammadiyah Semarang. Data gained from the transcription of YouTube video in each channel owned by students. This descriptive qualitative study observed the frequency of communication strategies employed by students by analyzing their utterance used Tarone's typologies of communication strategies. Based on the analysis, it can be seen that the use of communication strategies in speaking class were dominated by Topic Avoidance (28%), followed by Message Abandonment (24%), and Approximation (20%). After that, it is followed by Mime (16%), and Literal Translation (12%). It can also be said that the 4th semester students of English department of University of Muhammadiyah Semarang employed 25 communication strategies in their YouTube video

    Collaborating Blended Learning Model Into Content Representation Product Design at Eleventh Grade English Subjects

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    The design development of the CoRe (Content Representation) model is another model of the lesson plan that is applied using the Blended learning model. The purpose of this study is to design and validate the suitability of CoRe products with the high school syllabus. The method used by using descriptive quantitative method based on the stages of R and D (Research and Development), especially in seven stages, namely; research and data collection, planning, initial product development, piloting and refinement of initial products, testing and refinement of products that have been refined for final product testing, and disseminated, implemented and institutionalized. The results obtained are the valid lesson plan design plan with CoRe used in teaching English to high school class XI students. The activity of students also increased by showing a positive response and the results of the daily pre-test and post-test exercise improved well. In addition, the CoRe Model can also be used to help teachers improve Pedagogical Content Knowledge in the teaching and learning process

    Students' Motivation in Learning Online of Reading Comprehension Narrative Text Through Google Classroom

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    This article aims to describe the students' motivation in learning online narrative text on students' reading comprehension through Google Classroom of 24 students tenth-grade students at SMK Muhammadiyah Kradenan. This study used pre experimental design one group pre-test post-test and conducted at May 2020. The data was obtained through pretest, posttest and questionnaire. The data of this current study were analyzed by using SPSS consisted reliability, validity, T- test and percentage (questionnaire). The result from this article showed the students' motivation in learning online narrative text using Google Classroom also got positive responses and they learned with high motivation. It can be concluded that there was a different result before the treatment and after the treatment. Therefore, there was students' motivation in learning online narrative text on students' reading comprehension through Google Classroom